by Donna Anderson
Another area that caught on with readers who wanted to know a lot more (and seemed truly surprised about what the Bible says on the subject) involved an exotic concept (albeit one that we believe is not without historical precedence) involving the possible genetic alteration of future humans, including religious types that will comprise the “soulless” armies of the Beast, as well as how this could be connected to a literal “Zombie” war.
This is a spooky thought, really, but one that is commanding more and more consideration from thoughtful prophecy expositors who suspect that the reason those last-days destroyers of born-again believers will act with such inhumanity is that they may be, well, not altogether human any longer.
Because we take considerable time in our books Zenith 2016 and Forbidden Gates to outline the historical activity of ancient Watchers (fallen angels) and their genetic creation known as Nephilim (as well as the resemblance of their activity with modern transhumanist goals involving genetic modification of species), we will not repeat that material here. What we will mention is that modern scientists increasingly believe genetics play a greater role in human and animal behavior than was previously believed, and that this may include a kind of “evil genetic combination” that leads to lower inhibitions involving criminal activity and murder.
In an article for Florida State University actually titled “The Evil Gene,” Frank Stephenson considers research from his university as well as the University of Connecticut, where scientists are analyzing the DNA of spree killers. The first line in Stephenson’s paper suggests what the professors are looking for when it asks: “Could a monster be swimming in the human gene pool?” The good researcher approaches his study from a Darwinian foundation, stating:
In ascending the evolutionary ladder, humans obviously failed to inherit from their hairy forebears inhibitions against using lethal force against members of their own species. The bizarre “ghoul factor” of sadistic psychopaths like [Ted] Bundy aside, humans’ historic willingness to slaughter each other wholesale in war and genocide offers compelling evidence to some scientists that in the genome of some humans lies a fully armed biochemical code for the gamut of aggression, from kicking the dog to killing the wife.[i]
In tandem with Stephenson’s alternate worldview speculation about an evil “biochemical code,” recent years have produced considerable advances in DNA research, with one of the more popular new fields called behavioral epigenetics. This is the “darling of genetic studies,” my biologist friend Sharon Gilbert tells me. It seeks to examine and understand the role that genetics play in shaping animal and human behavior, cognition, personality, and mental health. Epigenetics may occur during life or begin in the womb when chemical changes brought on by the mother’s activity affect the genetics—and thus perhaps the future behavior—of the child. That these modifications may become heritable and passed from one generation to the next has some scientists wondering if “evil genetics” or toxic combinations of specific genes may be linked to aggression and antisocial behavior in the succeeding generations of some families. If so, this raises an intriguing question I will not develop here having to do with bloodlines and a second question that I will pose regarding the potential for a blueprint or “special” genetic combination that could exist in which individuals can be programmed or reprogrammed to act in defiance of normal human consciousness (having a soul). This appears to have been the estate of those Nephilim mentioned above, which are depicted in ancient records as bloodthirsty, violent enemies of God’s people who never once had a conflict of consciousness or sought forgiveness for their brutality. Genetically engineered with a specific cellular combination by powerful fallen angels (whom the Sumerians called “flying geniuses”), these remarkable living constructs, not made in the image of God, were specifically designed for demonic inhabitation.
But did the Nephilim also represent a repeatable, dark, molecular model?
Given that Jesus said (see Matt. 24:37) the end-times would witness a return to the activity that happened when Nephilim first walked the earth, and today for the first time since those days men have intentionally set out to genetically modify plants, animals, and humans, is it possible that we have entered a reprise of the “days of Noah” in which a genetic hazard could be unleashed resulting in a global pandemic, a Nephilim-virus!?
There are numerous scenarios—all based on real science—that envision an “event” that could, in effect, modify epigenetics worldwide and thus hypothetically the mind and makeup of all but those who would be protected by God. In theory, this might suddenly and effectively diminish the ability of the sufferers to feel empathy toward others. Now, if such a concept has you thinking that I’ve been watching too many zombie flicks, I am reminded of the Hollywood film I Am Legend starring Will Smith. That movie opened with a scientist announcing the cure to cancer using a genetically engineered “chimeric” vaccine that blended animal and human genetics. If you’ve seen the film, you know the “cure” results in a human form of rabies that infects and takes over the brains of people, quickly turning them into zombie-like monsters who wipe out most life on earth—an epidemiological possibility, given the scenario.
Jonathan D. Dinman, PhD, professor in the Department of Cell Biology and Molecular Genetics at the University of Maryland, says such a zombie virus “almost exists now” and could be engineered to fully occur using the very element from Will Smith’s epic—rabies.
“Infection is nearly 100 percent lethal, i.e. it turns you into the walking dead (for a while at least),” he says, “and it causes you to change your behavior by reprogramming you to bite other people to spread the infection.”[ii]
Rabies as it is known today would only need to be slightly mutated, something that could be engineered or occur naturally, to facilitate an end-times army of soulless killers, and it is actually “the most likely to mutate into something that would be similar to a ‘zombie virus,’” says Dr. Samantha Price, a Health and Care Professions Council-registered biomedical scientist and research information coordinator for the UK Motor Neurone Disease Association.[iii]
In addition to a zombie/Nephilim virus scenario, top-level policy advisors to the United States intelligence and military communities—including the JASONs (the celebrated scientists on the Pentagon’s most prestigious scientific advisory panel)—have warned in recent years that human enhancement involving genetic alteration, either by design, accident, or bioweapon, represents a challenging if not existential risk.