By: Jay
The subject of dissociative identity disorder and the fracturing of the psyche is a complex topic that is becoming more mainstream through alternative media. The causes, nature and extent of the disorder are still shrouded in mystery, though modern medicine and psychology do have a lot to say about the matter. One of the reasons the disorder is controversial is that it doesn’t seem to fit well in the dominant materialist/biologist reductionism upon which mass science is built. Given the presupposition of modern science that the psyche is entirely equated with the brain itself, the assumptions are thus that any possible solution to mental problems of this nature can only be remedied or suppressed through the addition of, and rearrangement of, molecular compounds.
This fact is seen most clearly in the pharmaceutical solution, which may provide temporary relief and the subduing of more manic tendencies, fails to address the spiritual dimension of man, excluding from the outset the psyche might be more than a series of neurons firing. The monetary and propagandist power of these corporations, combined with the power to dictate the results through the funding of their “objective studies” that vindicate the latest happy pill, disavow from the outset any other approaches, models or therapeutic applications. Despite the deep interconnectedness of the pharmaceutical industry with the intelligence agencies and psychological and biological warfare industries, few and far between are those who are willing to question this approach as a whole, due to the almost universal indoctrination of neo-Darwinian theory, which thus also preconditions all approaches to therapeutic psychology.
One example of the dilemma a proponent of the modern approach must grapple with is something I have highlighted in the past: if the DSM-V is the “bible” of psychological disorders, then one must accept that the DSM-V still cites older articles referencing mind-controlled alters. If mind-controlled alters are a non-existent fiction of raving conspiracy lunatics, then the DSM-V is now subject to change (as it constantly is), and must be revised. Of course, the DSM-V is constantly revised, as “disorders” suddenly appear quite frequently, all of which are dependent upon the theorizing of so-called experts that operate within the existing paradigm. In this regard, we can see the clear incoherency at work: The circular nature of the existing psychological establishment vindicates the pharmaceutical establishment, which in turn provides the funding to vindicate the psychological establishment. The circular establishment becomes the de facto final court of appeal, even as its theories and revisions are constantly over-turning each other in a perpetual cycle.
Since most people in this field are not familiar with psychological warfare, the military application of such techniques, and the origins and rise of the American Psychological Association and its cousin, the Tavistock Institute, the analogy with the advance of super technologies is appropriate – both “techniques” arise from the military application. In other words, the technological advances of an entity like DARPA are for warfare purposes, even though they are marketed publicly as “humanitarian.” In the same way, the application of modern psychology arose from Institutes and agencies concerned primarily with the subject of mass social engineering and psychological warfare. It should come as no surprise the establishment remedies have such a low success rate. Of course, what one considers a “success” and “progress” is determined by what one’s worldview and ends are, so from the perspective of mass social engineering, the present psychological establishment is a huge success, providing cheap mass experimentation and billions in profits. If mass drugging of the populace into a catatonic, zombie-like state is the end goal, then the existing system can certainly claim it is a great, progressive success.
With this in mind, it is understandable why “alternative” approaches and forms of therapy are derided and laughed at, as the goal of modern “health” is not the integration and healing of the person as a whole, but the chemical treatment of the effects of the problem. As with other fields of research, the “compartmentalization” of information is applied in psychology and medicine as it is in military information. The long-term plans and goals of the pharmaceutical industry and their pill-pushing doctors are ignored at the expense of short-term gains, but the difficulty extends much deeper than the standard left/liberal approach to this question, where the true ends of these industries are almost entirely ascribed to monetary gain. However the oligarchical elite that dominate the western establishment themselves have stated many times what the long-term goals of all these industries are, including “psychology” and the pharmaceutical application. This is why, for example, treatments for disorders that have a higher success rate with cannabis are demonized, while synthetic versions of the same chemical are offered for ridiculous prices.
Unfortunately, the level at which discourse on the topic of cannabis is so dumbed-down and stupid on both sides of the aisle, it is almost futile to discuss, as both the left/liberal pothead are as clueless as the faux “conservative war on drugs” crusader. Both sides of this question are unaware of the complexities involved, as the left/liberal sees the government as “the man” infringing on the “rights” of atomized nobodies wanting a good buzz. On the other hand, moronic conservatives (so-called) are ignorant of the fact that the “war on drugs” was a covert plan for deep state control of the drug trade, criminalizing certain substances so both the black markets and pharmaceutical markets can maintain a monopolistic control. For the left/liberal, the foolish trust in NGOs he believes are actually interested in his “freedom,” are actually promoting a destructive social agenda for think tanks that have a different strategy of social engineering than other think tanks.
