And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. (Rev. 12:11) Watch, and pray
Feb 2, 2013
At least 10 injured in 30-plus car pileup on Indiana interstate
Associated Press
- Police and emergency personal work the scene of a pileup involving more than 40-vehicles on Interstate 70 in Plainfield, Ind., Thursday, Jan. 31, 2013. The crash closed the interstate in both direction and authorities reported at least seven minor injuries. (AP Photo/Michael Conroy) (AP2013)
PLAINFIELD, Ind. – A more than 30-vehicle pileup on a snowy Indiana interstate left at least 10 people injured Thursday, including at least one critically, and shut down a heavily traveled highway for most of the evening, authorities said.
Most of the injuries in the afternoon pileup along Interstate 70 were minor, but one victim's condition was "very critical," Indiana State Police Sgt. Rich Myers said.
Indiana University Health spokesman Gene Ford said five of the injured had been treated and released by Thursday evening. He said four others were stable condition, while one was in critical condition.
Semitrailers sat smashed side-by-side against one another along the stretch about 20 miles west of Indianapolis, with cars and other smaller vehicles pushed to the sides of the roadway. About 20 big rigs and some 15 passenger vehicles were involved in the pileup, Indiana State Police Capt. Dave Bursten said.
Several motorists blinded by a snowsquall crashed into stalled traffic on the slick road, police said.
Most of the injuries in the afternoon pileup along Interstate 70 were minor, but one victim's condition was "very critical," Indiana State Police Sgt. Rich Myers said.
Indiana University Health spokesman Gene Ford said five of the injured had been treated and released by Thursday evening. He said four others were stable condition, while one was in critical condition.
Semitrailers sat smashed side-by-side against one another along the stretch about 20 miles west of Indianapolis, with cars and other smaller vehicles pushed to the sides of the roadway. About 20 big rigs and some 15 passenger vehicles were involved in the pileup, Indiana State Police Capt. Dave Bursten said.
Several motorists blinded by a snowsquall crashed into stalled traffic on the slick road, police said.
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Self-destructing sensors: Darpa wants next-gen spy hardware to literally dissolve
Spencer Ackerman
Forget about a kill switch. Planned obsolescence? Already obsolete. The Pentagon's blue-sky researchers want tomorrow's military hardware to literally cease to exist at a predetermined point. Welcome to the age of suicidal sensors.
Darpa isn't imagining planes or ships that melt into a metallic puddle when their replacements come off the production line. The research agency is thinking, in one sense, smaller: sensors and other "sophisticated electronic mi
crosystems" that litter a warzone - and create enticing opportunities for adversaries to collect, study and reverse-engineer. Since it's not practical to pick them all up when U.S. forces withdraw, Darpa wants to usher in the age of "transient electronics."
If you've ever lost your phone and worried about random strangers sifting through your data, you have a sense of why the idea appeals to Darpa. But you probably never imagined Apple creating a piece of hardware "capable of physically disappearing in a controlled, triggerable manner." That's where Darpa comes in. Next month, it's going to invite interested scientists and manufacturers to a Virginia conference to kick around ideas for creating what it calls "triggered degradation." Oh, and some of that degradation will occur inside a soldier's body.
The program to create transient electronics is called VAPR, for Vanishing Programmable Resources. Darpa's going to say more about it in the coming weeks. But thus far, the idea is to make small hardware that performs just like current sensors, only fabricated from materials that can rapidly disintegrate on command.
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Darpa isn't imagining planes or ships that melt into a metallic puddle when their replacements come off the production line. The research agency is thinking, in one sense, smaller: sensors and other "sophisticated electronic mi
© Darpa
Darpa wants to build small military hardware that can literally destroy itself according to pre-programmed instructions, as this demonstration image indicates.
Darpa wants to build small military hardware that can literally destroy itself according to pre-programmed instructions, as this demonstration image indicates.
If you've ever lost your phone and worried about random strangers sifting through your data, you have a sense of why the idea appeals to Darpa. But you probably never imagined Apple creating a piece of hardware "capable of physically disappearing in a controlled, triggerable manner." That's where Darpa comes in. Next month, it's going to invite interested scientists and manufacturers to a Virginia conference to kick around ideas for creating what it calls "triggered degradation." Oh, and some of that degradation will occur inside a soldier's body.
The program to create transient electronics is called VAPR, for Vanishing Programmable Resources. Darpa's going to say more about it in the coming weeks. But thus far, the idea is to make small hardware that performs just like current sensors, only fabricated from materials that can rapidly disintegrate on command.
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The end of injections? Painless 'tattoo' can apply vaccines through a stick-on patch of tiny needles
- Patch contains hundreds of 'microneedles' that penetrate the skin
- Could be used to deliver radical new DNA vaccines
It could finally mean the end of painful injection, and instead deliver a powerful new type of vaccine through a stick on 'tattoo'.
Researchers say patches covered in 'microneedles' may be a far safer, and less painful, way to deliver a new generation of vaccines.
They claim the system could even be used to deliver DNA vaccines for 'risky' disease such as HIV.
The Microneedle vaccine system uses tiny needles to penetrate the skin and deliver vaccines over several days
The new 'tattoo' is made of creating a patch made of many layers of polymers embedded with the DNA vaccine.
These polymer films are implanted under the skin using microneedles that penetrate about half a millimeter into the skin - deep enough to deliver the DNA to immune cells in the epidermis, but not deep enough to cause pain in the nerve endings of the dermis.
Once under the skin, the films degrade as they come in contact with water, releasing the vaccine over days or weeks.
As the film breaks apart, the DNA strands become tangled up with pieces of the polymer, which protect the DNA and help it get inside cells.
These polymer films are implanted under the skin using microneedles that penetrate about half a millimeter into the skin - deep enough to deliver the DNA to immune cells in the epidermis, but not deep enough to cause pain in the nerve endings of the dermis.
Once under the skin, the films degrade as they come in contact with water, releasing the vaccine over days or weeks.
As the film breaks apart, the DNA strands become tangled up with pieces of the polymer, which protect the DNA and help it get inside cells.
