Here is another exciting insight to the Hebrew language:
You remember Caleb one of the two good spies who had spied out the land? Well it just so happens the word for Caleb in Hebrew
depending on the vowel points can mean bold or dog. We also know dogs are very bold and those of you who are dog lovers know that dogs are also all heart.
When we look at the actual word
the first two letters spell Kol 
Which means “all” and if you take the last two letters
it spells lev
which means heart! If we want to be an overcomer in this last generation we need to be Calebs and whatever we do for the Lord we need to do it with all of our heart!.
Pr 3:5,6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.