By Michael

The elite want to tightly control almost everything that we do, say and think. When most people think of "tyranny", they think of thugs with guns and little dictators running around barking orders at everyone. But that is not how the elite are accomplishing their goals these days. They want us to actually believe that we have freedom and that we are choosing our own leaders, but in the background they are exerting "soft power" in a way that is absolutely ruthless. They fund the political campaigns of our politicians, they own nearly all of the large corporations and financial institutions, they exert very tight control over the media and their agenda is being promoted through the education systems of virtually every nation on the planet. What the elite are doing is not illegal. In fact, they use the government and they use the law to accomplish their purposes. That is one reason why the elite love big government. For them, it is an instrument of control. The larger the government is, the easier it is to watch, track, monitor and control the rest of us. As you read this, a "total domination control grid" is being constructed all around us that is far beyond anything that George Orwell ever dreamed of. This system is advancing on hundreds of different fronts, and it is getting tighter and more restrictive with each passing day. We may think that we still have a certain degree of liberty, but if you start doing things that the system does not like, the system has a way of getting you back in line very quickly. In the end, it is all about control. There are many among the elite that actually believe that a tightly controlled society that is dominated by government institutions that they control is what is best for humanity. Many of them honestly believe that society would descend into chaos without a strong hand guiding it. Many of them truly are convinced that those that are "enlightened" are doing a noble thing by guiding humanity into the "bright future" that the elite are designing for them. But of course the freedoms and the liberties of the common people must be greatly limited in order to get us to that "bright future". We are like cattle that need to be penned in for our own good. This is how the elite actually think. I spent many years being educated by them and rubbing shoulders with them. They should not be trusted. Once our liberties and freedoms are gone, they will be nearly impossible to get back. And once the elite have total control, we will be faced with a tyranny unlike anything humanity has ever seen before.
The following are 29 signs that the elite are transforming society into a total domination control grid...
1. A new bill in the U.S. Senate would allow more than 20 different government agencies to read your email without a search warrant.
2. Next generation facial recognition cameras that can identify a person in less than a second and "send authorities all known intelligence about anyone who enters a camera’s field of vision" are being put up in southern California.
3. A highly sophisticated surveillance grid known as "Trapwire" is being installed in major cities and at "high value targets" all over the United States. Unfortunately, most Americans do not even realize that it exists.
4. Police departments all over America are beginning to deploy unmanned surveillance drones in the skies over their cities. But don't think that a drone is not watching you just because you don't live in a major city. The truth is that the federal government has been using unmanned surveillance drones to spy on farmers in Iowa and Nebraska. There could be a drone over your house right now and you might not ever know it.
5. Individual politicians know more about you than they ever have before. The amount of information that the Obama campaign has compiled on potential voters is absolutely frightening...
7. Could you imagine the government telling you what the temperature inside your own home can be? A new law in France would do exactly that...
9. Most Americans don't realize this, but the DNA of almost every newborn baby in America is collected and stored by the government. What plans do they have for all of this DNA?
10. All over America, schools are beginning to require students to carry IDs with RFID microchips in them wherever they go. Fortunately, some students are fighting back...
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The elite want to tightly control almost everything that we do, say and think. When most people think of "tyranny", they think of thugs with guns and little dictators running around barking orders at everyone. But that is not how the elite are accomplishing their goals these days. They want us to actually believe that we have freedom and that we are choosing our own leaders, but in the background they are exerting "soft power" in a way that is absolutely ruthless. They fund the political campaigns of our politicians, they own nearly all of the large corporations and financial institutions, they exert very tight control over the media and their agenda is being promoted through the education systems of virtually every nation on the planet. What the elite are doing is not illegal. In fact, they use the government and they use the law to accomplish their purposes. That is one reason why the elite love big government. For them, it is an instrument of control. The larger the government is, the easier it is to watch, track, monitor and control the rest of us. As you read this, a "total domination control grid" is being constructed all around us that is far beyond anything that George Orwell ever dreamed of. This system is advancing on hundreds of different fronts, and it is getting tighter and more restrictive with each passing day. We may think that we still have a certain degree of liberty, but if you start doing things that the system does not like, the system has a way of getting you back in line very quickly. In the end, it is all about control. There are many among the elite that actually believe that a tightly controlled society that is dominated by government institutions that they control is what is best for humanity. Many of them honestly believe that society would descend into chaos without a strong hand guiding it. Many of them truly are convinced that those that are "enlightened" are doing a noble thing by guiding humanity into the "bright future" that the elite are designing for them. But of course the freedoms and the liberties of the common people must be greatly limited in order to get us to that "bright future". We are like cattle that need to be penned in for our own good. This is how the elite actually think. I spent many years being educated by them and rubbing shoulders with them. They should not be trusted. Once our liberties and freedoms are gone, they will be nearly impossible to get back. And once the elite have total control, we will be faced with a tyranny unlike anything humanity has ever seen before.
The following are 29 signs that the elite are transforming society into a total domination control grid...
1. A new bill in the U.S. Senate would allow more than 20 different government agencies to read your email without a search warrant.
2. Next generation facial recognition cameras that can identify a person in less than a second and "send authorities all known intelligence about anyone who enters a camera’s field of vision" are being put up in southern California.
3. A highly sophisticated surveillance grid known as "Trapwire" is being installed in major cities and at "high value targets" all over the United States. Unfortunately, most Americans do not even realize that it exists.
4. Police departments all over America are beginning to deploy unmanned surveillance drones in the skies over their cities. But don't think that a drone is not watching you just because you don't live in a major city. The truth is that the federal government has been using unmanned surveillance drones to spy on farmers in Iowa and Nebraska. There could be a drone over your house right now and you might not ever know it.
5. Individual politicians know more about you than they ever have before. The amount of information that the Obama campaign has compiled on potential voters is absolutely frightening...
If you voted this election season, President Obama almost certainly has a file on you. His vast campaign database includes information on voters’ magazine subscriptions, car registrations, housing values and hunting licenses, along with scores estimating how likely they were to cast ballots for his reelection.6. The UK is often five or ten years ahead of much of the rest of the world in implementing "Big Brother" police state measures. Over there it is now against the law to insult someone with your speech. If you say something that is "likely" to insult a Muslim or a homosexual you could end up being dragged in front of a judge. It is only a matter of time before we see these kinds of laws all over the planet.
7. Could you imagine the government telling you what the temperature inside your own home can be? A new law in France would do exactly that...
Heating a French home could soon require an income tax consultation or even a visit to the doctor under legislation to force conservation in the nation's $46 billion household energy market.8. Control freak bureaucrats love to tell others how to run their lives. For example, one man down in Orlando, Florida was recently ordered to rip out the vegetable garden that he was growing in his front yard. Will we eventually get to the point where even the smallest details of our lives are micromanaged by the government?
A bill adopted by the lower house this month would set prices that homes pay based on wages, age and climate. Utilities Electricite de France and GDF Suez will use the data to reward consumers who cut power and natural gas usage and penalize those whom regulators decide are wasteful.
9. Most Americans don't realize this, but the DNA of almost every newborn baby in America is collected and stored by the government. What plans do they have for all of this DNA?
10. All over America, schools are beginning to require students to carry IDs with RFID microchips in them wherever they go. Fortunately, some students are fighting back...
The San Antonio sophomore who opposed microchipping student IDs that would track their every movement has inspired a groundswell of 300 students in her huge district who now refuse to wear the identification chips over religious, personal privacy, safety and civil liberties concerns. In addition, some 700 other people have signed petitions opposing the microchipping program.
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