These microneedles can be designed to disrupt only the most superficial layers of the skin to avoid nerve endings and blood vessels, making them painless and safer than hypodermic needles.
This type of vaccine delivery would also eliminate the need to inject vaccines by syringe, says Darrell Irvine, an MIT professor of biological engineering and materials science and engineering.
'You just apply the patch for a few minutes, take it off and it leaves behind these thin polymer films embedded in the skin,' he says.
The microneedles are set to be used to deliver a new generation of 'DNA vaccines' the researchers say.
Current vaccines help bodies develop immunity to diseases by exposing immune systems to potential invaders.
Scientists are now developing DNA vaccines that deliver genes from contagions into patients; the cells of vaccinated people then produce molecules from those potential intruders that function like wanted signs, helping immune systems recognize dangerous threats and making them far more effective than conventional vaccines.
The new 'tattoo' patch works using microneedles which are embedded in the skin, allowing the drug to be released over time
Scientists tested the patches on rhesus monkeys, measuring how much of a protein encoded by a DNA vaccine the animals would produce.
The monkeys generated 140 times as much of the protein in response to microneedles as they did when injected using normal, hypodermic needles.
'Comparing it to feeling like a cat's tongue is quite accurate,' researcher Peter DeMuth, a biological engineer and materials scientist at MIT, told TechNewsDaily.
The tiny needles can deliver drugs without pain because they penetrate only the outermost layer of skin which contains no nerve endings
The new 'tattoo' is made of creating a patch made of many layers of polymers embedded with the DNA vaccine.
These polymer films are implanted under the skin using microneedles that penetrate about half a millimeter into the skin - deep enough to deliver the DNA to immune cells in the epidermis, but not deep enough to cause pain in the nerve endings of the dermis.
Once under the skin, the films degrade as they come in contact with water, releasing the vaccine over days or weeks.
As the film breaks apart, the DNA strands become tangled up with pieces of the polymer, which protect the DNA and help it get inside cells.
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‘America's Nazi scientists fulfilling dream of ruling the world’ - Bruce Gagnon
‘America's Nazi scientists fulfilling dream of ruling the world’ - Bruce Gagnon
John Robles
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In an exclusive interview with the Voice of Russia, Bruce Gagnon shares little known facts about the militarization of space by the United States, the development of first strike space drones and the foundation of the US Military Industrial Complex by Nazi scientists bent on victory in World War III. If you thought missile defense and drones were bad, you haven't heard anything yet.
Robles: According to your organization the US Space Command has publicly stated they intent to control space in order to protect US interests and investments. Is space now US territory?
Source: Voice of Russia.
Photo: EPA
In an exclusive interview with the Voice of Russia, Bruce Gagnon shares little known facts about the militarization of space by the United States, the development of first strike space drones and the foundation of the US Military Industrial Complex by Nazi scientists bent on victory in World War III. If you thought missile defense and drones were bad, you haven't heard anything yet.
Robles: According to your organization the US Space Command has publicly stated they intent to control space in order to protect US interests and investments. Is space now US territory?
Gagnon: Well, indeed the United States likes to believe that it is its own space, and particularly the Space Command, who on their headquarters building in Colorado Springs, just above the doorway they have their logo that reads “Master of Space”. So, I think that it is quite evident that the Space Command does indeed view space as US territory that must be controlled because they clearly understand that all warfare on the earth today is coordinated by space technology and that whoever essentially controls space will control the planet below, in this case on behalf I believe of corporate globalization. And so the Space Command in our thinking has become the military arm of corporate globalization.
And so today the US is developing a whole host of technologies to allow it to fight war from space, through space and in space, controlling not only the Earth but also the pathway on and off the planet Earth, the pathway to other planetary bodies as resources are discovered on other planets: magnesium, cobalt, uranium, gold, water etc.
In a congressional study done back in the 1980s, the Congress gave the Pentagon the mandate to develop the technologies to control the pathway on and off the planet Earth. So, the Space Command sees its role in a very-very robust kind of way.
Robles: Several questions just popped up after what you just said. First one: how do they intend to “control the pathway”, I mean there is not only one pathway off the planet, I mean, how are they going to do that?
Gagnon: Well, in this particular study entitled “Military Space Forces the Next 50 Years”, they talk about the Earth-Moon Gravity Well, that whoever controls the Earth-Moon Gravity Well, essentially with bases on the Moon and armed space stations between, what they said were the L4 and L5 positions in space, they would be able to control these.
And interestingly enough, we know that it was in fact the former Nazi scientists that were brought to the United States following World War II under a program, a secret program, called Operation Paper Clip. These Nazi scientists that ran Hitler’s V1 and V2 rocket programs, they were the first to bring to the Congress of the United States, this idea of having orbiting battle stations controlling the pathway on and off the planet as well as the Earth below.
So, today again there is the whole host of technologies that are being developed by the Space Command. They say at the Pentagon that we are not going to get all of these technologies to work, but through the investment and the research and development in these various technologies, things like “Rods from God”: orbiting battle stations with tungsten-steel rods they would be able to hit targets on the Earth below…
Robles: They call those “Rods from God”?
Gagnon: Yes, they call it “Rods from God”. The new military space plane that is being tested now by the Pentagon, it has shown its ability to stay in orbit for a whole year at a time: an unpiloted space drone essentially. And then with ground stations all over the planet that the United States has established, what they call downlink stations that communicate with US military satellites all over the planet. This whole network has been put into place to really give the US, as they say in one of their planning documents, “control and domination of space”.
Israel Reaches Historic Agreement with Vatican
All the major religions involved here (Christianity, Judaism, Islam) will have to come to an accord of some type to bring in the peace of the Antichrist. The pieces are in place. Now it's just about waiting for the players to make their move.
