Passover - The 7 Feasts of Israel and Jesus - Amazing Revelation

This is an 8 minute stand-alone clip from the full one hour documentary "The Seven Feasts of Israel and Jesus." Watch this film until the end for some suprising and amazing revelations about this very special feast and a unique fulfillment in Jesus. From Stauros Films in conjunction with Ichthus Films. This film is under copyright from Stauros Films. January 2009. All Rights Reserved.

Origin of Maundy Thursday

Chuck Knows Church -- Maundy Thursday. It's also known as Holy Thursday, Covenant Thursday, Great and Holy Thursday, Sheer Thursday and Thursday of Mysteries! Whew. . .but what exactly is this important day in the holy week? Chuck explains on this his SEVENTY-FIRST show!

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007 Secrets: SPECTRE

Just in time for the upcoming movie.  Amazing how Fleming's novels from 50 years ago echo in the news today.  Could our reality really be that scripted?

The newest film in the 007 series will be titled SPECTRE, a fitting reference to the real cabals and cartels that rule the world. Indeed, SPECTRE is presented early on in From Russia with Love with this very feature – they are international, as opposed to SMERSH being Russian, and play nation states off against one another. Transitioning from the Soviet-affiliated SMERSH in the first Bond novel, Casino Royale, SMERSH transforms into SPECTRE, a formidable “terrorist” organization from the ambiguous East.

It is also telling that back in the 50s and 60s, Ian Fleming was already predicting the transition from the communist threat to the international terrorist threat – something that gave me the indication that Fleming novels are worth a deeper look. Even current media hysteria seems the product of a shrewd psychological operation: Sony claims to have been hacked by North Korea, with the SPECTRE script leaked, as well as Pyongyang supposedly threatening 9/11 style attacks on theaters that play Franco and Rogen’s The Interview. Such headlines might as well be ripped from the pages of Fleming’s books, since they’re truer to life than we might think.

Casino Royale Ca$h Options

There’s nothing crazy about suspecting that more is at work, given the plot of Skyfall surrounded a former MI6 operative, Mr. Silva (Javier Bardem), playing a hacker hell-bent on wreaking vengeful havoc on M (Judy Dench) and all of Her Majesty’s Secret Service. It is surely not coincidence that in Skyfall, Silva has “back door” technology that brings to mind PROMIS software or the recent hubbub involving NSA spying and Snowden. With these recent news events in mind, an analysis of Skyfall is overdue. In the reboot of Casino Royale, we saw Bond engaged in a bout with an associate of what we can assume will be SPECTRE, the infamous LeChiffre, and in my analysis of Casino Royale, I noted as follows concerning the real associations that can be made between LeChiffre’s secret organization and the real cartels that run the show:
In the beginning (of the Casino Royale novel), however, Bond is not after SMERSH, but a wealthy, disfigured rogue who stuck out on his own and created a “fifth column” from SMERSH, named LeChiffre.  LeChiffre translates as “the cypher,” letting us know more is at work here. LeChiffre, according to Bond writer Ian MacIntyre, was based on British Satanist/occultist Aleister Crowley.
In fact, Ian Fleming, it has recently been claimed by researcher Anthony Masters, was responsible for crafting the plot to lure Rudolph Hess to Scotland based on a bogus astrological chart that tickled Hess’ fancy, created by Crowley. The plot worked, apparently, and Hess parachuted into Scotland and was captured.  LeChiffre, “the cypher,” has curious features, and like many Bond villains a strange sexual appetite and fixation, in the same vein as Crowley.
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Pietist Preacher Gerhard Tersteegen

Pietist Preacher Gerhard Tersteegen If you check the index of your hymnbook, you will likely find a hymn titled "Thou hidden love of God" by Gerhard Tersteegen. Can God's love be hidden? There were five terrible years after Tersteegen became a Christian when he had no sense of God whatever. He came close to despair.
Born in 1697, at Moers, Germany, Gerhard Tersteegen completed a few grades of school, after which he was apprenticed to an older brother, a shopkeeper. Gerhard was conscientious and thoughtful, subdued by frequent illnesses. A godly tradesman taught him that he could know Christ in daily life, and Tersteegen vowed to devote his life to God. Unable to find time for devotions during the day, he spent entire nights fasting and praying. As soon as his apprenticeship was up, he rented an isolated cottage and worked alone like a hermit, knitting ribbons to support himself. He thought much about God and read theology. His diet was as simple as could be--meal, milk and water--and he gave whatever money he saved to the poor.

His lifestyle embarrassed his well-to-do family, who came to the point they would not even mention his name. When he fell gravely ill, they left him unattended.

It was after this that darkness closed around him. For five years he had no impression of God and even began to doubt his existence. Yet he wrote hymns of faith. But mere words were not able to ease his troubled mind.

Yet one day God drew so close to Tersteegen that the sorrowing man knew absolute peace. From then until his death, on this day, April 3, 1769, Tersteegen taught others. Anyone could see that the spiritual world was real to him. Hundreds of the poor and farmers gathered daily at his home to hear him speak. He also traveled throughout the region, preaching. While at peace inwardly, he seldom had a moment's peace outwardly, for there were always people clamoring for his spiritual advice.
Tersteegen wrote books and hymns. "Thine wholly, Thine alone I am! Thrice happy he who views with scorn earth's toys, for Thee his constant flame; O help that I may never move from the blest footsteps of Thy love!" He even wrote a dedication of himself to Christ in his own blood.

