Oct 29, 2012

Microwave Anomalies and the Frankenstorm

We haven't heard the last of what the good researchers of the internet will find on this.  If you haven't done the research yourself, follow the links on http://www.youtube.com/user/dutchsinse?feature=results_main to understand how these ionospheric heaters (massive microwave antennae systems) and their doppler radar relay stations (yes, the same ones that show us local weather radar) can do to alter the weather.  Angeltech for sure, as mankind tries to "cast away their (the Lord's) cords from us" (Ps. 2:2) and take control for themselves.  I see a very bad ending coming to all of this.

Below is a screenshot of the anomaly coming out of Mexico from Dutchsince.  It should be noted that these were seen over Australia a few years ago as they went through extremes of droughts and flash floods.