Pin ItIn our book, Petrus Romanus, published last Spring we commented on the Vatican’s ambition to get a foothold in Jerusalem. We wrote about an obscure under the table deal concerning the Hall of the Last Supper on Mount Zion, only one journalist that I am aware of, Giulio Meotti, was even mentioning it:
If our thesis that the next pope is the biblical false prophet is correct, then establishing a foothold in Jerusalem is an essential piece of the puzzle. Almost a year had passed with media silence on the issue… that is until today, now we can consider it accomplished:While the papal power play is likely to progress by the time this book returns from the printer, on February 4, 2012, an op-ed piece ran on the Israeli news site Ynet News titled, “Don’t Bow to the Vatican.” The editorial by Italian journalist Giulio Meotti opposes the Vatican’s designs on Jerusalem, and speaks in the past tense referencing the sovereignty over the Cenacle (which houses the Hall of the Last Supper and King David’s tomb):Don’t Bow to the Vatican
Israel reached an historical agreement with the Vatican to give up some sort of sovereignty over the “Hall of the Last Supper” on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. The Vatican will now have a foothold at the site: Israel agreed to give the Vatican first priority in leasing opportunities and access to it. SourceAs this book goes off to the printer we have not been able to verify the past-tense phrasing “Israel reached an historical agreement with the Vatican” with a concrete piece of documentation, but it appears that the Vatican has reached its long-sought goal of sovereignty over at least one site on Mount Zion. (Petrus Romanus p. 385-386)
Israel reaches historic agreement with Vatican, seating them at Last Supper site
The Pope will finally have official seat in the Last Supper room on Mount Zion, Jerusalem
Outgoing Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon: This is a historic achievement and a symbol that will encourage Christian tourism.
By Shlomo CesanaA historical agreement has been signed between Israel and the Vatican, ending a 20 year dispute. Israel has granted the pope an official seat in the room where the Last Supper is believed to have taken place, on Mount Zion in Jerusalem.
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Source: here
Of course we had a lot more to say about the Vatican’s Jerusalem ambitions and given this turn of events you might want to refresh your memory.
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Jan 31, 2013
One dead in Arizona mass shooting, suspect at large
Image from Twitter/@azfamily
Police confirmed that at least three people were injured in the latest mass shooting in the US. One victim died of gunshot wounds, while two remain in severe condition; the suspect is armed and has not been apprehended by police.
The suspect, identified as 70-year-old Arthur D. Harmon, remains at large and was described by police as "armed and dangerous."
The shooting occurred around 10:30am local time (12:30pm EST) at an office building in Phoenix, Arizona. Harmon, a white male, was seen fleeing the scene in a white SUV. After firing his gun, he escaped from police.
The building was evacuated and the victims were hospitalized while police searched the area for any other victims.
One of the victims, 48-year-old Steve Singer, the CEO of Fusion Contract Centers Inc., died in hospital. Police did not release the names of the other victims, who have been identified as a 43-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman.
Harmon is apparently the only suspect in the shooting. Before the shooting, Harmon reportedly got into a heated argument with an unidentified man, police said.
SWAT teams were sent to Harmon’s residence, but were unable to locate him.

Still from video/

People embrace outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
A witness in a neighboring office building told USA Today that there were at least 50 police cars, seven or eight fire trucks, and K-9 units at the scene of the shooting. The witness said he saw at least four people being taken out on stretchers.
Employees working in various areas of the building complex at which the shooting took place described hearing a number of gunshots and locked themselves into their offices. Vannessa Brogan, an employee working in the sales support department of an insurance business in the complex, described hearing a loud bang. Others in her office admitted hearing multiple loud noises, prompting employees to lock themselves in their offices until police evacuated the building.
“It was a little tense. Everybody came and hid in the IT room,” said Rob Hayter, an employee at Pioneer Title Agency.

People gather outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
The office complex at which the shooting took place includes medical, law and insurance offices. After two victims were found lying on the ground on the back side of the building, personnel from the medical offices came out to help while waiting for the ambulances to show up.
The streets near the scene of the shooting remain heavily congested with traffic, as police have cordoned off a major intersection.
Authorities have also converged on a home near 28th Street and Greenway Road, which is about seven miles away from the office building in the 730 block of 16th street near Glendale Avenue. Police think the suspect might live in the house, but believe he is not currently there.
This most recent mass shooting occurred shortly after former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) spoke at a Senate hearing on gun control, urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to act courageously to curb gun violence in the US. Giffords was shot in the head in Jan. 2011 in a reported assassination attempt near Tucson, Arizona. The former congresswoman was critically injured and lost much of her ability to walk, speak, read and write.
Speaking slowly due to her impaired speech, Giffords urged Congress to work towards reducing gun violence.
“We must do something,” she said, looking up at the senators before her. “It will be hard. But the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you.”
Later during the hearing, retired Navy captain and Giffords’ husband Mark Kelly said that while the session was underway, there had been another shooting in Arizona “with multiple victims”. Details about the shootings remained largely unknown, but he urged Congress to work towards tougher background checks, among other measures, to prevent “many of these murders and mass shootings in this country.”

A member of the SWAT team is seen outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
The suspect, identified as 70-year-old Arthur D. Harmon, remains at large and was described by police as "armed and dangerous."
The shooting occurred around 10:30am local time (12:30pm EST) at an office building in Phoenix, Arizona. Harmon, a white male, was seen fleeing the scene in a white SUV. After firing his gun, he escaped from police.
The building was evacuated and the victims were hospitalized while police searched the area for any other victims.
One of the victims, 48-year-old Steve Singer, the CEO of Fusion Contract Centers Inc., died in hospital. Police did not release the names of the other victims, who have been identified as a 43-year-old man and a 32-year-old woman.
Harmon is apparently the only suspect in the shooting. Before the shooting, Harmon reportedly got into a heated argument with an unidentified man, police said.
SWAT teams were sent to Harmon’s residence, but were unable to locate him.
Still from video/
People embrace outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
Employees working in various areas of the building complex at which the shooting took place described hearing a number of gunshots and locked themselves into their offices. Vannessa Brogan, an employee working in the sales support department of an insurance business in the complex, described hearing a loud bang. Others in her office admitted hearing multiple loud noises, prompting employees to lock themselves in their offices until police evacuated the building.
“It was a little tense. Everybody came and hid in the IT room,” said Rob Hayter, an employee at Pioneer Title Agency.
People gather outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
The streets near the scene of the shooting remain heavily congested with traffic, as police have cordoned off a major intersection.