When he was sixty-one, his constant speaking so wore him out that it almost proved the death of him. He lived nine more years, counseling, revising books and writing letters, but he was no longer able to preach or travel.
  1. Cook, Faith."Discovering Love."
  2. "Gerhard Tersteegen."
  3. Harvey, Edwin & Lillian and Hey, Elizabeth. They Knew Their God, Volume 2. Kingsley Press, ca. 2005.
  4. "Tersteegen, Gerhard (Gerrit Ter Steegen)" New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1954.
  5. Fremantle, Anne, editor. The Protestant Mystics. New York: New American Library, 1964.
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Adolf Clarenbach Arrested

Adolf Clarenbach Arrested When Luther sparked church reformation in Germany, there was bound to be a backlash. In those intolerant days, when church and state acted together, there was no choice in matters of faith. Someone had to be the first to die for the new ideas. One of the first two martyrs was Adolf Clarenbach.

Around 1520, Adolf Clarenbach became a teacher in a cathedral Latin school. Evidently he was a better than ordinary teacher, for in 1523 he was made principle of the city school in Wesel. But storm clouds loomed. Through reading Erasmus and Martin Luther and studying the Bible, he became a follower of the Reformation.

When his views became known, he was forced to leave Wesel. Adolf then preached in Cologne and the Rhine country, forming communities of evangelical believers.

Returning home in 1528, Adolf returned to his death. At the urging of Catholic leaders, he was arrested at Cologne on this day, April 3, 1528. He was charged with teaching Protestant ideas. Also arrested was Adolf's friend John Klopreis. About that same time authorities arrested yet another Reformation preacher, Peter Fliesteden. Klopreis managed to escape, but Adolf and Peter remained in custody.

The two were held in prison for several months and tortured. When questioned, Adolf insisted that "there is no satisfaction for sin except the death of Christ alone." However, good works witness that we have the faith we claim.

On September 28, 1529, Adolf and Peter were handed over to secular authorities at the gates of Cologne to be burned to death. The long delay between Clarenbach's arrest and death is owing to the fact that three jurisdictions had a stake in his trial. Furthermore, the local citizens were upset with the sentence and had to be pacified. When plague visited the city, the superstitious people took it as a sign that they were being too kind to the heretics and public opinion swung against the prisoners.
Adolf and Peter have been called the first martyrs of the Reformation. However, it is not clear if they were Lutherans or not. But three hundred years after their deaths, Lutheran Germans of the lower Rhine honored them with a special celebration and erected a monument in their honor.
  1. Clarenbach, Adolf. Kirchenlexikon.
  2. Schaff, Phillip. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1951.
  3. Various other internet articles. 
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US Government Rolls Out Mandatory Adult Vaccination and Tracking Program

I guess too many people have figured out these vaccines may be unsafe, so what should a power-hungry government do?  Make them mandatory of course, and let the vaccines sort out who survives and who doesn't....

By Dr. Mercola
This month, federal health officials are rolling out a national adult immunization plan that contains a new Mandatory Adult Vaccination1,2 and Electronic Tracking Program. The government is urging Americans to fulfill their obligation to support and comply with the anti-choice requirement to relinquish responsibility for personal health and well-being to federally appointed health officials through pharmaceutical enhancements.
Public health officials will be monitoring Twitter and Facebook posts for anti-vaccine chatter that may indicate non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations and state vaccine mandates.
"The measles outbreak in Disneyland is a prime example of how Americans are incapable of protecting their own health and making wise health choices,” said a spokesman for the federally sponsored Anti-Choicers United Campaign.
"We are delighted that every state has pledged to move forward on bills to eliminate vaccine exemptions and support mandatory vaccine compliance, and we remind Americans that failure to vaccinate is a serious biothreat that simply will no longer be tolerated.”
French time-management specialist Aucun Choix—who was not consulted during the negotiations with drug companies that preceded the mandate—commented that “removing choice is one of the most basic steps you can take to simplify your life,” noting that Americans suffer an inordinate amount of stress as a result of having too many choices.
"Making vaccination decisions is an arduous task involving lots of reading and information processing,” he said, “and this is time Americans can now spend on less stressful activities such as eating and watching television with their families or texting friends.
They should embrace the opportunity to relinquish the responsibility of making medical choices to those who have graduated from medical school and have no doubts about vaccine safety.
It is a complete waste of time for non-medical professionals to research the subject of vaccines because federal health agencies receive a lot of money from the pharmaceutical industry to fast track vaccines to licensure and maintain very high quality control standards.”

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Edmund of Abingdon Consecrated

Edmund of Abingdon Consecrated Edmund of Abingdon, Archbishop of Canterbury, had a motto: "Caclum dives ingredi." It meant "to enter heaven rich." It was a pun on his family name, for the merchant's son was named Edmund Rich.
Edmund's parents were deeply religious folk after the fashion of the time, imposing daily penances on themselves. Their interest in spiritual matters spilled over onto Edmund. As a youth, studying at newly formed Oxford University, he believed he had literally encountered Jesus while he was walking alone in a field one evening. Ever afterward, this gentle man made a special gesture of remembrance each night before he went to bed. He vowed to remain chaste.

Edmund learned well and became a doctor of divinity. Soon he became a teacher, lecturing at the universities of Oxford and of Paris. He was the first, in fact, to teach the works of Aristotle at his Alma Mater. On both sides of the channel he was held in high esteem for his holiness. At night, he spent more time in prayer than in sleep. His preaching was so dynamic that he was commissioned to preach the sixth crusade.

