Aug 13, 2013

The Second Coming of the Antichrist - Peter Goodgame

It's a slightly different look at the Book of Revelation, but he's done his research and brings out some interesting points.  Of all the ancient rulers who were "types" of Antichrist's throughout history, Nimrod was the first.  And his Father/Mother/Son trinity of pagan worship (Nimrod/Astarte/Tammuz) has continued throughout the past 4,000 years as it spread through Egypt (Osiris/Isis/Horus), Greece (Zeus, Hera, Apollo), etc.  Worth the listen here...very interesting stuff.

Very critical to understand the original translation of Deuteronomy 32:8 was that the nations were ordered according to the number of the sons of God (angels), not sons of Israel.  This helps us to theologically understand today why evil is so prevalent in all of the nations.  It's because the authority to govern those nations was given to angels, which had the power of choice.  And they chose poorly.  For more info on these read Lambert Dolphin's "God's Rule by Means of Angels".

Also catch the origins of the Muslim Brotherhood.  Just one more secret society for Satan to use.  Good research.