Dec 27, 2011

The Correlation Of Matthew 24 and Revelation 6


*This period covers the beginning of the final 7 year period of this age, leading up to the Day of the Lord, which is the return of Jesus Christ. This last event occurs somewhere between the mid-point of the final 7 year period and the end of that period.

This passage in Revelation 6 actually begins in Revelation 5 with the revealing of a great scroll in heaven, sealed with seven seals. No one is found worthy to open this scroll until the Lion of Judah steps forward (Jesus Christ). The opening of this scroll means:

-the consummation of this age, including all prophecy given throughout the ages and to bring iniquity and transgression to an end. (See Dan. 9:24)

-judgment for the sins of all who dwell on the earth. This may include all of the covenants God has made with mankind, the law, and all God-given direction for righteous living.

-some have called this the "Title Deed of the Earth", describing the ownership of this earth as it belongs to God. All of the above seem applicable according to the description given in Rev. 5.

The scroll has writing on the outside as well as the inside. The writing on the outside is judgment poured out on the entire earth, believers included. This is symbolic of the fact that our physical bodies must die, but the souls of all believers will be saved. The writing on the inside is spiritual and physical judgment for those who have rejected the Lord.

Rev. 6:1-2 opens the first seal. This passage correlates to Matt.24:3-5, and symbolically relates the coming of the anti-Christ and false christ’s who will conquer to establish his own kingdom. The horse for this rider is white, symbolizing his appearance being one of goodness and holiness. The anti-Christ will come to take the place of Christ as Christ, and will deceive many to believe that he is the true Christ.

Rev. 6:3-4 opens the second seal. This passage correlates to Matt. 24:6, and speaks of coming wars and rumors of wars. These wars will be extremely widespread at the time of this rider is unleashed on the earth.

Rev. 6:5-6 opens the third seal. This passages correlates to Matt:24:7, and describes a black horse whose rider holds scales. It specifically mentions food, the implication being that this horse represents famine on a worldwide scale.

Rev. 6:7-8 opens the fourth seal. This passage correlates also to Matt. 24:7. This passage speaks of a green or pale horse, that symbolizes both pestilence and death. The passage indicates that the result of these four horses and their riders will be 1/4th of the earth being killed.

*At this point, we are still in the first 3 ½ years of the final 7 year period according to Dan. 9:27.

Rev. 6:9-11 opens the fifth seal. This passage correlates to Matt. 24:8-14. This seal reveals martyred believers under the altar of burnt offering in heaven, standing in the place where blood is poured out, symbolizing the great amount of their blood that has been spilled. This event is intimately tied to the revelation of the anti-Christ at the middle of this final 7 year period. This great martyrdom commences immediately after the evil one’s revelation from the temple in Jerusalem (Dan. 9:27, Matt. 24:15-22, 2 Th. 2:1-4).

Matt. 24:15-28 correlate to the time between the opening of the fifth seal and the opening of the sixth seal. This passage describes events that will be occurring during that period, especially focused on Jerusalem.

Rev. 6:12-17 opens the sixth seal. This passage correlates to Matt. 24:29-31. This specifically speaks of the Day of the Lord as a specific time and event. The Day of the Lord is described in Matt. 24:29-30, while the rapture is described in Matt. 24:31. Rev. 7:1-4, 9-17 specifically describes the raptured remnant standing before the throne of God in heaven.

The Day of the Lord is mentioned in a number of passages throughout the scripture. A few are listed here. (Is. 2-4, 13, 31, 61:2, 66:15-16, Joel 2-3, Hag. 2:6-7, Zeph. 2-3:12, Zech. 12-14, 2 Pet.3:3-13)

The rapture is also mentioned in (Ps. 50:5, 1 Cor. 15:52, 1 Th. 4:15-17, 2 Th. 2:1)