And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. (Rev. 12:11) Watch, and pray
Aug 18, 2012
The Worship of Mary is the Worship of Mystery Babylon
One of the major events of the last days is found in Revelation 17. Here an evil goddess, MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH is revealed. She is an evil entity, a system of false religious worship which today is formalized in the worship of Mary, and a great city which reigns over the kings of the earth (Rev. 17:18). I have to preface this with what should be obvious to readers of the Bible. I believe with some ease that the Mary of scripture rejoices in the worship of her Son, yet she is horrified at being worshipped herself. Her name was hijacked by the fallen spirit called Mystery Babylon. Below are some contemporary images of the "Madonna".
That the Lord was aware of the dangerous false worship of Mystery Babylon as the "Mother of God" in future generations goes without saying. He addressed this error in Hebrews 7:1-3. Here we read that Melchizedek, a priest that appears to Abraham in Genesis 4:18-20, was a type of Messiah. I won't address here whether Melchizek was a "theophany" (an appearance of Jesus Christ before His incarnation) or not, but Melchizedek being representative of a type of Messiah is enough for the point of the point here. Jesus, like Melchizedek, was "withouth father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life". So, while Mary was the human mother of the Messiah, she is not the eternal "Mother of God", because Messiah had no Mother in that sense.
The goddess is today worshipped universally by the names "Queen of Heaven" (Jer. 7:18, 44:17-19, 25) and "Mother of God". Her actual name as seen above is not Mother of God, but Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth. The name they attach to her almost universally is Mary, not just by the Roman church around the world, but by other faiths as well. Below is a list of Islamic/Christian sites of Marian worhship.
by Ella Rozett
Related pilgrimage sites:
1. The house in Ephesus, Turkey where Mother Mary lived with the Apostle John after they left Jerusalem because of persecutions. This is where the assumption took place. The occasion and the site are sacred to Muslims and Christians alike. Every Sunday at least some Muslims come here before ‘Hazreti Meryem Ana’, Her Majesty Mother Mary and attend mass. (See more about this place under "Mother Mary and the Goddess".)
2. Another site where Mary is honored and invoked by both Christians and Muslims is the 11th century monastery of Kykkos on Cyprus, an island inhabited by believers in Jesus and Mohammed. Followers of both faiths flock to an ancient icon of Mary, said to have been painted by Luke the Evangelist himself. Many miracles have happened when people prayed before this image. In fact, it is deemed so powerful that it is treated like the Ark of the Covenant: completely veiled from sight, but venerated as the presence of God among his people. (Regarding Mary as the new Ark of the Covenant goes back to the first days of Christianity and is rooted in Revelation 11:19-12:1.)
3. Zeitoun is a town in Egypt where Mary appeared on numerous occasions between April 2nd 1968 and May 2nd 1971. Over one million Muslims, Christians, and Jews came to her apparition site (above St. Mary's Coptic church) and confirmed having seen her. Many were cured of incurable diseases. Even the Egyptian government's police investigation concluded that the apparitions of Mary in Zeitoun are an undeniable fact.
In countless places where Muslims and Christians live together they share a devotion to Mary. Another example is Our Lady of Africa in Algiers, Algeria, Protectress of Muslims and Africans. On the wall behind her statue in the Catholic basilica a big inscription in French reads: "Our Lady of Africa, pray for us and for the Muslims." On any given day one may see Muslims kneeling in the basilica, bringing their petitions to Our Lady, whom they call Lala Meriem. A devout Muslim artist with a deep love for the mother of the great prophet Jesus, crafted the precious robes she wears.
Below are some pictures of different Marian images from around the world. Note the triangular shape representative of all gnostic religions which one can hardly escape in today's corporate and governmental symbols. Also the light of "illumination" coming from her head. The below images are from "Our Lady of Quinche, in Ecuador on the left, and "Our Lady of the Rosary" in Guatemala on the right.Our Lady of the Light, Cuenca, Spain, with the triangle of the trinity above her Photo courtesy of José Hernández Matías
Some images of "Mystery Babylon" from Buddhism
This woman and the great city will soon be destroyed by those who helped bring her to power (Rev. 17:16). Until that time, let us continue to expose the darkness (Eph. 5:11).
False Religions,
The Goddess
Aug 17, 2012
Worldwide Mass Animal Deaths for 2012
Great research done here. I've only included the last few months in this, but you can use the link at the bottom to read the entire list. These stories made mainstream headlines last year much more than this year, so hunting down each of these articles takes some work.
Below is a list of mass animal deaths for 2012 with a page also for mass deaths in 2011. There are animals mysteriously dying all over the world today in huge numbers. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Hundreds of Birds are falling out of the sky. And countless cattle are dying from disease, just to name a few. Sure, animals have been dying all throughout history. But not in the massive numbers that we are seeing today. And many people are relating this to the signs of the last days which the Bible foretold. Is it a sign? Yes, it's one of the MANY signs of the end times which you can find in this site. This list will be updated as the events happen.
Why are these mass deaths of Bees and Bats a concern for the world? Because Honey Bees don't just make honey. In fact they pollinate the majority of the flowering crops we have, from which we get much of our fruits, vegetables and nuts ... including Beans, Soybean, Broccoli, Sprouts, Carrots, Cucumber, Onion, Parsnip, Squash, Tomato, Almonds, Cashew, Apple, Blackberry, Blueberry, Cacao, Coffee, Grapes, Kiwi, Mango, Pear, Raspberry, Alfalfa, Sesame, Sunflower ... Just to name a few. A major part of the human diet comes from insect-pollinated plants. See this document for a more complete list and much more information about pollination.
And what about the bats? Well, not only do they help in pollinating other foods we eat, like Bananas, Mangoes, Dates, Figs, Peaches, Cashews, Guava and Avocados. They also consume incredible amounts of insects that are agricultural pests. The millions of bats that have died due to disease over the past 6 years would have consumed HUNDREDS OF TONNES of insects (pests) in ONE YEAR. Add this to the struggling crops because of adverse weather and you will see the problem. BUT, this is just to show that we are living in the end times. Those of us who trust in and follow Christ Jesus need not worry, as our food will always be provided by our Great Saviour and Protector.
List of Mass Animal Deaths
16th August 2012 - 100 Cattle dead from Anthrax outbreak in Colorado and Texas, America. Link
16th August 2012 - Fish kill in Wolf Creek, Iowa, America. Link
15th August 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in Sugar Creek, Ohio, America. Link
15th August 2012 - Dozens of Birds fall from sky dead in New Jersey, America. Link
14th August 2012 - UPDATE: 431 Bison killed by Anthrax outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada. Link
14th August 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish discovered along 5.5km of Kiltha River in Ireland. Link
14th August 2012 - Mysterious disease kills 68 cattle in Pakistan. Link
13th August 2012 - Mysterious illness killing Elk and tens of thousands of wild birds in Sweden. Link
13th August 2012 - Hundreds of Thousands of dead Fish on beaches from Matagorda to
Galveston, Texas. Link
13th August 2012 - First ever mass Fish die-off along shores of Pago Bay in Guam. Link
11th August 2012 - Thousands of Earthworms found dead in parking lot in Komatsu city Ishikawa, Japan. Link
10th August 2012 - 500 TONNES of Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in Vancouver, Canada. Link
10th August 2012 - Mass Fish death a "mystery" on a coastal region of Japan. Link
10th August 2012 - 3,000 Fish killed by pollution in Scarborough, United Kingdom. Link
9th August 2012 - Hundreds of Crabs washing ashore dead on Tiana and Shinnecock Bay in America. Link
9th August 2012 - Mass Die-Off of Shrimp is a "mystery" in Vietnam. Link
9th August 2012 - 20,000 dead Fish in Lake Contrary, Missouri, America. Link
8th August 2012 - 786,000 Chickens dead, 41,000 ducks dead and over 300 Pigs dead in South Korea. Link
7th August 2012 - 900 Birds found dead in Minnesota, America. Link
7th August 2012 - Large Fish kill on the Neuse River in North Carolina, America. Link
6th August 2012 - UPDATE: 167 Peacocks now dead from Ranikheit disease in Pakistan. Link
6th August 2012 - Thousands of dead fish in a lake in Srinagar, India. Link
6th August 2012 - Major Fish kill along 4km of the Dunleer River in Ireland. Link
5th August 2012 - 40,000 Sturgeon and thousands of other Fish dead in Iowa and other Central States in America. Link
4th August 2012 - 66,800 Birds killed by bird flu in Vietnam. Link
3rd August 2012 - 340 Bison dead in largest ever Anthrax outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada. Link
3rd August 2012 - 3,000 Fish found dead on Petit Jean River in Arkansas, America. Link
3rd August 2012 - Massive Bird kill on beaches of Bandon, Oregon, America. Link, Also Here
3rd August 2012 - Massive Fish kills right across America. Link
3rd August 2012 - 150 Sheep and Goats killed by virus in Pakistan. Link
31st July 2012 - Dozens of Baby Turtles found dead on beach in Cayman Brac, Cayman
Islands. Link
31st July 2012 - At least 20 Deer found dead in Stone Mountain State Park in America. Link
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 100 Peacocks now dead in Pakistan. Link
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 5 MILLION Birds now killed due to flu virus in Mexico. Link
30th July 2012 - 4,000 Fish dead in Ascot Waters Marina, Australia. Link
29th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in the Colorado River, America. Link
27th July 2012 - 2,500 Fish found dead in Doe Park Reservoir in Bradford, England. Link
26th July 2012 - Fish kill in a canal in Plantation, Florida, America. Link
25th July 2012 - 30 Turtles wash up dead on Pavana dam in India. Link
24th July 2012 - 100 Turtles wash up with 20 dead on beaches in Uraguay. Link
23rd July 2012 - 50 dead Peacocks is a "mystery" in Pakistan. Link
23rd July 2012 - Fish kill found on Big Sandy Lake in Minnesota, America. Link
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta, Canada. Link
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Volusia's beaches, Daytona, America. Link
22nd July 2012 - Massive Fish kill on Lake Erie in Ohio, America. Link
21st July 2012 - 1,700 Cattle and 105,000 Turkeys killed by heat in South Dakota and Minnesota, America. Link
21st July 2012 - Thousands of fish washing ashore dead on Lake Elsinore in California, America. Link
20th July 2012 - 300 Birds found dead on Agate Beach in Oregon, America. Link
20th July 2012 - 1300 Animals dead from virus outbreak in Kenya. Link
20th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish line beaches in Piney Point, Maryland, America. Link
20th July 2012 - Large number of dead Fish in Shangqiu City Lake in China. Link
19th July 2012 - Hundreds of Frogs found dead in Chesterfield Lake, Missouri, America. Link
19th July 2012 - UPDATE: 3.8 Million Birds now killed due to flu virus in Mexico. Link
17th July 2012 - MILLIONS of "weird", and "unknown" Crab like creatures wash onto beaches, either dead or dying in Hawaii. Link
17th July 2012 - 17 Seal Pups wash ashore dead around the Bay of Firth in Scotland. Link
17th July 2012 - 200 TONS of Fish have died in Egypt. Link
17th July 2012 - 10,000 Fish found dead in River in Liu Yueqing City, China. Link
16th July 2012 - 100,000 dead Fish found in Lam Taklong creek in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. Link
16th July 2012 - Mass Fish death in south lake of Wuhan, China. Link
14th July 2012 - 512 Penguins wash up dead on Rio Grande do Sul beaches in Brazil. Link
12th July 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish dying and many birds dying to in Horicon Marsh America. Link
12th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in the Avis Dam in Namibia, Africa. Link
12th July 2012 - 6,500 dead Fish in Twin Lakes in North Carolina America. Link
12th July 2012 - Thousand of dead fish found on the Vermilion River in Illinois America. Link
11th July 2012 - 58,000 Fish kill on the Des Moines River in Iowa America. Link
11th July 2012 - 40 acres of Pond with dead Fish in Xindong village China. Link
11th July 2012 - 2.5 Million Birds now killed from flu virus in Mexico. Link
11th July 2012 - 19,000 Fish dead in Lake Odessa America. Link
11th July 2012 - Thousands of small Fish washing up dead on Northwest Coast of Ireland. Link
10th July 2012 - Another 23 Bison found dead, making total of 151 deaths in Fort Providence
Canada. Link
10th July 2012 - Dozens of dead Birds found in Illinois America. Link
10th July 2012 - Lobster mass die-off continues in Connecticut America. Link
9th July 2012 - 28 Dead Seals. Unusual high number of deaths this year. "The Seals look terrible" Netherlands. Link
9th July 2012 - 450,000 Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in Newfoundland Canada. Link
9th July 2012 - "Catastrophic" Fish kill on Geneva Lake, also over 200 Pike dead on Fountain Lake in Minnesota America. Link
8th July 2012 - "Mysterious" mass Salmon deaths at Marlborough Farm, New Zealand. Link
8th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka. Link
7th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found floating on Godavari River, India. Link
7th July 2012 - Over 50 Ducks and Geese found dead in Ohio, leaving locals baffled, America. Link
6th July 2012 - 128 Bison found dead in Fort Providence Canada. Link
6th July 2012 - 560 Wild Animals killed by flooding in Kaziranga India. Link
6th July 2012 - Many thousands of dead Fish found in Silver Lake, Delaware America. Link
6th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill on Salt River in Arizona. Link
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Trout River, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Link
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Patoka River, Indiana. Link
6th July 2012 - Mass Oyster deaths: 60 Million snout otter clams dead, leaving farmers broke in Quang Ninh Vietnam. Link
5th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill due to volcanic eruption near the Canary Islands. Link
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Century Village Lakes in Florida. Link
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Roy Lake in South Dakota. Link
5th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in James River in Lamoure North Dakota. Link
5th July 2012 - Over 20 dead Birds (Egrets) found in Rockport Texas. Link
4th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead on Dexter City Lake in Missouri America. Link
3rd July 2012 - 14 TONS of dead Fish found in Changshou Reservoir in China. Link
3rd July 2012 - Major Fish kill: Hundreds of thousands of Fish dead in Lake Wichita Texas. Link
3rd July 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found floating dead in Upstate Lake South Carolina. Link
3rd July 2012 - Fish Kill: Catfish die-off on Lake Buffum near Fort Meade Florida. Link
3rd July 2012 - 2,300 dead Fish washed ashore on South River in Butts County, Georgia America. Link
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Fish dead in Chautauqua Lake in Havana Cuba. Link
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Chickens killed due to Bird Flu outbreak in Xinjiang China. Link
2nd July 2012 - 10,000 Fish dead in South Knoxville Pond in Tennessee America. Link
2nd July 2012 - 18 mass Fish kills have happened in past 2 months in Periyar River in India. Link
1st July 2012 - Mass Fish deaths in Fujian Jinjiang Cizao Reservoir, China. Link
Read the full article at -
Below is a list of mass animal deaths for 2012 with a page also for mass deaths in 2011. There are animals mysteriously dying all over the world today in huge numbers. Millions of Fish and massive numbers of whales and dolphins are washing ashore dead. Hundreds of Birds are falling out of the sky. And countless cattle are dying from disease, just to name a few. Sure, animals have been dying all throughout history. But not in the massive numbers that we are seeing today. And many people are relating this to the signs of the last days which the Bible foretold. Is it a sign? Yes, it's one of the MANY signs of the end times which you can find in this site. This list will be updated as the events happen.
NOTE: → (Since 2006) Over 3 million colonies of bees have died off in the USA and over a thousand million bees have died in this period throughout the world. Link
NOTE: → (During the Past 6 years) 6.7 million bats have died in the U.S. due to the "white-nose syndrome"... With a 90% fall in populations. (Causing a "Potential Extinction" Event!) Link and here
And what about the bats? Well, not only do they help in pollinating other foods we eat, like Bananas, Mangoes, Dates, Figs, Peaches, Cashews, Guava and Avocados. They also consume incredible amounts of insects that are agricultural pests. The millions of bats that have died due to disease over the past 6 years would have consumed HUNDREDS OF TONNES of insects (pests) in ONE YEAR. Add this to the struggling crops because of adverse weather and you will see the problem. BUT, this is just to show that we are living in the end times. Those of us who trust in and follow Christ Jesus need not worry, as our food will always be provided by our Great Saviour and Protector.
Researchers discover red tide is deadlier than first thought (Link). And what will the 2nd and 3rd plagues be? ... Revelation 16:3-4 ...'And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.'
Hosea 4:3 ...'Therefore shall the land mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be taken away.'
16th August 2012 - 100 Cattle dead from Anthrax outbreak in Colorado and Texas, America. Link
16th August 2012 - Fish kill in Wolf Creek, Iowa, America. Link
15th August 2012 - 5,000 Fish found dead in Sugar Creek, Ohio, America. Link
15th August 2012 - Dozens of Birds fall from sky dead in New Jersey, America. Link
14th August 2012 - UPDATE: 431 Bison killed by Anthrax outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada. Link
14th August 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish discovered along 5.5km of Kiltha River in Ireland. Link
14th August 2012 - Mysterious disease kills 68 cattle in Pakistan. Link
13th August 2012 - Mysterious illness killing Elk and tens of thousands of wild birds in Sweden. Link
13th August 2012 - Hundreds of Thousands of dead Fish on beaches from Matagorda to
13th August 2012 - First ever mass Fish die-off along shores of Pago Bay in Guam. Link
11th August 2012 - Thousands of Earthworms found dead in parking lot in Komatsu city Ishikawa, Japan. Link
10th August 2012 - 500 TONNES of Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in Vancouver, Canada. Link
10th August 2012 - Mass Fish death a "mystery" on a coastal region of Japan. Link
10th August 2012 - 3,000 Fish killed by pollution in Scarborough, United Kingdom. Link
9th August 2012 - Hundreds of Crabs washing ashore dead on Tiana and Shinnecock Bay in America. Link
9th August 2012 - Mass Die-Off of Shrimp is a "mystery" in Vietnam. Link
9th August 2012 - 20,000 dead Fish in Lake Contrary, Missouri, America. Link
8th August 2012 - 786,000 Chickens dead, 41,000 ducks dead and over 300 Pigs dead in South Korea. Link
7th August 2012 - 900 Birds found dead in Minnesota, America. Link
7th August 2012 - Large Fish kill on the Neuse River in North Carolina, America. Link
6th August 2012 - UPDATE: 167 Peacocks now dead from Ranikheit disease in Pakistan. Link
6th August 2012 - Thousands of dead fish in a lake in Srinagar, India. Link
6th August 2012 - Major Fish kill along 4km of the Dunleer River in Ireland. Link
5th August 2012 - 40,000 Sturgeon and thousands of other Fish dead in Iowa and other Central States in America. Link
4th August 2012 - 66,800 Birds killed by bird flu in Vietnam. Link
3rd August 2012 - 340 Bison dead in largest ever Anthrax outbreak in Fort Providence, Canada. Link
3rd August 2012 - 3,000 Fish found dead on Petit Jean River in Arkansas, America. Link
3rd August 2012 - Massive Bird kill on beaches of Bandon, Oregon, America. Link, Also Here
3rd August 2012 - Massive Fish kills right across America. Link
3rd August 2012 - 150 Sheep and Goats killed by virus in Pakistan. Link
31st July 2012 - Dozens of Baby Turtles found dead on beach in Cayman Brac, Cayman
31st July 2012 - At least 20 Deer found dead in Stone Mountain State Park in America. Link
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 100 Peacocks now dead in Pakistan. Link
30th July 2012 - UPDATE: 5 MILLION Birds now killed due to flu virus in Mexico. Link
30th July 2012 - 4,000 Fish dead in Ascot Waters Marina, Australia. Link
29th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in the Colorado River, America. Link
27th July 2012 - 2,500 Fish found dead in Doe Park Reservoir in Bradford, England. Link
26th July 2012 - Fish kill in a canal in Plantation, Florida, America. Link
25th July 2012 - 30 Turtles wash up dead on Pavana dam in India. Link
24th July 2012 - 100 Turtles wash up with 20 dead on beaches in Uraguay. Link
23rd July 2012 - 50 dead Peacocks is a "mystery" in Pakistan. Link
23rd July 2012 - Fish kill found on Big Sandy Lake in Minnesota, America. Link
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Ma-Me-O Beach, Alberta, Canada. Link
23rd July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish wash ashore on Volusia's beaches, Daytona, America. Link
22nd July 2012 - Massive Fish kill on Lake Erie in Ohio, America. Link
21st July 2012 - 1,700 Cattle and 105,000 Turkeys killed by heat in South Dakota and Minnesota, America. Link
21st July 2012 - Thousands of fish washing ashore dead on Lake Elsinore in California, America. Link
20th July 2012 - 300 Birds found dead on Agate Beach in Oregon, America. Link
20th July 2012 - 1300 Animals dead from virus outbreak in Kenya. Link
20th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish line beaches in Piney Point, Maryland, America. Link
20th July 2012 - Large number of dead Fish in Shangqiu City Lake in China. Link
19th July 2012 - Hundreds of Frogs found dead in Chesterfield Lake, Missouri, America. Link
19th July 2012 - UPDATE: 3.8 Million Birds now killed due to flu virus in Mexico. Link
17th July 2012 - MILLIONS of "weird", and "unknown" Crab like creatures wash onto beaches, either dead or dying in Hawaii. Link
17th July 2012 - 17 Seal Pups wash ashore dead around the Bay of Firth in Scotland. Link
17th July 2012 - 200 TONS of Fish have died in Egypt. Link
17th July 2012 - 10,000 Fish found dead in River in Liu Yueqing City, China. Link
16th July 2012 - 100,000 dead Fish found in Lam Taklong creek in Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. Link
16th July 2012 - Mass Fish death in south lake of Wuhan, China. Link
14th July 2012 - 512 Penguins wash up dead on Rio Grande do Sul beaches in Brazil. Link
12th July 2012 - Tens of thousands of Fish dying and many birds dying to in Horicon Marsh America. Link
12th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in the Avis Dam in Namibia, Africa. Link
12th July 2012 - 6,500 dead Fish in Twin Lakes in North Carolina America. Link
12th July 2012 - Thousand of dead fish found on the Vermilion River in Illinois America. Link
11th July 2012 - 58,000 Fish kill on the Des Moines River in Iowa America. Link
11th July 2012 - 40 acres of Pond with dead Fish in Xindong village China. Link
11th July 2012 - 2.5 Million Birds now killed from flu virus in Mexico. Link
11th July 2012 - 19,000 Fish dead in Lake Odessa America. Link
11th July 2012 - Thousands of small Fish washing up dead on Northwest Coast of Ireland. Link
10th July 2012 - Another 23 Bison found dead, making total of 151 deaths in Fort Providence
10th July 2012 - Dozens of dead Birds found in Illinois America. Link
10th July 2012 - Lobster mass die-off continues in Connecticut America. Link
9th July 2012 - 28 Dead Seals. Unusual high number of deaths this year. "The Seals look terrible" Netherlands. Link
9th July 2012 - 450,000 Salmon to be killed due to virus outbreak in Newfoundland Canada. Link
9th July 2012 - "Catastrophic" Fish kill on Geneva Lake, also over 200 Pike dead on Fountain Lake in Minnesota America. Link
8th July 2012 - "Mysterious" mass Salmon deaths at Marlborough Farm, New Zealand. Link
8th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found in Arugam Bay, Sri Lanka. Link
7th July 2012 - Thousands of dead Fish found floating on Godavari River, India. Link
7th July 2012 - Over 50 Ducks and Geese found dead in Ohio, leaving locals baffled, America. Link
6th July 2012 - 128 Bison found dead in Fort Providence Canada. Link
6th July 2012 - 560 Wild Animals killed by flooding in Kaziranga India. Link
6th July 2012 - Many thousands of dead Fish found in Silver Lake, Delaware America. Link
6th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill on Salt River in Arizona. Link
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Trout River, Prince Edward Island, Canada. Link
6th July 2012 - Fish kill in Patoka River, Indiana. Link
6th July 2012 - Mass Oyster deaths: 60 Million snout otter clams dead, leaving farmers broke in Quang Ninh Vietnam. Link
5th July 2012 - Mass Fish kill due to volcanic eruption near the Canary Islands. Link
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Century Village Lakes in Florida. Link
5th July 2012 - Fish kill on Roy Lake in South Dakota. Link
5th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead in James River in Lamoure North Dakota. Link
5th July 2012 - Over 20 dead Birds (Egrets) found in Rockport Texas. Link
4th July 2012 - Thousands of Fish found dead on Dexter City Lake in Missouri America. Link
3rd July 2012 - 14 TONS of dead Fish found in Changshou Reservoir in China. Link
3rd July 2012 - Major Fish kill: Hundreds of thousands of Fish dead in Lake Wichita Texas. Link
3rd July 2012 - Hundreds of Fish found floating dead in Upstate Lake South Carolina. Link
3rd July 2012 - Fish Kill: Catfish die-off on Lake Buffum near Fort Meade Florida. Link
3rd July 2012 - 2,300 dead Fish washed ashore on South River in Butts County, Georgia America. Link
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Fish dead in Chautauqua Lake in Havana Cuba. Link
2nd July 2012 - Thousands of Chickens killed due to Bird Flu outbreak in Xinjiang China. Link
2nd July 2012 - 10,000 Fish dead in South Knoxville Pond in Tennessee America. Link
2nd July 2012 - 18 mass Fish kills have happened in past 2 months in Periyar River in India. Link
1st July 2012 - Mass Fish deaths in Fujian Jinjiang Cizao Reservoir, China. Link
Read the full article at -
Obama orders military to carry out cyber attacks against the US and foreign states.
