I found this article yesterday, but it took me a while to go through it. It's really about four articles packed into one, but because it's timely, I've included all of it here for your perusal. Lots of good stuff here. I should point out the author is clearly not writing from a Christian perspective, and some of his assumptions are dramatically wrong, but there is still a wealth of interesting stuff to be gleaned here.
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again...
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark. - Adele, Skyfall 007 Theme.
On September 24th, 2012, a group of Russian astronomers announced the discovery of a new comet, C/2012 S1 (ISON), that could create a most spectacular sky show as it heads towards a close encounter with our Sun in 2013. Detected three days earlier by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok, using a telescope at the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) near Kislovodsk, the celestial object was observed in the constellation of Cancer, just beyond the orbit of the planet Jupiter.
Whether these calculations come to fruition or not, the key determinant in the ultimate destiny of the comet will be based on its electrical convergence with the Sun, and not from the volatility of the ice, as theorized by established astronomical assumptions about "dirty snowballs". The archaelogical records and geological evidence of this planet, reveals that our ancient ancestors witnessed breathtaking celestial events of monumental proportions that resulted in cyclical global cataclysms. Electromagnetic forces connecting, manifesting, energizing and organizing fields of intergalactic space, interstellar nebula, spiral galaxies, galactic clusters, stars, planets, comets and other celestial bodies. Radiant emissions and luminous bands from cosmic alignments and collisions of these heavenly objects, seen over the middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres, bombarding the atmosphere with charged solar particles along Earth's magnetic lines of force.
This is the ancient scientific knowledge of electromagnetism. This is the Electric Universe. The manifested electrical arcing, scarring and discharging between cosmic bodies, resulting in the destruction and birth of worlds. These catastrophic events and otherworldly phenomenon were witnessed in the skies of our ancient predecessors, divinely inspiring and stimulating the creative spirit to produce megalithic structures, hieroglyphics, petroglyphs, statues, cave paintings and other iconographic motifs that became the archetypal template for myths, legends, tales and symbols across the globe and throughout our history, becoming part of our collective system of beliefs and cultural memory.
These celestial upheavals and motions of the heavenly bodies were seen by our progenitors as a reflection of the electrical impulses, charged cellular ions and transmissions across the neural membrane in the biological and electrochemical functions of the human body. As above, so below. As within, so without. After all, the nerves, glands, hormones, physiology and behavior of all humans, animals, plants and even extremely tiny microbes follow a twenty-four hour circadian production cycle that responds to sunlight. Therefore, each organism's nervous system, chakras, and consciousness resonates with the electrostatic and geomagnetic fields in each respective environment. This ancient enlightenment of what connected the corporeal and ethereal planes, was later dislodged by the Newtonian celestial mechanics of the law of gravitation, the Big Bang theory and the mechanistic western philosophical subscription to the materialistic world view.
Thankfully, the correct way to view the effects of electricity, magnetism, plasma cosmology in the universe re-emerged with the publication of Immanuel Velikovsky's World in Collision. The Russian-born American independent scholar proposed a theory of a periodical mass extinction-level events - that ancient history was affected by short-lived, violent and monumentally galaxy-wide disasters that reshaped our planet and the entire solar system.
These theories were further strengthened by Ralph Juergens, the twentieth century pioneer and Velikovskian enthusiast. Juergens developed the Electric Sun model, he posited that electromagnetic forces shaped the orbits of astronomical bodies; that solar discharge, luminosity and photosphere are comparable to the "tufted anode glow" in an electric discharge tube.
However, the effects of electromagnetic force on the solar system was generally ignored and never saw the light of day in the mainstream, yet the evidence of electrical current discharge between planets and moons intensified, such as between Jupiter and its innermost Galilean moon Io.
Even before NASA's establishment in 1958, the quest to unravel these orbital mysteries in the Solar System was undertaken in the baby steps of the experimental aircraft family, the X-Plane Program by NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
“The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent... Intuition is perception via the unconscious.” - Carl Jung.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. The ancient phrase from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, becomes quite applicable here, once we become cognizant of the subconscious fractals, embedded in the encryption transposed in letter key.
