Rick Warren comes off as a politician, not a shepherd in these clips regarding his shifting views on prop. 8 regarding gay marriage in California. While the issue is old news, the problem is current. Warren is considered the star of the seeker-friendly church movement, one which has taken the church in this country by storm.
The problem with the movement is that Christianity is not "seeker-friendly", at least not in it's true form. Taking up your cross is quite hard, as I can attest. (Matt. 16:24-26) There's no glamour or personal glory. (1 Th. 3:3, 2 Tim. 3:12) But their are some blessings, and great joy in the end. So beware of the shepherds you follow. They should look more like Jesus Christ than the world.
The problem with the movement is that Christianity is not "seeker-friendly", at least not in it's true form. Taking up your cross is quite hard, as I can attest. (Matt. 16:24-26) There's no glamour or personal glory. (1 Th. 3:3, 2 Tim. 3:12) But their are some blessings, and great joy in the end. So beware of the shepherds you follow. They should look more like Jesus Christ than the world.