Oct 14, 2012

Jupiter Is Melting - The Outer Planets Are Heating Up - Just Like Earth

This info is not on the nightly news, but is fascinating pertaining to the (perhaps) fast approaching Planet X, a body of significant mass that seems to be on our own ecliptic plane.  Get ready for signs in the heavens...

I have been posting research for several years now which indicates that our entire solar system is heating up due to the growing proximity of Planet X, aka Nibiru. Scientists who theorize that global warming, the disintegration and rapid melt of both polar ice caps, and rising sea levels is due to human activity and the burning of fossil fuels may be misguided. Our entire solar system is now heating up, and it’s NOT due to increasing solar activity.

Read http://www.skepticalscience.com/global-warming-other-planets-solar-system.htm
Cited: “This is a round-up of the planets said by skeptics to be experiencing climate change:
  • Mars: the notion that Mars is warming came from an unfortunate
    Planets of the Solar System
    Planets of the Solar System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
    conflation of weather and climate. Based on two pictures taken 22 years apart, assumptions were made that have not proved to be reliable. There is currently no evidence to support claims that Mars is warming at all. More on Mars…
  • Jupiter: the notion that Jupiter is warming is actually based on predictions, since no warming has actually been observed. Climate models predict temperature increases along the equator and cooling at the poles. It is believed these changes will be catalysed by storms that merge into one super-storm, inhibiting the planet’s ability to mix heat. Sceptical arguments have ignored the fact this is not a phenomenon we have observed, and that the modelled forcing is storm and dust movements, not changes in solar radiation.
  • Neptune: observations of changes in luminosity on the surface of both Neptune and its largest moon, Triton, have been taken to indicate warming caused by increased solar activity. In fact, the brightening is due to the planet’s seasons changing, but very slowly. Summer is coming to Neptune’s southern hemisphere, bringing more sunlight, as it does every 164 years.
  • Pluto: the warming exhibited by Pluto is not really understood. Pluto’s seasons are the least understood of all: its existence has only been known for a third of its 248 -year orbit, and it has never been visited by a space probe. The ‘evidence’ for climate change consists of just two observations made in 1988 and 2002. That’s equivalent to observing the Earth’s weather for just three weeks out of the year. Various theories suggest its highly elliptical orbit may play a part, as could the large angle of its rotational axis. One recent paper suggests the length of Pluto’s orbit is a key factor, as with Neptune. Sunlight at Pluto is 900 times weaker than it is at the Earth.
Claims that solar system bodies are heating up due to increased solar activity are clearly wrong. The sun’s output has declined in recent decades. Only Pluto and Neptune are exhibiting increased brightness. Heating attributed to other solar bodies remains unproven.”
I’m re-stating my standing theory once again in this post: our solar system is heating up due to the ever increasing proximity of Nibiru. This is where scientists should be placing the focus of their research. We have less than 70 years until the 3600 year cyclic return and fly-by of Nibiru inside our solar system alters the surface of the entire planet and all life on it for decades thereafter.

What we are dealing with is not just “global warming.” It’s “solar system warming.”

Humanity, as a whole, MUST prepare and deploy all intelligent science, architecture, agriculture, human labor and all available existing technology toward making pole-shift survivable structures, food re-distribution networks, deploying water and medical supplies to displaced surviving populations on a mass scale, and creating global contingency plans for how people will communicate across great distances when there is no electricity or even a partial electrical grid that functions – for decades.That’s right. I said ‘decades’.

HAM radio networks powered by solar and / or hand cranked generators can broadcast intermittent local reports, which can then be relayed on by other HAM operators, in times of crisis.

People must begin to think NOW in terms of possible future scenarios where there is no electrical grid, or any kind of electrical power, not for just a few days, or weeks, or months, but for YEARS. That’s the level of emergency preparedness that local preparedness groups must achieve to be ready to survive the Nibiru passage and to help other groups to do the same.

When the Nibiru solar system fly-by occurs, all state officials and government employees, the military, all the Illuminati “royal” families and their extended relations will be literally going underground, where they may be either entombed in death when the passage occurs, or surviving like well fed vermin on the billions of dollars of high technology and emergency rations which they have squirreled away in underground D.U.M.B.S. for than two decades.


Read more at - http://biblicaltimes.wordpress.com/2012/03/24/scientists-jupiter-is-melting/