Since then, NASA have recorded numerous
milestones with both manned and unmanned missions to suborbital regions, Earth
observation, lunar, Martian, asteroidal and cometary, interplanetary and solar;
from the Hubble Space Telescope to the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing
Satellite (LCROSS) to the Mars Exploration Rovers to the Near Earth Asteroid
Rendezvous - Shoemaker (NEAR Shoemaker) to MESSENGER to Cassini–Huygens to the
Voyager Program in the outer Solar System. These instruments, spacecrafts and
satellites transmit millions of megabytes of information to NASA's Goddard Space
Flight Center (GSFC), the largest collection of scientific data system on the
Earth, the Solar System and the Universe.
Over the last two years, we have been witnesses to a seemingly subtle and symbolic dissemination of this information coming out of NASA and other space agencies regarding the celestial sphere and its influence on the solar system. Announcements and discoveries that seems to point to some sort of "Nemesis Death Star/Brown Dwarf Star/Rogue Planet/Monster Comet" theory of a wandering cosmic object about four times the size of Jupiter, locked into a perpetually cyclic orbit with our Sun, lying somewhere near the edge of the our Solar System, and whose disturbance of the Oort Cloud, would throw comets into the inner Solar System, hurtling towards the Earth. A object that has been given names such as Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, ... A object that cause perturbations on the orbit of all planets in the system, resulting in monumental weather changes and geological upheavals, and that would eventually appear as a second sun in our skies.
Read more at - http://thecosmicspirit.blogspot.com/
This is the end
Hold your breath and count to ten
Feel the earth move and then
Hear my heart burst again...
Skyfall is where we start
A thousand miles and poles apart
When worlds collide, and days are dark. - Adele, Skyfall 007 Theme.
On September 24th, 2012, a group of Russian astronomers announced the discovery of a new comet, C/2012 S1 (ISON), that could create a most spectacular sky show as it heads towards a close encounter with our Sun in 2013. Detected three days earlier by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok, using a telescope at the International Scientific Optical Network (ISON) near Kislovodsk, the celestial object was observed in the constellation of Cancer, just beyond the orbit of the planet Jupiter.
Their discovery... has since made waves in the astronomical community and across the Internet. As of now, Comet ISON, as it’s commonly being called, is roughly 625 million miles away from us and is 100,000 times fainter than the dimmest star that can be seen with the naked eye—it’s only visible using professional-grade telescopes. But as it proceeds through its orbit and reaches its perihelion, its closest point to the Sun (a distance of 800,000 miles) on November 28th, 2013, it could be bright enough to be visible in full daylight in the Northern Hemisphere, perhaps even as bright as a full moon. With current information, though, there’s no way of knowing for sure, and experts disagree on what exactly we’ll see. “Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) probably will become the brightest comet anyone alive has ever seen,” wrote Astronomy Magazine’s Michael E. Bakich.” - Smithsonian.With a parabolic orbit, ISON's current apparent magnitude is an extremely faint 18.8 measured brightness. However, according to the experts, the luminance will gradually increase if it remains intact, where it could possibly become visible to the naked eye by late September next year, and remaining so until early 2014. Given its orbital outline, scientists are of the view that it is a new comet, that has been displaced from the voluminous reserve of comets in the Oort Cloud revolving around the Sun. Some, are even forecasting that ISON could be up to fifteen times brighter than the moon when it crosses the night sky in 2013, since the standard cometary activity theory suggests that new comets tend to be more radiant, burning at a higher rate than rebounding ones.
