Mar 6, 2014

Popes Tortured Thousands Of Women Burned Alive - The Secret History of the Roman Catholic Church

When I watched the movie “The Da Vinci Code” when Tom Hanks went to the English mansion, he was talking to the older man about history, and they showed this book below, then I spent hours and hours learning this…
Such a horrible crime against women healers….You could make a lifetime study of it…
I’m adding this post to Before Its News, as to many of you, it may be the first time you heard of it….
Women were the healers and the men that killed them were the Popes, while the government took over their land from fraud and lies.

Why or why isnt this taught in schools? Does war ever stop agsinst humanity in this world?

The European Witch Hunts  

Wise Women were Healers

• Birth and midwives
• The rise and destruction of science
• Historical Background: the church and the state
• How the trials were executed
• Indigestible independent women
• Reconstructing women‘s sexuality •
• Social control – from village to state
• Older women and the rise of private property
• Organized women, organized resistance;
the witch trials  crushing resistance to capitalism

The Malleus Maleficarum was the manual of how to torture women and burn them at the stakes during the middle ages; written by 3 Swiss – Heinrich Kramer, Jacobus Sprenger and Johannes Nider.
It was a swiss idea, and started just after the founding of Switzerland by the Templars on august 1st in 1291.
The Malleus Maleficarum

The tactic of demonisation along with gender violence being used to break up communities, resistance to exploitation and foster class divides (gender divides and between sections of the class) has been used across centuries and around the world.

Demonisation of ‘negros’ during the first phase of colonialisation played a similar function. Stereotypes are created and backed up by terror of violence to enable the expropriation of land, resources, bodies or time.

The resulting deep-rooted sexism or racism remains in our psyches to continue to justify on-going exploitation and oppression. The social, economic, and political exclusion enforced during this phase echoes on in the present.

We need to bring this subject to light in order to understand where we are today – the gendered origins of capitalism, and the capitalist origins of this current form of patriarchy.

We can use the knowledge to make us stronger in the fight against the on-going repressions and in celebration of those women staying strong and fighting back, past present and future.

kuma-photo: 「ひそやかなる慕情」サザンの慕情を聴きながら、雨音に打たれる紫陽花をじっと眺めてみる

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