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The subject of dissociative identity disorder and the fracturing of the psyche is a complex topic that is becoming more mainstream through alternative media. The causes, nature and extent of the disorder are still shrouded in mystery, though modern medicine and psychology do have a lot to say about the matter. One of the reasons the disorder is controversial is that it doesn’t seem to fit well in the dominant materialist/biologist reductionism upon which mass science is built. Given the presupposition of modern science that the psyche is entirely equated with the brain itself, the assumptions are thus that any possible solution to mental problems of this nature can only be remedied or suppressed through the addition of, and rearrangement of, molecular compounds.
This fact is seen most clearly in the pharmaceutical solution, which may provide temporary relief and the subduing of more manic tendencies, fails to address the spiritual dimension of man, excluding from the outset the psyche might be more than a series of neurons firing. The monetary and propagandist power of these corporations, combined with the power to dictate the results through the funding of their “objective studies” that vindicate the latest happy pill, disavow from the outset any other approaches, models or therapeutic applications. Despite the deep interconnectedness of the pharmaceutical industry with the intelligence agencies and psychological and biological warfare industries, few and far between are those who are willing to question this approach as a whole, due to the almost universal indoctrination of neo-Darwinian theory, which thus also preconditions all approaches to therapeutic psychology.
One example of the dilemma a proponent of the modern approach must grapple with is something I have highlighted in the past: if the DSM-V is the “bible” of psychological disorders, then one must accept that the DSM-V still cites older articles referencing mind-controlled alters. If mind-controlled alters are a non-existent fiction of raving conspiracy lunatics, then the DSM-V is now subject to change (as it constantly is), and must be revised. Of course, the DSM-V is constantly revised, as “disorders” suddenly appear quite frequently, all of which are dependent upon the theorizing of so-called experts that operate within the existing paradigm. In this regard, we can see the clear incoherency at work: The circular nature of the existing psychological establishment vindicates the pharmaceutical establishment, which in turn provides the funding to vindicate the psychological establishment. The circular establishment becomes the de facto final court of appeal, even as its theories and revisions are constantly over-turning each other in a perpetual cycle.
Since most people in this field are not familiar with psychological warfare, the military application of such techniques, and the origins and rise of the American Psychological Association and its cousin, the Tavistock Institute, the analogy with the advance of super technologies is appropriate – both “techniques” arise from the military application. In other words, the technological advances of an entity like DARPA are for warfare purposes, even though they are marketed publicly as “humanitarian.” In the same way, the application of modern psychology arose from Institutes and agencies concerned primarily with the subject of mass social engineering and psychological warfare. It should come as no surprise the establishment remedies have such a low success rate. Of course, what one considers a “success” and “progress” is determined by what one’s worldview and ends are, so from the perspective of mass social engineering, the present psychological establishment is a huge success, providing cheap mass experimentation and billions in profits. If mass drugging of the populace into a catatonic, zombie-like state is the end goal, then the existing system can certainly claim it is a great, progressive success.
With this in mind, it is understandable why “alternative” approaches and forms of therapy are derided and laughed at, as the goal of modern “health” is not the integration and healing of the person as a whole, but the chemical treatment of the effects of the problem. As with other fields of research, the “compartmentalization” of information is applied in psychology and medicine as it is in military information. The long-term plans and goals of the pharmaceutical industry and their pill-pushing doctors are ignored at the expense of short-term gains, but the difficulty extends much deeper than the standard left/liberal approach to this question, where the true ends of these industries are almost entirely ascribed to monetary gain. However the oligarchical elite that dominate the western establishment themselves have stated many times what the long-term goals of all these industries are, including “psychology” and the pharmaceutical application. This is why, for example, treatments for disorders that have a higher success rate with cannabis are demonized, while synthetic versions of the same chemical are offered for ridiculous prices.
Unfortunately, the level at which discourse on the topic of cannabis is so dumbed-down and stupid on both sides of the aisle, it is almost futile to discuss, as both the left/liberal pothead are as clueless as the faux “conservative war on drugs” crusader. Both sides of this question are unaware of the complexities involved, as the left/liberal sees the government as “the man” infringing on the “rights” of atomized nobodies wanting a good buzz. On the other hand, moronic conservatives (so-called) are ignorant of the fact that the “war on drugs” was a covert plan for deep state control of the drug trade, criminalizing certain substances so both the black markets and pharmaceutical markets can maintain a monopolistic control. For the left/liberal, the foolish trust in NGOs he believes are actually interested in his “freedom,” are actually promoting a destructive social agenda for think tanks that have a different strategy of social engineering than other think tanks.
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