Authorities have also converged on a home near 28th Street and Greenway Road, which is about seven miles away from the office building in the 730 block of 16th street near Glendale Avenue. Police think the suspect might live in the house, but believe he is not currently there.
This most recent mass shooting occurred shortly after former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) spoke at a Senate hearing on gun control, urging the Senate Judiciary Committee to act courageously to curb gun violence in the US. Giffords was shot in the head in Jan. 2011 in a reported assassination attempt near Tucson, Arizona. The former congresswoman was critically injured and lost much of her ability to walk, speak, read and write.
Speaking slowly due to her impaired speech, Giffords urged Congress to work towards reducing gun violence.
“We must do something,” she said, looking up at the senators before her. “It will be hard. But the time is now. You must act. Be bold. Be courageous. Americans are counting on you.”
Later during the hearing, retired Navy captain and Giffords’ husband Mark Kelly said that while the session was underway, there had been another shooting in Arizona “with multiple victims”. Details about the shootings remained largely unknown, but he urged Congress to work towards tougher background checks, among other measures, to prevent “many of these murders and mass shootings in this country.”
A member of the SWAT team is seen outside an office building where a gunman fired shots inside during business hours in Phoenix, Arizona January 30, 2013. (Reuters/Joshua Lott)
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Violent tornado cluster rip through Georgia and Tennessee, leaving 2 dead
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
January 31, 2013 – GEORGIA - Powerful winds and a tornado spawned by a 1,000-mile-long storm system pounded communities in northwest Georgia on Wednesday, overturning dozens of vehicles and trapping residents. The tornado caused significant damage in Adairsville, Georgia. One person died in that town and another died in Tennessee, authorities reported. At least 17 people were injured in Georgia, two critically.
The Adairsville death marks the first person killed by a U.S. tornado in 220 days, a record for most consecutive days without such a fatality, said CNN meteorologist Dave Hennen. The storm churned eastward, prompting severe thunderstorm and flash-flood warnings in eastern Tennessee and western portions of the Carolinas.
The front has led to nearly 400 reports of severe wind and 20 of tornadoes over two days, from Texas to Pennsylvania. In the Adairsville storm, winds caused significant damage to a motel and a manufacturing plant, according to Craig Millsap, fire chief and interim emergency management director for Bartow County. The motel’s guests are believed safe and workers at the Daiki plant have all been accounted for, he said. Daiki employees hid in a
kitchen and bathroom as the tornado snatched the roof off and left much of the plant in ruin. Two workers suffered minor injuries.
The driver of a commercial truck that was overturned near Adairsville said the storm “grew legs and just started accelerating.” He told CNN Atlanta affiliate WGCL he was unscathed. “There is no way in the world that if you see this debris behind me I should be alive.”
The National Weather Service reported major structural damage and overturned cars in downtown Adairsville, where a news crew for CNN affiliate WSB-TV witnessed a tornado form and touch down Wednesday morning. The death came when a building collapsed, Millsap said.
Nine people in Bartow County suffered non-life threatening injuries, according to the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. The storm caused major damage on and near Interstate 75, the Georgia Department of Transportation said. The weather service, citing emergency management officials, said about 100 cars had been overturned near Exit 306 at Adairsville. The state transportation agency asked motorists to stay away from the area. Officials reported up to 100 homes damaged in Calhoun and Gordon County, just north of Adairsville. –CNN
Extreme Weather
U.S. high school allows Muslims time for prayer if they earn good grades
A high school near Washington DC has taken a rare step of accommodating Muslim prayer during class hours. Parkdale High School now allows a handful of its students to be excused to pray. The decision has made some Christian staffers "unhappy".
Prince George County High School Principal Cheryl J. Logan said the initiative is in response to the "needs of the growing Muslim community," the Washington Post reported. To be able to leave class each day all you need is a parental permission and high grades, Logan said.
Currently, about 10 Muslim students have earned the right to pray, and are reportedly allowed eight minutes each day for a joint prayer on campus. Another high school student is working hard to raise his grades to join the group, all of whom belong to Muslim Students' Association, Logan said.
It is hoped that allowing prayer will motivate Muslim students to improve their overall school performance.
The move has already upset several of the school's Christian staffers, many of whom remember when the school was a Christian institution. US public schools are secular by law, but are legally allowed to accommodate religious students' practices, Logan explained.
"I've been real happy with how we've been able to deal with it without it becoming an increasingly big issue," Logan said.
But Logan's initiative may not have a happy ending, said Charels Haynes, director of the Religious Freedom Education Project at the Newseum: "Once you start down that road then you really are in a bind." Now, any student who asks to be excused from class for religious reasons must be accommodated, Haynes told the Washington Post.
As Muslim prayer becomes increasingly visible in US schools, it will likely spark heated debate, as modern public schools are legally forbidden to conduct religious observances such as prayer. However, in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, many American schools would open their day with a prayer or Bible reading.
In 1962, the US Supreme Court established the current prohibition on state-sponsored prayer in schools, bringing the right to freely practice one's religion into conflict with the right to not to be subjected to proselytizing.
Legally, anyone is allowed to pray in school in the US, as long as the prayers are not officially sponsored by the school and do not disrupt others. In reality, such decisions often spark heated - and sometimes legal - objections from opponents.
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Prince George County High School Principal Cheryl J. Logan said the initiative is in response to the "needs of the growing Muslim community," the Washington Post reported. To be able to leave class each day all you need is a parental permission and high grades, Logan said.
Currently, about 10 Muslim students have earned the right to pray, and are reportedly allowed eight minutes each day for a joint prayer on campus. Another high school student is working hard to raise his grades to join the group, all of whom belong to Muslim Students' Association, Logan said.
It is hoped that allowing prayer will motivate Muslim students to improve their overall school performance.
The move has already upset several of the school's Christian staffers, many of whom remember when the school was a Christian institution. US public schools are secular by law, but are legally allowed to accommodate religious students' practices, Logan explained.
"I've been real happy with how we've been able to deal with it without it becoming an increasingly big issue," Logan said.
