This is an interview with the author of TheUnitedKnowledge Channel on Youtube. He's gained quite a bit of interest due to his high quality research into solar events that have resulted in accurate predictions of auroras, solar activity and possibly Planet X being in the neighborhood.
The danger of the booms is historically they have been forefunners of major earthquakes and, quite shockingly for Americans, volcanic eruptions. I believe this is a significant warning of major earthquake activity coming in the USA. Check out the recordings of booms that starts around the 15 minute mark. Good stuff
The danger of the booms is historically they have been forefunners of major earthquakes and, quite shockingly for Americans, volcanic eruptions. I believe this is a significant warning of major earthquake activity coming in the USA. Check out the recordings of booms that starts around the 15 minute mark. Good stuff
The United Knowledge from youtube (aka Bending Light on GLP) joins us for a discussion of boom events from a historical perspective, relations to other booms via news reports, birds dropping from the sky, bouy data, earthquakes, and sun activity all occurring around the same time each year. What does it mean? In a nutshell, a possible New Madrid adjustment could be in the works. There are key indicators that will likely increase prior to such an event.
Recent event March 13, 2013:
"An earthquake in upstate New York could be to blame for the mysterious house-shaking boom that residents across Tiverton, Little Compton and Westport reported feeling on Wednesday night. At approximately 8:40 p.m. on Wednesday, March 13, residents across the region dialed 911 to inform their local police station of a strange, earth-shaking phenomenon. Homeowners from Crandall Road in Tiverton down to the Little Compton Commons reported feeling a brief earth-shaking boom. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS) a 2.3 magnitude earthquake was recorded in Indian Lake, New York - a short distance from the Vermont-New York state line.
On the government website, readers as far as Tiverton, Little Compton and Westport reported feeling after shocks from the quake."
Links to everything talked about during the show:
Science Magazine booms, PDF link:
HTML version:
Huge Earthquake Triggered Other Quakes Worldwide, with quotes from officials:
Earth cracking up under Indian Ocean, with quotes from officials:
President Obama signs Executive Order allowing for control over all US resources (three days after magnetic field reversal):
FEMA food and body bags for New Madrid:
New Madrid overdue for large earthquake, newspaper 1987:
more recent:
USGS earthquake hazard map:
Booms map covering all media reports of booms from Dec/Jan ans quakes 2.0+ from Jan:
Lance's Facebook page:
Lance's Youtube channel:
Nuked Radio archive: