Nov 12, 2012

Are Genetically Modified Insects The Next Step For The GMO Industry?

A new genetic modification project wants to introduce genes into the bug population that will eliminate a moth that likes to eat our crops. How close is this to actual implementation?

Whether you like them or not, genetically modified ingredients are hard to avoid in the food supply--they’re found in most processed foods in the U.S. and elsewhere. These crops--generally things like cotton, soy, and corn--are tweaked in labs so that they’re immune to pest-killing products made by companies like Monsanto. The pesticides used on the crops can be harmful to humans, and scientists have questioned the safety of modifying crops in the first place. A British company called Oxitec has a plan to ditch pesticides and GMO crops, instead using genetic modification to eliminate the bugs that feed on certain crops like broccoli, cabbage, and fruit. What could possibly go wrong?

In a recent story, the Daily Mail proclaims that "millions of GM insects developed by British scientists could be released into food crop fields without proper safety checks." It’s not that the company is being allowed to release its insects onto crops without any oversight at all, but the company has reportedly lobbied to ensure GM insect-friendly officials end up on European Food Safety Authority committees.

Here’s how the technology works on a basic level (more detailed science available here): The company puts deadly genes inside male insects of the target insect pest species, like the Diamondback moth. When the males mate with females of the species, their offspring inherit the gene and die before they become adults. And voila, no more pests that munch on crops.

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