On this day, April 2, 1234, Edmund was consecrated Archbishop of Canterbury. The position brought him much conflict with King Henry III of England. Henry was a corrupt man, who refused to allow Edmund to fill church vacancies. Meanwhile, the king pocketed the church revenues. Despite the king's opposition, Edmund struggled hard to clean up the church and restore its rights. In 1236 he issued a series of "constitutions," but the corrupt churchmen of the realm refused to be reigned in. (Some of his rules were still in force in the twentieth century.) He also worked with a coalition of barons to try to suppress the power of Henry's foreign-born favorites.

Edmund wrote to Pope Gregory IX for help over the issue of the vacancies, but Gregory failed to resolve the situation. In fact, the papal legate himself fell under Henry's power and the vacancies continued to pile up.

Caught between a rock and a hard place, Edmund fled from England and retired to Pontigny, France. He died there in 1240. Edmund was so admired that his final resting place became a popular destination for pilgrims.
  1. Baring-Gould, S. Lives of the Saints. Edinburgh: John Grant, 1914.
  2. Edmonds, Columba. "St. Edmund Rich." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1914.
  3. "Edmund, St., of Abingdon." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
  4. Hook, Walter Farquhar, 1798 - 1875. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London, R. Bentley, 1865 - 1884.
  5. McKilliam, Annie E. A Chronicle of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London: J. Clarke, 1913.
  6. Waite, Joseph F. "Saint Edmund of Canterbury 1170-1240 Patron of the Society of St. Edmund."
  7. Various encyclopedia and internet articles.
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Apr 2, 2015

A Case for the Wednesday Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

It's often overlooked that holy days were also Sabbath days, so Passover is a Sabbath, the first and last days of Unleavened Bread are Sabbaths, and the Feast of Firstfruits is a Sabbath.  So the week of Jesus crucifixion would have included 4 Sabbaths. 

The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (FOR THAT SABBATH DAY WAS AN HIGH DAY,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away... John 19:31

The Passion of the Christ - Crucifixion

 The Crucifixion scene from Mel Gibson's 2004 masterpiece, The Passion of the Christ. Audiovisual content copyright Billion Dollar Boy Icon Film Distribution Pty Ltd (Australia VOD)

Iranian leaders believe that their 13-year plan to control the Middle East is being guided by their promised Shi'ite Messiah!

They even believe that their Messiah will come out of Yemen!
NEWS BRIEF: "Death of Saudi King & Coup in Yemen: Signs in Iranian Prophecy', The Clarion News

"Iranian regime elements focused on the 'end-of-times' prophecies see the coup in Yemen and the death of the Saudi King as the fulfillment of prophecy." 

Please note that the "death of the Saudi King" expressed in this Clarion news article refers to the elderly Saudi King Abdullah, who passed away January 30, 2015.

The coup in Yemen, coming in conjunction with the death of Saudi King Abdullah, are seen as fulfillment of unique Shi'ite end of the age prophecy.

"The Iranian regime’s view of the world is centered around the appearance of the Mahdi, also known as the 'Hidden 12th' in Shia Islam ... The most vivid explanation of the end-of-times prophecy in the Iranian regime’s calculations came in 2011 when a terrifying video was leaked titled, 'The Coming Is Upon Us'.”

"The basis of the video was that the Iranian regime is fulfilling specific prophecies to trigger the appearance of the Hidden 12th Imam. Supreme Leader Khamenei, President Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah are depicted as the incarnations of figures foretold in prophecy."
Therefore, the current leaders of Iran believe they are the physical incarnation of the final Iranian (Persian) leaders foretold in Shi'ite prophecy, and are paving the way for the "Hidden 12th Imam" to appear! It is no wonder they are acting so boldly and so fearlessly.

Even more shockingly, this Shi'ite prophecy depicts the "12th Hidden Imam" as arising out of Yemen!

"Their capturing of Yemen’s capital and achieving what is essentially a coup against the U.S.-allied government will be seen one of the strongest signals that the Mahdi is about to appear. The film also mentions a prophecy about a Yemeni figure named Yamani who will lead a march to Mecca in Saudi Arabia. "

Let us stop right here! This Shi'ite prophecy which foretells the appearance of the 12th Hidden Imam will be preceded by a march from "a Yemeni figure named Yamani", upon the Islamic holy site of Mecca! Quickly examine the Pentagon's 2006 map of the Middle East.

Looking at Saudi Arabia, can you see that the Saudi's have lost control over Mecca and Medina and that Iran has seized control? Don't you find it interesting that Western Illuminati is planning to "fulfill" Shi'ite prophecy?

Sunni Saudi Arabia is about to be defeated and humiliated, just as the above Pentagon map illustrates.

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Serious Talk About Contacting Aliens Is Sparking A Fiery Debate In The Scientific Community

One of humanity’s biggest questions is “Are we alone?”

But is that still the right question?

Astronomers have confirmed over 1,800 exoplanets in our galaxy and estimate that there are around 100 billion in total and many of these seem to be habitable. So, chances are good that we are not alone.

A better question for the new age is: If ET exists, what should we do about it?

That’s what scientists at the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute discussed last month at the annual American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting.

SETI is famous for its series of telescopes that search the skies for messages that look like they could be sent by intelligent extraterrestrial beings. But so far the cosmos have been quiet.

And after 50 years of listening, some of the folks at SETI are starting to say it’s high time for a change to the way we search.