But Logan's initiative may not have a happy ending, said Charels Haynes, director of the Religious Freedom Education Project at the Newseum: "Once you start down that road then you really are in a bind." Now, any student who asks to be excused from class for religious reasons must be accommodated, Haynes told the Washington Post.
As Muslim prayer becomes increasingly visible in US schools, it will likely spark heated debate, as modern public schools are legally forbidden to conduct religious observances such as prayer. However, in the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, many American schools would open their day with a prayer or Bible reading.
In 1962, the US Supreme Court established the current prohibition on state-sponsored prayer in schools, bringing the right to freely practice one's religion into conflict with the right to not to be subjected to proselytizing.
Legally, anyone is allowed to pray in school in the US, as long as the prayers are not officially sponsored by the school and do not disrupt others. In reality, such decisions often spark heated - and sometimes legal - objections from opponents.
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Who Runs The World? Solid Proof That A Core Group Of Wealthy Elitists Is Pulling The Strings
By Michael
Does a shadowy group of obscenely wealthy elitists control the world? Do men and women with enormous amounts of money really run the world from behind the scenes? The answer might surprise you. Most of us tend to think of money as a convenient way to conduct transactions, but the truth is that it also represents power and control. And today we live in a neo-fuedalist system in which the super rich pull all the strings. When I am talking about the ultra-wealthy, I am not just talking about people that have a few million dollars. As you will see later in this article, the ultra-wealthy have enough money sitting in offshore banks to buy all of the goods and services produced in the United States during the course of an entire year and still be able to pay off the entire U.S. national debt. That is an amount of money so large that it is almost incomprehensible. Under this ne0-feudalist system, all the rest of us are debt slaves, including our own governments. Just look around - everyone is drowning in debt, and all of that debt is making the ultra-wealthy even wealthier. But the ultra-wealthy don't just sit on all of that wealth. They use some of it to dominate the affairs of the nations. The ultra-wealthy own virtually every major bank and every major corporation on the planet. They use a vast network of secret societies, think tanks and charitable organizations to advance their agendas and to keep their members in line. They control how we view the world through their ownership of the media and their dominance over our education system. They fund the campaigns of most of our politicians and they exert a tremendous amount of influence over international organizations such as the United Nations, the IMF, the World Bank and the WTO. When you step back and take a look at the big picture, there is little doubt about who runs the world. It is just that most people don't want to admit the truth.
The ultra-wealthy don't run down and put their money in the local bank like you and I do. Instead, they tend to stash their assets in places where they won't be taxed such as the Cayman Islands. According to a report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe.
U.S. GDP for 2011 was about 15 trillion dollars, and the U.S. national debt is sitting at about 16 trillion dollars, so you could add them both together and you still wouldn't hit 32 trillion dollars.
And of course that does not even count the money that is stashed in other locations that the study did not account for, and it does not count all of the wealth that the global elite have in hard assets such as real estate, precious metals, art, yachts, etc.
The global elite have really hoarded an incredible amount of wealth in these troubled times. The following is from an article on the Huffington Post website...
According to an outstanding NewScientist article, a study of more than 40,000 transnational corporations conducted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich discovered that a very small core group of huge banks and giant predator corporations dominate the entire global economic system...
1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc
21. Morgan Stanley
22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc
23. Northern Trust Corporation
24. Société Générale
25. Bank of America Corporation
The ultra-wealthy elite often hide behind layers and layers of ownership, but the truth is that thanks to interlocking corporate relationships, the elite basically control almost every Fortune 500 corporation.
The amount of power and control that this gives them is hard to describe.
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The ultra-wealthy don't run down and put their money in the local bank like you and I do. Instead, they tend to stash their assets in places where they won't be taxed such as the Cayman Islands. According to a report that was released last summer, the global elite have up to 32 TRILLION dollars stashed in offshore banks around the globe.
U.S. GDP for 2011 was about 15 trillion dollars, and the U.S. national debt is sitting at about 16 trillion dollars, so you could add them both together and you still wouldn't hit 32 trillion dollars.
And of course that does not even count the money that is stashed in other locations that the study did not account for, and it does not count all of the wealth that the global elite have in hard assets such as real estate, precious metals, art, yachts, etc.
The global elite have really hoarded an incredible amount of wealth in these troubled times. The following is from an article on the Huffington Post website...
Rich individuals and their families have as much as $32 trillion of hidden financial assets in offshore tax havens, representing up to $280 billion in lost income tax revenues, according to research published on Sunday.But as I mentioned previously, the global elite just don't have a lot of money. They also basically own just about every major bank and every major corporation on the entire planet.
The study estimating the extent of global private financial wealth held in offshore accounts - excluding non-financial assets such as real estate, gold, yachts and racehorses - puts the sum at between $21 and $32 trillion.
The research was carried out for pressure group Tax Justice Network, which campaigns against tax havens, by James Henry, former chief economist at consultants McKinsey & Co.
He used data from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, United Nations and central banks.
According to an outstanding NewScientist article, a study of more than 40,000 transnational corporations conducted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich discovered that a very small core group of huge banks and giant predator corporations dominate the entire global economic system...
An analysis of the relationships between 43,000 transnational corporations has identified a relatively small group of companies, mainly banks, with disproportionate power over the global economy.The researchers found that this core group consists of just 147 very tightly knit companies...
When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group.The following are the top 25 banks and corporations at the heart of this "super-entity". You will recognize many of the names on the list...
1. Barclays plc
2. Capital Group Companies Inc
3. FMR Corporation
4. AXA
5. State Street Corporation
6. JP Morgan Chase & Co
7. Legal & General Group plc
8. Vanguard Group Inc
10. Merrill Lynch & Co Inc
11. Wellington Management Co LLP
12. Deutsche Bank AG
13. Franklin Resources Inc
14. Credit Suisse Group
15. Walton Enterprises LLC
16. Bank of New York Mellon Corp
17. Natixis
18. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
19. T Rowe Price Group Inc
20. Legg Mason Inc
21. Morgan Stanley
22. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc
23. Northern Trust Corporation
24. Société Générale
25. Bank of America Corporation
The ultra-wealthy elite often hide behind layers and layers of ownership, but the truth is that thanks to interlocking corporate relationships, the elite basically control almost every Fortune 500 corporation.
