Mar 24, 2015

NASA Hiding Evidence Of Alien Life On Dwarf Planet Ceres? Dawn Spacecraft In Orbit 10 Days But NASA Silent

The headline is sensationalist, but the images with the lights in the craters are quite amazing.  And visiting the NASA page with updates on the satellite's images shows nothing recent having been posted.  So what's causing the lights?

Posted in: Space                 
Bright Spots on Ceres
The Dawn Spacecraft has accomplished something amazing: It is the only spacecraft to ever orbit two extraterrestrial destinations. Dawn finally entered orbit around dwarf planet Ceres on March 6, 2015, marking the huge milestone for the NASA space program.
However, the Ceres orbit came with little fanfare despite the fact that scientists say the spacecraft is now in a position to take close-up images of some perplexing features of the mysterious planet. The photos will offer “exciting and tantalizing new perspectives” that have never been seen before.

The Dawn Spacecraft blog notes that the spacecraft arrived at about 4:39 a.m. PST on March 6, 2015, to orbit the dwarf planet Ceres. Leading up to the orbit, Dawn has been taking numerous photos of Ceres on approach. However, the photos have brought more questions than answers. The planet is heavily cratered and has multiple mysterious bright lights located across the surface, the likes of which are unknown to NASA observers. In addition to the strange, flickering lights on Ceres’ surface, Dawn photographs also reveal a circular “pancake” impression just south of the planet’s equator. The object is decidedly too shallow to be an impact crater; therefore, the perfect circular shape has left scientists perplexed.

It has been noted numerous times by NASA scientists that as Dawn reaches orbit and is able to send more highly-detailed photographs back to Earth, scientists would likely be able to determine the source of the strange bright lights and pancake feature.
“It is impossible not to be mesmerized by what appear to be glowing beacons, shining out across the cosmic seas from the uncharted lands ahead. But the answer hasn’t changed: we don’t know. There are many intriguing speculations, but we need more data, and Dawn will take photos and myriad other measurements as it spirals closer and closer during the year. For now, we simply know too little.”

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