Cris Putnam

In The Supernatural Worldview, I explained the burgeoning monistic spirituality or oneism — all is one — as the religious paradigm of our age. One page 393, I explained:
) Now Thailand is writing a third gender into its constitution. President Obama would seemingly concur. I wonder how long before America follows suit?
[i] Peter Jones, One or Two: Seeing a World of Difference, Kindle edition (Escondido, CA: Main Entry, 2010) Kindle Locations 1307-1308.
[ii] “Paganus” in An Elementary Latin Dictionary ed. Charlton T. Lewis (Medford, MA: American Book Company, 1890).
[iii] Jones, One or Two, Kindle Locations 151-157.
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In The Supernatural Worldview, I explained the burgeoning monistic spirituality or oneism — all is one — as the religious paradigm of our age. One page 393, I explained:
The defining issue is the creature/creator distinction. From exegesis of: “who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen” (Romans 1:25, NKJVOneism extends into sexuality as androgyny and homo / bi-sexuality. After all, if all is one, then there are no distinctions between male and female. However a supernatural worldview makes these distinctions based on a creature / creator separation. Jesus said, “Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female,”(Mt 19:4, underline added). Although many use the indefinite article “a,” it is argued by many competent scholars that the definite article “the” is the best translation so that the text juxtaposes “the lie” to “the Creator.”[i] The lie is pantheistic monism or “all is one” which entails the universe evolved. Remarkably, pagan or paganus comes from the Latin word meaning “of the earth” and originally denoted rural folk.[ii] From Paul’s apposition in Romans 1:25
, Peter Jones observed that there are really only two religious perspectives, “oneism” (worship of creation) and “twoism” (worship of the creator). Jones explains:
One-ism believes that “all is one” and shares the same essential nature. Theologians use the term “consubstantiality.” As you probably know, “con” means “with” in Latin, and you know what “substantial” means — “substance” or “essence.” In One-ism, everything shares the same essence. In a word, everything is a piece of the divine. [iii]
Thailand to have ‘third gender’ in new constitution
Thailand is poised to recognise a third gender in its new constitution, with the constitutional drafting panel saying on Thursday that “Thai society has advanced”.
The panel, composed of members handpicked by the ruling junta, said that “there are not only men and women”, and that there is a need to recognize all genders.
“We need to protect all sexes – we consider all genders to be equal”, panel spokesman Kamnoon Sittisamarn told journalists.
The panel will send details of the measure to the National Reform Council by April. It will need to be formally approved by the ruling junta, also known as the National Council for Peace and Order.
Thailand has a significant LGBT community, with homosexual, transgender and transsexual people playing a prominent role in the country’s entertainment industry.
In 2012, a group of lawmakers and LGBT activists formed a committee to draft legislation recognizing same-sex couples that would, among other things, enable them to marry.
But discussion of the draft law was put on ice while Thailand struggled with political protests in 2013 and 2014.
[i] Peter Jones, One or Two: Seeing a World of Difference, Kindle edition (Escondido, CA: Main Entry, 2010) Kindle Locations 1307-1308.
[ii] “Paganus” in An Elementary Latin Dictionary ed. Charlton T. Lewis (Medford, MA: American Book Company, 1890).
[iii] Jones, One or Two, Kindle Locations 151-157.
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