Sigismund I, Polish King Tolerated Reformation

Sigismund I, Polish King Tolerated Reformation Poland is known today as one of the most Catholic of European countries. The native land of Pope John Paul II, the faith of its people helped bring down the Soviet empire. There was a time, however, when it appeared that Poland might become Protestant.

Thirty-nine year old King Sigismund I took the throne in 1506. He was a humanist--that is, one who appreciated the arts and literature. As such, he corresponded with Erasmus (everyone of importance corresponded with Erasmus!) the humanist whose writings had precipitated the Protestant Reformation. The permissive Sigismund allowed a variety in faith. On the one hand, Nicolas Copernicus flourished as a Catholic canon during his reign, writing his theory that the sun is the center of the universe, while on the other John Laski preached reformation.

If Sigismund did not persecute, it was partly owing to the power of his nobles, many of whom had embraced the Reformation. The nobles of Poland gained significant rights during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Sometimes their power paralyzed the nation, because the king had to win regional approval for taxes and wars. They pushed for limitations on the established church. However, there was no unity among the nobles in what should replace the Catholic church. Lutherans, Anabaptists, Calvinists, United Brethren and other sects flourished alongside traditional Catholicism.

Protestants went too far in some cases. At Danzig they threw the town council out with threat of arms and appointed their own representatives. They seized Catholic churches and other church properties, some of which they converted to use as hospitals. Sigismund eventually beheaded a number of Protestant leaders in that city.

The most significant accomplishment of Sigismund's reign was the defeat of the Teutonic Knights who had long troubled eastern Europe. When their grandmaster, Albert of Brandenburg, became a Lutheran, Sigismund made him Duke of Prussia.

Sigismund died on this day, April 1, 1548. His son Sigismund II ruled in his stead, but died suddenly and the throne passed to a nephew. Jesuits, working to restore Catholicism to Poland during the counter-Reformation, were successful because Poland's Protestants were badly divided. And they were helped by the fact that Sigismund had married his nephew into the royal family of the Catholic Hapsburgs, which brought Poland more firmly into the Catholic sphere.
  1. Wylie, James A. History of Protestantism. Voice/History.Protestant.v3.b19.html #CHAPTER2
  2. Various internet and encyclopedia articles.
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He Frequented Gay Bars in Hollywood Until God's Grace Set Him Free

Michael Ashcraft, Mark Ellis  God Reports

"I never got what I deserved... here I am alive and serving Jesus." -Paul Gualtieri
(Apple Valley, CA)—Molested a few times when he was a child, Paul Gualtieri dabbled with homosexuality as a largely unsupervised 13-year-old in Palm Springs. (Photo via God Reports)
It wasn't long before he found himself in his bedroom proclaiming his destiny: "I'm gay. I'm a homosexual," he said out loud with no one around. It was a pivotal moment of his life. "There's power in confessing both good and bad things. When I declared I was gay, I gave a right to a spiritual force in my life."
When he was 13, he ran away to Hollywood and threw himself headlong into the partying and gay lifestyle. "I just got sucked right into it," he recalls. "I thought it was great."
He was too young to be admitted to the gay bars but prostituted himself to support a lifestyle that included drugs like Quaaludes, coke and meth.
"I just ran rampant," he says. "I had different boyfriends. We would panhandle every day to buy drugs and pay our hotel."
He slept at anybody's house who'd have him, in Plummer Park and in the "Hotel Hell," once posh lodgings for movie luminaries that became decrepit and abandoned on Hollywood Boulevard.

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Ferdinand and Isabella's Edict Against Jews

Ferdinand and Isabella's Edict Against Jews The year 1492 is most often associated with Columbus and his discovery of America. But another event of tragic proportions developed that year. It gave the world the Sephardic Jews (so called because Sepharadh was a region of Spain where many Jews had settled).

By 1492, Spain, under Ferdinand and Isabella had just emerged as a defender of the Roman Catholic faith. The marriage of the two rulers eventually united Aragon and Castile, although while she lived, Isabella did not yield her authority to her husband. In Granada, the pair defeated the Islamic Moors, who had long controlled Spain. Spurred on by the cruel Grand Inquisitor Torquemada, Ferdinand and Isabella felt they must remove all heretics and non-Christians from their land in order to purge it of pagan influences and firmly establish the Christian faith.

The fires of the Inquisition had already roared in Spain for twelve long years. The Inquisition's primary purpose was not to deal with Jews and Muslims. Any person who professed Christianity and then returned to his or her ancestral faith was tried and punished. In eight years, the tribunal of Seville alone put 700 persons to death and condemned 5,000 others to life in prison.

But what about those Jews who never adopted Christianity? Their majesties had a plan for them, too. On this day, March 31, 1492, in the city of Granada, Ferdinand and Isabella signed an edict banishing from the Kingdoms of Aragon and Castile all Jews unwilling to receive baptism.
"You know well or ought to know, that whereas we have been informed that in these our kingdoms there were some wicked Christians who Judaized and apostatized from our holy Catholic faith, the great cause of which was interaction between the Jews and these Christians...we ordered the separation of the said Jews in all the cities, towns and villages of our kingdoms and lordships and [commanded] that they be given Jewish quarters and separate places where they should live, hoping that by their separation the situation would remedy itself."
Separation not having worked, the monarchs gave the Jews until July 31st to sell their goods and leave the country. They were forbidden to carry gold or silver out of the kingdom. Worse, although signed in March, the edict was not publicly announced until the end of April, so the Jews actually had only three months to convert their property to trade goods.

