Oct 9, 2012

Undeniable, American Civil War, it is in the Cards

Undeniable, American Civil War, it is in the Cards

by Gordon Duff

You hear it only in whispers. Americans, those who used to consider themselves liberal or conservative, urban or rural, all races, religions and ethnicities are whispering.

With America’s new laws, universal wiretapping, total supervision of the Internet, networks of informants throughout the population, there is a genuine fear, neither of invasion nor of collapse and starvation though those are seen as more than “probable.”

Americans are convinced they will, perhaps this month, this year, certainly soon, see a civil war. These are no longer bluster, angry words spoken in the heat of the moment. These are quiet words, carefully spoken behind closed doors between trusted friends.

Americans are afraid of their government, their laws, their police and they have been afraid too long.

here are groups that, for political gain, have always exploited fear, this is to be expected. The “neocon” movement was built from wild conspiracy theories spread by the Fox/Murdoch empire and its cabal of hidden cohorts. Fearful Americans voted in even more corrupt governments than usual and economic disasters were engineered, perhaps a bit of government terrorism too.

Americans were lulled into the complacency of sheep and as they awakened, a few at a time, they saw how the visions and ideals they once held had disappeared. What they didn’t know was that this dark time and the darker times to follow would, when seen in retrospect, seem as though they were a golden era.
There is real fear in America, strangely uniting people as only hopelessness can. While America slept, thieves came in the night and stole her soul. First the new laws, the foreign threats, terrorism, militias, extremism, Orwell’s 1984.
Then came the endless wars, more Orwellian nightmares followed by more laws, new bureaucracies, new humiliations, the author’s nightmares of a century past, Orwell and Kafka.
America went away. It was replaced by “Fusion Centers” run by the Department of Homeland Security, where data on the behavior of everyone, children in school, gossip in the workplace, emails, telephone calls, all became fodder for analysis and classification.

This veteran is prone to violence, this church is a cult, this group is a militia, this meeting is a conspiracy.

This is one agency, there are 16. This is only the “Fusion Center.” The NSA (National Security Agency), NRO (National Reconnaissance Office) and 16 other agencies, all with undefined and overlapping powers, are spending billions on super computers to watch, to think, to predict and to, eventually, intervene.

Read more at - http://www.veteranstoday.com/2012/10/07/undeniable-american-civil-war-it-is-in-the-cards/