Whether these calculations come to fruition or not, the key determinant in the ultimate destiny of the comet will be based on its electrical convergence with the Sun, and not from the volatility of the ice, as theorized by established astronomical assumptions about "dirty snowballs". The archaelogical records and geological evidence of this planet, reveals that our ancient ancestors witnessed breathtaking celestial events of monumental proportions that resulted in cyclical global cataclysms. Electromagnetic forces connecting, manifesting, energizing and organizing fields of intergalactic space, interstellar nebula, spiral galaxies, galactic clusters, stars, planets, comets and other celestial bodies. Radiant emissions and luminous bands from cosmic alignments and collisions of these heavenly objects, seen over the middle and high latitudes of both hemispheres, bombarding the atmosphere with charged solar particles along Earth's magnetic lines of force.
This is the ancient scientific knowledge of electromagnetism. This is the Electric Universe. The manifested electrical arcing, scarring and discharging between cosmic bodies, resulting in the destruction and birth of worlds. These catastrophic events and otherworldly phenomenon were witnessed in the skies of our ancient predecessors, divinely inspiring and stimulating the creative spirit to produce megalithic structures, hieroglyphics, petroglyphs, statues, cave paintings and other iconographic motifs that became the archetypal template for myths, legends, tales and symbols across the globe and throughout our history, becoming part of our collective system of beliefs and cultural memory.
These celestial upheavals and motions of the heavenly bodies were seen by our progenitors as a reflection of the electrical impulses, charged cellular ions and transmissions across the neural membrane in the biological and electrochemical functions of the human body. As above, so below. As within, so without. After all, the nerves, glands, hormones, physiology and behavior of all humans, animals, plants and even extremely tiny microbes follow a twenty-four hour circadian production cycle that responds to sunlight. Therefore, each organism's nervous system, chakras, and consciousness resonates with the electrostatic and geomagnetic fields in each respective environment. This ancient enlightenment of what connected the corporeal and ethereal planes, was later dislodged by the Newtonian celestial mechanics of the law of gravitation, the Big Bang theory and the mechanistic western philosophical subscription to the materialistic world view.
Thankfully, the correct way to view the effects of electricity, magnetism, plasma cosmology in the universe re-emerged with the publication of Immanuel Velikovsky's World in Collision. The Russian-born American independent scholar proposed a theory of a periodical mass extinction-level events - that ancient history was affected by short-lived, violent and monumentally galaxy-wide disasters that reshaped our planet and the entire solar system.
His books use comparative mythology and ancient literary sources (including the Old Testament) to argue that Earth has suffered catastrophic close-contacts with other planets (principally Venus and Mars) in ancient times... Velikovsky argued that electromagnetic effects play an important role in celestial mechanics. He also proposed a revised chronology for ancient Egypt, Greece, Israel and other cultures of the ancient Near East. The revised chronology aimed at explaining the so-called "dark age" of the eastern Mediterranean (ca. 1100 – 750 BCE) and reconciling biblical history with mainstream archaeology and Egyptian chronology.
He arrived at a body of radical inter-disciplinary ideas, which might be summarised as: Planet Earth has suffered natural catastrophes on a global scale, both before and during humankind's recorded history. There is evidence for these catastrophes in the geological record and archeological record. The extinction of many species had occurred catastrophically, not by gradual Darwinian means. The catastrophes that occurred within the memory of humankind are recorded in the myths, legends and written history of all ancient cultures and civilisations. Velikovsky pointed to alleged concordances in the accounts of many cultures, and proposed that they referred to the same real events. For instance, the memory of a flood is recorded in the Hebrew Bible, in the Greek legend of Deucalion, and in the Manu legend of India. Velikovsky put forward the psychoanalytic idea of "Cultural Amnesia" as a mechanism whereby these literal records came to be regarded as mere myths and legends. The causes of these natural catastrophes were close encounters between the Earth and other bodies within the solar system — not least what are now the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Venus, and Mars, these bodies having moved upon different orbits within human memory. To explain the celestial mechanics necessary to permit these changes to the configuration of the solar system, Velikovsky thought that electromagnetic forces might somehow play a greater role to counteract gravity and orbital mechanics.