Posted by PCCorruption
In June of 2010 Mr Obama (alias for Barry Soetoro) ordered the Pentagon to create a special online unit to carry out cyber attacks against the United States people and foreign states. NETCOM lead by Maj. Gen. Alan R. Lynn conducts cyberspace operations in support of full spectrum operations to ensure U.S. and allied freedom of action in cyberspace, and to deny the same to adversaries. US soldiers have now begun a new type of geopolitical warfare – cyber warfare.
US soldiers from NETCOM / Cyber Command are now ordered to gain unauthorized access to digital systems for purposes of misappropriating assets or sensitive information, corrupting data, or causing operational disruption. Operations may also be carried out in a manner that does not require gaining unauthorized access, such as by causing denial-of-service (DOS) attacks on websites. Their attacks are not limited to foreign computer systems. They have been illegally authorized by Obama to spy on Americans and to misappropriate American citizens’ assets or sensitive information, to corrupt media, corporate and technical data, and cause operational disruptions to trade, commerce, banking, transportation, water systems, and energy systems including nuclear reactors – future false flag attacks.
No business, personal or government systems are exempt from cyber attacks by NETCOM. Not even the computers of the US Congress and House of Representatives. The US is, without a doubt, under martial law. The US military now patrol and carry out military operations inside the continental United States and against US citizens. A direct violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
Read the full article at -
Top Transhumanism CEO Says AI Singularity Will Go ‘Very Badly For Humans’
By Anthony Gucciardi
Promises of ‘immortality’ and a disease-free life have led many individuals to long for the hope of artificial intelligence and what is known as Singularity. It is essentially a merging of man and machine, the development of a ‘new species’ — a ‘borg’ of sorts. The subject recently made headlines when a major Russian scientist promised Singularity to the wealthy elite and ruling class by 2045 through the 2045 program, with artificial bodies available as early as 2015.
Promises of ‘immortality’ and a disease-free life have led many individuals to long for the hope of artificial intelligence and what is known as Singularity. It is essentially a merging of man and machine, the development of a ‘new species’ — a ‘borg’ of sorts. The subject recently made headlines when a major Russian scientist promised Singularity to the wealthy elite and ruling class by 2045 through the 2045 program, with artificial bodies available as early as 2015.
On the surface it may sound enticing to those who are willing to trust their new artificial brains and bodies hooked up to a massive super computer that has control over their every action (through the utilization of RFID-like chips).
Even the CEO of one of the largest and most well-known organizations known as the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence admits, however, that the boom in artificial intelligence leading up to Singularity will not go very well for humans. The high-powered CEO admits that not only is the research on artificial intelligence outpacing the safety research that is intended to keep it in check, but that Singularity would actually make humans the ‘prey’ of sorts to the ‘super-human’ AI.
While doing an open Q&A on the community website Reddit, CEO Luke Muehlhauser explains that the superhuman AI would end up ‘optimizing’ the entire globe and starving resources from humans. In other words, the AI would suppress humans similar to the premise of iRobot or other similar works. This is particularly interesting when considering that artificial bodies and brains have been promised first to the wealthy elite by the 2045 program creator, allowing world rulers and the financial elite to achieve ‘immortality’ and subsequently a never-ending rule over the humans of the world.
Muehlhauser explains how humans would become a ‘prey’ to the ruthless ‘super-human’ AI with the completion of Singularity:
“Unfortunately, the singularity may not be what you’re hoping for. By default the singularity (intelligence explosion) will go very badly for humans… so by default superhuman AIs will end up optimizing the world around us for something other than what we want, and using up all our resources to do so.“
The concerns echo those put forth by researchers and analysts who have been following the concept of Singularity for decades. With the ultimate goal of linking all hyper-intelligent androids into a ‘cognitive network’ of sorts and eventually even forfeiting physical bodies, it’s clear that the Singularity movement even has its top supporters openly speaking out against it in many regards. What’s even more clear, however, is the fact that AI Singularity has no place for humankind — not even in a form of co-existence
Louisiana Sinkhole Keeps Growing - Methane and Radioactive Waste Eruption Possible
A 400-foot deep sinkhole in Louisiana is expanding and today swallowed the boat of two cleanup workers who had to be rescued from the hole. Officials are still fearful of the possibility of explosions from nearby gas-filled caverns.
“It has expanded 50 feet and during that expansion there were workers that were working on the cleanup of the diesel,” Kim Torres, spokeswoman for the Office of Emergency Preparedness, told today.
The two workers were in a boat tied to a tree when the area where the tree grew fell into the sinkhole.
The workers were rescued by airboat. They were uninjured but their boat disappeared into the sinkhole. The cleanup process has been halted.
The gaping hole measures about 526 feet from northeast to southwest and 640 feet from northwest to southeast. It is in Assumption Parish, La., about 50 miles south of Baton Rouge.
Rich Mullins - Creed
In my opinion, the greatest Christian songwriter of the modern age, and one of the most honest men who ever lived.
