By Michael

Billions of dollars is being poured into an effort to reduce population growth all over the world, and most people do not even know that it is happening. These efforts are often promoted under such labels as "family planning", "abortion rights" and "public health programs", but the primary goal is always to get women to have less children. This population control agenda has millions upon millions of supporters all over the planet and it is gaining even more adherents with each passing day. It is being taught in colleges, universities and schools all over the globe. It is being promoted by radical humanists who are completely and totally convinced that the core crisis that humanity is facing today is that there are way too many people living on this planet. They fully believe that overpopulation is the root cause of most of our economic, social, political and environmental problems. In fact, the truth is that many of them actually believe that they are literally in a "life or death" race to save the planet. Many of the "true believers" are entirely convinced that if human population numbers are not greatly reduced from where they are now, the planet we are living on will be completely destroyed. That is why many of these radical humanists would absolutely love for you and I to die. From their perspective, the less people the better.
Many that write about the population control agenda make it sound as if there is just a "tiny elite" that is promoting this philosophy. Sadly, that is simply not accurate. The truth is that this twisted agenda is being taught at the majority of the colleges and universities in the United States. It is being promoted in our television shows and in our movies. It is even being taught to elementary school children.
As a result, more Americans that ever are embracing this philosophy. You would be surprised how many people actually believe that our growing population will soon cause major shortages of food, water, oil and other important resources.
For example, the following is an excerpt from one comment that was left on one of my previous articles about population control....
It should. That is the exact target number for the global human population that we find on the Georgia Guidestones.
But when the population of the earth was back at 500 million did we still have poverty, war, famines and other similar problems?
Of course we did.
Reducing the population of the planet by more than 90 percent would not wipe out any of our problems.
But this sick agenda is being endlessly promoted in the mainstream media. For example, during a recent radio interview HBO personality Bill Maher stated that he is "consistently pro-death" and that he wants society to find ways to get more people to die off...
If you think that is sick, just check out this next example.
Two "scientists" recently published a paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics in which they called for the legalization of the murder of newborn babies. Instead of "murder", they want it to be called "after-birth abortion" instead....
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Billions of dollars is being poured into an effort to reduce population growth all over the world, and most people do not even know that it is happening. These efforts are often promoted under such labels as "family planning", "abortion rights" and "public health programs", but the primary goal is always to get women to have less children. This population control agenda has millions upon millions of supporters all over the planet and it is gaining even more adherents with each passing day. It is being taught in colleges, universities and schools all over the globe. It is being promoted by radical humanists who are completely and totally convinced that the core crisis that humanity is facing today is that there are way too many people living on this planet. They fully believe that overpopulation is the root cause of most of our economic, social, political and environmental problems. In fact, the truth is that many of them actually believe that they are literally in a "life or death" race to save the planet. Many of the "true believers" are entirely convinced that if human population numbers are not greatly reduced from where they are now, the planet we are living on will be completely destroyed. That is why many of these radical humanists would absolutely love for you and I to die. From their perspective, the less people the better.
Many that write about the population control agenda make it sound as if there is just a "tiny elite" that is promoting this philosophy. Sadly, that is simply not accurate. The truth is that this twisted agenda is being taught at the majority of the colleges and universities in the United States. It is being promoted in our television shows and in our movies. It is even being taught to elementary school children.
As a result, more Americans that ever are embracing this philosophy. You would be surprised how many people actually believe that our growing population will soon cause major shortages of food, water, oil and other important resources.
For example, the following is an excerpt from one comment that was left on one of my previous articles about population control....
It is undeniable, the earth is being completely destroyed and while the planet could theoretically sustain probably between 13 to 16 billion people, this would require 2 developments to occur:Does that figure sound familiar?
1. There would have to be a global resource-rational production & distribution scheme which would ensure that each person could have enough air, water & food, in an environment where, due to the resulting scarcity on clean resources, excess & hoarding would be directly correlated with human death.
2. There would have to be a dramatic reduction in the quality of life for a dramatically higher percentage of the world’s population than currently experience miserable lives.
Rather than accept these awful outcomes of unfettered industrialization, let us instead embark on a course to drastically limit the global population to around 500 million.
It should. That is the exact target number for the global human population that we find on the Georgia Guidestones.
But when the population of the earth was back at 500 million did we still have poverty, war, famines and other similar problems?
Of course we did.
Reducing the population of the planet by more than 90 percent would not wipe out any of our problems.
But this sick agenda is being endlessly promoted in the mainstream media. For example, during a recent radio interview HBO personality Bill Maher stated that he is "consistently pro-death" and that he wants society to find ways to get more people to die off...
"I’m pro-choice, I’m for assisted suicide, I’m for regular suicide, I’m for whatever gets the freeway moving – that’s what I’m for. It’s too crowded, the planet is too crowded and we need to promote death."You can hear Maher making these comments right here.
If you think that is sick, just check out this next example.
Two "scientists" recently published a paper in the Journal of Medical Ethics in which they called for the legalization of the murder of newborn babies. Instead of "murder", they want it to be called "after-birth abortion" instead....
“[W]hen circumstances occur after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible. … [W]e propose to call this practice ‘after-birth abortion’, rather than ‘infanticide,’ to emphasize that the moral status of the individual killed is comparable with that of a fetus … rather than to that of a child.Isn't that disturbing?
Therefore, we claim that killing a newborn could be ethically permissible in all the circumstances where abortion would be. Such circumstances include cases where the newborn has the potential to have an (at least) acceptable life, but the well-being of the family is at risk.”
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