Some of Velikovsky's specific postulated catastrophes included: A tentative suggestion that Earth had once been a satellite of a "proto-Saturn" body, before its current solar orbit. That the Deluge (Noah's Flood) had been caused by proto-Saturn's entering a nova state, and ejecting much of its mass into space. A suggestion that the planet Mercury was involved in the Tower of Babel catastrophe. Jupiter had been the culprit for the catastrophe that saw the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. Periodic close contacts with a cometary Venus (which had been ejected from Jupiter) had caused the Exodus events (c. 1500 BCE) and Joshua's subsequent "sun standing still" (Joshua 10:12 and 13) incident. Periodic close contacts with Mars had caused havoc in the 8th and 7th centuries BCE. - Wikipedia.
These theories were further strengthened by Ralph Juergens, the twentieth century pioneer and Velikovskian enthusiast. Juergens developed the Electric Sun model, he posited that electromagnetic forces shaped the orbits of astronomical bodies; that solar discharge, luminosity and photosphere are comparable to the "tufted anode glow" in an electric discharge tube.
"The known characteristics of the interplanetary medium suggest not only that the sun and the planets are electrically charged, but that the sun itself is the focus of a cosmic electric discharge - the probable source of all its radiant energy." - Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered by Ralph Juergens.Although these revolutionary hypotheses and models were largely met with contempt and ridicule by the scientific community, the work of Velikovsky and Juergens found acceptance among many, such as astrophysicist James McCanney, comparative mythologist David Talbott and physicist Wallace Thornhill, who found Newton's concept of gravity and cosmic mechanism to be quite imperfect. Even standard scientific theories that is used to account for the disappearance of the dinosaurs, subscribes to the idea of a giant impact on the Earth by comets and asteroids at recurring intervals. Over the last three hundred years, scientists and astronomers from William Herschel to Alexis Bouvard to John Couch Adams to Johann Gottfried Galle to Percival Lowell to Clyde Tombaugh to Thomas C. Van Flandern to Robert Harrington, to those that currently pioneer the space exploration and discovery agencies such as the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the European Space Agency (ESA) have all caught a glimpse of the symptoms of the tremendous destruction that could result from these celestial upheavals. They all had to observe, calculate, discover and account for the gravitational interactions that caused perturbations on the orbit of the gas giants of the five classical planets (Jupiter, and Saturn). These unexplained disturbances gave rise to the notion of unpredictable comets, rogue Planet X type objects and binary stars; and consequently the discovery of the "ice giants" Uranus and Neptune, as well as other dwarf planets such as Eris and Pluto.
However, the effects of electromagnetic force on the solar system was generally ignored and never saw the light of day in the mainstream, yet the evidence of electrical current discharge between planets and moons intensified, such as between Jupiter and its innermost Galilean moon Io.
Io orbits close in to Jupiter, so intense electromagnetic radiation bombards its surface, removing approximately one ton per second in gases and other materials. Io acts like an electrical generator as it travels through Jupiter’s plasmasphere, inducing over 400,000 volts across its diameter at more than three million amperes. That tremendous current flows across its magnetic field into the electric environment of Jupiter. - Stephen Smith, Thunderbolts.Instead of acknowledging and disclosing the increased electrical phenomena and energy production in the Solar System, official scientific agencies along with the academic community deliberately engaged in a process of obfuscation, while launching vigorous clandestine operations to detect abnormal patterns in the inner and outer areas of the gravitational field of the Sun's system.
When scientists noticed that Uranus wasn't following its predicted orbit for example, they didn't question their theories. Instead they blamed the anomalies on an as yet unseen planet and, sure enough, Neptune was discovered in 1846. Now astronomers are using the same strategy to explain quirks in the orbits of Uranus and Neptune. According to John Anderson of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., this odd behavior suggests that the sun has an unseen companion, a dark star gravitationally bound to it but billions of miles away. ... Other scientists suggest that the most likely cause of the orbital snags is a tenth planet 4 to 7 billion miles beyond Neptune. A companion star would tug the outer planets, not just Uranus and Neptune, says Thomas Van Flandern of the U.S Naval Observatory. And where he admits a tenth planet is possible, but argues that it would have to be so big - a least the size of Uranus - that it should have been discovered by now. To resolve the question, NASA is staying tuned to Pioneer 10 and 11, the planetary probes that are flying through the dim reaches of the solar system on opposite sides of the sun. - Newsweek, Does the Sun Have a Dark Companion? June 28 1982.
