This article is sort of "in your face", but so is ISIS. ISIS is not an organic, natural movement of outraged Sunni's deciding to take Iraq and parts of other nations into their own hands. They are extremely well-trained, as in Western covert intelligence well-trained. They are marketing their actions, and they aren't being opposed (for the most part) by the Iraqi military.
ISIS to America: "We Will Drown all of you in Blood!"
Left. John McCain meets with Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS in Aleppo in April 2013. Source
ISIS pretends to lead a Sunni resurgence but in fact they are not Sunnis.
David Livingstone explains they are Salafis, a longstanding
Illuminati proxy aimed at dividing and conquering the Muslim world.
Latest - Ed Snowden documents confirm ISIS is CIA-Mossad operation
by David Livingstone
(Abridged by henrymakow. com)
An effort is being made to paint ISIS as a "Sunni" movement in order to suggest that they may have a far larger following and can ignite a major conflict.
(America's latest Bin Laden, after meeting with handler John McCain)
But nothing could be further from the truth. ISIS are Salafis, a manifestation of a modern phenomenon in Islam which scholars have referred to as "Revivalism." The Islamic revivalists have two important things in common: they have always been British-sponsored, and are marked by a rejection of Islamic legal tradition.
The communal effort to codify the intricacies of Islamic law is one of the great intellectual achievements of history. And by the ninth century, it was decided that four leading schools would be recognized as representative of Sunni orthodoxy. The schools, known as a Maddhabs, differed on minor points, but were considered mutually compatible.
Therefore, Islamic law was essentially incorruptible. From that point forward, the Doors of Ijtihad ("independent reasoning") were considered closed.
This posed a challenge to the British "Divide and Conquer" strategy of creating sects based on corruptions of the religion. Therefore they sponsored a wave of these so-called "Revivalists" who all demanded a re-opening of the Doors of Ijtihad, beginning with Mohammed Abdul Wahhab, in the mid-1700s.
Wahhab, a crypto Jew, was sponsored by another crypto-Jew, Ibn Saud, the progenitor of Saudi Arabia. He denounced the Maddhabs and called for a return to the sources, the Quran and Sunnah, undefiled by "human" opinion. He also called a "Jihad" against the Muslims, first within Arabia, and ultimately against the Ottoman Empire.
In 1932, again with British support, the Saud clan seized control of Arabia, which they proceeded to name after themselves. They also seized al Haramain, the sacred precincts of Mecca and Medina and masqueraded as defenders of Sunni Islam.
In 1933, they signed away oil concessions to the Rockefellers' Standard Oil, now Exxon Mobil, the world's third largest company by revenue, and the second largest publicly traded company by market cap. 90% of Saudi revenues from from oil, largely managed by the Rockefellers' Exxon Mobil.
The extraordinary Saudi wealth was a key factor in their support for the spread of Wahhabism, as well as the related Salafi movement, which have since essentially become one.
Salafism began in the eighteenth century, headed by a notorious imposter and British agent by the name of Jamal ud Din al Afghani. Afghani was not only the Grand Master of the Freemasons of Egypt, but also a pivotal figure in the European Occult Revival, which included H. P. Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. Afghani was also an original source of the Masonic teachings of the wayward Nation of Islam in the US.
Afghani's British handler, Wilfred Scawen Blunt, was the first to propose the establishment of a British controlled "Caliphate" (leader of the entire Muslim community) to replace the Ottoman Empire. The idea of a neo-caliphate was later actively pursued by T. E. Lawrence, aka "Lawrence of Arabia," who managed the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Illuminati Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the sister organization of the Rockefellers' CFR.
The ISIS' handlers (Mossad, CIA, MI5 or all of the above) have learned a lot over the years. They made a mistake in choosing bin Laden who was an engineer by education and profession, and therefore failed to convince the Islamic world of his qualifications as a Jihad leader.
But now the situation seems to be more timely for ISI's hidden manipulators. ISIS' leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who has now dared to declare himself "Caliph" of the world's Muslims, earned a master's degree and a PhD in Islamic studies from the Islamic University of Baghdad.
The re-establishment of a Caliph over the world of Islam is the universal aspiration of the Muslims. Every Muslim despairs at the ravages of Western Imperialism, as well as its blind sponsorship of rapacious Zionism. But this makes them vulnerable to deception by their enemies, who dare to prop up false oppositions, or Pied Pipers like al Baghdadi.
But they've made one colossal mistake: they have mistakenly claimed that ISIS is a "Sunni organization."