The amount of power and control that this gives them is hard to describe.
Read more at -
Big Earthquakes the Order of the Day
6.2 magnitude earthquake strikes region of Santa Cruz Islands
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
January 31, 2013 – SANTA CRUZ ISLANDS – A deep 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck near the Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific, about four hours after the region was rattled by a 6.0 magnitude earthquake. The 6.2 magnitude earthquake had a depth of 55.4 km (34.4 miles) with an epicenter of 60 km (37 miles) E of Lata, Solomon Islands.
This is the third major earthquake to strike the planet in a 24 hour period. The planet is experiencing a heightened level of seismic activity following a record number of volcanoes across the globe exhibiting activity in the month of January. Today’s earthquake was followed in rapid succession by two 5.6 aftershocks, and a 5.0 magnitude earthquake in southern Sumatra, Indonesia, and a 4.5 aftershock in Atacama, Chile from the 6.8 magnitude earthquake. Seismic tension is also mounting on the Indo-Australian and Sunda plate near the region of Indonesia. –The Extinction Protocol
Strong 6.8 magnitude earthquake strikes northern Chile: 1 dead
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
January 31, 2013 – CHILE – A magnitude-6.8 earthquake shook offices, toppled supermarket shelves and broke windows on Wednesday in north-central Chile, where people fled some buildings in panic. A 55-year-old woman in city of Atacama died of a heart attack, said Mayor Rafael Prohens, who attributed her death to fear during the quake.
Authorities said that damage was limited and discounted the possibility of a tsunami. The U.S. Geological Survey originally reported the quake at 6.7, but later revised it upward. It struck at 4:15 p.m. (3:15 p.m.; 2015 GMT) and was centered 27 miles (44 kilometers) north of Vallenar, Chile.
The quake shook the capital of Santiago, causing office buildings to sway, but was felt most powerfully in the north where state television showed images of scattered groceries at supermarket floors and broken windows at several homes in Vallenar, Copiapo and other nearby cities. Witnesses described people running from buildings into the streets in panic.
Vallenar Mayor Cristian Tapia said telephone lines were jammed and some electricity lines were temporarily down but services were slowly returning. “The first half hour was really tough. We’re still having problems with telecommunications,” Tapia told state television. “Two walls collapsed. We’re evaluating ruptures at homes to find out if they’re still safe to live in.” But Chile’s Emergency Office, ONEMI, said no injuries were immediately reported and damage to infrastructure appear minimal.
The oceanographic service discounted the possibility of a tsunami. “There’s no doubt the population in some places fled, following a culture of evacuation,’ Miguel Ortiz, national chief of the early alert center at ONEMI. Two lower intensity aftershocks were also reported. A devastating 8.8
-magnitude quake and the tsunami it unleashed in 2010, killed 551 people, destroyed 220,000 homes and washed away docks, riverfronts and seaside resorts. The disaster cost Chile $30 billion, or 18 percent of its annual gross domestic product.
Chile is one of the most earthquake-prone countries in the world. Just off Chile’s long coast, the Nazca tectonic plate plunges beneath the continent, pushing the Andes to ever-higher altitudes. The 2010 quake was so strong it changed time, shortening the Earth’s day slightly by changing the planet’s rotation. Less than 3 hours later, a powerful 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck the Santa Cruz Islands in the Pacific. The quake struck about 10 km (6.2) below the ocean floor and was followed by 4.6 magnitude aftershock. There were no reports of damage or injuries from the islands. -ABC
5.3 magntiude earthquake strikes off the coast of Oregon
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
January 31, 2013 – OREGON - A magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck about 170 miles off the southern Oregon coast. The National Weather Service’s West Coast and Alaska Tsunami Warning Center said there was no danger of a tsunami from the Tuesday evening quake. There were no immediate reports of damage.
The U.S. Geological Survey’s National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said the 7:14 p.m. PST quake occurred at a depth of 6.4 miles. By 10 p.m., the center’s website had logged four reports from people who said they felt a weak shaking from the quake. In the last 12 months, the number of quakes erupting off the coast of Oregon has been moderately increasing. –The Extinction Protocol
Quakes continue to plague East Texas: A 3.9-magnitude earthquake occurred on May 10, and on May 17, there was a 4.8-magnitude earthquake, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. Those were followed by a 2.7-magnitude on May 20; a 2.5-magnitude on May 26; a 2.1-magnitude on June 16; a 2.8-magnitude on Dec. 7; a 2.6-magnitude on Dec. 22; and Friday’s earthquake. The most recent earthquake — a 2.8-magnitude — occurred about 6:30 a.m. Tuesday.
Timpson court clerk Paula Mullins said Tuesday’s earthquake wasn’t as bad as Friday’s. It just kind of felt like a sonic boom,” she recalled. She said residents discuss earthquakes when they come, and everybody wonders why. “Everybody’s got their own idea of fracking or God giving us a wake-up call,” she s
aid. “It’s just happening, and we don’t know (why).”
Cliff Frohlich, associate director at The University of Texas at Austin Institute for Geophysics, said Tuesday there is a fault system in East Texas called the Mount Enterprise fault system, which has been known for a long time. He said faults there can get reactivated by stresses of various kinds, and some people say the fault system may be related to a 1981 Center earthquake and an 1891 Rusk earthquake.
Frohlich said there’s been a lot of interest in human causes of Texas earthquakes in relation to the injection of fluids into the ground. He said there are wells near where Timpson earthquakes were the strongest, and it’s possible that the injection of disposable fluids played a role.
