Mar 27, 2014

The Remote Control-of-Aircraft-Without-Pilot-Consent Cat Is Out Of The Bag…

by Joseph P. Farrell

Amid all of the obfuscation and epistemological warfare going on surrounding the disappearance of Malaysia Air flight 370, one version of the hijack scenario that is not being discussed by the lamestream media presstitutes is that of a capture of the aircraft by remote control, and its subsequent piloting by remote control to whatever destination or end it may have met. Mind you, my mind is not made up about any scenario save one: whether the aircraft was the victim of some sort of deliberate action, pilot “suicide”, or more exotic and anomalous “disappearance”, what does seem clear is that in the spate of stories that began about two days after the flight’s disappearance, we are dealing with an “event of opportunity” that has begun to be spun by means of the deliberate obfuscation of the smallest details: transponders were turned off, but then, another article saying transponders couldn’t be turned off; Chinese satellite pictures that were first offered, then withdraw; radar tracks appearing days after the fact, a disappearance southeast of Vietnam…no, woops, scratch that, we now “know’ that the plane changed course and may have landed in Pakistan as part of a first phase of a terrorist operation(shades of 9/11) involving possible use of the aircraft as a delivery mechanism or weapon…woops, scratch that, Australia is saying that they may have found debris in the Indian Ocean west of Perth…woops, scratch that, General MacInerny on Faux News said he thinks that the flight may have flown close to another flight flying over India so as to trick Indian radar…woops, scratch that, India said (a couple days earlier as if anticipating that spin), that no aircraft would enter their airspace without them knowing about it, but we’ll help in the search… woops, scratch that, no we won’t…

On and on it has gone, and hence, regardless of what one’s “favored scenario” is, one thing emerges: the degree of obfuscation and media attention points to the involvement of covert forces in the emerging storyline, and its use at the minimum as an “event of opportunity” to conduct epistemological warfare.

But for those of you in the “abduction by remote control” scenario, a scenario that began to emerge as an hypothesis to explain the demonstrable flying skill of some of the alleged 9/11 maneuvers, there is now this development:

Boeing wins Patent on Uninterruptible Autopilot System

Read the full article at -