Nov 14, 2013

Dr. Michael Heiser on Ancient Sumerian Texts, the Annunaki and the Nephilim

The Anunnaki

These are outtakes from Dr. Heiser's videos taped for the "Ancient Aliens" TV series, most of which never were used in any of the programs on the air...primarily because they show Zechariah Sitchin basically made up his own interpretations of the ancient Sumerian texts.

Anunnaki - "From Heaven to Earth Came?" - Michael Heiser

Is Sitchin one of the Few People that Can Understand Sumerian?  Let me give you the short answer....NO


Nephilm - A Supernatural Worldview - Michael Heiser  

 Just a taste of background on the truth of the Nephilim

Watch more of these at - or check out Dr. Heiser's sites at - Dr. Michael Heiser's Websites: