Apr 22, 2015

The Apostles’ Creed | Animation created by Faithlife

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I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of Heaven and earth;
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son Our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell; the third day He rose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father almighty; from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.

Dwight L. Moody Was Converted

Dwight L. Moody Was Converted Dwight L. Moody didn't attend school beyond the fifth grade; he couldn't spell, and his grammar was awful. His manners were often brash and crude, and he never became an ordained minister. Once, before his conversion, he so outraged an Italian shoe salesmen with a prank, that the man chased him with a sharp knife, clearly intending to kill him. Yet, Dwight L. Moody was used by God to lead thousands of people to Christ. Moody's life of Christian service began with his conversion on this day, April 21, 1855.

Dwight came to Boston as a teenager from Northfield, Massachusetts, and he felt all alone in the big city. The boy was desperate for work. An uncle took him on as a shoe salesman--on condition that he be obedient and that he attend Mt. Vernon Congregational Church. The young man had been raised in a Unitarian church which denied the full divinity of Christ and did not emphasize human need for salvation from sins. Now Dwight heard about those things. But he decided that he wanted to enjoy the pleasures of the world and wait to get saved until just before he died.

However, the kindness of his Sunday School teacher, Edward Kimball, turned young Moody into his life-long friend, and encouraged him to persist in his church attendance and regular Bible reading. Though Moody did try to read the Bible, he couldn't understand it. Kimball later said he had never seen anyone whose mind was as spiritually dark as Dwight's.

That changed on this day, April 21, 1855. Kimball came to the shoe store to ask Dwight to commit his life to Christ. Dwight listened closely and became a Christian that day. Immediately he began sharing his faith with others, including his own family. They wanted nothing to do with his faith. "I will always be a Unitarian," his mother said. (However, she converted shortly before her death.)
And at first Moody wasn't allowed to become a church member. Asked what Christ had done for him, the nervous boy replied that he wasn't aware of anything particular. Leaders felt that was an unacceptable answer.

When Moody later moved to Chicago he wandered the streets to find young boys to bring to his Sunday School class. He had a passion for saving souls and determined never to let a day pass without telling someone the gospel of Jesus Christ. Often he irritated strangers on the street by asking them if they were Christians -- but his pointed questioning stirred the consciences of many. God used the converted shoe salesman to become the leading evangelist of his day.

Estimates vary, but Dwight is thought to have led as many as a million people to confess faith in Christ. Among his many achievements on either side of the Atlantic was the founding of Moody Bible Institute.
  1. Adapted from an earlier Christian History Institute story.
  2. Findlay, James F. "Moody, Dwight Lyman." Encyclopedia of American Biography, edited by John A. Garraty. Harper and Row, 1975.
  3. Harvey, Bonnie C. D. L. Moody, the American Evangelist. Barbour Books, 1997.
  4. Moody, William D. Life of D. L. Moody by His Son. Revell, 1900. 
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1801-1900/dwight-l-moody-was-converted-11630499.html

EU building FIVE new "HAARP type" arrays -- 50,000 antennas called EISCAT 3D

So while the most famous one in Gakona Alaska may be shutting down, others are ramping up faster than ever.  With all their capabilities to super-heat the ionosphere and move jet streams and storm fronts, use "over-the-horizon-radar" and perhaps even knock down intercontinental missiles, these are not just built for scientific studies....

Big news in the world of science. Europe is building five new antenna arrays to take the lead in RF (radio frequency) "research".

Full website post covering these 5 new VHF arrays being built, each array is to consist of 10,000 dipole elements per array! (absolutely huge) .. total of 50,000 antennas, talk of going up to 100,000!
The new program is called EISCAT 3D -- called "5th generation RADAR".

All five stations are designed to cross beams to interact with each other (scalar potential). Stations to be located in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
This overall array is MUCH larger than the IRI antenna instrument at HAARP in Gakona Alaska, and working on FM frequency bands (VHF - very high frequency) instead of lower HF bands like at HAARP.
In otherwords, bigger facilities, multiple facilities, and on a higher frequency band than the US is using at HAARP. HAARP is still open and active by the way:

If HAARP was a single instrument plucking a few strings of the ionosphere, then these FIVE facilities could be more likened to a rock band with 5 members. Or a 5 string guitar as opposed to a single stringed guitar.
On another 'note' (no pun intended) , Norway has announced they are STOPPING using FM (VHF) bands for radio station broadcasts by 2017 -- stopping VHF use by public entities, freeing up the FM bands for EISCAT.
Coming in 2017, the new EISCAT 3D arrays will be dominating the FM radio spectrum.
In 2017, the radio station across Norway will be 233.3 FM.
I can hear the future EISCAT FM radio station ID now!

