jay008 /
By: Jay
I’ll spare you any Arnold impersonations, as The Terminator impersonation is perennially the material of hack comedians. On the contrary, the Terminator series is one of the more profound examples of predictive programming, establishing memes and implanting preparatory ideas comparable to The Matrix. While The Matrix is the classic conspiracy-genre trope for “awakening” to the fraud of the system as a whole, the Terminator series is far more ominous and serious in its foreboding message. Foreboding, because the real shadow government plan is to erect Skynet in reality, and serious because the establishment’s entire paradigm is that of depopulation. Mix the two together, and you get Terminator. Thus, I have been of the opinion for a few years now that the reason for the erection of A.I., while full of esoteric undertones, is pragmatically about erecting a control grid impervious to human error which will then function as a global human deletion grid.
Past regimes and empires collapsed due to corruption, degeneration and human frailty. What, then, is the one way to avoid this imperial atrophy? The answer is robotics, and removing humans from the equation – the rise of the machines. For this analysis, I am not going to do the traditional scene by scene approach to symbolism: The Terminator series is pretty straightforward. Like a gigantic android middle finger, the Terminator films are a full-frontal example of the long-term plan of the establishment to erect a control grid with human agents out of the loop. I will also look at real white papers and plans that detail this plot, as well as prominent voices who have given this very warning.
In the first installment, we are introduced to an apocalyptic future where an amorphous Skynet has decimated the globe with a nuclear strike intent on wiping out the human population. Here enters Arnold, the T-800 model cyborg assassin, sent back in time to halt the birth of John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. With archetypal 80s blue lightning, the action commences with a naked Arnold ravaging L.A. in pursuit of Sarah, John’s soon to be mom who gets busy with Kyle Reese, another resistance fighter from the future sent back to give birth to John. I’m not positive, but something there in this plot timeline doesn’t add up – if your future dad comes back in time to conceive you, presumably you could also come back in time to conceive yourself, if you were incestuous. But this brings up a side theme in the Terminator films in addition to A.I. – the issue of determinism, time and free will. Whether the nuclear apocalypse is predestined or whether the time continuum can be altered was a big movie question in the 80s – just ask Marty McFly and the Doc.
Skynet nukes America (think Matthew Broderick in Wargames!) because its “achieving self-awareness” results in a calculated cost-beneft analysis of the threat and uselessness of billions of hominid meatbags. Human reasoning and emotions and frailty give rise to error, and humans might shut down Skynet, ergo they must be eliminated. The essential revelation is not that robotics will evolve consciousness (which is all based on the outdated mechanistic Enlightenment worldview that all of reality is an atomistic causal determinism), but rather that the radical eugenics program of the global elite has morphed into a technocratic transhumanism. Racial and familial eugenics is really a thing of the past – an older form of eugenics that gave way to bioethics and bioengineering. Combined with technocratic futurism, we now have a new paradigm, spun off from the Darwinian and Malthusian models – transhumanism or post-humanism.
In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, this becomes more evident, as an advanced silver silly putty nanotech T-1000 bot is now on the trail of Connor with a new twist introduced – the future humans have also sent a hacked T-800 Arnold bot to protect John. Debates ensue concerning the ability of free will to change the track of history, blah, blah, but what’s more relevant in the sequel is the statement Arnold makes concerning how Skynet came to be. Arnold reveals that the U.S. military decided to go to a fully A.I. robotic and drone force. Aware readers will recognize that this is now quickly becoming our reality, as numerous publications have reported the Air Force plan to move entirely over to unmanned A.I. drones. The Declassified Air Force A.I. plan for 2009-2047 reads as follows:
“Figure 10 – Long Term – Full Autonomy
The final portfolio step leverages a fully autonomous capability, swarming, and Hypersonic technology to put the enemy off-balance by being able to almost instantaneously create effects throughout the battle space. Technologies to perform auto air refueling, automated maintenance, automatic target engagement, hypersonic flight, and swarming would drive changes across the DOTMLPF-P spectrum. The end result would be a revolution in the roles of humans in air warfare. Long Term (FY25-47) Technology Enablers
Assuming legal and policy decisions allow, technological advances in artificial intelligence will enable UAS to make and execute complex decisions required in this phase of autonomy. Today target recognition technology usually relies on matching specific sensor information with predictive templates of the intended target. As the number of types of targets and environmental factors increase the complexity of and time to complete targeting increases. Further, many targeting algorithms are focused on military equipment. Our enemies today and those we face in the future will find ways to counter our systems. Autonomous targeting systems must be capable of learning and exercising a spectrum of missions useful to the Joint Warfighter. However, humans will retain the ability to change the level of autonomy as appropriate for the type or phase of mission.”
The goal is thus to attain full autonomy, with attack systems functioning to spot targets and threats ahead of time using predictive templates, something like a military version of pre-crime. Just like Minority Report, the decision of Skynet as to who will constitute a future threat and must therefore be eliminated (without any trial or due process) is to be determined by predictive algorithms! The justification of the preemptive iStrike doctrine is, of course, a “wartime scenario,” but all this legalese shuffling around means is all humans are potential threats in a global “wartime scenario.” While the majority of mankind still thinks the battlefield of life is competition between nation states and rival corporations, the globalists have already planned decades ahead in their white papers for scenarios of universal, perpetual war theater engaged against the “insurgent” population of humanity en masse.
In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, a sexy silver putty nano bot from the future again traverses back in time to hunt John Connor, while Arnold as the older Commodore 64 model returns to be his guardian angel. Both Terminator 2 and 3 include the theme of the A.I. obtaining “self-awareness,” which cheese ball scenes of Arnold and Connor bonding over Arnold beginning to have “feelings.” The entire ethos of A.I. obtaining “consciousness” is itself a nonsensical myth born of Darwinism meets tech, operating on the reductionist, mechanistic, materialist assumption that “consciousness” is nothing more than a more complex evolution of chemical reactions. The final goal with this idea is, as I’ve written, a mirrored, virtual mimicry of our present reality, with a melded bio-organic one.
This replacement grand narrative is the ultimate Royal Society myth perpetuated for the last few centuries, and almost all collegiate techies and the corporate guru establishment are duped by it. Having bought the propaganda of Terminator, plus T-1000 more hours of Hollywood psy ops, as well as years of standardized education since youth, the training to see “A.I.” bots as “alive” is a now a reflexive action to decades of conditioning (think of the sympathy we are to feel for “David” in Spielberg and Kubrick’s A.I.). Myths need a future, millennialist component, as well as a grand narrative explanation for the past, and Darwinism melded with techno-utopianism is a perfect concoction for modern man, with perhaps a little panspermia thrown in for good measure. However, while a “living” A.I. consciousness may not be obtainable, as JC Collins has elucidated, and as I commented, a synthetic, a spontaneous data-driven subconscious might be possible through the collection of mass data via the Internet and social media over long periods of time.
Read the rest of this article at - http://jaysanalysis.com/2014/11/26/terminator-series-revelation-of-the-coming-a-i-takeover/
I’ll spare you any Arnold impersonations, as The Terminator impersonation is perennially the material of hack comedians. On the contrary, the Terminator series is one of the more profound examples of predictive programming, establishing memes and implanting preparatory ideas comparable to The Matrix. While The Matrix is the classic conspiracy-genre trope for “awakening” to the fraud of the system as a whole, the Terminator series is far more ominous and serious in its foreboding message. Foreboding, because the real shadow government plan is to erect Skynet in reality, and serious because the establishment’s entire paradigm is that of depopulation. Mix the two together, and you get Terminator. Thus, I have been of the opinion for a few years now that the reason for the erection of A.I., while full of esoteric undertones, is pragmatically about erecting a control grid impervious to human error which will then function as a global human deletion grid.
Past regimes and empires collapsed due to corruption, degeneration and human frailty. What, then, is the one way to avoid this imperial atrophy? The answer is robotics, and removing humans from the equation – the rise of the machines. For this analysis, I am not going to do the traditional scene by scene approach to symbolism: The Terminator series is pretty straightforward. Like a gigantic android middle finger, the Terminator films are a full-frontal example of the long-term plan of the establishment to erect a control grid with human agents out of the loop. I will also look at real white papers and plans that detail this plot, as well as prominent voices who have given this very warning.
In the first installment, we are introduced to an apocalyptic future where an amorphous Skynet has decimated the globe with a nuclear strike intent on wiping out the human population. Here enters Arnold, the T-800 model cyborg assassin, sent back in time to halt the birth of John Connor, the future leader of the human resistance. With archetypal 80s blue lightning, the action commences with a naked Arnold ravaging L.A. in pursuit of Sarah, John’s soon to be mom who gets busy with Kyle Reese, another resistance fighter from the future sent back to give birth to John. I’m not positive, but something there in this plot timeline doesn’t add up – if your future dad comes back in time to conceive you, presumably you could also come back in time to conceive yourself, if you were incestuous. But this brings up a side theme in the Terminator films in addition to A.I. – the issue of determinism, time and free will. Whether the nuclear apocalypse is predestined or whether the time continuum can be altered was a big movie question in the 80s – just ask Marty McFly and the Doc.
Skynet nukes America (think Matthew Broderick in Wargames!) because its “achieving self-awareness” results in a calculated cost-beneft analysis of the threat and uselessness of billions of hominid meatbags. Human reasoning and emotions and frailty give rise to error, and humans might shut down Skynet, ergo they must be eliminated. The essential revelation is not that robotics will evolve consciousness (which is all based on the outdated mechanistic Enlightenment worldview that all of reality is an atomistic causal determinism), but rather that the radical eugenics program of the global elite has morphed into a technocratic transhumanism. Racial and familial eugenics is really a thing of the past – an older form of eugenics that gave way to bioethics and bioengineering. Combined with technocratic futurism, we now have a new paradigm, spun off from the Darwinian and Malthusian models – transhumanism or post-humanism.
In Terminator 2: Judgment Day, this becomes more evident, as an advanced silver silly putty nanotech T-1000 bot is now on the trail of Connor with a new twist introduced – the future humans have also sent a hacked T-800 Arnold bot to protect John. Debates ensue concerning the ability of free will to change the track of history, blah, blah, but what’s more relevant in the sequel is the statement Arnold makes concerning how Skynet came to be. Arnold reveals that the U.S. military decided to go to a fully A.I. robotic and drone force. Aware readers will recognize that this is now quickly becoming our reality, as numerous publications have reported the Air Force plan to move entirely over to unmanned A.I. drones. The Declassified Air Force A.I. plan for 2009-2047 reads as follows:
“Figure 10 – Long Term – Full Autonomy
The final portfolio step leverages a fully autonomous capability, swarming, and Hypersonic technology to put the enemy off-balance by being able to almost instantaneously create effects throughout the battle space. Technologies to perform auto air refueling, automated maintenance, automatic target engagement, hypersonic flight, and swarming would drive changes across the DOTMLPF-P spectrum. The end result would be a revolution in the roles of humans in air warfare. Long Term (FY25-47) Technology Enablers
Assuming legal and policy decisions allow, technological advances in artificial intelligence will enable UAS to make and execute complex decisions required in this phase of autonomy. Today target recognition technology usually relies on matching specific sensor information with predictive templates of the intended target. As the number of types of targets and environmental factors increase the complexity of and time to complete targeting increases. Further, many targeting algorithms are focused on military equipment. Our enemies today and those we face in the future will find ways to counter our systems. Autonomous targeting systems must be capable of learning and exercising a spectrum of missions useful to the Joint Warfighter. However, humans will retain the ability to change the level of autonomy as appropriate for the type or phase of mission.”
The goal is thus to attain full autonomy, with attack systems functioning to spot targets and threats ahead of time using predictive templates, something like a military version of pre-crime. Just like Minority Report, the decision of Skynet as to who will constitute a future threat and must therefore be eliminated (without any trial or due process) is to be determined by predictive algorithms! The justification of the preemptive iStrike doctrine is, of course, a “wartime scenario,” but all this legalese shuffling around means is all humans are potential threats in a global “wartime scenario.” While the majority of mankind still thinks the battlefield of life is competition between nation states and rival corporations, the globalists have already planned decades ahead in their white papers for scenarios of universal, perpetual war theater engaged against the “insurgent” population of humanity en masse.
In Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, a sexy silver putty nano bot from the future again traverses back in time to hunt John Connor, while Arnold as the older Commodore 64 model returns to be his guardian angel. Both Terminator 2 and 3 include the theme of the A.I. obtaining “self-awareness,” which cheese ball scenes of Arnold and Connor bonding over Arnold beginning to have “feelings.” The entire ethos of A.I. obtaining “consciousness” is itself a nonsensical myth born of Darwinism meets tech, operating on the reductionist, mechanistic, materialist assumption that “consciousness” is nothing more than a more complex evolution of chemical reactions. The final goal with this idea is, as I’ve written, a mirrored, virtual mimicry of our present reality, with a melded bio-organic one.
This replacement grand narrative is the ultimate Royal Society myth perpetuated for the last few centuries, and almost all collegiate techies and the corporate guru establishment are duped by it. Having bought the propaganda of Terminator, plus T-1000 more hours of Hollywood psy ops, as well as years of standardized education since youth, the training to see “A.I.” bots as “alive” is a now a reflexive action to decades of conditioning (think of the sympathy we are to feel for “David” in Spielberg and Kubrick’s A.I.). Myths need a future, millennialist component, as well as a grand narrative explanation for the past, and Darwinism melded with techno-utopianism is a perfect concoction for modern man, with perhaps a little panspermia thrown in for good measure. However, while a “living” A.I. consciousness may not be obtainable, as JC Collins has elucidated, and as I commented, a synthetic, a spontaneous data-driven subconscious might be possible through the collection of mass data via the Internet and social media over long periods of time.
Read the rest of this article at - http://jaysanalysis.com/2014/11/26/terminator-series-revelation-of-the-coming-a-i-takeover/