"Christians" took advantage of the situation and paid ridiculously low prices for Jewish possessions -- a donkey bought a house; a piece of cloth or linen purchased an entire vineyard.

In July 1492, the exodus began. When Columbus left on his famous voyage in August, he could not use the port of Cadiz because of the large numbers of Jews waiting to board ships in the harbor. Many Jews of Castile went to Portugal, where they were forced to pay a ransom to remain. Others went to Italy or the northern coast of Africa. Wherever they went, they were robbed.

Spain's economy paid for its mistreatment of the Jews: many had been skilled craftsmen. Sultan Bajazet of Turkey warmly welcomed those who escaped to his country. "How can you call Ferdinand of Aragon a wise king--the same Ferdinand who impoverished his own land and enriched ours?" he asked. He employed the Jew in making weapons to fight against Europe.
  1. Adapted from an earlier Christian History Institute story by Diane Severance, Ph.D.
  2. "Ferdinand V, King of Castile." Encyclopedia Americana. Chicago: Americana Corp., 1956.
  3. "Jewish History Sourcebook: The Expulsion from Spain, 1492 CE." The Medieval Sourcebook.
  4. "Spanish Expulsion, 1492." jsource/Judaism/expulsion.htm
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Mar 31, 2015

The Radical Cross

  By A.W. Tozer
“The work of Christ on the cross did not influence God to love us, did not increase that love by one degree, did not open any fount of grace or mercy in His heart. He had loved us from old eternity and needed nothing to stimulate that love. The cross is not responsible for God's love; rather it was His love which conceived the cross as the one method by which we could be saved. God felt no different toward us after Christ had died for us, for in the mind of God Christ had already died before the foundation of the world. God never saw us except through atonement. The human race could not have existed one day in its fallen state had not Christ spread His mantle of atonement over it. And this He did in eternal purpose long ages before they led Him out to die on the hill above Jerusalem. All God's dealings with man have been conditioned upon the cross.”
A.W. Tozer, The Radical Cross: Living the Passion of Christ

12th Lunar Wave Timing Predicted & Filmed March 27 in Houston

They keep coming....wonder when it's going to get enough interest that the more powerful telescopes get focused on it...

This clip captures the 12th lunar wave to date and was filmed in Houston at 9:20pm. The videographer, Randy, had been following my research which is backed up by Hatybow (Russian research) and he not only used this information to film the lunar wave but applied the filming style I have said is best for lunar wave work. This demonstrates that we do, in fact, know something concrete about the lunar waves. Try to Film from now until just after Easter 2015, if you would like to join the research for the truth about the lunar wave. Or – just keep filming and help to change the world!

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ON THE PATH OF THE IMMORTALS — PART 4: Secret Mountains, Vortices, and Denizens from Unseen Realms


By Cris Putnam
Located in the northern Verde Valley region of the state of Arizona, Sedona is arguably one of the most beautiful small towns in the world. Glowing in brilliant orange and red, the quaint western settlement is famous for its stunning array of red sandstone rock formations. The famous red stone of Sedona is formed by a layer known as the Schnebly Hill Formation. It is a thick layer of red- to orange-colored, iron-rich sandstone found only in the Sedona vicinity. Its beauty is unprecedented in the world.
Cathedral Rock: An “energy vortex” in Sedona
Cathedral Rock: An “energy vortex” in Sedona

Sedona’s modern history only dates back to nineteenth century, when the first white settler, John J. Thompson, moved to Oak Creek Canyon in 1876. The early settlers were hard-working ranchers and farmers. In 1902, when the Sedona post office was established, there were only fifty-five residents. The first church there was the Assembly of God in 1933.[ii] However, most people do not realize the area’s previous Christian history. A local evangelist and author, David Herzog, writes, “In the early 1900s Sedona was a place where Christians from all over the United States gathered to hold large conferences and retreats as God’s glory filled the city—long before it was claimed as a New Age vortex city. God has already designated Sedona as an open portal, a high place over the Southwest.”[iii]While the little town of Sedona grew up and became famous in the twentieth century, the area has ancient roots. The surrounding landscape hosts many petroglyphs and is steeped in Native American lore, with Hopi, Navajo, Apache, and Yavapai reservations a short drive away. It is also well known among fortean researchers that Sedona and its neighboring regions host some of the most intense UFO, paranormal, and spiritual activity in the world. It has one of the highest concentrations of UFO sightings in the United States.[iv]Some say the “aliens” are attracted to the iron-rich, red-rock spires and castle-like summits. Many UFO sightings have been viewed near Sedona’s four major vortex areas—with more than fifty at Bell Rock. Since the 1990s, it is rumored to host one of the most active dimensional doorways in America due to a book Merging Dimensions by former resident Linda Bradshaw and paranormal investigator Tom Dongo. John Keel was an early author who connected interdimensional gateways to the magnetic anomalies data, which provides a means of “seeing through” nonmagnetic rocks and cover such as desert sands, vegetation, and manmade structures to reveal hidden features such as faults, folds, dikes, and underworld portals.

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Cranmer Got the Top Job but Didn't Want it

Cranmer Got the Top Job but Didn't Want it! When Thomas Cranmer learned he had been named Archbishop of Canterbury by King Henry VIII, he balked. Visiting Germany at the time to promote the King's interest in a divorce, he dawdled seven weeks getting back to England. Although the King's word was law, Cranmer hesitated to accept the position.

