A wave of controversy over a couple of Melbourne University so-called “ethicists” whose article in a prominent journal, argued that killing babies should be permissible has brought the issue of infanticide to the forefront. This story comes on the heels of bringing up former Illinois state Senator Barack Obama’s key role in support for infanticide and his opposition to criminalizing the murder of newborns who survived failed abortions.
The two authors, Francesca Minerva and Alberto Giubilini are afffiliated with universities in both Europe and Austrailia. The paper they released declares, “Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus’ health,”. The truth is that in most of the world abortion is very restricted. Even in America where it is technically legal, it is passionately opposed and that opposition is growing.
These people are slick too. They are like all liberals and think that if they can define the terms they will win the debate and you know what? They are right. Here’s how they are doing it. They are preferring the term “after-birth abortion” to infanticide. Now personally neither of those things sound good to me, but think of how abortion has been used so much instead of what it really is… murder. Doesn’t abortion sound less provocative? The abortion issue isn’t the only issue where this is raised. It has been raised on the issue of homosexuality being called “gay” and adultery being called “an affair” and terms I could cite here to prove the point.
How did these people get so twisted in their thinking that they could provide statement like the following?
“Merely being human is not in itself a reason for ascribing someone a right to life. Indeed, many humans are not considered subjects of a right to life.”
They state this pointing to current abortions and capital punishments where humans do not have a right to life. This is merely a twisting of the facts. Abortion, though many believe is legal, is still the murder of a human being. Capital punishment is just that punishment, not murder. If someone takes a life maliciously, then that person should be punished by having their own life taken.
Casey Fiano, with the U.S. Based activist group Live Action said, “The fact that they see adoption as something that would cause a mother emotional distress but not the murder of their own child just shows how sick these two people are.”
The team’s paper becomes more and more illogical and a distortion of terms to push forward their utterly reprobate thinking. They state:
“Both a fetus and a newborn certainly are human beings and potential persons, but neither is a ‘person’ in the sense of ‘subject of a moral right to life’. We take ‘person’ to mean an individual who is capable of attributing to her own existence some (at least) basic value such that being deprived of this existence represents a loss to her. “
People who think like this have such a screwed up moral compass it is a wonder they can find their way around their own homes!
Most of us can understand that this is logically where the abortionist mindset goes. In fact, since they make the case for killing a newborn baby, what will stop them from say increasing the time you can kill your baby to say 2 or 3 years old? How about 5? 10? You see once you enter the area of moral relativism there is no clear line of what is right and wrong. As the Scriptures teach, “Everyone does right in their own eyes”(Proverbs 12:15).
What is so ironic in all of this is the defense of Professor Savulescu, in the British Medical Journal blog, “The goal of the Journal of Medical Ethics is not to present the Truth or promote some one moral view. It is to present well reasoned argument based on widely accepted premises.”
He then continued in an interview with The Daily Telegraph stating:
“This “debate” has been an example of “witch ethics” – a group of people know who the witch is and seek to burn her. It is one of the most dangerous human tendencies we have. It leads to lynching and genocide. Rather than argue and engage, there is a drive is to silence and, in the extreme, kill, based on their own moral certainty. That is not the sort of society we should live in.”
Wait! Hold the phone! He says that people who are ticked off the other humans would think utterly insane thoughts such as pushed forward by these two “ethicists” and that some even have vented their anger with threats (something that this writer does not advocate), that they are somehow advocating one should “kill based on their own moral certainty.” Well now Prof Savulescu, aren’t you guys arguing for killing based on YOUR moral certainty? Isn’t that exactly what you are arguing for? From my vantage point that is exactly what you and these two murder proponents are engaging in.
There was some ray of sanity from one Dr. Trevor Stammers, the director of medical ethics at St Mary’s University College. He said, “If a mother does smother her child with a blanket, we say ‘it’s doesn’t matter, she can get another one,’ is that what we want to happen?” Exactly, this is not what we want to have happen and Prof Savulescu that is the kind of society I want to live in.
