May 30, 2014

… And Speaking of the Cold War Act Two…How About Russian Ships and Planes Permanently Based in Nicaragua?

by Joseph P. Farrell

The late US Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), a decorated World War Two veteran, after the conclusion of the Senate Iran-Contra hearings, complained of something that most Americans completely dismissed at the time, but his concerns are worth recalling. Senator Inouye complained that the executive branch, in league with elements from the intelligence sector and the military, was running an entirely-off-the-books military-industrial-intelligence complex, complete with its own bureaucracy, chains of command, bases, air force, navy, ground forces… in short, we were looking at a completely parallel structure, mirroring all the public faces of government in its military, financial, and intelligence operations, and yet, completely separate from it and almost completely free of any public oversight.

All of this, it was argued on the political right at the time, was necessary in the Reaganesque struggle of life-or-death against the Evil Empire and its client states, particularly the client state of Nciaragua, where the Communist-backed Sandinistas were a justifiable concern to Washington. Don’t get me wrong here: I do think the Soviet system was an egregious evil: a threat to its own people, and a blight on Eastern Europe and the rest of the world. And I do think Washington’s concerns at that time were at least somewhat justified, in spite of my disagreement with how those concerns were (illegally) handled via a covert operations network.

My point here is to show how, in the pressures of what were perceived as threats, a vast operational complex emerged to deal with it. The Sandinistas were one thing, but now, in a curious bit of deja vu, or perhaps, Act Two, which might be titled “Nicaragua and the Contra Affair on Steroids”, Russia, and now China, are getting into a new game, a very different one than simply supplying arms to Manuel Ortega and his Sandinistas:

Russia and Nicaragua to cooperate on construction of interoceanic canal
I hope you caught something significant here:
“During Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov’s recent visit to Nicaragua, the two sides discussed prospects for bilateral cooperation. One major project that will unite Moscow and Managua for the next several years is the so-called Interoceanic Grand Canal, a new alternative to the Panama Canal.
“A source close to parties present at the talks has told RBTH that the Nicaraguan authorities expect to start construction at the end of this year. At least, this is the timeframe envisaged in a tripartite agreement signed between Nicaragua, Russia and China.

The main investor is the Chinese company HKND, which has received a 100-year concession for building and operating the canal. The construction will be carried out by workers from China and Central America, while Russia, according to the RBTH source, will provide not so much economic and organizational assistance as military and political support.
Russia’s role will be to guard the construction site against possible acts of provocation. To that end, the Nicaraguan authorities have signed a special agreement with Moscow, allowing Russian warships and aircraft to be present in its territorial waters for the first six months of this year and also to carry out patrols of the country’s coastline in the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea until June 30, 2015.”
There, I submit, is the new pattern that will emerge as the modus operandi of China and Russia, both inside the BRICSA entente and outside of it, in its associated client states: (1) they have something legitimate and beneficial to offer the nation concerned, in this case, a canal, infrastructure, the benefits of the commerce and revenue generated, to the poor country concerned (Nicaragua); (2) the economic aspect of the investment will be handled by China, while (3) Russia provides the military muscle to prevent “provocations.”

The term provocations here is interesting, especially in the Iran-Contra covert-operations complex context, for China and Russia surely understand that any American response will likely be a covert one, and this means, in my opinion, that those countries, Russia in particular, is prepared to take the steps to create and back up covert responses to any American covert operations.

Nicaragua, and the Ukraine… but this time, it’s not AK-47s that are being put into Nicaragua(doubtless a great deal of those too), but a canal. This time around, it is the USSA that is dropping drones, abandoning its principles, creating draconian “laws”, sending arms, and sponsoring the most egregiously evil groups with long and murky histories. The Cold War, Act Two, is beginning, if not well under way. Let’s hope the leadership of the West gets the clue that you make more friends with honey than vinegar, and gets the clue real soon. And the first place it has to start, is not Managua or Kiev or Moscow or Beijing, but right in its own back yard, because while it is “pivoting and piroutte-ing” to the Pacific, China and Russia are giving dance lessons in Central America.

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