This is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the thinking of covert agencies and how they love to drop hints about bad things they are about to do. This is a well known concept in witchcraft, as mages believe that they gain power when they announce what they are about to do and are still able to accomplish the work. Check out the bizarre numerology speech given by Christine Lagarde of the IMF near the end of the article.
Like Many 9/11 Examples, the Scripting of the Malaysian Plane Fiasco Matches the Plot of BBC’s Sherlock
By: Jay
Our latest media theatrical blitz is the Hollywood-esque sequel to last month’s suspicious and likely scripted airplane disaster, the mystical Malaysian Plane fiasco. News junkies and analysts will recall the recent “loss” of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 which sparked a media furor of high ratings, speculation, pundit nonsense and even the enlistment of Courtney Love’s noteworthy, famed sleuthing abilities. In a rare anomaly, Love was in this case, unable to solve the so-called disaster. Followers of JaysAnalysis or my Twitter or Facebook feed know that I deemed this event unworthy of any attention, and that I think it was likely staged, with a high probability of there being no plane at all. That may seem extreme to some newer readers, but longtime readers will recall the numerous instances of known, staged and faked news casts cataloged here when RawStory attacked me.
However, with the new Malaysian Plane Flight MH17, we have what appears to be something more significant – an emerging false flag event run by western intelligence and NATO to frame Russia for the purpose of further US/EU/NATO operations in staving off Russia. In this article, I want to present that false flag thesis and other speculations based on the evidence that has emerged so far. I will investigate the known facts to date, based on reliable sources with a good track record, the motives for the so-called attack, and the more esoteric and speculative connections that may also be relevant to seeing the “calling card” of who might have been behind the event.
The first and most obvious suspicion is that this is Malaysian Airlines, part deux. I am not saying anything ridiculous like they are the same planes, but rather that two Malaysian Airlines flights become “diverted” to become center stage media foci within a month as mere coincidence stretches credulity. One recalls immediately the numerous TWA flights of the last several decades that mysteriously were lost, hijacked and shot down, all of which served specific political motives advantageous to the Western establishment. A second related question involves Malaysian Airlines itself – who owns this airline, and what intelligence agencies might be able to utilize it for such covert operations? Hardly anyone in the media is asking this question, nor was it asked the last go around.
Malaysian Airlines was started by the Liverpool-based Ocean Group together with Imperial Airways, back in 1937. It is crucial to note that Malaysia was a part of the British Empire, and thus associations with British Intelligence will not be far removed. Though the company was broken up soon thereafter, it was incorporated with various shareholders holding close connections to, and positions in, offices of Malaysian government. For example, former Malaysian Airlines CEO Idris Jala formerly held high level positions with gas giant and Western establishment megacorporation, Shell, before entering Malaysian politics. Malaysian Airlines is a GLC, or “government linked company,” which we can translate into intelligence linked company, bringing to mind classic examples of intelligence linked airlines, such as Evergreen, the famed CIA shell company that succeeded Air America. Consider the extent of the CIA connections to airlines according to a 1986 Time Magazine article:
“Officially, the CIA says it has no record that Doole ever worked there, but among old agency hands, he is a legend. Operating out of a small, nondescript office on Connecticut Avenue, he founded and ran a far-flung network of airlines that the agency used to carry out its covert operations all over the world. Owned by a holding company, the Pacific Corp., that was itself a CIA front, Doole’s empire included Air America, Civil Air Transport, Southern Air Transport, Air Asia and dozens of small puddle-jumper lines. Together, at their peak in the mid ’60s, these CIA “proprietaries” added up to an airline that was almost the size of TWA, employing nearly 20,000 people (as many as the CIA itself) and operating some 200 planes. Even the CIA was not sure just how many. Asked by then Deputy Director Helms to account for all the planes in Doole’s regime, a staffer spent three months on the project before confessing that he could never be more than 90% certain. The problem, explained the exasperated staffer, was that Doole was forever leasing planes between his shell corporations and changing their markings and tail numbers.”
Malaysia is also home to a host of Western intelligence shady dealings, according to insider Peter Levenda. Levenda claims as follows in his Sinister Forces, Vol. 3:
“Friends of mine in Kuala Lumpur-otherwise intelligent, rational people with a love for business and the easy, good life of their tropical paradise-take it for granted that the world has targeted Muslim Malaysia out of jealousy for the strength of their economy…[erroneously thinking] there was simply no truth to the reports that Malaysia was a haven for terrorists, even as one of their political parties praised the bombers of Bali, the World Trade Center, of the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta and met with Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Malaysia in May of 2002.” (pg. 443)
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Season 2, Episode 1, “A Scandal in Belgravia,” in 2012: Mycroft tells Sherlock Flight 007 was a false flag with already dead bodies.
