Nov 16, 2013

Why Do The Nations Rage? Psalm 2

After much study of prophetic scripture, I've come to see Psalm 2 as the overview of all that will happen in the "Last Days", which many believe we are living in now.  (That includes me!)  At the end of this age, the nations and peoples and kings and rulers of this world declare war against the Lord, claiming He has bound them (Ps. 2:1-3) and they greatly desire to be free from his shackles of bondage.  Of course those who know Him desire greatly to serve Him, but the majority of this world will reject Him and try to fight (vainly) against Him.  (1 Thes. 2:1-4) 

Let Psalm 2 be your overview, your broad vision of what's coming.  Because it will go into full effect, any day now... any day now...

Rich Mullins: While the nations rage

Psalm 2 (Kiss the Son) (feat. Shane Heilman) - The Psalms Project