Aug 16, 2012
Israeli minister warns of 30-day war with Iran
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
August 16, 2012 – ISRAEL - A strike on Iran’s nuclear sites would spark a 30-day war with missile attacks on Israel’s cities and as many as 500 dead, according to the Israeli minister responsible for preparing home defenses. Matan Vilnai, who is stepping down as home front defense minister to become ambassador to China, said the country was “ready as never before.” “The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts,” he told the Maariv newspaper. “It could be that there will be less fatalities, but it could be there will be more, that is the scenario that we are preparing for according to the best experts.” Speculation is growing that Israel is planning a unilateral attack on Iran’s nuclear program – or that it is using the question to increase pressure on Barack Obama to launch an American strike. Israel is convinced that archenemy Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons, dismissing Tehran’s claims that its nuclear program is for civilian purposes. Israel considers nuclear-armed Iran to be a mortal danger. Iran backs anti-Israel militants with funds and weapons, and its leaders often call for Israel’s destruction. In his latest pronouncement, Iranian Supreme leader Ali Khamenei said Israel will disappear from “the scene of geography.” Addressing war veterans in Tehran on Wednesday, he said Iran considers it its “religious duty to save this Islamic country (Palestine) from the clutches of the Zionist occupiers.” Israel’s leaders have indicated an attack is a possibility if they conclude the international community has failed to halt the Iranian nuclear program. Mr. Vilnai did not elaborate on how he reached his assessments, but his office relies on intelligence and other assessments about Iranian weapons capabilities and Israeli susceptibility. Defense Minister Ehud Barak has also said the Israeli death toll could be in the range of 500 in such a conflict. “Just as the citizens of Japan have to realize that they can have earthquakes, so the citizens of Israel have to realize that if they live here, they have to be prepared to expect missiles on the home front,” Vilnai said. “It’s not pleasant for the home front, but decisions have to be made, and we have to be ready” –Telegraph
If that's not enough war talk for you, Iran gives us this:
Khamenei: Zionist regime will disappear from map
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
August 16, 2012 – ISRAEL - With the U.S. sending clear public signals to Israel that it is opposed to military action now against Iran, and a cacophonous debate on the matter in Israel, senior Iranian officials continue to threaten Israel with destruction. Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that he was confidant “the fake Zionist (regime) will disappear from the landscape of geography,” Iran’s Mehr News Agency reported. Khamenei made the comments during a meeting with veterans of the Iran-Iraq War. “The light of hope will shine on the Palestinian issue, and this Islamic land will certainly be returned to the Palestinian nation,” Khamenei was quoted as saying. Earlier on Wednesday Brig.- Gen. Gholamreza Jalali, the head of Iran’s Passive (civil) Defense Organization and a former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, during a speech ahead of Al-Quds Day, an anti-Israel event initiated by Iran, said that in order to liberate Palestine there was no other option but to destroy Israel. [Al-“Quds Day] is a reflection of the fact that no other way exists apart from resolve and strength to completely eliminate the aggressive nature and to destroy Israel,” Jalali said, according to a report by Iran’s ISNA news agency. The report was also picked up by other news outlets including Mashregh News, which is affiliated to the Revolutionary Guards. Al-Quds Day is an annual Iranian anti-Zionist event established in 1979 by Ayatollah Khomeini and which falls this year on August 17. Iran also seeks to export the event to other Muslim countries. Jalali said that the message of Khomeini’s Al-Quds Day initiative was that the Muslim world must support the “oppressed people of Palestine” in a show of resistance against “the Zionist usurpers.” Jerusalem Post
The Centuries Old Prophecy of the Coming Union of the United States and Mexico
I would not usually pay much attention to occult prophecies, yet this one seems to be taking place as an astonished and apathetic nation watches. What's of interest is that this prophecy was published in 1915, but apparently is much older. It is from the Rosicrucians, a society even more secret than their brother Freemasons. And, in keeping with their secrecy, the revelation of this prophecy was not an accident, but rather intentional.
It's been partially fulfilled in what is spoken of the Great Seal. Mr. Clymer revealed in 1915 what was on the reverse side of the seal, even though it was not publicly presented on the dollar bill until 1933. We are currently watching an obsession with Mayan prophecies, as well as the systematic elimination of the southern border between the Unites States and Mexico by the Executive branch of government. My point here is that even pagan prophets are right on occasion (see Baalam) and this certainly bears watching. It should also be noted that the plan for a "New World Order" is exactly what is prophesied in the Bible, both in Psalm 2 and the Book of the Revelation. It is coming. The only question is when. Watch and pray...
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Teotihuacan - The Temple of the Sund |
It's been partially fulfilled in what is spoken of the Great Seal. Mr. Clymer revealed in 1915 what was on the reverse side of the seal, even though it was not publicly presented on the dollar bill until 1933. We are currently watching an obsession with Mayan prophecies, as well as the systematic elimination of the southern border between the Unites States and Mexico by the Executive branch of government. My point here is that even pagan prophets are right on occasion (see Baalam) and this certainly bears watching. It should also be noted that the plan for a "New World Order" is exactly what is prophesied in the Bible, both in Psalm 2 and the Book of the Revelation. It is coming. The only question is when. Watch and pray...
Aug 15, 2012
4 Nuclear Reactors in US Shutdown in Last Few Days as Power Grids Worldwide Expected to Fail
By Shepard Ambellas
With the recent power grid failure in India and other problems such as the Fukushima Diachi disaster, one can never be too sure when the kickoff to martial law might be.
However, what I do know is that a source of mine in the nuclear power industry was told late last year (by officials) to prepare for just that, as power grids worldwide are expected to fail in 2012 or 2013 according to some reports.
An excerpt from the Baltimore Sun reads;
An excerpt from the Star Tribune reads;
An excerpt from the Baltimore Sun reads;
That’s 4 nuclear plants in one day.
An excerpt from Reuters reads;
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Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, Maryland |
With the recent power grid failure in India and other problems such as the Fukushima Diachi disaster, one can never be too sure when the kickoff to martial law might be.
However, what I do know is that a source of mine in the nuclear power industry was told late last year (by officials) to prepare for just that, as power grids worldwide are expected to fail in 2012 or 2013 according to some reports.
An excerpt from the Baltimore Sun reads;
The sun goes through an 11-year cycle during which sunspots and flares peak and decline. The next peak is expected in 2013, and the radiation that may shower Earth could wreak havoc on satellite communications, radio waves and the electricity grid. (It also could create spectacular aurora borealis — the Northern Lights).Two out of three nuclear power plants in Minnesota have been shut down for unscheduled maintenance.
A variety of applications of GPS technology — such as managing cellular telephone signals and tracking planes in the air — could be affected, said Anthony Russo, director of the National Coordination Office for Space-Based Positioning, Navigation, and Timing.
In the worst case, solar flares could disrupt all the electronic systems we’ve come to rely on in daily life. A large burst of radiation from the sun, for example, could knock out power transmission systems for months, grid experts warn.
An excerpt from the Star Tribune reads;
Xcel Energy said Tuesday it has shut down two of Minnesota’s three nuclear reactors for what it called minor repairs.Also, one of two of Maryland’s nuclear reactors has been shut down as well.
Neither plant released any radiation or posed any danger to citizens, the company said. The Monticello nuclear plant’s single generating unit, which had been operating at 10 percent capacity since last weekend, was shut down because of a leaking pipe inside the plant’s concrete containment structure, the company said.
One of the two nuclear generators at the Prairie Island plant was shut down because its emergency diesel generators suffered exhaust leaks.
“It’s unusual for us to shut down both units in [the] same half day, but it’s not unheard of,” Xcel spokeswoman Mary Sandok said.
The company is compensating by buying more electricity from other providers on the Midwest power grid, Sandok said. Although additional electricity costs are passed to ratepayers, the effect is not likely to be large enough for most to notice, she said.
An excerpt from the Baltimore Sun reads;
Operators of the Calvert Cliffs nuclear power plant in Southern Maryland have shut down one of the two reactors there because a control rod unexpectedly dropped into the reactor core, causing a reduction in power generation, a plant spokesman said Monday.But wait, theres more. Now a Michigan plant has been shut down as well.
That’s 4 nuclear plants in one day.
An excerpt from Reuters reads;
The 793-MW unit was shut after a leak was identified Aug. 12.
The leak has not resulted in a release of radiation to the environment and is not a threat to public health and safety, the agency said.
Since July, the NRC has been monitoring a gradual increase of unidentified leakage at the reactor and sought safety assurances from Energy on those leaks.
A Brief History of False Flag Attacks: Or Why Government Loves State Sponsored Terror
By Kurt Nimmo
False flag attacks occur when government engages in covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations seem as if they are being carried out by other entities.
False flag terrorism is a favorite political tactic used by governments worldwide. They influence elections, guide national and international policy, and are cynically used to formulate propaganda and shape public opinion as nations go to war.
Nero and the Great Fire of Rome
The Roman consul and historian Cassius Dio, his contemporary Suetonius and others say the Emperor Nero was responsible for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD.
Legend claims Nero had one-third of the city torched as an excuse to build Domus Aurea, a 300 acre palatial complex that included a towering statue of himself, the Colossus of Nero.
Prior to the fire, the Roman Senate had rejected the emperor’s bid to level a third of the city to make way for a “Neropolis,” an urban renewal project.
The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that when the population of Rome held Nero responsible for the fire, he shifted blame on the Christians for “hating the human race” and starting the fire.
The Spanish American War: Remember the Maine
By the late 1800s, the United States was looking for an excuse to kick Spain out of Cuba. U.S. business was heavily invested in sugar, tobacco and iron on the Caribbean island.
The U.S.S. Maine was sent to Havana in January of 1898 to protect these business interests after a local insurrection broke out.
Three weeks later, early on the morning of February 15, an explosion destroyed the forward third of the ship anchored in Havana’s harbor, killing more than 270 American sailors.
President McKinley blamed Spain after the U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry declared that a naval mine caused the explosion.
American newspapers blamed the Spanish despite a lack of evidence. “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war,” newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst told Frederic Remington after the illustrator reported that the situation in Cuba did not warrant invasion.
A number of historians and researchers later argued that the ship was blown up by the United States to provide a false flag pretext to invade Cuba and expel Spain.
The United States occupied Cuba from 1898 until 1902, although an amendment to a joint resolution of Congress forbid the U.S. to annex the country.
Wilson’s Pretext for War: The Sinking of the Lusitania
Nearly two thousand travelers, including one hundred Americans, were killed on May 7, 1915, when a German U-boat torpedoed the RMS Lusitania, a luxury Cunard Line British ocean liner.
Prior to the sinking, the German embassy in Washington issued a warning. Newspapers in the United States refused to print the warning or acknowledge the German claim that the ship carried munitions.
Wilson’s government issued a flurry of diplomatic protests after the sinking and exploited the tragedy two years later as a pretext for America to enter the First World War.
Nearly a hundred years later, in 2008, divers discovered the Lusitania carried more than four million rounds of rifle ammunition.
“There were literally tons and tons of stuff stored in unrefrigerated cargo holds that were dubiously marked cheese, butter and oysters,” Gregg Bemis, an American businessman who owns the rights to the wreck and is funding its exploration, told The Daily Mail.
Hitler’s Fascist Dictatorship: The Reichstag Fire
In February of 1933, a month after convincing Germany’s president that parliament must be eliminated, Hitler and the Nazis instigated the Reichstag fire.
Hitler then urged president Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree restricting personal liberty, including the right to free expression and a free press, limitations on the rights of association and assembly, warrantless searches of homes, property confiscation, and violations of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications “permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”
The Nazis used the decree and cracked down on their political opponents.
They worked behind the scenes to force through the Enabling Act, which legally allowed Hitler to obtain plenary powers and establish a dictatorship.
Gestapo Reichsmarschall Hermann Göring would admit that “the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
Prelude to World War: The Gleiwitz Incident
Six years after the Reichstag Fire, the Nazis staged the Gleiwitz incident. Nazi commandos raided a German radio station in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany.
The raid was part of Operation Himmler, a series of operations undertaken by the SS as Hitler set the stage for the invasion of Poland and the start of the Second World War.
SS operatives dressed in Polish uniforms attacked the radio station, broadcast an anti-German message in Polish, and left behind the body of a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles.
The corpse was then offered to the press as evidence that the Poles had attacked the radio station.
Israeli False Flag Terror: The Lavon Affair
In 1954, the Israelis activated a terrorist cell in response to the United States making friends with the Egyptian government and its pan-Arab leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
The Israelis were worried Nasser would nationalize the Suez Canal and continue Egypt’s blockade of Israeli shipping through the canal.
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion decided a false flag terrorist attack on American interests in Egypt would sour the new relationship. He recruited and dispatched a terror cell that pretended to be Egyptian terrorists.
The plan, however, contained a fatal flaw. Israel’s top secret cell, Unit 131, was infiltrated by Egyptian intelligence. After a member of the cell was arrested and interrogated, he revealed the plot and this led to more arrests.
Israeli agents were subjected to a public trial revealing details of the plan to firebomb the U.S. Information Agency’s libraries, a British-owned Metro-Goldwyn Mayer theatre, a railway terminal, the central post office, and other targets.
In order to deflect blame, the Israeli government tried to frame its own Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, but the true nature of the plot was eventually made public.
Operation Northwoods: Targeting American Citizens
In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.
The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.
Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.
In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Gulf of Tonkin: Phantom Attack on the U.S, Military
On August 4, 1964, President Lyndon Johnson went on national television and told the nation that North Vietnam had attacked U.S. ships.
“Repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given as I speak tonight,” Johnson declared.
Congress soon passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided Johnson with pre-approved authority to conduct military operations against North Vietnam. By 1969, over 500,000 troops were fighting in Southeast Asia.
Johnson and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, had bamboozled Congress and the American people.
In fact, North Vietnam had not attacked the USS Maddox, as the Pentagon claimed, and the “unequivocal proof” of an “unprovoked” second attack against the U.S. warship was a ruse.
Operation Gladio: State Sponsored Terror Blamed on the Left
Following the Second World War, the CIA and Britain’s MI6 collaborated through NATO on Operation Gladio, an effort to create a “stay behind army” to fight communism in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
Gladio quickly transcended its original mission and became a covert terror network consisting of rightwing militias, organized crime elements, agents provocateurs and secret military units. The so-called stay behind armies were active in France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.
Gladio’s “Strategy of Tension” was designed to portray leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists and frighten the populace into voting for authoritarian governments. In order to carry out this goal, Gladio operatives conducted a number of deadly terrorists attacks that were blamed on leftists and Marxists.
In August of 1980, Gladio operatives bombed a train station in Bologna, killing 85 people. Initially blamed on the Red Brigades, it was later discovered that fascist elements within the Italian secret police and Licio Gelli, the head of the P2 Masonic Lodge, were responsible for the terror attack. Other fascist groups, including Avanguardia Nazionale and Ordine Nuovo, were mobilized and engaged in terror.
Operation Gladio ultimately claimed the lives of hundreds of people across Europe.
According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio terrorist serving a life-sentence for murdering policemen, the reason for Gladio was simple.
It was designed “to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.
This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”
False flag attacks occur when government engages in covert operations designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations seem as if they are being carried out by other entities.
False flag terrorism is a favorite political tactic used by governments worldwide. They influence elections, guide national and international policy, and are cynically used to formulate propaganda and shape public opinion as nations go to war.
The Roman consul and historian Cassius Dio, his contemporary Suetonius and others say the Emperor Nero was responsible for the Great Fire of Rome in 64 AD.
Legend claims Nero had one-third of the city torched as an excuse to build Domus Aurea, a 300 acre palatial complex that included a towering statue of himself, the Colossus of Nero.
Prior to the fire, the Roman Senate had rejected the emperor’s bid to level a third of the city to make way for a “Neropolis,” an urban renewal project.
The Roman historian Tacitus wrote that when the population of Rome held Nero responsible for the fire, he shifted blame on the Christians for “hating the human race” and starting the fire.
The Spanish American War: Remember the Maine
By the late 1800s, the United States was looking for an excuse to kick Spain out of Cuba. U.S. business was heavily invested in sugar, tobacco and iron on the Caribbean island.
Three weeks later, early on the morning of February 15, an explosion destroyed the forward third of the ship anchored in Havana’s harbor, killing more than 270 American sailors.
President McKinley blamed Spain after the U.S. Naval Court of Inquiry declared that a naval mine caused the explosion.
American newspapers blamed the Spanish despite a lack of evidence. “You furnish the pictures and I’ll furnish the war,” newspaper tycoon William Randolph Hearst told Frederic Remington after the illustrator reported that the situation in Cuba did not warrant invasion.
A number of historians and researchers later argued that the ship was blown up by the United States to provide a false flag pretext to invade Cuba and expel Spain.
The United States occupied Cuba from 1898 until 1902, although an amendment to a joint resolution of Congress forbid the U.S. to annex the country.
Wilson’s Pretext for War: The Sinking of the Lusitania
Nearly two thousand travelers, including one hundred Americans, were killed on May 7, 1915, when a German U-boat torpedoed the RMS Lusitania, a luxury Cunard Line British ocean liner.

Wilson’s government issued a flurry of diplomatic protests after the sinking and exploited the tragedy two years later as a pretext for America to enter the First World War.
Nearly a hundred years later, in 2008, divers discovered the Lusitania carried more than four million rounds of rifle ammunition.
“There were literally tons and tons of stuff stored in unrefrigerated cargo holds that were dubiously marked cheese, butter and oysters,” Gregg Bemis, an American businessman who owns the rights to the wreck and is funding its exploration, told The Daily Mail.
Hitler’s Fascist Dictatorship: The Reichstag Fire
In February of 1933, a month after convincing Germany’s president that parliament must be eliminated, Hitler and the Nazis instigated the Reichstag fire.
