Oct 12, 2012

Know Your Enemy - Part 41 The Origin of the Illuminati

Lots of info here to verify what so many Christians today don't want to know.  That humans, organized and devoted in their service to Lucifer, have been part of an organized plan stretching centuries to one day bring about the Evil One's chosen world leader, and eventually his very short lived kingdom.  The Illuminati were clearly part of this great Luciferian plan.

Keys for the Illuminati success includes using secret societies (Freemasons) and never letting their name reach the light of day, at least not in a concrete way, but rather using other names to cover their work.  It isn't mentioned here, but I would add that when you see the assassination of strong, determined national leaders, the Illuminati are likely behind the manuevers.  Assassination is part and parcel of their playbook.