Feb 4, 2015

Would These People Be Allowed to Serve in Your Church Today?

Just trying to bring the eternal truths of the Bible today into our churches and even more into our way of thinking.  Ask yourself, if you had any authority over who could or could not play a role in the work of the local church, would you allow any of these people in? 


This man fell for the wife of one of his servants.  He sent his servant to the front of a battle so he would be killed, and he could take the man’s wife as his own.  This was necessary because she had become pregnant in this adulterous affair.  Could this man serve in your church?  (2 Sam. 11)


This man, ruler of a great kingdom that God had richly blessed, proceeded to marry hundreds of wives and concubines, and place altars for other gods on the Mount of Olives across from the Tabernacle of the Lord.  Could this man serve in your church? (1 Kin. 11)


This man conceived twins by his daughter-in-law, who had posed as a prostitute, and after the act admitted she had been more righteous than he.  Could this man serve in your church?  (Gen. 38)


This man pretended to be his brother, so that his aging father would give him the blessing over his brother, whose right it was as the firstborn.  Through deception he gained the blessing that started with Abraham and is passed down to us today.  Could he serve in your church?  (Gen. 27)


This man, after seeing historic miracles of God, led the anxious masses to take their gold, and fashion it into a calf and altar for the people to worship.
Could he serve in your church? (Ex. 32)


This man spent three years walking naked and barefoot through Egypt and Ethiopia as a sign to the peoples of those nations.  Could he serve in your church?  (Is. 20)


This man, after having spent three years walking with Jesus, denied knowing Him publicly three times.  Could he serve in your church?  (Matt. 26)