Hitler then urged president Hindenburg to issue an emergency decree restricting personal liberty, including the right to free expression and a free press, limitations on the rights of association and assembly, warrantless searches of homes, property confiscation, and violations of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications “permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”
The Nazis used the decree and cracked down on their political opponents.
They worked behind the scenes to force through the Enabling Act, which legally allowed Hitler to obtain plenary powers and establish a dictatorship.
Prelude to World War: The Gleiwitz Incident
Six years after the Reichstag Fire, the Nazis staged the Gleiwitz incident. Nazi commandos raided a German radio station in Gleiwitz, Upper Silesia, Germany.
The raid was part of Operation Himmler, a series of operations undertaken by the SS as Hitler set the stage for the invasion of Poland and the start of the Second World War.
SS operatives dressed in Polish uniforms attacked the radio station, broadcast an anti-German message in Polish, and left behind the body of a German Silesian known for sympathizing with the Poles.
The corpse was then offered to the press as evidence that the Poles had attacked the radio station.
Israeli False Flag Terror: The Lavon Affair
In 1954, the Israelis activated a terrorist cell in response to the United States making friends with the Egyptian government and its pan-Arab leader, Gamal Abdel Nasser.
The Israelis were worried Nasser would nationalize the Suez Canal and continue Egypt’s blockade of Israeli shipping through the canal.
Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion decided a false flag terrorist attack on American interests in Egypt would sour the new relationship. He recruited and dispatched a terror cell that pretended to be Egyptian terrorists.
The plan, however, contained a fatal flaw. Israel’s top secret cell, Unit 131, was infiltrated by Egyptian intelligence. After a member of the cell was arrested and interrogated, he revealed the plot and this led to more arrests.
Israeli agents were subjected to a public trial revealing details of the plan to firebomb the U.S. Information Agency’s libraries, a British-owned Metro-Goldwyn Mayer theatre, a railway terminal, the central post office, and other targets.
In order to deflect blame, the Israeli government tried to frame its own Defense Minister, Pinhas Lavon, but the true nature of the plot was eventually made public.
Operation Northwoods: Targeting American Citizens
In the covert war against the communist regime in Cuba under the CIA’s Operation Mongoose, the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff unanimously proposed state-sponsored acts of terrorism in side the United States.
The plan included shooting down hijacked American airplanes, the sinking of U.S. ships, and the shooting of Americans on the streets of Washington, D.C. The outrageous plan even included a staged NASA disaster that would claim the life of astronaut John Glenn.
Reeling under the embarrassing failure of the CIA’s botched Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba, president Kennedy rejected the plan in March of 1962. A few months later, Kennedy denied the plan’s author, General Lyman Lemnitzer, a second term as the nation’s highest ranking military officer.
In November of 1963, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas.
Gulf of Tonkin: Phantom Attack on the U.S, Military
“Repeated acts of violence against the armed forces of the United States must be met not only with alert defense, but with a positive reply. That reply is being given as I speak tonight,” Johnson declared.
Congress soon passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which provided Johnson with pre-approved authority to conduct military operations against North Vietnam. By 1969, over 500,000 troops were fighting in Southeast Asia.
Johnson and his Secretary of Defense, Robert McNamara, had bamboozled Congress and the American people.
In fact, North Vietnam had not attacked the USS Maddox, as the Pentagon claimed, and the “unequivocal proof” of an “unprovoked” second attack against the U.S. warship was a ruse.
Operation Gladio: State Sponsored Terror Blamed on the Left
Following the Second World War, the CIA and Britain’s MI6 collaborated through NATO on Operation Gladio, an effort to create a “stay behind army” to fight communism in the event of a Soviet invasion of Western Europe.
Gladio quickly transcended its original mission and became a covert terror network consisting of rightwing militias, organized crime elements, agents provocateurs and secret military units. The so-called stay behind armies were active in France, Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Norway, Germany, and Switzerland.
Gladio’s “Strategy of Tension” was designed to portray leftist political groups in Europe as terrorists and frighten the populace into voting for authoritarian governments. In order to carry out this goal, Gladio operatives conducted a number of deadly terrorists attacks that were blamed on leftists and Marxists.
Operation Gladio ultimately claimed the lives of hundreds of people across Europe.
According to Vincenzo Vinciguerra, a Gladio terrorist serving a life-sentence for murdering policemen, the reason for Gladio was simple.
It was designed “to force these people, the Italian public, to turn to the state to ask for greater security.
This is the political logic that lies behind all the massacres and the bombings which remain unpunished, because the state cannot convict itself or declare itself responsible for what happened.”
The Coming of the Terrible Ones - Archaeologists Discover Ancient Seal Depicting Samson
I mentioned the article referenced here when I asked if Yi Shiwen was the first genetically altered Olymian. She is the Chinese teenager who for two legs of freestyle swam faster than Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte. Companies actually offer this service, and it's accomplished by injecting new gene sequences into virus cells that have been effectively "emptied", and injecting them. It's not a matter of if, but when.
Contributed by The End of the American Dream Blog
The future of war is going to look really, really weird. The “super soldier” research that DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) is working on right now is unlike anything we have ever seen before.
If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.
Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt? DARPA is working on that. Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days? DARPA is working on that? Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs? DARPA is working on that.
Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically? DARPA is working on that.
Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them. But at what cost?
A recent Daily Mail article detailed many of the strange research projects that DARPA is working on right now. The fact that DARPA has actually allowed these projects to be revealed in the mainstream media probably means that the development stage is nearly over and they are ready to try to convince a wary public to accept them….
How would you genetically modify a human to be able to have these abilities?
A different Daily Mail article recently explained how this basically works….
Could viruses be used to genetically modify humanity on a large scale?
How would the rest of humanity respond to a “super race” of mutants that are clearly “superior” to the rest of us in a bunch of different ways?
When you start messing with creation, it opens up Pandora’s Box.
The possibilities are endless, but so are the potential problems.
Just because we can do something does not mean that we should. There may be consequences decades down the road that we cannot even conceive of right now.
Other “super soldier” research projects that DARPA is working on at the moment involve advanced technology and robotics rather than genetic modification.
For example, DARPA is developing helmets that would allow our soldiers to communicate telepathically….
Contributed by The End of the American Dream Blog
If DARPA is successful, and if the American people don’t object, the soldiers of the future will be genetically modified transhumans capable of superhuman feats.
Do you want a soldier that can run faster than Usain Bolt? DARPA is working on that. Do you want a soldier that won’t need food or sleep for days? DARPA is working on that? Do you want a soldier that can regrow lost limbs? DARPA is working on that.
Do you want a soldier that can outlift Olympic weightlifters and that can communicate telepathically? DARPA is working on that.
Americans flock to movies about superheroes and mutants, and soon they may actually have real life “superheroes” and “mutants” fighting their wars for them. But at what cost?
A recent Daily Mail article detailed many of the strange research projects that DARPA is working on right now. The fact that DARPA has actually allowed these projects to be revealed in the mainstream media probably means that the development stage is nearly over and they are ready to try to convince a wary public to accept them….
Tomorrow’s soldiers could be able to run at Olympic speeds and will be able to go for days without food or sleep, if new research into gene manipulation is successful.So how is this possible?
According to the U.S. Army’s plans for the future, their soldiers will be able to carry huge weights, live off their fat stores for extended periods and even regrow limbs blown apart by bombs.
The plans were revealed by novelist Simon Conway, who was granted behind-the-scenes access to the Pentagon’s high-tech Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency.
How would you genetically modify a human to be able to have these abilities?
A different Daily Mail article recently explained how this basically works….
Most gene modification techniques involve placing genetically modified DNA inside a virus and injecting it into the human body. The virus then enters human cells, and its modified DNA attaches itself to the human DNA inside those cells.When you really stop and think about this kind of technology, the implications are staggering.
Could viruses be used to genetically modify humanity on a large scale?
How would the rest of humanity respond to a “super race” of mutants that are clearly “superior” to the rest of us in a bunch of different ways?
When you start messing with creation, it opens up Pandora’s Box.
The possibilities are endless, but so are the potential problems.
