Jun 21, 2014

The Coming Transhumanist Degrees

by Joseph P. Farrell

In our book Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, my co-author Dr. Scott D. de Hart and I argued that Percy Shelley’s Frankenstein could be seen as the first real modern expose of transhumanist themes, as the novel explored the relationship of technology and humanity itself. As Dr. De Hart has also pointed out in his own work Shelley Unbound, the choice of the setting of Ingolstadt as the place for the notorious Dr. Frankenstein’s experiment in creating life was no accident, as Ingolstadt was home to the historical Bavarian Illuminati, who also intended a kind of alchemical transmutation of man by sociological means.

For us, this was the key component to the modern transhumanist phenomenon: alchemy, since alchemy intended not only the transformation of base metals into gold, but also the transformation of mankind, and especially its consciousness, itself. As we also outlined in that book, the four crucial technologies of transhumanism, the so-called GRIN technologies (genetics, robotics, information-processing, and nano-technology) are instrumental in the transhumanist agenda to alter and “perfect” human nature itself.

Now, with this background in mind, consider the following story:

Australia Is Getting The World’s First Masters Degree In Biofabrication, The 3D Printing Of Body Parts

As with the emergence of any new technology, the application of 3D printing to medical prosthetics, and even eventually organ transplantation or even cloning, will require the creation of the appropriate academic programs to train people in its applications and design.

But looking beyond this, however, we can see something else looming on the horizon, and that is the creation of actual “transhumanist” studies degrees within the faculties of social sciences in universities (if indeed it is not already underway). After all, universities are primarily alchemical institutions in a sense; they seek to mold and transform human consciousness on an individual, case-by-case basis, and what better way for the transhumanist movement to advance the cultural effects of its alchemical agenda than by its wealthy individuals and corporations to endow chairs of study (which, after paying lip service to “academic freedom” will, like all such academic creations, carefully guide people into a certain general direction). Watch for this one folks, because it’s coming.

Read this article at - http://gizadeathstar.com/2014/06/transhumanist-scrapbook-coming-transhumanist-studies-degrees/