Sometimes when you inject fluids you get earthquakes, (and) in Texas there are (numerous) disposable wells,” he said. Frohlich noted that faults are also everywhere, and some might be as small as a football field or garage. He said there is friction to help prevent faults from slipping, but if fluids are pumped in, it can become “like an air hockey table. If mankind is causing them, it’s triggering faults that were stuck…,” he said. “If conditions are right for a fault to move, it moves.” –Tyler Paper
Jan 30, 2013
Fire is bursting up through the streets of Omaha
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
January 29, 2013 – NEBRASKA - If you happen to be in the Omaha, Neb., area, take care and be mindful of the flames shooting up through the city’s manholes. A sewer fire has caused power outages in one section of town and also created the perfect circumstances for dramatic pictures of fire erupting through from the ground up like hellfire as shown in the photo above. Omaha Public Power District Vice President Tim Burke speculates that because of past, unseasonably dry weather, a recent wet spell could have allowed moisture to get into cables and sparked the blaze. –MSN
Strange Anomalies
Fairies, Changelings and the False Messiah from Magonia
and the False Messiah from MagoniaBy Tom Horn & Cris Putnam |
Fairy variety is considerable and listing each type here is
beyond the scope of our interest. However, some of them are virtually identical
with ancient descriptions of demons including a particular one called the bogie or “bogeyman” who haunts the dark
and enjoys harming and frightening humans. These fairies appear very similar to
traditional descriptions of “Bigfoot” with the same furry bodies together with
fiery red eyes. Other Fairy classifications are practically indistinguishable
from the flying witches of Classical Antiquity and the Ancient Near East. Olaus
Magnus, who was sent by Pope Paul III in 1546 as an authority to the council of
Trent and who later became canon of St. Lambert in Liége, Belgium, is best
remembered as the author of the classic 1555 “Historia de Gentibus
Septentrionalibus” (History of the Northern Peoples), which chronicled the
folklore and history of Europe. In it, he provided engravings of fairy-demons
carrying women away for intercourse. Before him, in 1489 the legal scholar
Ulrich Molitor did the same, providing etched plates in his Latin tract on
sorcerous women (“De laniis et phitonicis mulieribus”) depicting demons
abducting women for coitus. Besides such similarities to current UFO and
alien-abduction activity, these fairies often left “the devils mark”—a permanent
spot or scar believed to have been made by the demon (or the devil himself)
raking his claw across the flesh or by the red hot kiss of the devil licking the
individual. This happened at night, at the conclusion of the nocturnal abduction
episode. This mark was also known as “fairy bruising” and as the “witche’s teat”
and appeared as a raised bump or scoop mark in the flesh often on the most
secret parts of the body. In modern times, alien abductees often bear the same
marks as those described in olden days as the Devil’s Mark—cuts or scoops on the
backs of the legs, arms, neck, purplish circular spots around the abdomen and
genitals, and in patterns consistent with those from medieval times ascribed to
witches, incubi and fairies. Thus the actual mythology of these creatures and
the “little people” that traveled with them between our reality and fairyland or
“Elfland” portrays an image quite different than that of cutesy “Tinkerbell”
fluttering overhead at Disneyland! Fairy legend includes the identical
alien-sounding roles of abduction, inducing some type of paralysis in which the
victim can see what is happening but is powerless to intervene (the Oxford
Dictionary of Celtic Mythology says the colloquial English usage of ‘stroke’ for
cerebral hemorrhage derives from its relationship with “paralysis” and
originated with the “fairy-stroke” or “elf-stroke” of legend [i]), levitating of people and flying them away to “fairyland” (or
what some today call “Magonia”), and traveling in UFO-like discs or circular
globes of light.
also a theosophist, is famous for compiling and editing the sacred texts on
Tibetan Buddhism which were published by Oxford University Press in the early
twentieth century. Consequently, he is widely credited with pioneering western
Buddhism associated with Astrobiologist Chris Impey (whom we discuss later).
However, before his travels to Sri Lanka and India, Evans-Wentz wrote his
doctoral thesis at Oxford University on the Celtic belief in fairies. He
approached the subject as a scholar examining the history and folk-lore of the
British Isles through the lens of anthropology and psychology. It is perhaps one
of the most thorough and scholarly endeavors ever conducted on the subject.
the nineteenth century rolled over into the twentieth the industrial revolution
was driving the populations toward the cities and the population was booming.
Evans-Wentz did extensive ethnographic fieldwork interviewing folks in Ireland,
Wales, Scotland, Brittany and the Isle of Man. Encounters with fairies were
plentiful enough to be commonplace in the early nineteenth century, but as
modernity approached they waned. Today fairies are largely forgotten, relegated
to old wives tales and legend, albeit the phenomenon still exists.

have now examined several stories of abductions and attempts at kidnappings by
the occupants of flying saucers. These episodes are an integral part of the
total UFO problem and cannot be solved separately. Historical evidence, gathered
by Wentz, moreover, once more points in the same direction.
sort of belief in fairies being able to take people was very common and exists
yet in a good many parts of West Ireland. . . . The Good People are often seen
there (pointing to Knoch Magh) in great crowds playing hurley and ball. And one
often sees among them the young men and women and children who have been taken (emphasis in original).
only are people taken, but—as in flying saucer stories—they are sometimes
carried to faraway spots by aerial means. Such a story is told by the Prophet
Ezekiel, of course, and by other religious writers. But an ordinary Irishman,
John Campbell, also told Wentz:
man whom I have seen, Roderick Mac Neil, was lifted by the hosts and left three
miles from where he was taken up. The hosts went at about midnight.
Kirk gives a few stories of similar extraordinary kidnappings, but the most
fantastic legend of all is one attached to Kirk himself: the good reverend is
commonly believed to have himself been taken by the fairies.
J. MacGregor who keeps the key to the old churchyard where there is a tomb to
Kirk, though many say there is nothing in it but a coffin filled with stones,
told me Kirk was taken into the Fairy Knoll, which she pointed to just across a
little valley in front of us, and is there yet, for the hill is full of caverns
and in them the “good people” have their homes. And she added that Kirk appeared
to a relative of his after he was taken.
who reports this interesting story, made further inquiries regarding the
circumstances of Kirk’s death. He went to see the successor to Kirk in
Abcrfoyle, Rev. Taylor, who clarified the story:
At the time of his disappearance people said he was taken
because the fairies were displeased with him for disclosing their secrets in so
public a manner as he did. [iii]
Vallée documented how “the physical nature of Magonia, as it
appears in such tales, is quite enigmatic. Sometimes, it is a remote country, an
invisible island, some faraway place one can reach only by a long journey.
