By Paul McGuire
January 2, 2012
January 2, 2012
“You who read this represent the greatest danger to America.
No matter what the outcome of the war in Europe may be, Totalitarianism has already won a complete victory in many American minds and conquered all of our intellectual life. You have helped it to win.
Perhaps it is your right to destroy civilization and bring dictatorship to America, but not unless you understand fully what you are doing.
But the tragedy of today is that you — who are responsible for the coming Totalitarian dictatorship of America — you do not know your own responsibility. You would be the first to deny the active part you're playing…”
-Ayn Rand in a open letter entitled, “To All Fifth Columnists,“ in 1941
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Just another day in a Soviet gulag |
Totalitarianism has already conquered America. What happens in the next few years is simply the externalization of a battle that has already been won in the mind of man. For over a century millions of American’s have been put into a drug-like state through materialism, television, film, music, ever-increasing dosages of sexual perversion, political theatre, false prophets in the church, drugs, social engineering and the mind-control-factories of public education. Martial Law, detention camps and rule by military force are simply the by-products of an Armageddon-style war for the mind that has been won by those who arrogantly call themselves “the scientific elite.” But, most people do not understand the Luciferian and spiritual dimension of this warfare that was planned centuries ago.
This war is not a new war; it is a mind control war that goes back to ancient Babylon and the secret occult religions. The primary military theatre of this war is in the human mind. Beginning in 1917 when the father of modern public education came back from Communist Russia, the mass brainwashing and mind control war started with Orwellian through control in public education.
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John Dewey - Humanist, Atheist and Sculptor of the American Public Education System |
This was not hidden; Dewey and others came out publicly and stated the purpose of publication was to not educate but to indoctrinate through scientific social engineering. Despite the fact that Dewey and the Communist movement claim to atheists, the reality is that Karl Marx was a practicing Satanist. The Communist Manifesto that Marx wrote with Engels was simply a copy of the Illuminati Manifesto written in the late 1700’s. The six primary tenets of the Illuminati Manifesto are:
1- Abolition of Monarchy and Ordered Government
2- Abolition of Property
3- Abolition of Inheritance
4- Abolition of Patriotism
5- Abolition of Family
6- Abolition of Religion
2- Abolition of Property
3- Abolition of Inheritance
4- Abolition of Patriotism
5- Abolition of Family
6- Abolition of Religion
These are also the exact same goals of the World Communist Movement. Look at America today and notice that every one of these areas is under attack or has been destroyed. This is a deliberate strategy and it ties directly in to harnessing Luciferian power and mind control because it severs all psychological and spiritual ties to God and the individual. The endgame is a microchipped planet of slaves who will serve the Illuminati elite.
This has not been a covert war in the traditional sense; most of it was announced in articles, speeches, books and through the media. Science fiction author and former head of British intelligence during World War I wrote, “The Open Conspiracy,” in 1928, which outlined a plan for global totalitarian state. In a June 16, 1928 article in the Illustrated London News, Wells’ good friend and fellow intellectual G. K. Chesterton reviewed the book and warned of the danger he saw in what Wells was saying about the "general tendency towards establishing a world control." Chesterton correctly perceived that Well’s call for world government would end up being a world dictatorship.
In 1940, H.G.Well’s published his book, “The New World Order” and revealed the battle plan. H.G. Wells, was far more than a leading intellectual, he was connected to occult secret societies. Unlike, American Marxists in academia and politics, Well’s believed the most effective method of Revolution was not with guns, camps and violent revolution. Wells understood that the most effective revolution could be achieved through the science of brainwashing and mind control. Wells wrote in “The New World Order,”…A Revolution need be neither an explosion nor a coup d'état. And the Revolution that lies before us now as the only hopeful alternative to chaos, either directly or after an interlude of world communism, is to be attained…” Well’s explained, “An altogether different type of Revolution may or may not be possible. No one can say that it is possible unless it is tried, but one can say with some assurance that unless it can be achieved the outlook for mankind for many generations at least is hopeless. The new Revolution aims essentially at a change in directive ideas. In its completeness it is an untried method.” Years later, after this new type of Revolution, that relied on social engineering and mind control was tested, Wells realized that scientific mind control is far more effective that troops, guns and camps.
“It depends for its success upon whether a sufficient number of minds can be brought to realize that the choice before us…” Aldous Huxley, a disciple of H.G. Wells and British Intelligence agent, came to Hollywood in the 1930’s to promote his ideas by writing screenplay’s that would be produced as feature films. In 1932 Huxley wrote a novel entitled, “Brave New World,” where he described a “scientific dictatorship: that was established not through armed troops and tyranny, but through drugs, sex and mind control. “There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” Aldous Huxley.
In a 1962 speech at UC Berkeley, Huxley spoke primarily of the ‘Ultimate Revolution’ that focuses on ‘behavioral controls’ of people: If you are going to control any population for any length of time, you must bring in an element of getting people to consent to what is happening to them. We are in process of developing a whole series of techniques, which will enable the controlling oligarchy – who have always existed and will presumably always exist – to get people to love their servitude.”
Huxley added, “I think there are going to be scientific dictatorships in many parts of the world. If you can get people to consent to the state of servitude – then you are likely to have a much more stable, a much more lasting society; much more easily controllable society than you would if you were relying wholly on clubs, and firing squads and concentration camps.”
Aldous Huxley began turning on many Hollywood celebrities, writers and powerful people on to the psychedelic drug mescaline. He wrote his famous book, “Heaven and Hell and the Doors of Perception,” which advocated the use of strong psychedelic drugs to travel into different dimensions and he promoted occult and mystical teachings. As I High School student in New York City, I read Huxley’s book and took mescaline not as a means to get “high,” but to travel through the doors of perception. At around this same time, Harvard Professor Timothy Leary was telling people to “tune in, turn on and drop out,” by ingesting an even-more powerful drug LSD.
In my search for the answers to life’s questions, I began taking LSD, practicing Eastern mysticism, saw the great white light and communicating with spirit guides, which today I am convinced were demons. My major at the University of Missouri was “Altered States of Consciousness” and filmmaking. Back then I did not understand the promotion of psychedelic drugs and the counter culture was a mind control war called MK ULTRA.
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An unknown victim who caught in the hell that were the MK Ultra experiments by the CIA |
In 1980, when I moved into Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain in the Hollywood Hills above Sunset Blvd. to produce a number science fiction films, I did not know that Aldous Huxley lived within walking distance of my house several decades earlier and that Timothy Leary was there at the same time I was there. I had hung out with Leary at the Electric Circus on St. Marx’s place in the East Village and we would run into him at exercise gyms.
What is interesting is that Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain was home to a lot of musicians, writers and other people who were allegedly involved in MK ULTRA experiments. Years after I lived there, I read that there was supposedly some kind secret MK ULTRA facility hidden up there.
I remember jogging up the mountain one day and walking through some trees I discovered a strange looking compound directly beneath the cliff I was standing on. It was a strange looking compound and at the time, I believed it to me the home of some kind of cult. If that was the rumored facility I will never know, because I was unable to find it again since there was only one small view of it hidden by the private property of people’s homes.
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Laurel Canyon - romanticized by movie buffs, not such a nice place after all |
The whole Lookout Mountain scene had no appeal to me because I had long ago left the “counter culture” and began intensively studying the Old and New Testament’s. There was no question that there was intense demonic activity in the Laurel Canyon and Lookout Mountain area. You can feel the presence of it in the air. But through my research, I began to realize the occult-Illuminati connections between psychedelic drugs and the MK ULTRA program which was developed by Nazi scientists who were practicing Satanists brought to America after World War II. This implied that certain rituals and drugs can open portals into another dimension and allow demonic entities to travel into our present reality, which is the secret component of the mind control wars.