Apr 15, 2014

The 4 Lunar Hologram Waves Filmed So Far...

I wasn't expecting this when I watched the video, but this is pretty amazing.  I've got some respect for Crrow77's YouTube Channel, who consistently spends his nights filming the Moon for those of us who lack the technology (and patience) to do it ourselves.  What you will see here is either an amazing hoax (which makes no sense and I don't believe it to be) or, as he says on the video, Providence intervening that he would just happen to be taping on the nights and at the times these events happened.  What you are seeing is evidence of a "Breakaway Civilization", one that is technologically well advanced of those things we are accustomed to.  And a Breakaway Civilization is one that easily sees itself as equal to or greater than God.

If it is a hologram of the Moon, it must be generated on the Moon.  A projection from Earth (or another external source) would not appear like this and would require a lot more energy. Why would someone do this?  To hide what's happening on the Moon of course!  Enjoy...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9MlGnEtKxY&list=UUW4k9vXjgOSDcYq6Ge9hWWg - Lunar Wave Hologram and the Moon Lie  (well worth watching!)

http://jaysanalysis.com/2010/06/11/2001-a-space-odyssey-esoteric-analysis/ - Jay's Analysis of the Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey.  Did we actually go to the Moon?  If we did, why did we cover it up?

In this clip you will finally see all four of the lunar hologram waves I have filmed, for the first time. With recent covert contacts and information, I am steadily moving to a position of certainty - these lunar waves are, in fact, holograms covering our moon. My mission to upgrade my equipment is in full swing as I have reason to believe the window of opportunity with regard to exposing the lunar lies is diminishing -- by design. Every bit of information I release publicly works against me in the hands of those who wish to keep these truths from seeing the light of day. I thank you all for the support you have shown the Crrow777 channel. Cheers.

Donate to the Crrow777 equipment upgrade fund:
Donate: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr...

The first upgrade will be a Canon camera body converted to shoot in IR (infrared) for stand alone and telescope use. This will be followed by a Canon camera body converted to shoot in UV (ultraviolet) and also usable coupled to the telescope.

Cheers and thank you for your support,