Just because we can do something does not mean that we should. There may be consequences decades down the road that we cannot even conceive of right now.
Other “super soldier” research projects that DARPA is working on at the moment involve advanced technology and robotics rather than genetic modification.
For example, DARPA is developing helmets that would allow our soldiers to communicate telepathically….
More recently, DARPA’s Silent Talk programme has been exploring mind-reading technology with devices that can pick up the electrical signals inside soldiers’ brains and send them over the internet.I don’t know about you, but I would not want anyone reading my thoughts or beaming orders directly into my brain.
With these implants, entire armies will be able to talk without radios. Orders will leap instantly into soldiers’ heads and commanders’ wishes will become the wishes of their men.
Archaeologists Discover Ancient Seal Depicting Samson
Archaeologists of the Tel Aviv University have unearthed a seal, measuring about a half-inch in diameter, which depicts a human figure next to a lion at the archaeological site of Beth Shemesh, located between the Biblical cities of Zorah and Eshtaol.
The scene engraved on the seal, the time period, and the location of the discovery all point to a probable reference to the story of Samson, the legendary heroic figure whose adventures famously included a victory in hand-to-paw combat with a lion.
“While the seal does not reveal when the stories about Samson were originally written, or clarify whether Samson was a historical or legendary figure, the finding does help to anchor the story in an archaeological setting,” said Prof Shlomo Bunimovitz.
“If we are right and what we see on the seal is a representation of a man meeting a lion, it shows that the Samson legend already existed around the area of Beth Shemesh during that time period. We can date it quite precisely.”
The seal was discovered with other finds on the floor of an excavated house, dated by the archaeologists to the 12th century BCE.
“Geographically, politically, and culturally, the legends surrounding Samson are set in this time period, also known as the period of the Judges, prior to the establishment of kingship in ancient Israel,” said Dr Zvi Lederman. “The area of Beth Shemesh was a cultural meeting point where Philistines, Canaanites, and Israelites lived in close proximity, maintaining separate identities and cultures. Samson’s stories skip across these cultural borders.”
“Although he was from the Israelite tribe of Dan, Samson is frequently depicted stepping out into the world of the Philistines – even searching for a Philistine wife, much to the chagrin of his parents.”
Although Samson did have some positive interactions with the Philistines — his infamous lion brawl took place on the way to his bachelor party with a group of Philistine men prior to his marriage to his first Philistine wife in Timnah – he is also reputed to have fought against the Philistines. In one tale, this ancient superman is said to have killed 1,000 Philistines with a single donkey’s jaw bone.
“Samson has a very legendary aura,” said Dr Lederman, calling the Samson stories ‘border sagas.’ On one hand, Samsom could cross the border and interact with the Philistines, but on the other, he met with danger and various challenges when he did stray out of his home territory. “When you cross the border, you have to fight the enemy and you encounter dangerous animals,” Dr Lederman added. “You meet bad things. These are stories of contact and conflict, of a border that is more cultural than political.”
The Philistines were immigrants, one of a number of so-called ‘sea peoples,’ originating from the Aegean region. They settled along the southern coastal plain and the lowlands of present-day Israel, including Ashdod, Ashkelon Gaza, Gath, and Ekron. Here they created their own cultural and political enclave and were always seeking to expand their own territory.
“The flourishing Canaanite village of Beth Shemesh, despite frequent destruction caused by their aggressive neighbors, was not abandoned or won by the Philistines and retained its original culture and identity,” Dr Lederman said.
This is the ‘Samson seal’ found at Beth Shemesh, Israel (Raz Lederman / Tel Beth Shemesh Excavations)
“While the seal does not reveal when the stories about Samson were originally written, or clarify whether Samson was a historical or legendary figure, the finding does help to anchor the story in an archaeological setting,” said Prof Shlomo Bunimovitz.
“If we are right and what we see on the seal is a representation of a man meeting a lion, it shows that the Samson legend already existed around the area of Beth Shemesh during that time period. We can date it quite precisely.”
The seal was discovered with other finds on the floor of an excavated house, dated by the archaeologists to the 12th century BCE.
“Geographically, politically, and culturally, the legends surrounding Samson are set in this time period, also known as the period of the Judges, prior to the establishment of kingship in ancient Israel,” said Dr Zvi Lederman. “The area of Beth Shemesh was a cultural meeting point where Philistines, Canaanites, and Israelites lived in close proximity, maintaining separate identities and cultures. Samson’s stories skip across these cultural borders.”
“Although he was from the Israelite tribe of Dan, Samson is frequently depicted stepping out into the world of the Philistines – even searching for a Philistine wife, much to the chagrin of his parents.”
Although Samson did have some positive interactions with the Philistines — his infamous lion brawl took place on the way to his bachelor party with a group of Philistine men prior to his marriage to his first Philistine wife in Timnah – he is also reputed to have fought against the Philistines. In one tale, this ancient superman is said to have killed 1,000 Philistines with a single donkey’s jaw bone.
“Samson has a very legendary aura,” said Dr Lederman, calling the Samson stories ‘border sagas.’ On one hand, Samsom could cross the border and interact with the Philistines, but on the other, he met with danger and various challenges when he did stray out of his home territory. “When you cross the border, you have to fight the enemy and you encounter dangerous animals,” Dr Lederman added. “You meet bad things. These are stories of contact and conflict, of a border that is more cultural than political.”
The Philistines were immigrants, one of a number of so-called ‘sea peoples,’ originating from the Aegean region. They settled along the southern coastal plain and the lowlands of present-day Israel, including Ashdod, Ashkelon Gaza, Gath, and Ekron. Here they created their own cultural and political enclave and were always seeking to expand their own territory.
“The flourishing Canaanite village of Beth Shemesh, despite frequent destruction caused by their aggressive neighbors, was not abandoned or won by the Philistines and retained its original culture and identity,” Dr Lederman said.
NASA scientists test 4,500mph hypersonic jet
- Scramjet engine can accelerate craft to over Mach 6
- Could dramatically slash journey times by travelling at five times the speed of sound
It looks like something you’d expect to see launch from Tracy Island.
But this Thunderbirds-style aircraft could be the future of long-haul flights.
The hypersonic X-51A WaveRider belongs to the US military and uses a revolutionary ‘scramjet’ engine to reach 4,500mph within seconds.
London to New York in Less than an hour: The X-51A Waverider is designed to ride on its own shockwave, accelerating to about Mach 6
Today the cutting-edge craft will be dropped from a B52 bomber over the Pacific Ocean in its latest test.
It will be flown from Edwards Air Force Base in the Mojave Desert in California, attached to the bomber’s wing.
Scramjets are 'airbreathing' aircraft because rather than carrying both fuel and the oxygen needed to provide acceleration, they carry only hydrogen fuel and 'pull' the oxygen needed to burn it from the atmosphere.
Air is forced into the front of the engine and as hydrogen is injected into the airstream, the gases are compressed causing the temperature to rise and ignition to occur.
This generates huge amounts of thrust and enables the jet to travel at speeds far in excess of the 1,350mph top speed of Concorde.
Air is forced into the front of the engine and as hydrogen is injected into the airstream, the gases are compressed causing the temperature to rise and ignition to occur.
This generates huge amounts of thrust and enables the jet to travel at speeds far in excess of the 1,350mph top speed of Concorde.
The mission will last 300 seconds – the longest the craft has ever flown to date. After the historic test, the plane will crash into the sea, and there are no plans to recover it.
Hypersonic flight – which relates to speeds of more than five times the speed of sound – is seen as the next step for aircraft. ‘Attaining sustained hypersonic flight is like going from propeller-driven aircraft to jet aircraft,’ Robert Mercier, deputy for technology in the high speed systems division at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Ohio told the Los Angeles Times.
‘Since the Wright brothers, we have examined how to make aircraft better and faster. Hypersonic flight is one of those areas that is a potential frontier for aeronautics. I believe we’re standing in the door waiting to go into that arena.’
The project is being funded by Nasa and the Pentagon, which hope it can be used for military stealth aircraft and new weapons.
The WaveRider programme is estimated to cost £89million, according to, a website for military policy research. It has had a mixed history, with previous tests being aborted after the engine stalled.
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