The twisted depravity of men and women that advocate the killing of those who should be most precious to them is utterly contemptible. If you read this article and think to yourself, “Well it’s a mother’s right or her decision and it doesn’t effect me”, you should really ponder that a bit. As I asked, where should the killing stop? At age 3? How about someone determines it to be 20 or 30? Maybe full on euthanasia? Impossible you say? Remember that the Terry Schiavo scenario was first put forth in “ethics” journals.
This kind of news should cause a people to fall to their knees and cry out to God for mercy. As the prophet Daniel prayed in Chapter 9, confessing not only his own sins but the sins of his people and asking God to show mercy for His name’s sake, we too should follow his example.
Tim Brown
And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto death. (Rev. 12:11) Watch, and pray
Mar 7, 2012
'Anonymous' Hackers Call Religion a 'Sickness,' Declare War on Christianity?
By Stoyan Zaimov , Christian Post Reporter
Members claiming to be part of the formless Internet hacker group "Anonymous" took down three church websites on March 2, replacing their main pages with a clip from evolutionary biologist and atheist Richard Dawkins and posting a statement that branded all religion as a "sickness."
"Let us be clear from the start: any kind of religion is a sickness to this world. A sickness that creates hate and intolerance, a sickness that brings people to wage war on their fellow people, a sickness that has come to this world long time ago, when mankind wasn't educated, a sickness that brought false hope and suppression to those who believed and often even more terror and suppression to those who dared not to believe," the message by Anonymous begins and continues to accuse religion and Christianity as being a source for most of the wars that have occurred throughout history.It also identifies religion, along with the world's governments, as being the main source of oppression and a force that keeps most people down while giving power to the select few.
It is difficult to ascertain if the attackers really were from the Anonymous group, who have no recognized form of leadership and do not adhere to a membership code of conduct. The group has previously shut down the FBI and Recording Industry Association of America websites in support of content-pirating websites, such as The Pirate Bay, and have been a driving force behind the "Occupy" movement.
A 30-minute long YouTube video, "Richard Dawkins: An Atheist's Call to Arms," was posted on the websites of Bethel Outreach International Church, Charlotte International Church, and Crossfire Ministries, all from North Carolina but seemingly chosen at random, in which Dawkins encourages non-believers to unite and stick up for their belief.
Anonymous dOes have a Twitter account, however, which has over 276,783 followers, and it announced the church attack in a tweet on Friday that read: "HACKED Reason:religious idiocy and foh dah lulz #Anonymous #AntiSec #OWS #ROOTED #DAWKINS."
Death-toll from massacre in Yemen rises to 177
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 6, 2012 – YEMEN - The death toll from a sophisticated attack by Islamic extremists against soldiers in Yemen jumped to 177 Tuesday, three Yemeni security officials told CNN. Air raids on militant positions since the attack have left at least 42 militants dead in Abyan province, security officials said. The attack Sunday at an army base by Ansar al-Sharia, which is allied with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), originally claimed the lives of 90 soldiers and wounded many others. It “illustrates AQAP’s complete disregard for human life,” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said in a statement. She vowed that the United States will continue to support Yemen’s new President Abdurabu Hadi “and the Yemeni people as they work to realize their aspirations for a brighter and more prosperous future.” Yemen poverty challenges new president The attack was a humiliating defeat to Yemen’s army in a power struggle against AQAP. The militants seized large amounts of weaponry — including rocket launchers, mortars, armored vehicles, and tanks — and appeared to have had help from within the security apparatus, according to Yemeni officials. The bloodbath took place near Zinjibar, a town on the Arabian Sea where Ansar al-Sharia has been active for nearly a year. One Yemeni official, who declined to be identified because he was not authorized to speak to the media, said militants began attacking an army base from the east, drawing the fire of troops, and then began attacking from the other side of the base. The “reinforcement response was too slow,” he said, adding that was partly because of sandstorms in the area. “Troops were basically slaughtered by the militants. The attacks happened so suddenly; and this time they were more organized than we expected,” one senior security official told CNN. On Monday, more attacks took place. –CNN
Is electromagnetic phenomena responsible for strange sounds being reported?
