Oct 5, 2012

Tal & Acacia - Hope Again The Fight Against Human Trafficking

This song was written to protest the horrifying growth of human trafficking, specifically young women being taken, repeatedly abused, force-fed drugs until they are addicted, then turned out as prostitutes for their pimps.  It happens every day in main street usa, but all we think is, "there goes another prostitute.  We need to fight for those enslaved in our communities and around the world.  Below the video are a couple of links to organizations that can guide you on what you can do.  Think about it, pray about it, and ask what would the Lord have you do...

http://www.love146.org/?gclid=CJnEoZeO6bICFQP0nAodOisA4g - for the fight against children being forced into sexual slavery

http://www.safehorizon.org/index/what-we-do-2/anti-trafficking-program-13.html?gclid=CKeuprOO6bICFQcGnQod6B0Apg - for info on what we can do to help stop human trafficking