Like Many 9/11 Examples, the Scripting of the Malaysian Plane Fiasco Matches the Plot of BBC’s Sherlock
By: Jay
Our latest media theatrical blitz is the Hollywood-esque sequel to last month’s suspicious and likely scripted airplane disaster, the mystical Malaysian Plane fiasco. News junkies and analysts will recall the recent “loss” of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 which sparked a media furor of high ratings, speculation, pundit nonsense and even the enlistment of Courtney Love’s noteworthy, famed sleuthing abilities. In a rare anomaly, Love was in this case, unable to solve the so-called disaster. Followers of JaysAnalysis or my Twitter or Facebook feed know that I deemed this event unworthy of any attention, and that I think it was likely staged, with a high probability of there being no plane at all. That may seem extreme to some newer readers, but longtime readers will recall the numerous instances of known, staged and faked news casts cataloged here when RawStory attacked me.
However, with the new Malaysian Plane Flight MH17, we have what appears to be something more significant – an emerging false flag event run by western intelligence and NATO to frame Russia for the purpose of further US/EU/NATO operations in staving off Russia. In this article, I want to present that false flag thesis and other speculations based on the evidence that has emerged so far. I will investigate the known facts to date, based on reliable sources with a good track record, the motives for the so-called attack, and the more esoteric and speculative connections that may also be relevant to seeing the “calling card” of who might have been behind the event.
The first and most obvious suspicion is that this is Malaysian Airlines, part deux. I am not saying anything ridiculous like they are the same planes, but rather that two Malaysian Airlines flights become “diverted” to become center stage media foci within a month as mere coincidence stretches credulity. One recalls immediately the numerous TWA flights of the last several decades that mysteriously were lost, hijacked and shot down, all of which served specific political motives advantageous to the Western establishment. A second related question involves Malaysian Airlines itself – who owns this airline, and what intelligence agencies might be able to utilize it for such covert operations? Hardly anyone in the media is asking this question, nor was it asked the last go around.
Malaysian Airlines was started by the Liverpool-based Ocean Group together with Imperial Airways, back in 1937. It is crucial to note that Malaysia was a part of the British Empire, and thus associations with British Intelligence will not be far removed. Though the company was broken up soon thereafter, it was incorporated with various shareholders holding close connections to, and positions in, offices of Malaysian government. For example, former Malaysian Airlines CEO Idris Jala formerly held high level positions with gas giant and Western establishment megacorporation, Shell, before entering Malaysian politics. Malaysian Airlines is a GLC, or “government linked company,” which we can translate into intelligence linked company, bringing to mind classic examples of intelligence linked airlines, such as Evergreen, the famed CIA shell company that succeeded Air America. Consider the extent of the CIA connections to airlines according to a 1986 Time Magazine article:
“Officially, the CIA says it has no record that Doole ever worked there, but among old agency hands, he is a legend. Operating out of a small, nondescript office on Connecticut Avenue, he founded and ran a far-flung network of airlines that the agency used to carry out its covert operations all over the world. Owned by a holding company, the Pacific Corp., that was itself a CIA front, Doole’s empire included Air America, Civil Air Transport, Southern Air Transport, Air Asia and dozens of small puddle-jumper lines. Together, at their peak in the mid ’60s, these CIA “proprietaries” added up to an airline that was almost the size of TWA, employing nearly 20,000 people (as many as the CIA itself) and operating some 200 planes. Even the CIA was not sure just how many. Asked by then Deputy Director Helms to account for all the planes in Doole’s regime, a staffer spent three months on the project before confessing that he could never be more than 90% certain. The problem, explained the exasperated staffer, was that Doole was forever leasing planes between his shell corporations and changing their markings and tail numbers.”
Malaysia is also home to a host of Western intelligence shady dealings, according to insider Peter Levenda. Levenda claims as follows in his Sinister Forces, Vol. 3:
“Friends of mine in Kuala Lumpur-otherwise intelligent, rational people with a love for business and the easy, good life of their tropical paradise-take it for granted that the world has targeted Muslim Malaysia out of jealousy for the strength of their economy…[erroneously thinking] there was simply no truth to the reports that Malaysia was a haven for terrorists, even as one of their political parties praised the bombers of Bali, the World Trade Center, of the Marriot Hotel in Jakarta and met with Hamas and Hezbollah leaders in Malaysia in May of 2002.” (pg. 443)
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