The English church was in a turmoil over the question of Henry's desired divorce from Catherine. Having presented him with no male heir, the queen, once so charming to Henry, was now repugnant. Yet he could not get the Pope to agree to an annulment.

Cranmer had come to the King's attention when, in conversation with two of Henry's men, he had suggested that the universities could just as well settle the question as the Pope. Henry swore Cranmer had "the right sow by the ear." He earmarked the priest to become Archbishop of Canterbury, England's highest religious post. Cranmer was consecrated on this date, March 30, 1533.
Believing himself subject to the King, Cranmer promptly granted Henry the annulment. Throughout his tenure as archbishop, he would do pretty much whatever the King commanded. Henry's continual shifts of policy often made Cranmer appear wishy-washy. For example, he ruled Henry's marriage to Anne of Cleve lawful and six months later annulled it as unlawful.

Already leaning toward Protestantism, Cranmer became the chief architect of the English Reformation. He urged the King to place Bibles in England's churches and it was done. He wrote the first Book of Common Prayer. In only a few things did he resist Henry. At some jeopardy to himself, he pleaded for the lives of Thomas More and Bishop Fisher and testified for three days against Henry's Six Articles which went back to Roman Catholic forms. However, he sat with the persecutors of John Frith and Joan of Kent, both of whom were executed by fire.

By his twisting and turning, Cranmer escaped execution under Henry. Henry trusted him above all his other prelates and on his deathbed clung to Cranmer's hand. Under Edward, Cranmer advanced Protestantism, helping draft doctrines which became the basis for the Church of England's Thirty Nine Articles.

Under pressure, Cranmer supported Lady Jane Gray to succeed Edward. It was not to be. Mary took the throne and charged him with treason and heresy. In face of death he recanted his Protestant opinions. When he learned he was to die anyway, he publicly renounced his recantation. "As for the pope, I refuse him, as Christ's enemy and Antichrist, with all his false doctrine." When the fire was lit, he held the hand that had signed the recantation into the flame, burning it off before the fire touched his body, saying, "This unworthy right hand." As death approached he repeated several times, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit."
  1. "Cranmer, Thomas." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
  2. Foxe, John. Book of Martyrs.
  3. Hook, Walter Farquhar, 1798-1875. Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London, R. Bentley, 1865-1884.
  4. McKilliam, Annie E. A Chronicle of the Archbishops of Canterbury. London: J. Clarke, 1913.
  5. Pollard, Albert Frederick. Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation. London: Putnam's, 1905.
  6. "Thomas Cranmer and the English Reformation." Christian History & Biography # 48.
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Bar Sauma, in Rome, Attended Easter Services

Bar Sauma, in Rome, Attended Easter Services This day, March 28, 1288 was Easter. As could be expected, Rome, the center of Western Christianity, was electric with a sense of importance. Easter has always been the most significant day in the church calendar, the day on which Christ was vindicated by rising in triumph from the grave. The day calls for special celebrations, especially in Rome.

The occasion was charged with more than the usual significance this time, however. It would be the first time that Girolamo Masci celebrated Easter in the capacity of pope. Newly-elected, he had taken the name Nicholas IV. Adding to the importance of the occasion was the presence of Rabban Bar Sauma, an enthusiastic envoy from the Far East.

Bar Sauma was a Nestorian, a member of an ancient sect of Christians. Born near Beijing, he traveled West to visit Jerusalem shortly after Marco Polo arrived in the East. In the Mideast, Bar Sauma was delegated to act as ambassador for newly-elected Patriarch Mar Yabahalla III. But there was no pope in Rome, so negotiations could not be completed. Bar Sauma seized the opportunity to pass on to France and possibly England. A partial record of his travels has come down to us.

Back in Rome, the ambassador found Nicholas IV now installed as pope. Nicholas received him with open arms. He allowed Bar Sauma to celebrate the Eucharist. And when the onlookers had seen his actions, they rejoiced and said, "The language is different, but the use is the same."

On Palm Sunday, the pope gave Bar Sauma the Eucharist in front of a throng of tens of thousands, roaring their amens so that the ground shook. "And Rabban Sawma rejoiced greatly in receiving the Eucharistic Mystery from the hand of Mar Papa. And he received it with tears and sobs, giving thanks to God and meditating upon the mercies which had been poured out upon him."

Today's Easter service was almost an anti-climax. "And on the day of the Sunday of the Resurrection Mar Papa went to the holy church of my Lady Mary. And he and the Cardinals, and the Metropolitans, and the Bishops, and the members of the congregation saluted each other, and they kissed each other on the mouth, and he celebrated the Mysteries, and they receive Eucharistic Mystery, and then he returned to his Cell. And he made a great feast, and infinite gladness."

Soon afterwards, Bar Sauma asked permission to return to his own people. The pope wanted to keep the old man, but Bar Sauma reminded him that he had obligations to those who sent him. The Asian Christian also pleaded that he might be allowed to take back a few relics. Nicholas gave him a fragment of cloth reputed to be from Mary's scarf as well as small pieces from the bodies of saints. Nicholas also furnished him with gold for his journey.

Back in Persia, Bar Sauma, with the help of the king, built a church to house the relics. When he died, his body was buried beside that church.
  1. Budge, E.A. Wallis. The Monk of Kublai Khan, Emperor of China; or The History of the Life and Travels of Rabban Sawma, Envoy and Plenipotentiary of the Mongol Khans to the Kings of Europe and Markos who as Yahbh-Allaha III Became Patriarch of the Nestorian Church in Asia. London: The Religious Tract Society, 1928.
  2. Montgomery, James A. The History of Yaballaha III, Nestorian Patriarch and of his Vicar Bar Sauma, Mongol Ambassador to the Frankish Courts at the end of the 13th century. New York: Octagon, 1966.
  3. Outerbridge, Leonard M. The Lost Churches of China. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1952.
  4. "Rabban Bar Sauma." Encyclopedia Britannica 1911. 
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Black Death was 'triggered by asteroid impact and could reoccur today', scientist claims

By Nathan Rao

© Getty
The Black Death may have been triggered by asteroid impact
The devastating Black Death which killed hundreds of millions of people in the 14th century may have been triggered by an asteroid impact, scientists have sensationally claimed.

The shocking revelation threatens to debunk one of the biggest chunks of British history and turn the world of science and academia on its head.

And experts warn another collision with Earth could happen "at any moment" sparking an outbreak of disease capable of wiping out entire populations.

History has for centuries claimed the Black Death which led to the gruesome deaths of up to 200 million people in Europe was carried by rats and fleas.

Its victims were covered in huge weeping boils, swollen lymph glands, gangrene and rotting limbs and eventually succumbed to a slow an painful death.

It struck again every 30 or so years until the famous medieval bubonic plague in 1664 which finally came to an end after the Great Fire of London in 1666.

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Yet another English Tory icon - MP Enoch Powell - named in satanic child sex abuse scandal

© Reuters
Enoch Powell

Allegations of satanic worship and child abuse involving the late firebrand Tory MP Enoch Powell have been handed to staff investigating the VIP pedophile sex ring alleged to have operated in Westminster in the 1980s.

Powell, who died in 1998, is one of a series of high-profile figures named in a Church of England (CofE) review into historic sex abuse, which was given to Scotland Yard by the Bishop of Durham Paul Butler.

The claims are reported to involve the abuse of children, as well as satanic rituals.

On Sunday evening the CofE confirmed the names of both Enoch Powell and Leo Abse - an eccentric Welsh MP who died in 2008 - had been given to detectives of Operation Fernbridge, the police investigation into the Westminster sex ring.

Butler, who is leading the Church's review into sex abuse, said he was given the names by the former Bishop of Monmouth, Dominic Walker, who became aware of the allegations when he was working as a counselor in the 1980s.

Walker said Abse's name was given to him by three survivors of abuse during counseling sessions. He further gave the investigation the names of two former Tory cabinet ministers, neither of whom had been previously linked to the investigation.

Butler questioned Walker after discovering descriptions of counseling sessions with adult survivors in a book published in 1991.

"A number of survivors independently gave the name of a particular MP being involved," Walker said. "I don't believe there was any collusion in their stories."

"The name Enoch Powell was passed to Operation Fernbridge on the instruction of Bishop Paul Butler," a Church of England spokesperson said.

The claims against the two former politicians come amid mounting allegations of an elite pedophile ring involving establishment figures, which was allegedly covered up by Special Branch police.

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Elizabeth Dirks Drowned as Anabaptist

Elizabeth Dirks Drowned as Anabaptist

Elizabeth Dirks was a trailblazer and a woman of great courage. Raised in a nunnery in East Friesland, she learned to read Latin and read the Bible through and through. She became certain that monasticism was not the way taught in Scripture. With the help of milkmaids she escaped and became a follower of peaceful Menno Simons. She was one of the first Reformation women ministers, probably a deaconness.

In 1549, Catholic authorities arrested her. When they found her Bible they knew they had the person they were looking for. Mistakenly, they thought she was the wife of Menno Simons. When they tried to get her to take an oath at her interrogation, she refused, saying Christ had taught that our yes should mean yes and our no mean no.

The record of her inquisition shows that the examiners asked her to inform on those whom she had taught. Knowing that this would lead to their arrest, she refused.

"No, my Lords, do not press me on this point. Ask me about my faith and I will answer you gladly."
"We will make it so tough that you will tell us," they threatened.

When she would not reveal who had baptized her or whom she had taught, they questioned her beliefs. She insisted that church buildings were not the house of God, for our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. She denied that the New Testament spoke of the bread and wine as a sacrament but rather as the Lord's Supper. Asked if she were saved by baptism, she replied, "No, my Lords. All the water in the sea cannot save me. All my salvation is in Christ, who has commanded me love the Lord, my God, and my neighbor as myself." She denied that priests have authority to forgive sins--only Christ.

Still refusing to reveal who had baptized her, she was taken to the torture chamber and said, "So far we have treated you gently. Since you won't confess, we will put you to the torture."

A man named Mr. Hans applied screws to a thumb and fingers until blood spurted from under her fingernails. Still she wouldn't give away her friends, but her agony was so great that she cried aloud to Christ and received relief. So they lifted her skirt to apply torture to her shins. She pleaded that she had never allowed anyone to touch her body and they promised to respect her.

Then they crushed her leg bones with screws until she fainted. The men thought she was dead, but she came to and assured them she was not. Realizing that they could get nothing out of her, the authorities condemned her to die. Rather than burn her, as was customary, they tied her in a bag and drowned her on this day, March 27, 1549.
  1. Bainton, Roland H. Women of the Reformation in Germany and Italy. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Augsburg, 1971.
  2. Williams, George Huntston. The Radical Reformation. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Westminster Press, 1962.
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Deepwater Horizon still creating an environment of fear and intimidation five years on

(Photo: Jonathan Henderson/Gulf Restoration Network)
THE NATURE COAST, Florida – A group of fishermen living along Florida’s “Nature Coast” – tucked along the state’s western shore from the Panhandle to Pine Island – have agreed to meet with Bellona’s Karl Kristensen and me and they’re feeling a bit edgy.