William Bradford and Plymouth Plantation

William Bradford and Plymouth Plantation William Bradford attended two schools: the school of hard knocks, and the school of Christ. He lost his father at sixteen months old. Shortly after that, he was sent to live first with a grandfather and then with other relatives. He became a devout student of the Bible when just twelve, reading it through. When he was seventeen, he joined a group that wanted to pull out of the Church of England.

Betrayed as he attempted to leave England, he was thrown into prison. But when he was twenty, Bradford left England in the company of other Separatists and settled down to hard work as a weaver in the Netherlands. Well-read, he became a leader of the Pilgrims who sailed to Plymouth in 1620.
The voyage to the New World was stormy. Intending to sail to Virginia, the Pilgrims blew off course and found themselves in New England. Their instructions from the Virginia company did not anticipate this changed circumstance, and so William Bradford, with other leaders, drew up and signed the Mayflower Compact.

They had named John Carver their governor. But Carver "came out of the field very sick, it being a hot day. He complained greatly of his head and lay down, and within a few hours his senses failed, so as he never spake more till he died, which was within a few days after (April 5, 1621)." On this day, April 21, 1621, the colonists chose William Bradford as Carver's replacement. He proved to be a gentle but firm ruler and served thirty one-year terms. This was not by his own choice. He rejoiced on the few occasions when someone else could be convinced to take a term.

Thanks to Bradford's high position and his persistent early efforts to educate himself, he was well-equipped to write a history of the plantation. He completed this in 1651, six years before his death. In it he gives the reasons why the Pilgrims felt it necessary to leave Leyden for the New World. One was the Pilgrim's concern for their children, who were not only crushed by hard labor but were drawn away from Christ by the temptations of their adopted city, and "drawn away by evil examples into extravagant and dangerous courses."

But the Pilgrims' paramount reason for transplanting to the New World was "a great hope and inward zeal they had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto, for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world--yea, though they should be but even stepping stones unto others for the performing of so great a work."
  1. Avery, Elroy McKendree. History of the United States and its People. Cleveland: Burrows Bros, 1904.
  2. Bradford, William. Of Plymouth Plantation, 1620 - 1647. [a.k.a History of Plymouth Plantation.] Many editions available.
  3. "Bradford, William." Dictionary of American Biography. New York: Scribner, 1958-1964.
  4. Kunitz, Stanley. "Bradford, William." American authors, 1600-1900: a biographical dictionary of American literature. New York: The H. W. Wilson company, 1938.
  5. Ruttman, Darrett B. "Bradford, William." Encyclopedia of American Biography, edited by John A. Garraty and Jerome L. Sternstein. New York, San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1974.
  6. Willison, George F. Saints and Strangers. New York: Ballantine, 1965, especially chapter VII.
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1601-1700/william-bradford-and-plymouth-plantation-11630075.html

Is China Silently Building The Revelation 9:16 Army Of Super Soldiers For Zenith 2016? Secret Biotechnology Race Involves Espionage, Plan For Superior Humans, Weapons

This year, BGI Shenzhen, China’s largest biotech firm, is collecting 2,000 genomes of the smartest people in the world and hoping to raise the intelligence of their society by at least five percent in the future. Other websites say they are not doing this for reasons they cite as being too difficult. But either way, they are buying up massive amounts of sequencing machinery and genome related industries which will be used to map genomes and potentially screen for more advanced genetic traits in the future.

 Any modern state with biotechnological advantage in altering the DNA and gene expression of any organisms or an entire population will be the leader of the race. Unlike the Arms Race, or the Space Race, the Biotechnology/GMO Race is even more controversial. The real nasty illegal research is kept off the books and is isolated in secret locations by many governments around the world. Some are made public as a show of power and pride.