Something out there beyond the farthest reaches of the known solar system seems to be tugging at Uranus and Neptune. Some gravitational force keeps perturbing the two giant planets, causing irregularities in their orbits. The force suggests a presence far away and unseen, a large object that may be the long- sought Planet X. ... The last time a serious search of the skies was made it led to the discovery in 1930 of Pluto, the ninth planet. But the story begins more than a century before that, after the discovery of Uranus in 1781 by the English astronomer and musician William Herschel. Until then, the planetary system seemed to end with Saturn. As astronomers observed Uranus, noting irregularities in its orbital path, many speculated that they were witnessing the gravitational pull of an unknown planet. So began the first planetary search based on astronomers predictions, which ended in the 1840's with the discovery of Neptune almost simultaneously by English, French, and German astronomers. But Neptune was not massive enough to account entirely for the orbital behavior of Uranus. Indeed, Neptune itself seemed to be affected by a still more remote planet. In the last 19th century, two American astronomers, Willian H. Pickering and Percival Lowell, predicted the size and approximate location of the trans-Neptunian body, which Lowell called Planet X. Years later, Pluto was detected by Clyde W. Tombaugh working at Lowell Observatory in Arizona. Several astronomers, however, suspected it might not be the Planet X of prediction. Subsequent observation proved them right. Pluto was too small to change the orbits of Uranus and Neptune, the combined mass of Pluto and its recently discovered satellite, Charon, is only 1/5 that of Earth's moon. Recent calculations by the United States Naval Observatory have confirmed the orbital perturbation exhibited by Uranus and Neptune, which Dr. Thomas C Van Flandern, an astronomer at the observatory, says could be explained by "a single undiscovered planet". He and a colleague, Dr. Richard Harrington, calculate that the 10th planet should be two to five times more massive than Earth and have a highly elliptical orbit that takes it some 5 billion miles beyond that of Pluto - hardly next-door but still within the gravitational influence of the Sun. - New York Times, January 30, 1983.
Even before NASA's establishment in 1958, the quest to unravel these orbital mysteries in the Solar System was undertaken in the baby steps of the experimental aircraft family, the X-Plane Program by NASA's predecessor, the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA).
“The unconscious mind of man sees correctly even when conscious reason is blind and impotent... Intuition is perception via the unconscious.” - Carl Jung.
A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. The ancient phrase from the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, becomes quite applicable here, once we become cognizant of the subconscious fractals, embedded in the encryption transposed in letter key.
The X-Plane Program is therefore: PLANET X = X-PLANE(T)
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NASA Satellites near Earth and
in the outer Solar System. [Click on image for larger view] |
Over the last two years, we have been witnesses to a seemingly subtle and symbolic dissemination of this information coming out of NASA and other space agencies regarding the celestial sphere and its influence on the solar system. Announcements and discoveries that seems to point to some sort of "Nemesis Death Star/Brown Dwarf Star/Rogue Planet/Monster Comet" theory of a wandering cosmic object about four times the size of Jupiter, locked into a perpetually cyclic orbit with our Sun, lying somewhere near the edge of the our Solar System, and whose disturbance of the Oort Cloud, would throw comets into the inner Solar System, hurtling towards the Earth. A object that has been given names such as Lucifer, Satan, The Dragon, The Great Snake, The Destroyer, The Serpent, The Devil, Marduk, Nibiru, Shiva, Hercolubus, Wormwood, The Dark Star, The Death Star, The Red Star, The Red Planet, The Planet of the Crossing, The Winged Disk, The Tenth Planet, The Dark Twin, ... A object that cause perturbations on the orbit of all planets in the system, resulting in monumental weather changes and geological upheavals, and that would eventually appear as a second sun in our skies.
Read more at - http://thecosmicspirit.blogspot.com/