Indeed, in some tales, it is a celestial country…. This parallels the belief in
the extraterrestrial origin of UFO’s so popular today. A second—and equally
widespread—theory, is that Elfland constitutes a sort of parallel universe,
which coexists with our own. It is made visible and tangible only to selected
people, and the ‘doors’ that lead through it are tangential points, known only
to the elves. This is somewhat analogous to the theory, sometimes found in the
UFO literature, concerning what some authors like to call the ‘fourth
dimension’—although, of course, this expression makes much less physical sense
than does the theory of a parallel Elfland. (It does sound more scientific,
however!)” [v]
Vallée’s argument is persuasive
given the history of demonic entities and their deceitful record of assuming any
appearance that gains them acceptance into society. Recall the creatures in the
film “They Live” and their ability to appear quite human. According to 2
Corinthians 11:14 even Satan himself can manifest as “an angel of light”! Vallée
also notes this deception on the part of the modern alien-fairies seems to be
for the purpose of taking and replacing babies or smaller children with
“changelings.” In alien abduction many women report the removal of their fetus
followed later by introduction to (supposedly) the post-gestational baby. In
fairy lore the child is removed and replaced with a “changeling,” a
human-looking copy especially of Western European folklore and folk religion.
Numerous theories were developed between the 13th and 15th
centuries to explain the reason for this abduction and replacement of children
including that the earthly child was a “tithe to Hell” or tribute paid by the
fairies to the devil every seven years. But Vallée updates this point, noting
how the modern alien-abduction phenomenon and the numerous accounts of
abductions by the fairies focused “especially on pregnant women or young
mothers, and they also are very active in stealing young children.” He
Sometimes, they substitute a false child for the real one,
leaving in place of the real child …one of their children, a changeling: By the
belief in changelings I mean a belief that fairies and other… beings are on the
watch for young children…that they may, if they can find them unguarded, seize
and carry them off, leaving in their place one of them. [vi]
then points to a television series that capitalized on the aspect of UFO lore
and the connection between modern and ancient abductions:
the show, the human race has been infiltrated by extraterrestrials who differ
from humans in small details only. This is not a new idea, as the belief in
changelings shows. And there is a well-known passage in Martin Luther’s Table
Talk, in which he tells the Prince of Anhalt that he should throw into the
Moldau a certain man who is, in his opinion, such a changeling—or killcrop, as
they were called in Germany.
was the purpose of such fairy abductions? The idea advanced by students of folk
talks is again very close to a current theory about UFO’s: that the purpose of
such contact is a genetic one. According to Hartland:
The motive assigned to fairies in northern stories is that of
preserving and improving their race, on the one hand by carrying off human
children to be brought up among the elves and to become united with them, and on
the other hand by obtaining the milk and fostering care of human mothers for
their own offspring. [vii]
switched with a changeling in “The legend of
St. Stephen” by Martino di Bartolomeo
St. Stephen” by Martino di Bartolomeo
the idea of deceptive nighttime creatures probing humans to gather genetic
material for use in generating hybrid offspring agrees with Vallée and
his contemporaries who, following extraordinary research, determined that
whatever the modern alien abduction encounters represent, its goal is a repeat
of ancient activity involving the collection of DNA for 1) a Breeding Program, followed by 2) a Hybridization Program, and finally 3) an
Integration Program, exactly what
Watchers accomplished with Nephilim in ancient times.
But why would “aliens” be involved
in such a program? Over the last few decades secular alien abduction researchers
like Budd Hopkins and Dr. David Jacobs have posited that the aliens are a dying
race and must pass on their genetic material through hybrids to maintain their
species. The Barney and Betty Hill case of September 19–20, 1961, marked the
first widely-publicized claim of such alien abduction and the beginning of the
public’s knowledge of the phenomenon. Yet the part of their story often
overlooked is how ova was reportedly retrieved from Betty Hill’s body and sperm
from her husband Barney, presumably for use in the hybridization scheme. In the
years since, tens of thousands of people have slowly emerged from around the
world to claim they too have been subject to a mysterious alien procedure in
which human genetic material is harvested including sperm and eggs for a
reproductive agenda involving human hosts as surrogates and incubatoriums for
fetuses wherein alien-human hybrids are produced. Entire communities have grown
up around the idea that children now exist on earth that are part-human and
part-alien. Some claiming to be parents of hybrid children have their own
websites, host conferences, and are building social networks across the web.
These people include academics, physicists, psychologists, attorneys, actresses
and school teachers. Furthermore, according to researchers, it isn’t just child
hybrids that are now among us. Adult versions have spread throughout society
too. Budd Hopkins—who, before he died of cancer at the age of 80 in 2011, was
considered the father of the alien-abduction movement—claimed that he and Dr.
Jacobs especially were building new case files containing disturbing evidence
related to specific entities and their integration within human society. He was
planning to illustrate that the science fiction-horror film “They Live” was not
that far off after all, and that, from local bread factories to halls of
congress, alien-human hybrids are now firmly entrenched within earth’s cultures.
Not long before he passed away, he wrote on the Journal of Abduction-Encounter
Research (JAR) website:
I investigated the reports of two women who described seeing an adult
male hybrid wearing glasses. Each made a drawing of the hybrid, and the two
drawings are amazingly similar. Both portray a strange-looking man, with sharp
cheeks, wearing oddly-shaped glasses. The two women independently drew the same
person. Some of these hybrid beings have been seen by more than three people at
once and they are described by the witnesses the same way. As far as hybrids
operating in the human world, we have many reports of them driving automobiles,
shopping in stores, and behaving more or less naturally in other mundane places,
but manifesting the kinds of powers aliens seem to have, i.e., the ability to
control minds, and to communicate telepathically. The powers the gray aliens
possess in the world can entail a complex series of repeated similar events, as
if these adult hybrids do not really understand our world and our behavior but
are trying to learn exactly how we act and what we say, all of which gives us an
uneasy feeling of what their agenda might be leading to. There definitely is
strong evidence that an infiltration into human society is taking place.
Demonic Possession,
Tom Horn
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