We can see why the all-seeing eye is such a popular symbol among corporations and bankers. They intend to watch us all the time, not just when we are outside, but inside our homes. Take a good look at the future...
Private corporations intend to spy on you and gear marketing toward you in your very own living room, bedroom, or theatre in realtime.

By Shepard Ambellas
Verizon has entered a new realm of technology that can almost make your skin crawl.
The powerful communications giant has now invented and intends to market a cable box that knows exactly what is going on in the living room, or any room for that matter. In fact it knows if you are cuddling with your partner, or even aroused as it can taylor advertisements to the consumer in a realtime environment.
For instance, if the consumer or viewer(s) are watching a sexy scene in the latest R rated Hollywood blockbuster movie, a “condom” commercial could pop-up.
The technology incorporates motion sensors, thermal cameras, and microphones to spy on mindless or unaware participants.
Other corporations venture into this realm as well.
Damien Gayle reports, “Microsoft recently registered a patent for technology to allow its Kinect motion sensor to figure out how many people are in front of it then stop playback if it detected more people than the copyright terms allowed. Google TV proposed a similar patent that would use video and audio recording devices to do the same…. And Comcast in 2008 patented a monitoring technology that would recommend content to users based on people it recognised in the room.”
Read more at - http://theintelhub.com/2012/12/07/private-corporation-intends-to-watch-you-have-sex-gearing-ads-toward-you-through-your-cable-box/
Private corporations intend to spy on you and gear marketing toward you in your very own living room, bedroom, or theatre in realtime.

By Shepard Ambellas
Verizon has entered a new realm of technology that can almost make your skin crawl.
The powerful communications giant has now invented and intends to market a cable box that knows exactly what is going on in the living room, or any room for that matter. In fact it knows if you are cuddling with your partner, or even aroused as it can taylor advertisements to the consumer in a realtime environment.
For instance, if the consumer or viewer(s) are watching a sexy scene in the latest R rated Hollywood blockbuster movie, a “condom” commercial could pop-up.
The technology incorporates motion sensors, thermal cameras, and microphones to spy on mindless or unaware participants.
Other corporations venture into this realm as well.
Damien Gayle reports, “Microsoft recently registered a patent for technology to allow its Kinect motion sensor to figure out how many people are in front of it then stop playback if it detected more people than the copyright terms allowed. Google TV proposed a similar patent that would use video and audio recording devices to do the same…. And Comcast in 2008 patented a monitoring technology that would recommend content to users based on people it recognised in the room.”
Read more at - http://theintelhub.com/2012/12/07/private-corporation-intends-to-watch-you-have-sex-gearing-ads-toward-you-through-your-cable-box/