Nov 2, 2012

Know Your Enemy - Part 61 The European Union - Rome Reborn

Much has been made of the "toes" of Daniels image seen in Daniel chapter 2.  There's no doubt the rest of the statue was referring to kingdoms that ruled over Israel starting with Babylon (the head) and leading down to the legs (Rome).  The feet would certainly seem to connect to Rome and someone else, but the phrase in Dan. 2:43 which says "they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cling to one another..."  Strange stuff indeed, as the seed of men certainly sounds like some sort of humanity mingling with something other, like what happened in Genesis 6 with the fallen angels having children with human women.

So what's the answer?  I suspect that both issues are true.  That is, this passage does refer to a new Roman empire that is mixed so that it is weaker than it's earlier form.  However the genetic/transhumanistic aspect is likely true as well.  The massive experimentation in human genetic manipulation that is taking place today is ample evidence of where we are heading.  We need to be prepared...