Since the absence of true Sunni authority, the Saudis have funded their aberrant interpretations, and fooled the world into believing that Wahhabism and Salafism are merely reform trends within Sunnism.
For the most part, many Muslims are duped. They are prone to extremism and lapses mistakenly identified as "Shariah" because they have been estranged from their true Islamic legal tradition found in the Maddhabs. But once they recognize that truth, they will reject imposters like ISIS and rediscover their true heritage, which made them an incorruptible and an indomitable force in the past.
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Left. John McCain meets with Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS in Aleppo in April 2013. Source
ISIS pretends to lead a Sunni resurgence but in fact they are not Sunnis.
David Livingstone explains they are Salafis, a longstanding
Illuminati proxy aimed at dividing and conquering the Muslim world.
Latest - Ed Snowden documents confirm ISIS is CIA-Mossad operation
by David Livingstone
(Abridged by henrymakow. com)
An effort is being made to paint ISIS as a "Sunni" movement in order to suggest that they may have a far larger following and can ignite a major conflict.
But nothing could be further from the truth. ISIS are Salafis, a manifestation of a modern phenomenon in Islam which scholars have referred to as "Revivalism." The Islamic revivalists have two important things in common: they have always been British-sponsored, and are marked by a rejection of Islamic legal tradition.
The communal effort to codify the intricacies of Islamic law is one of the great intellectual achievements of history. And by the ninth century, it was decided that four leading schools would be recognized as representative of Sunni orthodoxy. The schools, known as a Maddhabs, differed on minor points, but were considered mutually compatible.
Therefore, Islamic law was essentially incorruptible. From that point forward, the Doors of Ijtihad ("independent reasoning") were considered closed.
This posed a challenge to the British "Divide and Conquer" strategy of creating sects based on corruptions of the religion. Therefore they sponsored a wave of these so-called "Revivalists" who all demanded a re-opening of the Doors of Ijtihad, beginning with Mohammed Abdul Wahhab, in the mid-1700s.
Wahhab, a crypto Jew, was sponsored by another crypto-Jew, Ibn Saud, the progenitor of Saudi Arabia. He denounced the Maddhabs and called for a return to the sources, the Quran and Sunnah, undefiled by "human" opinion. He also called a "Jihad" against the Muslims, first within Arabia, and ultimately against the Ottoman Empire.
In 1932, again with British support, the Saud clan seized control of Arabia, which they proceeded to name after themselves. They also seized al Haramain, the sacred precincts of Mecca and Medina and masqueraded as defenders of Sunni Islam.
In 1933, they signed away oil concessions to the Rockefellers' Standard Oil, now Exxon Mobil, the world's third largest company by revenue, and the second largest publicly traded company by market cap. 90% of Saudi revenues from from oil, largely managed by the Rockefellers' Exxon Mobil.
The extraordinary Saudi wealth was a key factor in their support for the spread of Wahhabism, as well as the related Salafi movement, which have since essentially become one.
Afghani's British handler, Wilfred Scawen Blunt, was the first to propose the establishment of a British controlled "Caliphate" (leader of the entire Muslim community) to replace the Ottoman Empire. The idea of a neo-caliphate was later actively pursued by T. E. Lawrence, aka "Lawrence of Arabia," who managed the Arab Revolt against the Ottoman Empire on behalf of the Illuminati Royal Institute for International Affairs (RIIA), the sister organization of the Rockefellers' CFR.
The ISIS' handlers (Mossad, CIA, MI5 or all of the above) have learned a lot over the years. They made a mistake in choosing bin Laden who was an engineer by education and profession, and therefore failed to convince the Islamic world of his qualifications as a Jihad leader.
The re-establishment of a Caliph over the world of Islam is the universal aspiration of the Muslims. Every Muslim despairs at the ravages of Western Imperialism, as well as its blind sponsorship of rapacious Zionism. But this makes them vulnerable to deception by their enemies, who dare to prop up false oppositions, or Pied Pipers like al Baghdadi.
But they've made one colossal mistake: they have mistakenly claimed that ISIS is a "Sunni organization."
Since the absence of true Sunni authority, the Saudis have funded their aberrant interpretations, and fooled the world into believing that Wahhabism and Salafism are merely reform trends within Sunnism.
For the most part, many Muslims are duped. They are prone to extremism and lapses mistakenly identified as "Shariah" because they have been estranged from their true Islamic legal tradition found in the Maddhabs. But once they recognize that truth, they will reject imposters like ISIS and rediscover their true heritage, which made them an incorruptible and an indomitable force in the past.
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