Dec 13, 2012

Mysterious NASA Video Released, Early: Why The World Didn’t End Yesterday

NASA continues to behave strangely when it comes to media releases.  Here they decided to get their "Why The World Didn't End Yesterday" video, scheduled for 12/21 out on 12/12.  This on the heels of the major announcement from Mars which turned into no announcement at all. 

One note on the video.  Should a large object be headed toward the Earth (like Wormwood, Rev. 8:11) the video claims it would be visible to the whole world right now.  NASA knows that isn't true, as they have sunk billions into special telescopes that can only see dark, cold objects that are not giving off any light (IRIS, WISE, LUCIFER and more wonderfully named liquid nitrogen cooled telescopes).  The truth is that such an object would not necessarily be visible until it was quite close to the Earth.  If it approached from a polar angle, it would be visible to very few people, if at all.  That's why these near approach asteroids are so interesting.  Most of them we don't see at all without telescopes and co-ordinates.

NASA is so sure the world won’t come to an end on Dec. 21, 2012, that they have already released a video for the day after. Early.

Why has NASA decided to release “Why the World Didn’t End Yesterday” today, 10 days prior to the Mayan calendar ‘end date’?

Meanwhile, across the world, meteorites are crashing through the sky, leaving sonic booms and crashing into the ocean all around us. A man who might be a prophet has released a prophetic story of Atlantic Ocean meteorite doom while the countdown to a date highly significant to an ancient civilization continues towards who knows really what yet. Please watch the video below and share your feelings below. What’s this all about? Why early?

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