Feb 8, 2012

Massive blast at Russian Power station lights up night sky

February 9, 2012RUSSIAAn accident at power station in Russia lights up the sky above a busy highway and knocks out electricity in south St Petersburg. A video recorded on the dashboard camera of a car has captured at the moment an apocalyptic flash of light filled the Moscow sky. Cars are seen hitting the brakes on Vitebsk Avenue as the dazzling light fills the horizon and knocks out street lights. The blast, which happened at 9am on Monday, was also captured on CCTV in the area. According to the Russian news website Fontanka.ru, the explosion was caused by an equipment failure at a power station. The local fire brigade was called to the area by residents and is still battling to put out a fire caused by the blast. Lenenergo, the Russian electricity firm, said their technicians are working to restore power to the area. –Telegraph