The Chinese advantage appears to be in quantity and data processing. What if China develops the first superhuman solider or DNA/RNA targeting weapons? What should the U.S. response be when their people become suddenly smarter or stronger than ours? Or when their bioweapons can literally be put in the food and water supply and threaten the population’s DNA? Will the U.S. have a choice at that point not to enter into the darker areas that purportedly remains sealed off from Western morality?

Read more at -  http://www.eurasiareview.com/16122013-silent-biotechnology-race-lingers-oped/

Anselm's Subtle Proof of God's Existence

Anselm's Subtle Proof of God's Existence When St. Anselm died on this day, April 21, 1109, the church was poorer by a great mind and England by a zealous reformer. Anselm won a name for reform because he attempted to end abuses such as the slave trade. He urged the holding of regular synods and, while he was archbishop, enforced clerical celibacy within his see. Because of his powerful intellect, some scholars consider him one of the creators of scholasticism. But his most notable gift to history was what has become known as the ontological proof for the existence of God.

Can the existence of God be proven? Anselm thought so. Modern philosophers and theologians disagree. However, it is Anselm's argument, the ontological proof, which remains the most troublesome for them to disprove.

Anselm's argument went something like this: When we discuss the existence of God, we define him as a perfect being, greater than anything else which can be conceived. If God does not exist, then the name "God" refers to an imaginary being. This makes the definition of "God" contradictory, for to be real, to be living, to have power is greater than to be imaginary. It is clear I cannot even discuss the word "God" as defined if he does not exist, because I have to conceive of him as really existing in order for him to be greater than anything else, for a God who does not exist is not greater than anything else.

In short, no philosopher can legitimately argue that God does not exist if he defines God as a perfect being greater than any which can be imagined; for to be perfect, God must have real existence. Those who acknowledge He exists do not have a problem with self-contradiction when they affirm his existence. Since we can indeed raise the question of God's existence and argue the point, then God must exist. Bertrand Russell, one of the greatest logicians and mathematicians of the Twentieth Century, no friend of Christianity, grappled with Anselm's proof and at one time is said to have thought the proof worked.

As Archbishop of Canterbury, the zealous Anselm struggled with King William for church rights. He was exiled. Similar conflict would shortly afterward lead to the murder of Becket. As a theologian, the pious Anselm is remembered for his book, Why Did God Become Man? In it he argued that each of us has run up such a debt of sin that there is no way we can repay God. Christ, as infinite God, has merit enough and to spare to pay our debts. As a scholar, the learned Anselm argued that we must believe in order to understand. We could restate his insight in modern terms like this: truth only begins to come clear when one is committed to it. You cannot see around a bend in a trail unless you walk toward it.

Anselm died surrounded by friends who placed his body in ashes on the floor. He was probably canonized in 1494, although there is debate whether this occurred at all. His beatific status aside, Anselm will long be remembered as the author of the ontological proof.
  1. "Anselm, St". Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. London: Oxford University Press, 1921 - 1996.
  2. "Anselm, St." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
  3. Copleston, Frederick. A History of Philosophy. Westminster, Maryland: Newman Press, 1953-
  4. Dark, Sidney. Seven Archbishops. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1944.
  5. Dictionary of the History of Ideas. Scribner's, 1974.
  6. Eadmer. The Life of St. Anselm, Archbishop of Canterbury. Edited with introd., notes, and translation by R.W. Southern. New York: T. Nelson, 1962.
  7. Hook, Walter Farquhar, 1798-1875. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London: R. Bentley, 1865 - 1884.
  8. McKilliam, Annie E. A Chronicle of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London: J. Clarke, 1913.
  9. Rigg, J. M. St. Anselm of Canterbury, a chapter in the history of religion. London: Methuen & co., 1896.
  10. Rule, Martin. The Life and Times of St. Anselm: Archbishop of Canterbury and Primate of the Britains. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, 1883.
  11. Runes, Dagobert D. A Treasury of Philosophy. New York: Philosophical Library, 1945.
  12. Russell, Bertrand. Wisdom of the West. New York: Fawcett, 1964.
  13. Various encyclopedia and internet articles and references in histories of philosophy.
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/901-1200/anselms-subtle-proof-of-gods-existence-11629798.html