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 6, 2012 – WORLD - Mysterious sounds have been heard booming from the sky all around the world – in some cases they were so loud they set off car alarms. The unsettling noises were heard recently from Europe to Canada, sounding like groans and powerful horns. In Germany noises coming from the sky were recorded on a video camera and uploaded to YouTube, with car alarms clearly heard going off in the background. But experts have said that there are rational explanations. University of Saskatchewan physics professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice told CTV that Geoscientist David Deming from the University of Oklahoma, meanwhile, has previously written about a phenomenon called The Hum – ‘a mysterious and untraceable sound that is heard in certain locations around the world by two to ten per cent of the population’. Writing in the Journal of Scientific Expl
oration, he said that sources of The Hum could include telephone transmissions and ‘aircraft operated by the U.S Navy for the purpose of submarine communications.’ According to NASA, the Earth has ‘natural radio emissions’. The Agency said: ‘If humans had radio antennas instead of ears, we would hear a remarkable symphony of strange noises coming from our own planet. Scientists call them “tweeks,” “whistlers” and “sferics” They sound like background music from a flamboyant science fiction film, but this is not science fiction. Earth’s natural radio emissions are real and, although we’re mostly unaware of them, they are around us all the time. For instance lightning can produce eerie-sounding radio emissions, NASA added. Earthquakes can also produce sub-audible sounds, according to seismologist Brian W Stump from the Southern Methodist University in Dallas. –Daily Mail
Mar 6, 2012
Mystery fireball lights up sky in Victoria and Tasmania
A FIERY meteor has lit up the sky over Victoria and Tasmania.
The object, described as a glowing red fireball moving horizontally across the sky about 10.45pm (AEDT) on Sunday, was an unusual sight for this time of year, according to astronomer David Reneke.
Observers say the meteor was visible for about 20 seconds.
Professor Reneke says he and his colleagues are at a loss to explain the timing and exact nature of the meteor.
It may have been a slow-moving piece of rock that ignited or a piece of space junk, he said.
"It's unprecedented, we don't seem to be in a meteor shower period at the moment," Professor Reneke said.
"(Fireballs) tend to be very slow moving and they travel more horizontally than vertically... if you ever see one, they stick in your mind for the rest of your life."
Professor Reneke says he has received dozens of reported sightings from across Victoria and Tasmania.
Social network site Twitter was abuzz today with reports of the meteor.
The phenomenon comes after a fireball was reported in skies over the United Kingdom on Saturday, with police inundated with calls from concerned residents, The Guardian reports.
It is impossible to be sure if the sighted meteors in the UK and Australia are the same, Professor Reneke says.
Magma Plume: Mt. Etna volcano rocked by third eruption in 2012
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 5, 2012 – ITALY - Etna just keeps on rolling. The Italian volcano had its third paroxysm of 2012 (see above) on March 4 and first since early February. This new eruption was a short event that was preceded by 18 days worth of small strombolian activity. The event may have been only ~2 hours, but it produced some spectacular explosions, aiding in some part by interaction with snow and a pyroclastic flow was spotted as well. Osservatario Etneo reported that even a small lahar was produced during this paroxysm as a result of volcanic material mixing with snow. Air traffic around Sicily was not affected by this paroxysm. –Wired
Fire in the sky: Mystery fireball sightings reported in both hemispheres. Is more debris hitting Earth?
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 5, 2012 – AUSTRALIA – A fiery meteor has lit up the sky over Victoria and Tasmania. The object, described as a glowing red fireball moving horizontally across the sky about 10.45pm (AEDT) on Sunday, was an unusual sight for this time of year, according to astronomer David Reneke. Observers say the meteor was visible for about 20 seconds. Professor Reneke says he and his colleagues are at a loss to explain the timing and exact nature of the meteor. It may have been a slow-moving piece of rock that ignited or a piece of space junk, he said. “It’s unprecedented, we don’t seem to be in a meteor shower period at the moment,’ Professor Reneke said. “(Fireballs) tend to be very slow moving and they travel more horizontally than vertically… if you ever see one, they stick in your mind for the rest of your life.” Professor Reneke says he has received dozens of reported sightings from across Victoria and Tasmania. Social network site Twitter was abuzz today with reports of the meteor. The phenomenon comes after a fireball was reported in skies over the United Kingdom on Saturday, with police inundated with calls from concerned residents, The Guardian reports. It is impossible to be sure if the sighted meteors in the UK and Australia are the same, Professor Reneke says. –News.au
Fireball over UK: Reports of a “bright light” and an “orange glow” were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm. The Met Office tweeted: “Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite.” A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been “inundated” with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a “bright light or a fire in the sky” and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. Police forces across the UK have been inundated with calls after what is believed to be a meteor was spotted in the sky. Reports of a “bright light” and an “orange glow” were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm. “The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only.” Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a “flare or a bright object with a tail” were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a “large ball of fire in the sky” across Annandale and Eskdale. One user wrote on the force’s Facebook page: “It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!” Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail. The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a “huge fireball” travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: “Of 30 years observing the sky, this fireball is the best thing I have ever seen period.” –Telegraph
Mar 5, 2012
Spiritual Warfare and Sin: Increased Hostility
Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about
like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.
--1 Peter 5:8
As we move farther on and mount higher up in the Christian life we
may expect to encounter greater difficulties in the way and meet
increased hostility from the enemy of our souls....
Satan hates the true Christian for several reasons. One is that
God loves him, and whatever is loved by God is sure to be hated by
the devil. Another is that the Christian, being a child of God,
bears a family resemblance to the Father and to the household of
faith. Satan's ancient jealousy has not abated nor his hatred for
God diminished in the slightest. Whatever reminds him of God is
without other reason the object of his malignant hate.
A third reason is that a true Christian is a former slave who has
escaped from the galley, and Satan cannot forgive him for this
affront. A fourth reason is that a praying Christian is a constant
threat to the stability of Satan's government. The Christian is a
holy rebel loose in the world with access to the throne of God.
Satan never knows from what direction the danger will come. That
Incredible Christian, 71.
The Miracle of Redemption
Psalm 105:37
Then He brought them out with silver and gold; and among His tribes there was not one who stumbled. NASB
This is the psalmist’s inspired description of the deliverance of Israel by the Lord out of Egypt and it focuses on two aspect of redemption – the financial and the physical. It says that God brought them out with silver and gold, with great wealth. And then it says, there was not one who stumbled, not one who was weak, not one who was sick, not one who could not manage that lengthy march across the deserts of Egypt. That’s a picture of redemption.
Redemption is not just for our spiritual being. It’s a total provision of God for every area of our being, for every area of our life. When God redeems, He makes provision for our physical being. He makes provision for our material needs. Remember that just 24 hours previously Israel had been an underprivileged people – slaves, with scarcely enough to eat, no abundance of anything – and in 24 hours, by the act of redemption, God changed all that. How was it changed? By one simple thing, their faith in the Passover lamb, its shed blood, by feeding on the body of the lamb. For us today God has provided a Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus. Faith in His blood and feeding upon Him will do for us even more than the Passover lamb did for Israel in Egypt.
- Derek Prince
Derek Prince
Mar 4, 2012
Earth will likely be impacted by large asteroid February 15-16, 2013
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 4, 2012 – SPACE – Scientists are predicting that the asteroid 2012 DA14 has a good chance of colliding with earth in eleven months. Watch the skies in February 2013! According to RT, NASA has confirmed that the 60 meter (or 197 feet) asteroid, which was spotted by Spanish stargazers in February this year, has a good chance of colliding with earth. The scientists suggest confronting this asteroid with either big guns or, more strangely, with paint. The problem with either option is that there is no time to build a spaceship for the operation. A spaceship could either shoot the asteroid down or simply crash into it – this would either break it into pieces or throw it off course. NASA expert David Dunham suggested: “We could paint it.” The paint would change the asteroid’s ability to reflect sunlight, alter its spin and change its temperature. However, even taking the asteroid off course could be dangerous when it returns in 2056, according to Aleksandr Devaytkin the head of the observatory in Russia’s Pulkovo, as told to Izvestia in Russia recently. The asteroid’s closest approach to earth is scheduled for 15 February 2013, when they predict that the distance between it and earth will be under 27,000 km (16,700 miles). With the asteroid zooming that low, it will be too late to do anything with it besides trying to predict its final destination and the consequences of impact. However, NASA’s David Dunham did say: “The asteroid may split into pieces entering the atmosphere. In this case, most parts of it will never reach the planet’s surface.” But theories are that if the entire asteroid did crash into the planet, the impact will be as hard as in the Tunguska blast, which in 1908 knocked down trees over a total area of 2,150 sq km (830 sq miles) in Siberia. So keep your head down and watch the skies. –Digital Journal
As you can see, the Earth distance of object 2012 DA14 on the JPL chart has dropped to a negative on February 16, 2013, indicating an impact scenario could likely occur. The A.M. or Apparent Magnitude scale puts the object’s brightness at 24.4 H, which would make it a little brighter than Pluto’s moon, Nix, which means it would not be highly visible to the naked eye until it entered Earth’s atmosphere. -The Extinction Protocol
3/4/2012 — Steaming Plumes appear in Arkansas = DORMANT VOLCANOES BEING FRACKED !
Interesting the connection between fracking and possible magma/volcanic activity. The connection with earthquakes is a foregone conclusion, despited denial by the oil industry. Another revelation through Dutchsince.
It took me a minute to find it — but now you can see it for sure — a Fracking (frac well drilling) operation JUST WEST of the Plume area — so all together we have a giant natural gas frack operation — a series of dormant volcanoes, town names like Sulphur Springs, Hot Springs, and Crater of Diamonds/Murfreesboro — the plumes appear on VISIBLE SATELLITE from space.. only for a short time , at MULTIPLE SITES always near sunset… and gone by the AM (thus ruling out a large fire of some kind).
To me, IMO, it has all the pieces there to put together.. a geologic steaming event of some kind … the steam is coming from this dormant volcanic area BEING FRACKED (injected with water) !!!!!
It took me a minute to find it — but now you can see it for sure — a Fracking (frac well drilling) operation JUST WEST of the Plume area — so all together we have a giant natural gas frack operation — a series of dormant volcanoes, town names like Sulphur Springs, Hot Springs, and Crater of Diamonds/Murfreesboro — the plumes appear on VISIBLE SATELLITE from space.. only for a short time , at MULTIPLE SITES always near sunset… and gone by the AM (thus ruling out a large fire of some kind).
To me, IMO, it has all the pieces there to put together.. a geologic steaming event of some kind … the steam is coming from this dormant volcanic area BEING FRACKED (injected with water) !!!!!
Irish residents’ lives wrecked by mysterious ‘humming noise’
Posted by The Extinction Protocol
March 3, 2012 – IRELAND - Despairing residents in a remote Kerry parish have told how their lives have been made a living hell by a mystery humming noise that is disrupting their sleep and causing chaos every day. They are pleading with the Government to investigate the source of the constant, pulsating, low-frequency noise that cannot be traced despite repeated efforts. Frustrated locals in a rural part of Beaufort, 15km from Killarney, have been hearing the bizarre noise since early last year but cannot find what is causing it. Resident Barry Lynch said: “The first time we heard it was in Apr 2011 and it has been there 24/7 since then. We are nearly gone out of our minds because we can’t get a decent night of sleep and its there all day, every day. There are no mobile phone masts, windmills or generators in the area and the ESB has assured us that the problem is not due to any high-tension wires in the area. We thought the noise might be coming from water pumps installed in the area by Kerry County Council but an engineer switched the pumps off for a trial period and the noise was still there.” He said that neighbors over a 7km radius have also complained about the sound. “One neighbor went to the doctor because he thought he was having a problem with his hearing. It is placing a huge strain on my own partner who can’t sleep at night, even when she wears earplugs.” Mr. Lynch said the noise was even more noticeable inside his home and despite extensive insulation, the whole building appears to vibrate, particularly in the stillness of night. “The whole thing is very unpleasant and it is really bothering us. We don’t know what we can do. We are pleading with the Department of the Environment or some other organization to help us before we are driven out of our homes,” said Mr. Lynch. He said he had found out a similar mystery noise had been reported in many parts of the world. –Irish Examiner
Strange Anomalies
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