We’ve driven out to a house out along the Gulf of Mexico through the early sunset of a late February night.

All of them have switched off their cellphones. A woman paces back and forth to the edge of the yard to monitor passing cars and gauge if our voices might carry over the still sea waters where prying ears could be listening from darkened boats.

The people at the house are trying to puzzle together the four most devastating events following BP’s Macondo well blowout on April 20, 2010, which killed 11 and fouled Gulf waters with 4.9 million barrels of crude: declining and deformed seafood harvests, chronic illnesses they’ve developed, what’s happening to the environment that provides their livelihood, and why their concerns are met with foreboding hostility and ominous threats.

Unlike other interviews I’ve had with Deepwater Horizon victims in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama – who all talked to me in public lunch shacks or on their docks – this discussion opens with one of the fishermen telling me: “We could get killed for what we are telling you.”

The fishing community in which they live is small and insular, they explain, and solely dependent on the sea for its survival. Talking about how it was impacted by the BP oil spill is violently discouraged.

One of the group says the message to many in these small fishing villages is clear: “If you’ve got something to say about oil or [the toxic oil dispersant] Corexit affecting these waters, keep your mouth shut.”
A label on a canister of Corexit listing warnings that were ignored by BP. (Photo: Courtesy of
A barrel of the oil dispersant Corexit. (Photo: Courtesy of
He recounts the retribution he’s seen, and that might await anyone sitting in the dim ring of the porch’s light.

“You get your [car’s] gas tank sugared, houses burn, people get followed by unmarked vans and trucks, people disappear,” he says. “There’s the little stuff that just messes with people’s livelihoods, can’t get to work, can’t fix your boat, and then there’s the big shut up – the threat is very real, and people’s lives are in danger.”

Shanna Devine is with the Government Accountability Project (GAP), America’s premier whistleblower protection group. She has catalogued the health and welfare of the post BP Gulf community, and told me these anonymous accounts square with dozens she’s documented.

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Meister Eckhart's Propositions Condemned

Meister Eckhart's Propositions Condemned Good guy or bad guy? On this day, March 27, 1329, Pope John XXII condemned seventeen statements made by Meister (Master) Eckhart and said that eleven others were rash. Eckhart had appealed to the pope following his condemnation by a church court. He died before he got the pope's ruling.

This ruling did not stop Eckhart's disciples from spreading his teachings. His works had a strong influence on German mystics who came after him: John Nider, John Tauler and Nicholas Cusa among them. Indeed, he was one of the strongest influences on German Christianity before Luther and the Reformation. To this day, his defenders excuse him by saying that he was not really a heretic: he just expressed himself in dramatic language that could be easily misunderstood.

Much of what Eckhart taught was excellent. For example, he said that external acts such as pilgrimages and fasts were worthless unless the soul had the right attitude. He reminded people that God delights in goodness:
"And in every deed, however puny, that results in justice,
God is made glad, glad through and through.
At such a time there is nothing in the core of Godhead
that is not tickled through and through
and that does not dance for joy."
He showed his readers the danger of sin:"
Now God is the life of the soul, and deadly sin separates from God; therefore it is a death of the soul. Deadly sin is also a disquiet of the heart, for everything rests nowhere except in its own proper place; and the proper resting-place of the soul is nowhere except in God... Deadly sin is also a weakening of the powers, for by his own power no one can throw off the load of sin nor restrain himself from committing sin. It is also a blindness of the sense, for it prevents a man recognizing how brief is the space of time that can be spent in the pleasure of voluptuousness, and how long are the pains of hell and the joys of heaven. Deadly sin is also a death of all grace, for whenever such a sin is committed, the soul is bereft [deprived] of all grace. Similarly, it is the death of all virtue and good works, and an aberration of the spirit."
However, the pope was right to condemn certain of Eckhart's statements. Although Meister Eckhart studied Scripture for a deeper understanding of God--an understanding that he hoped would bring life to the soul--he speculated so freely that at times he actually opposed scripture. For example, whereas the Bible teaches that love is the greatest thing, Eckhart taught that solitude is, because in solitude one can "force" God down into one's own soul.

Meister Eckhart's thinking fits well with certain New Age ideas, for he described every creature as both a revelation of God and a part of him, blurring the lines between God and his creatures.
However, he never rejected man's need for the church or the sacraments. In fact, when accused by the Archbishop of Cologne, he readily said that he would recant any teaching that was in error.

Consequently, the pope said that he died reconciled to the church.
  1. Eckhart, Meister Johannes. "The Self-Communication of God." Meister Eckhart's Sermons, translated by Claud Field.
  2. McMahon, A. L. "Meister Johann Eckhart." The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton, 1909.
  3. Pell, Archbishop George. Issues of Faith and Morals. Oxford University Press, 1996; cited at stage%204%20-%20Text%20-%20Poem.pdf.
  4. Runes, Dagobert. Treasury of Philosophy. Philosophical Library, 1955.
  5. Schmidt, C. "Eckhart," A Religious Encyclopedia or Dictionary of Biblical, Historical, Doctrinal, and Practical Theology, edited by Philip Schaff. New York & London: Funk & Wagnalls Company, 1894.
  6. Various other encyclopedia and internet articles
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