The Space Scrapbook: German-US Cooperations Signs Agreement For "Dream Chaser" To Chase…Space Junk (That's Actually Satellites)


Well... while we've been on the subject of space news the past couple of days, here's yet another very strange one to ponder in the context of the past two days' blogs.  There's a meme present in this article that we've encountered in last Sunday's blog, and again in yesterday's blog. Notably, here the meme is repeated in yet a third source, and one that is "all business", so to speak:

Sierra Nevada Corporation and the German Aerospace Center Announce New Dream Chaser® Program Cooperation

First, the deal appears straightforward enough:
"Sierra Nevada Corporation (SNC’s) Space Systems and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) announce the signing of a new Dream Chaser® program cooperation during the U.S. German Aerospace Roundtable (UGART) at the 31st annual Space Symposium hosted by the Space Foundation in Colorado Springs, Colorado."
Nothing unusual here other then the usual talk and agreements for international space cooperation, this time between the German government and an American company. Nothing to see hear, move along... right?


The meme occurs in the interesting context of following two paragraphs:
"The cooperation, which was entered into today, builds upon the successful one-year Dream Chaser technical agreement signed in 2013. The new agreement, which extends through 2017, will continue the valuable developmental work completed while identifying new and advanced technologies to pursue in order to further advance the crewed and uncrewed Dream Chaser spacecraft as a flexible low-Earth orbit (LEO) space transportation system for a variety of missions and customers. One of the cooperative activities completed this year was the Dream Chaser for European Utilization (DC4EU) study performed by SNC, OHB Systems AG (OHB) and DLR.
“'We are pleased to continue to work together with SNC as part of their Dream Chaser team,' said Prof. Jan Woerner, chairman of the executive board of DLR. 'We recognize the significant value of the Dream Chaser, especially for LEO and we look forward to working together for new applications. The versatility of the Dream Chaser – crewed or uncrewed - allows for multiple applications such as transportation of cargo and humans as well as direct use for activities such as removing space debris.'" (All emphases added)
Now, recall the original context from Sunday's blog where we first encountered this reference to "space junk," the Russians claimed that they have discovered a group of spy satellites disguised as "space debris" which, they said in an unusual choice of words, had a "state affiliation." As I wrote in Sunday's blog, the choice of words is, if anything, highly unusual. If they were the definite assets of a state, then why not simply say that? "These spy-satellites-cum-space-junk" belong to an unnamed nation." But no, they are "state affiliated." So what's the affiliation? corporate? religious? a political institution or "stateless" political party?

Read the rest of this article at -  http://gizadeathstar.com/2015/04/the-space-scrapbook-german-us-cooperation-signs-agreement-for-dream-chaser-to-chase-sit-down-space-junk/

Columbine Killers Targeted Christians, Too

Sadly, true justice was not done as over 100 witnesses identified a third shooter that day, but only the two boys were officially labeled as suspects by the end of the days events.  Nevertheless, some acts of heroism will never be forgotten...
Columbine Killers Targeted Christians, Too Christian martyrs in 20th century America? It happened on this day, April 20, 1999. When Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold began shooting up their school, they did not fire randomly. In their twisted minds, Athletes, minorities and Christians were the enemy.

"Do you believe in God?" they asked Cassie Bernall. They knew full well she did. The girl who had once indulged in the occult (as the killers now did) had moved into a realm of peace when she learned to center her heart on Christ. She became a church-goer and a worker among those who needed Christ. Often she brought her Bible to school.

She was reading it in the library when the killer pointed his gun at her. Did she believe in God? "Yes, I believe in God," she replied.

"Why?" asked the boy in the dark trench coat. Without waiting for an answer, he pulled the trigger.
"My God, my granddaughter was a martyr," said Cassie's grandma when she heard the report.

And not the only one, either. Rachel Scott, a spiritually-minded seventeen-year-old whose ambition was to become a missionary to Africa, died, too. So did John Tomlin, a sixteen-year-old who had recently gone to Mexico to help with a church project for the poor.

