Jan 14, 2015

The Shinar Directive -- Part 7 - The Institutes of Nimrod

by Dr. Michael Lake

Nimrod developed systems to replace man’s walk with God in every aspect of life with absolute dependence upon those systems of control (system vs. relationship). I believe there are three basic facets of Babylon or, as many prophecy teachers have designated, the In the last days, God will judge these three interlocking Babylons (or Babylonian systems). They are 1) Financial Babylon; 2) Political Babylon; and 3) Religious Babylon
Let’s define each of these for the sake of clarity.
Financial Babylon: Financial Babylon controls not only the finances of the world, but any resource that can translate into wealth: precious metals, gems, energy (oil, electric, nuclear power, etc.), water, food, medicine, illegal drugs, media, education, and even people (remember, in Babylon, people are considered a resource). 
This financial control is established through an international, centralized banking system operated solely by the Elite. Nations no longer manage their currencies; they are handled through this central banking system. The Federal Reserve is no more controlled by the government than is Federal Express. Doc Marquis points out in his video series, The Secrets of the Illuminati, that all the nations involved in the War on Terror or those that are part of the Arab Spring (i.e., Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, etc.) refused to become a part of the international, centralized banking system of the Rothschild dynasty. The turmoil within those nations is designed to change the governmental regimes to ones that will be more compliant to the control of their finances by Financial Babylon (with the side benefit of inflating the price of oil, another control mechanism). Usually, the first part of nation building that the US assists with, after the change in regimes, is the establishment of a centralized banking system. 
I also believe that Financial Babylon is the most powerful of the three. Finances build political parties, fuel elections, sway politicians’ votes, control who gains media coverage, and even control which ministries move into prominence and whose messages are suppressed (although the Internet is currently giving voice to many faithful ministries today). This influence is so pervasive in the United States that, in a study published by Princeton University, researchers declared that our nation was no longer a democracy: it is now an oligarchy.[i] Wikipedia defines an oligarchy as follows:
Oligarchy (from Greek ὀλιγαρχία (oligarkhía); from ὀλίγος (olígos), meaning “few”, and ἄρχω (arkho), meaning “to rule or to command”) is a form of power structure in which power effectively rests with a small number of people. These people could be distinguished by royalty, wealth, family ties, education, corporate, or military control. Such states are often controlled by a few prominent families who typically pass their influence from one generation to the next, but inheritance is not a necessary condition for the application of this term.[ii]

How has America moved from a democracy to an oligarchy? The answer is: Through the riches and control of Financial Babylon. Without the proper financial backing, few candidates have any chance of winning elections.
This control of finances has answered so many questions for me, even beyond politics.
  • Why are there no real differences in our political choices when it comes time to vote? Not only is there little difference anymore in the philosophical beliefs of the candidates, but the same agendas continue to move forward regardless of which party is in control. The only variation is the speed in which they are accomplished.
  • Why has education been on a downward spiral over the past hundred or so years in the US? Secularization has transformed education from training students how to obtain knowledge and use critical thinking to indoctrinating them to serve in the New Babylon, as dumbed-down bricks in Nimrod’s wall. This was achieved through control of secondary schools by federal mandates and funding. Control of postsecondary schools was accomplished through secular accreditation and the Title IV Guaranteed Student Loan Program.[iii]
  • Why is there always some type of shortage of resources worldwide? The resources of our planet (to include the food supply) should easily accommodate nearly fourteen billion people. (Scarcity inflates prices, causes civil unrest, and can control which nations thrive and which ones decline.)
  • Why do many good ministries and ministers often struggle, while other ministries with questionable doctrines and practices explode on the scene and become the new standard? Financial Babylon initially funds them, while Religious Babylon trains them to sway the masses through media and Christianized mysticism (more on this later in our study).
The list can go on and on. When you open your eyes to the reality of the influence of the threefold cord of Babylon, you see it in every aspect of our lives, from politics to the supermarket to your local church! 
Babylon always uses riches to entrap and to control. God’s blessings are outside the control and influence of Babylon. The only way to gain God’s blessings is to walk out of Babylon (to depart) and to start walking with Him in all areas of your life so He can make you whole.
Political Babylon: The Founding Fathers in American politics viewed government as a necessary vice. When government works, it is small and provides some basic safeguards. This is true in a nation all the way down to the local church. When Babylon infects any type of governmental structure, it begins to grow like a cancer that swallows up everything around it. One of the telltale signs of any political system infected by Babylon is revealed in the following statement about Nimrod:
Now it was Nimrod who excited them to such an affront and contempt of God. He was the grandson of Ham, the son of Noah, a bold man, and of great strength of hand. He persuaded them not to ascribe it to God, as if it was through his means they were happy, but to believe that it was their own courage which procured that happiness. He also gradually changed the government into tyranny, seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God, but to bring them into a constant dependence on his power.[iv]
When government insists that true happiness (source of supply and well-being) can only come through its hands (i.e., socialism or communism) and it begins to oppress anyone or anything that does not align with its agenda, then you are dealing with the influence of Political Babylon. 
There are only two real positions in life: dependence upon the Babylonian system or dependence upon the kingdom of God. Over the past few decades, it has appeared that many ministries and believers have prospered by standing with one foot in both kingdoms—straddling the fence. In the days ahead, the servants of Nimrod will spring their trap and all of these compromising ministries will be confronted by the proverbial fence post.
In the history of America over the past hundred years or so, we have seen the ebbs and flows of Political Babylon. As the influence of the Church increased, the power of Political Babylon decreased. When the salt nature of the Church decreased within society, the influence of Political Babylon increased. Today, Financial and Religious Babylon have teamed up against the Church at large. They have created a pseudo-spiritual system that makes us think we are walking with God and making huge impacts upon society. All the while (or in reality), the influence of Political Babylon grows within our culture and true spiritual holiness is lost within the Church. 
Religious Babylon: To understand Religious Babylon, we need to understand several things. At the time of Shem and Nimrod, there were only two religions on the planet. The religion of Shem was to walk with the God of Creation, submit completely to Him, and walk in His ways (i.e., follow His commandments). The Institutes (religion) of Nimrod were exactly the opposite. Nimrod opposed all of the commandments of God (lawlessness) and set up a demonically inspired program of walking within a system rather than walking with God. When the languages were confused at the Tower of Babel, the people scattered and the names changed, but the concepts of the Institutes of Nimrod stayed the same. 
When Abraham was called out of Babylon (contained within his bloodline), a departure from the Institutes of Nimrod occurred. Abraham and his descendants walked with God and learned His ways (commandments). Eventually, the children of Israel found themselves in bondage as slaves in Egypt—another version of Babylon. 
When Moses brought the Hebrews out of Egypt by God’s grace and they became a nation, Israel stood within history as the only religion that was the antithesis to the religion of Nimrod. All other religions on the planet were some variation of what started in Babylon. In fact, if you go to the Intertestamental Period during which Antiochus IV Epiphanes entered Jerusalem, erected a statue of Apollo, sacrificed a hog on the altar of God, and established the Institutes of Nimrod over Judea, these practices would have worked perfectly in any other nation. All other nations were based on the same concepts; they would just change the names of their gods. Within Judea, such things were an abomination. Antiochus found himself hunting down and killing all of the faithful who refused to bow to his demands. (I am sure he was not prepared for such resistance.) Eventually, the Maccabees rose up and drove him out of Judea three years to the day from when he started his war on the ways of God. 
After the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, Christianity began as a new branch of Judaism: Christ’s followers were known as the Nazarenes. Jews and Christians stood together in unity against the Institutes of Nimrod. Rome began its persecution of the Jews in both the first revolt in AD 70 that resulted in the destruction of the Temple and the second revolt in AD 132. That resulted in the complete destruction of Jerusalem; all Jews were forbidden to even travel through the area. With this persecution, Gentile believers began separating themselves from their Jewish counterparts. There was also a great deal of animosity against both Jewish and Gentile believers, because they would not fight in the second revolt. At the beginning of the second revolt, Rabbi Akiva declared Simon bar Kakhba the Messiah. Because of this action, believers in Jesus felt that if they fought, they would be endorsing Simon as Messiah and would be denying Jesus.[v] 
Read the rest of this article at -  http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/Shinar7.htm