This is a fascinating article. The site which posted this article supports a view that most people of European descent are of the 10 lost tribes of Israel. The author believes that these tribes will soon return to Israel and be reunited with the tribes of Judah and Benjamin.

The Rothschild Masonic Temple called the International House of Religious Fellowship
It appears that the prophetic river is today flowing nearby the Temple Mount. For centuries, students of the prophets have been waiting for the world energy to become focused upon the Temple Mount as it is believed by most that a Jewish Temple will be built before the final battles as the nations of the world arrive to surround the Land of Israel. These nations that will surround Jerusalem will only find a slippery slope and a stumbling block to their best laid dreams of grandeur.
King Belteshazzar felt justified that the G-d of Israel had forsaken his people, the Jews in exile, for according to his calculations, the 70 years of exile had come and gone. So he gathered all his nobles and military commanders for a celebration feast. It took the finger of the Divine to remind him who was the Master of the Universe.
As the prophetic future of Belteshazzar was written upon the walls of the palace banquet hall in Babylon, the military sappers of the Medo-Persian forces under the command of General Gobryas, an Israelite king of the tribe of Gad, were crawling under the open gates of the Euphrates River. Within hours the city of Babylon was under the military command of King Cyrus the Great.
Is it not amazing that King Cyrus was also a Lost Israelite of the Pasar-Gadae tribe of Gad. The most impregnable city of the then-known-world, Babylon was taken from the Babylonians and given by the G-d of Israel to the Persians by Lost Israelite military warriors. The imperial rule was given by the G-d of Israel to the Persians who would soon redeem the Jewish people to return to their homeland and rebuild a new temple to the G-d of Israel. This was all done by the G-d of Israel without shedding one drop of Jewish blood.
So today, the guiding hand of the Divine is setting up the nations of the world towards their own fate. The Vatican is still trying to become the chief negotiator in obtaining control of the Temple Mount so that they can build a temple on its premise for all nations and all peoples. Of course the Vatican will deny that they do not have the golden menorah. This is their “crown jewel” and they have no desire to give way this possession that gave them their destiny and ultimate fate.
Yet, if the Vatican does not have the Temple of Herod’s Menorah, then it was taken in the 5thcentury CE by either the Visigoths or theVandals of the Israelite Germanic Tribes of ancient military warfare fame. To their fame, they recovered the famed Treasures of Solomon’s Temple that were in the archives of ancient Rome.
Unknowns even to the Israelite Visigoth and Vandals, was the fact that the Prophet Jeremiah with his priestly commandos, buried a major bulk of the Temple Treasures of Solomon in hidden tunnels and crevasses whose locations are known only to G-d somewhere in the Land of Israel.
One of the Great Menorahs of Solomon’s Temple, according to the research by BibleSearchers Reflections, was taken to Baghdad and was hidden beneath the walls of that ancient city in Babylon. This was an amazing 49 lamped menorah was imbedded with costly gems of great value and brilliance and is still there to this day awaiting the day when the Messiah son of David will come to institute a messianic kingdom for G-d on Planet Earth.
With all of these menorahs reputed to be from Solomon’s Temple, that were claimed to be in existence, were melted down into small golden statues and given to important Romans of that era, it’s strange that one of these golden statutes has not shown up over the centuries. Yet, the Israelite possession of Solomon’s Treasures was documented in the Destination Yisra’el article titled, “The Lost Tribes of Israel as G-d’s Emissary of Divine Judgment upon Rome”:
A more reliable legend is the well documented siege of Rome by both the Visigoths and the Vandals in the years of 420 CE and later in 450 CE. These were the only two times that the city of Rome was ever placed under siege and her mighty walls was breeched by foreign forces. Amazingly, both of these sieges were also done by the Germanic tribes of the Visigoths and the Vandals, just as were done over seven hundred years earlier by the Lost Israelite forces of the Medes and the Persians upon the city of Babylon.
Now we have read the documentation that there were also other majestic menorahs that lid up the Jerusalem night-life during the Succot celebrations in that holy city. Why are we so incapable to see the Divine hand molding and judging the nations that have dwelt an evil and harsh hand against the Jews of the House of Israel?
So today, we are again soon to witness maybe the last of the imperial quests for world dominion so that they can rule by “power, greed, and control” the fate of G-d’s solar-rex capital on Planet Earth. Once again its culmination will end in a blood-bath for those that seek to prevent G-d from completing the prophetic culmination of the “end of the age”, for the days of the Gentiles is now over.
Yet, the return of the menorahs will come at a cost, for Rome nor Vatican Rome have never given the Jews in Jerusalem anything without it costing a fortune; usually dripping with Jewish blood. As stated:
It was on December 5, 2011 that Destination Yisra’el revealed as least one international plan to build an Ecumenical Temple on the Temple Mount in the blog titled, “Is the Rothschild Temple being Prepared to be Built on the Temple Mount?” If this were to happen it would desecrate the region where Solomon’s Temple once stood and be a blasphemy to the Almighty One of Israel.
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The Rothschild Masonic Temple called the International House of Religious Fellowship
It appears that the prophetic river is today flowing nearby the Temple Mount. For centuries, students of the prophets have been waiting for the world energy to become focused upon the Temple Mount as it is believed by most that a Jewish Temple will be built before the final battles as the nations of the world arrive to surround the Land of Israel. These nations that will surround Jerusalem will only find a slippery slope and a stumbling block to their best laid dreams of grandeur.
King Belteshazzar felt justified that the G-d of Israel had forsaken his people, the Jews in exile, for according to his calculations, the 70 years of exile had come and gone. So he gathered all his nobles and military commanders for a celebration feast. It took the finger of the Divine to remind him who was the Master of the Universe.
As the prophetic future of Belteshazzar was written upon the walls of the palace banquet hall in Babylon, the military sappers of the Medo-Persian forces under the command of General Gobryas, an Israelite king of the tribe of Gad, were crawling under the open gates of the Euphrates River. Within hours the city of Babylon was under the military command of King Cyrus the Great.
Is it not amazing that King Cyrus was also a Lost Israelite of the Pasar-Gadae tribe of Gad. The most impregnable city of the then-known-world, Babylon was taken from the Babylonians and given by the G-d of Israel to the Persians by Lost Israelite military warriors. The imperial rule was given by the G-d of Israel to the Persians who would soon redeem the Jewish people to return to their homeland and rebuild a new temple to the G-d of Israel. This was all done by the G-d of Israel without shedding one drop of Jewish blood.
So today, the guiding hand of the Divine is setting up the nations of the world towards their own fate. The Vatican is still trying to become the chief negotiator in obtaining control of the Temple Mount so that they can build a temple on its premise for all nations and all peoples. Of course the Vatican will deny that they do not have the golden menorah. This is their “crown jewel” and they have no desire to give way this possession that gave them their destiny and ultimate fate.
Yet, if the Vatican does not have the Temple of Herod’s Menorah, then it was taken in the 5thcentury CE by either the Visigoths or theVandals of the Israelite Germanic Tribes of ancient military warfare fame. To their fame, they recovered the famed Treasures of Solomon’s Temple that were in the archives of ancient Rome.
Unknowns even to the Israelite Visigoth and Vandals, was the fact that the Prophet Jeremiah with his priestly commandos, buried a major bulk of the Temple Treasures of Solomon in hidden tunnels and crevasses whose locations are known only to G-d somewhere in the Land of Israel.
One of the Great Menorahs of Solomon’s Temple, according to the research by BibleSearchers Reflections, was taken to Baghdad and was hidden beneath the walls of that ancient city in Babylon. This was an amazing 49 lamped menorah was imbedded with costly gems of great value and brilliance and is still there to this day awaiting the day when the Messiah son of David will come to institute a messianic kingdom for G-d on Planet Earth.
With all of these menorahs reputed to be from Solomon’s Temple, that were claimed to be in existence, were melted down into small golden statues and given to important Romans of that era, it’s strange that one of these golden statutes has not shown up over the centuries. Yet, the Israelite possession of Solomon’s Treasures was documented in the Destination Yisra’el article titled, “The Lost Tribes of Israel as G-d’s Emissary of Divine Judgment upon Rome”:
Destination Yisra’el – “What was even more intriguing, according to innumerable authors, When Alaric forces left the city of Rome, the Treasures of Solomon’s Temple became a part of their tribal possession. When they left, they headed directly over to the Walled Fortress City of Carcassonne located in the Languedoc Province in the southwestern region of France. Here in the foothills of the Pyrenees Mountain is where the Visigoths made their “Masada” called the Castle Stronghold of Montségur.
Here along with the numerous 11,000-foot peaked ranges between France and Spain is today still a wild country of sparse settlements. Also there are innumerable caves, most of which have never been explored. Somewhere in these caves, such as atQumran near the Dead Sea, it is believed the Treasures of Jerusalem that were entombed in the dungeons of the Rome werenow entombed in anew home, today known only by G-d and the angelic hosts.
According to legends, the Treasures of Solomon were secreted in the grottos near Sabarthea, or inanother legend, theGrotto of Ornolac or Fontanet. Then there were the legends about the cavern called “The Cathedral” or thechamber called “The Tomb of Hercules”.
Yet, the “Treasures of the Visigoths” were much larger than the“Treasures of Solomon” for the Visigothic Treasures included the two bribes of 4,000 pounds of gold, and later the 5,000 pounds of gold that were given the Visigoths to keep them from destroying the City of Rome. One thing is known, these “Treasures of the Visigoths” were within site of the “Eagle Nest” Citadel of the Cathars at Montségur and thenearby village of Rennes-le-Chateau near Couiza."
Now we have read the documentation that there were also other majestic menorahs that lid up the Jerusalem night-life during the Succot celebrations in that holy city. Why are we so incapable to see the Divine hand molding and judging the nations that have dwelt an evil and harsh hand against the Jews of the House of Israel?
So today, we are again soon to witness maybe the last of the imperial quests for world dominion so that they can rule by “power, greed, and control” the fate of G-d’s solar-rex capital on Planet Earth. Once again its culmination will end in a blood-bath for those that seek to prevent G-d from completing the prophetic culmination of the “end of the age”, for the days of the Gentiles is now over.
Yet, the return of the menorahs will come at a cost, for Rome nor Vatican Rome have never given the Jews in Jerusalem anything without it costing a fortune; usually dripping with Jewish blood. As stated:
Destination YIsra’el – “After that a new temple could be built on the site of the original one beside the mosque and together with a Hindu Temple, a Buddhist Temple, a Church and a zone for alternative belief systems.”
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