The Sunday before her death, Cassie wrote these words after church:
Now I have given up on everything else I have found it to be the only way
To really know Christ and to experience
The mighty power that brought Him back to life again, and to find
Out what it means to suffer and to
Die with him.
So, whatever it takes I will be one who lives in the fresh
Newness of life of those who are
Alive from the dead.
  1. Colson, Charles W. "Littleton's Martyrs." BreakPoint Commentary - April 26, 1999. (www.stormloader.com/omegakids/Casiemail.html). [Casie's poem is quoted from this source].
  2. Nimmo, Beth and Darrell Scott with Steve Rabey. Rachel's Tears. Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 2000.
  3. Rosenberg, Jennifer. "The Columbine Massacre." 20th Century History. http://history1900s.about.com/library/weekly/aa041303a.htm
  4. Numerous other internet articles, including articles originally printed in the Boston Globe and Washington Post.                                                                                                                       Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1901-2000/columbine-killers-targeted-christians-too-11630857.html

Driving GMOs and Monsanto’s Roundup off the Market

By Ronnie Cummins
Since genetically engineered (GE) crops, foods, and animal drugs were brazenly forced onto the market in 1994 by Monsanto and the FDA, with neither pre-market safety testing nor labels required, consumers and small farmers worldwide have mobilized to ban, label, or boycott these controversial "Frankenfoods."

With mounting scientific evidence1 underlining the human health and environmental toxicity of GE foods, and growing alarm over the toxic pesticides such as Monsanto's Roundup that invariably accompany genetically modified organisms (GMOs), currently 64 nations require mandatory labeling of GMOs.
Numerous states and regions in the European Union, and several dozen entire nations, including Switzerland, Australia, Austria, China, India, France, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, Italy, and Russia, have banned GMO crops altogether.2
In the European Union (EU), where mandatory labeling laws are in effect, little or no GMO crops or food are on the market (except for imported GMO animal feed). In addition to banning GMOs, a growing number of countries, including El Salvador and Sri Lanka, have begun to ban the use of Monsanto's Roundup.
This  toxic herbicide is sprayed heavily on 84 percent of all GMO crops, and increasingly applied as a pre-harvest desiccant, or drying agent, on scores of other non-GMO crops including wheat, rice, beans, potatoes, barley, oats, flax, peas, lentils, and sugar cane.
Even in the US where 168 million acres of GE crops are under cultivation (including 90 percent or more of all corn, soy, cotton, canola, and sugar beets), survey after survey has shown that Americans, especially mothers and parents of small children, are either suspicious of, or alarmed by, unlabeled GMOs.
This is understandable given the toxic track records of the chemical companies pushing this technology (Monsanto, Dow, Syngenta, Dupont, BASF, and Bayer), as well as the mounting scientific evidence that these controversial foods and crops—and the toxic herbicides and insecticides sprayed on them or laced into their cells—severely damage or kill birds, bees, butterflies, lab rats, farm animals, and humans.
Currently US regulatory agencies, in sharp contrast to Europe, rely on industry's own indentured scientists to determine whether GMOs—and the toxic chemicals, pesticides, and fertilizers that accompany their use—are "safe" for human health, animals, the environment, and the climate.
Meanwhile mass media journalists and food industry representatives monotonously regurgitate Monsanto's dangerous mantra: Genetically engineered foods and crops are just as safe as "conventional" foods and crops, and there is no "mainstream scientific evidence" that GMOs are dangerous.

Consumers Want Genetically Engineered Foods to Be Labeled

Polls consistently indicate that 90 percent of Americans want to know whether or not their food has been genetically engineered, even though massive lobbying and advertising by the GMO lobby has prevented labeling laws from passing at the federal level and in most US states.
 Read the rest of this article at -  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2015/04/21/boycott-gmos-roundup.aspx?e_cid=20150421Z1_DNL_B_art_1&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art1&utm_campaign=20150421Z1_DNL_B&et_cid=DM73019&et_rid=923598124

Dominicans Became Dreaded Inquisitors

Dominicans Became Dreaded Inquisitors Two of the darkest blots on Christian history are the witch hunts of Medieval Europe and the Inquisition--and the former employed the apparatus of the latter. No one knows for sure how many people suffered at the hands of the Inquisition. Thousands did. To most churchmen and governments it seemed self-evident that orthodoxy must be preserved, whatever the price.

Although Alexander III, Lucius III and Innocent III each made moves toward Inquisition, it was Gregory IX who instituted the machinery in 1227. In that year, he appointed a board of inquisitors to sit against heresy in Florence. Shortly afterward, he expanded the operation. This was inevitable, given the authoritarian nature of the Medieval church and the ferment of the times. Heresy was rife in Italy, France and the Balkans.

By 1231 Gregory had issued formal rules. As he envisioned the Inquisition, it would be for the salvation, coercion and punishment of erring Catholics only. Jews, Muslims and other non-Christians were not to be touched. The Inquisition would inquire into the spread of heresy, summon suspected heretics before tribunals, and punish infidelity so as to convert and save souls. It was aimed primarily at the growing numbers of Waldenses and Albigensians. Torture would be allowed, as it had been under Roman law. As his inquisitor in France, Gregory appointed the brutal Robert le Bougre, former heretic. He once had 180 individuals burned at the stake in one day and performed so many other atrocities that he was finally recalled and imprisoned.

On this date, April 20, 1233*, by papal bull, Gregory placed the operation of the Inquisition into the hands of the Dominicans. The Dominicans were the obvious choice for the role. Recognized by the church in 1220, the order's mission was to teach and preach: to employ the power of reason in support of faith. It is no coincidence that scholars like Albertus Magnus and Thomas Aquinas, saintly and learned, were Dominicans. Dominic had made a point of winning heretics by the force of his holy life and persuasive preaching.

The methods employed by his order were not so gentle. They included torture and execution, usually by burning. Although the instructions for interrogation limited the use of torture, the tendency was to exceed them. Many Dominicans never participated in the Inquisition. Others were mild in their measures. Some resigned rather than continue the brutal work. Nonetheless the good name of the Dominicans was forever stained by their participation in this cruel activity. Before long the order became popularly known as Domini canes, Latin for "God's dogs."
*Some historians say 1232.
  1. "Dominic, St." and "Dominican Order." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.
  2. Durant, Will. The Age of Faith. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1950.
  3. Hendrickson, Ford. Martyrs and Witnesses. Detroit: Protestant Missionary Pub. Co., 1917.
  4. Mandonnet, P. "Dominicans." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
  5. Nigg, Walter. Warriors of God; the great religious orders and their founders. New York, Knopf, 1959.
  6. O'Connor, John B. "Dominic, St." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1201-1500/dominicans-became-dreaded-inquisitors-11629829.html

Martin Luther's Most Noble Words

Martin Luther's Most Noble Words Since your majesty and your lordships desire a simple reply, I will answer without horns and without teeth. Unless I am convicted by scripture and plain reason--I do not accept the authority of popes and councils for they have contradicted each other--my conscience is captive to the Word of God. I cannot and I will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe. Here I stand, I cannot do otherwise, God help me. Amen."

Perhaps the most notable words spoken in the Reformation, this according to early printed reports, was Luther's reply at Worms when urged to recant. He uttered the memorable lines in German on this day, April 18, 1521, and then, upon request, repeated their gist in Latin for those who did not understand his native tongue. He was sweating, said witnesses. With a victory gesture he slipped out of the room.

Frederick the Wise, Luther's supporter was uneasy. Did the scriptures condemn Luther or not? "He is too daring for me," the elector admitted. Nonetheless, on the next day, when asked to stand against Luther with the emperor, he did not sign the condemnation although the other four electors did so.
As for the Emperor, he reasoned that a single friar who went contrary to the whole church could not possibly be right. Descended from a long line of Christian emperors, he felt that to accept Luther's view was to betray the faith of his fathers. He would take prompt action against Luther, he vowed. But since Luther had been given safe conduct to Worms, he allowed him to depart in safety.
Luther did not leave Worms at once. For several days a committee reasoned with him, begging him not to rend the church in two. They pointed out that war would surely come to Germany. Melanchthon, his beloved associate, might be killed. Luther could not help but be moved, but his determination held. God's word must be followed whatever the cost. To this confrontation his stand against indulgences had finally brought him.

There are grounds to doubt that Luther said "Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise." Although the earliest printed versions contain these lines, the official transcripts do not. Whether spoken or not, the words convey the brave monk's attitude. When Luther left Worms, the Reformation was irrevocable.
Martin Luther was at his noblest at Worms. His bold words have stirred men's imagination through subsequent centuries, for they have the same ring to them as Peter's famous defiance of the Sanhedrin. "Judge for yourselves whether we ought to obey God or men."
  1. Bainton, Roland H. Here I Stand; A life of Martin Luther. New York: mentor, 1950.
  2. Durant, Will. The Reformation. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957.
  3. Ganns, H. G. "Luther, Martin." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
  4. George, Timothy. "Luther, Martin." Biographical Dictionary of Evangelicals. Timothy Larsen, editor. Downers-Grove, Illinois: Intevarsity Press, 2003.
  5. "Luther, Martin." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1997. 
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1501-1600/martin-luthers-most-noble-words-11629925.html

"2015: Year of Light" // How Lucifer is using CERN to crack time

Round Saturn's Eye always has fascinating views on topics like CERN so I've posted his latest video concerning the great collider.  You be the judge whether this is accurate or simply a lot of speculation in one video...

A deeper look into how CERN is being used as the key to the bottomless pit, the bending of light, collide of dimensions & turning of the key. We are in the prophetic end times. Keep joy in your heart always, do not fear the defeated foe.

Pope Eusebius Began Short Reign

Pope Eusebius Began Short Reign St. Eusebius is not one of those popes whose name brings instant recognition like Gregory the Great, Hildebrand, Julius II or Leo X. It appears he was pope only four months, and history is not even clear whether it was in the year 309 or 310.

The son of a physician, Eusebius was a Greek. Having said that, we have pretty much exhausted our knowledge of his background.

He began his short term on this day, April 18, 309 or 310. He immediately faced serious problems within the church, which was quarreling over whether on not to readmit brethren who had fallen from the faith during the recent persecutions. Eusebius sided with those who argued for readmittance upon completion of a stiff penance.

But not everyone was buying this solution. The Novatians said there should be no restoration at all. On the other hand, many of the lapsed demanded immediate readmittance to the church. One of these groups elected a rival pope, Heraclius. The squabble erupted into violence.

Exasperated, Emperor Maxentius exiled both the pope and the antipope. Eusebius was ordered to Sicily, where he soon died.

For a year, no pope was chosen. At the time, Galerius was persecuting the eastern church with great ferocity. When Miltiades finally became pope in 311, he brought Eusebius' bones back to Rome for an honorable burial in the Cemetary of Calixtus. Later, this tomb was damaged. However, copies of its inscription survived and they tell us almost everything that we know about this obscure bishop of Rome.

Because Eusebius defended the tradition of discipline that he had inherited, and because he died in banishment he was considered both a saint and a martyr.
  1. Brusher, Joseph Stanislaus. Popes Through the Ages. Princeton, N.J., Van Nostrand,1959.
  2. "Eusebius, Pope." New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1954.
  3. Kirsch, J. P. "Pope St. Eusebius." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
  4. Montor, Artaud de. The Lives and Times of the Popes. New York, The Catholic publication society of America, 1910-11.
  5. Various internet articles.
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/301-600/pope-eusebius-began-short-reign-11629639.html

Isaac Newton's September 23, 2015 prophecy; September 24, 2015- "100% PROBABILITY" of Asteroid (Or Something Like That)

This is an interesting video that I thought I would share. Lots of connecting the dots with dates and meaning, even if the dots don't actually collect at all. I'm over the talk of "Shemitah" (Sabbath) years, as no one has any idea when those began or should fall, so they are very handy for making predictions. Anyway, interesting stuff which I leave to the viewers discretion
 C. Ervana 09232015!!!! New channel! There will be regular updates so PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! Crossings and Chaos. Tomorrowland movie trailer alludes to 100% probability of asteroid strike. Isaac Newton made STUNNING prophecy about September 23, 2015. Are Youtube channels (Renee M, thejonathankleck, thegroxt1, godshealer7, C. Ervana) pointing to the same date (September 23, 2015)? US Copyright Act of 1976 17 U.S.C. § 107 allows for the use of work that is used for comment, criticism, or education and is non-profit in nature. Please see the provision below... Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include: the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work. The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.[3]

Cyprian baptized in Carthage

Cyprian baptized in Carthage I am a Christian and cannot sacrifice to the gods. I heartily thank Almighty God who is pleased to set me free from the chains of this body." With these bold words, spoken in front of hundreds of onlookers, Bishop Cyprian of Carthage faced death under Emperor Valerian. Many of the pagans standing by were deeply moved.

Cyprian was well-known to them. As Bishop of Carthage, he was an eminent figure in North Africa. But even before becoming a church leader he had been a notable man.

Born into wealth around 200, Cyprian inherited a large estate. He trained in rhetoric. Curiously it was this training which brought him to Christ. Genuinely gifted as a speaker, he opened his own school. As part of the course, he debated philosophers and Christians. Convinced by the arguments of a Christian elder, he became a convert when he was about 45 years old. "A second birth created me a new man by means of the Spirit breathed from heaven," he wrote. Immediately he applied for admission to the church. With zeal, he gave away his wealth and devoted himself to poverty, celibacy, and Bible studies.

In those days it was popular for Christians to receive baptism at Easter. This has led scholars to argue that Cyprian received baptism on this day, April 18, 246, the Eve of Easter.

Upon the death of Bishop Donatus in 248, less than two years after Cyprian's conversion, and over his protests, the people elected him Bishop of Carthage. Pontius, one of his clergy, wrote an admiring biography telling how Cyprian handled himself. His countenance was joyous, he wrote, and he was a man to be both revered and loved.

But well might Cyprian protest his election! His task was never easy. Many older men felt slighted by his swift ascendancy and envied him his office. Among the clergy were others who neglected their duties. Cyprian disciplined them, and this increased resentment against him. In 250, a persecution by Emperor Decian broke out. The pagans shouted, "Cyprian to the lions!" But the bishop escaped into hiding. His presence in Carthage would intensify persecution, he explained. Writing letters, he tried to hold the church together in his absence. This was not easy, for the Christians who stayed and endured suffering looked down on Cyprian. In 251 Gallus became emperor and Cyprian returned to his church.

Those who had stood firm under suffering called themselves "the confessors." They gained great prestige from this. Others had renounced their faith. These were called the "lapsed." The church split over how to allow the lapsed back in. Cyprian's disagreement with the Bishop of Rome over the issue of the lapsed caused him to write an influential book, Unity of the Church. In it he argued that the church is not the community of those who are already saved. Instead, it is an ark of salvation for all men, a school for sinners. Today many Protestants accept this teaching but refuse to accept Cyprian's other claim that the bishops of the church, as the heirs of the apostles, are the agents through whom God dispenses grace. "He who has not the church for his mother, has not God for his Father," Cyprian wrote. His view is also opposed to that which makes the pope pre-eminent. Protestants argue that where two or three are gathered in Christ's name, Christ is with them and quote Peter to show that every Christian is a priest (1 Peter 2:9).

When a fearsome plague erupted in Carthage in 252-254, the pagans abandoned the sick in the streets. People rushed about in terror. Cyprian told his Christians to care for the sick, including dying pagans. The people obeyed, despite the fact the pagans blamed them for the disease and persecuted them. Soon afterward, Bishop Cyprian was brought before the pro-consul Aspasius Paternus. Aspasius banished him to a town by the sea. When Aspasius died, Cyprian returned to Carthage. He was seized by the new governor and condemned to death. At the place of execution, he knelt in prayer and tied the bandage over his eyes with his own hand. To the executioner he gave a piece of gold. Thus he was beheaded on September 14, 258, retaining his bold confession to the end.
  1. Adapted from Christian History Institute's Glimpses #162.
  2. Aland, Kurt. Saints and Sinners; men and ideas in the early church. Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1970.
  3. Ante-Nicene fathers: translations of the writings of the fathers down to A.D. 325. Edited by Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson. American reprint of the Edinburgh edition. Revised and chronologically arranged, with brief prefaces and occasional notes, by A. Cleveland Coxe. New York: Scribner's, 1926.
  4. Benson, Edward White. Cyprian: his life, his times, his work. London, New York, Macmillan, 1897.
  5. Chapman, John. "St. Cyprian of Carthage." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1908.
  6. "Cyprian, St." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
  7. The Library of Christian Classics. Westminster Press, 1956.
Read this article at -  http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1-300/cyprian-baptized-in-carthage-11629618.html