Sep 25, 2014

Evidence Connecting Vatican Doctrines and the Quran

This may be a shocker to some, but the connections between the doctrines is undeniable.  We would do well to consider that one being may well have been behind both religions...the same being that tried to tempt Jesus in Matthew 4:1-10.
You have GOT to see this video! Yes I know, we already have documented proof the Vatican wrote the Koran. But now we actually have a video testimony from an exMuslim to further shore up the truth. Seeing how I have more than one item of evidence on this, I have opted to create a new page on the site just in case more evidence starts to roll in. There is now a "Pope Wrote the Koran" page on the website so as to have a place to post all the videos, documents and articles regarding this long expected exposure.

Series exploring the coming New World Order from a Biblical perspective. In this part, we cross reference elements of Islam with Catholicism and discover similarities that betray shared origins.

Get your 4-Disc DVD set here:
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DONATIONS for future series and the expansion of the Fuel ministry can also be made via PayPal using the address '' (vision outline available on the Facebook page).

Jeremy Lanphier Led Prayer Revival

Very few in the church know about America's great revivals.  This was the beginning of the Third great revival and started just before the Civil War.  It seems like when the Body of Christ decides to get together in prayer, nothing else could happen but this...

Jeremy Lanphier Led Prayer Revival
Jeremy Lanphier had hoped for more. But six people were six people. And did not scripture say, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of you"? So on this day, September 23, 1857, at lunchtime, he did not moan about the small number who turned out in response to his advertisement. Instead, he knelt with the others in the rented hall in Fulton Street, New York.

America sure needed prayer. The United States was in spiritual, political, and economic decline. Many people were disillusioned with spiritual things because of preachers who had repeatedly predicted the end of the world in the 1840's. Agitation over slavery was breeding political unrest, and civil war seemed near. Just this year, financial panic had hit. Banks failed, railroads went bankrupt, factories closed, unemployment increased.

In lower Manhattan, a Dutch Reformed church had been steadily losing members, largely because of population changes owing to immigration; they hired the layman Jeremy to reverse the trend with an active visitation program. Despite his visits, church members were listless. So he rented the hall on Fulton street and advertised prayer meetings. He himself enjoyed close fellowship with the Lord and thought others might, too. Conditions in the United States got worse; maybe that was a good thing. Sometimes trouble makes people turn to God. The Bank of Philadelphia failed. The third week of Jeremy's program, his prayer meeting had forty participants and they asked for daily meetings.
On October 10, the stock market crashed. Suddenly people were flocking to the prayer meetings. Within six months 10,000 people were gathering daily for prayer in New York City alone.

Other cities experienced a renewed interest in prayer, too. In Chicago, the Metropolitan Theater was filled every day with 2,000 praying people. In Louisville, several thousand came to the Masonic Temple for prayer each morning. 2,000 assembled for daily prayer in Cleveland, and St. Louis churches were filled for months at a time. In many places tents were set up for prayer. The newly formed YMCA also played an important role in holding prayer meetings and spreading the revival throughout the country.

In February, 1858, Gordon Bennett of the New York Herald gave extensive coverage to the prayer revival. Not to be outdone, the New York Tribune devoted an entire issue in April, 1858 to news of the revival. News of the revival traveled west by telegraph. This was the first revival which the media played an important role in spreading.

Lay people, not church leaders led. Prayer, rather than preaching, was the main focus. The meetings themselves were informal -- any person might pray, speak, lead in a song, or give a word of testimony, with a five minute limit placed on each speaker. In spite of loose organization, the prayer meetings avoided the emotionalism displayed in earlier revivals.

Thus the small prayer meeting of Jeremy Lanphier on this day led to the Third Great Awakening. This was the first revival beginning in America with a worldwide impact. The revival spread to Ireland, Scotland, Wales, England, Europe, South Africa, India, Australia, and the Pacific islands.
All classes became interested in salvation, backsliders returned, conversions increased, and Christians desired a deeper instruction in spiritual truths. Families established daily devotions, and entire communities underwent a noticeable change in morals. Preaching, which in many places had become intellectual and lifeless, now concentrated on the truths of the gospel of Christ and His cross. As James Buchanan of Scotland summarized, it was a time when "new spiritual life was imparted to the dead, and new spiritual health imparted to the living."

  1. Adapted from "When Revival Ran Epidemic." Glimpses #41. Worcester, Pennsylvania: Christian History Institute.
  2. Cairns, Earle E. An Endless Line of Splendor; revivals and their leaders from the Great Awakening to the present. Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House, 1986.
  3. Chambers, Talbot W. The Noon Prayer Meeting of the North Dutch Church, Fulton Street, New York: its origin, character and progress, with some of its results. New York : Board of Publication of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church, 1858, available in microform.
  4. Moyer, Elgin S. Great Leaders of the Christian Church. Chicago: Moody Press, 1951, p. 457f.
  5. Orr, J. Edwin. The Second Evangelical Awakening. London: Marshall, Morgan and Scott, 1949.
  6. Smith, Wilbur M. "The Fulton Street Prayer Meeting and the Great Revival." The Sunday School Times June 1, 1957.
  7. Various histories of revival.
  8. Various internet articles on the Third Great Awakening.
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Shana Tova! Praising God with the Sound of a Shofar

Raphael Poch 

The shofar is meant at its very core to spiritually awaken those who hear the sound and help them realize that they should be the ones weeping before God either in jubilation or in trepidation.
As we come to the period leading up to the High Holidays on the Jewish Calendar (Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, and Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement), Jews all over the world embrace the custom of blowing the shofar (Ram's Horn). Numerous times throughout the Bible do we see the Ram's horn brought into use and each time has a different purpose and symbolism.
The symbolism behind the shofar first appears during the binding of Isaac in Genesis 22:13.

"Abraham looked up and there in a thicket he saw a ram caught by its horns. He went over and took the ram and sacrificed it as a burnt offering instead of his son."

It is interesting to note that the first time the Hebrew word for 'love' appears in the Bible is in relation to a father having to sacrifice his son who he loves (Genesis 22:2). The idea of sacrifice and love, and sacrificing for love, has been intertwined ever since.

The shofar is also used to herald God's presence, as it states in Exodus 19:16 when the Jewish Nation received the 10 Commandments:

"On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning, with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a very loud trumpet blast. Everyone in the camp trembled."

Aside from awakening the nation, the shofar is also used to signal the start of the High Holidays for the Jewish nation (Leviticus 23:24, 25:9 and Numbers 29:1).

We see the shofar used as an instrument of spiritual warfare, as is evidenced in Numbers 10:9:

"And when you go to war in your land against the adversary who oppresses you, then you shall sound an alarm with the trumpets, that you may be remembered before the Lord your God, and you shall be saved from your enemies."
Aside from these purposes the shofar was used to sound alarms for the camp of Israel (Numbers 10:5-6, Ezekiel 33:3), to convene assemblies, announce the new moon and the Jubilee, herald messages and to coronate kings. The shofar was also used in the Temple service (2 Chronicles 15:14, Psalm 47:6, 89:16, 150:5) and when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to the Jewish Temple (1 Samuel 4:5, 2 Samuel 6:15).

But what is this instrument of many hats that is seemingly present in almost every Jewish public ceremony?

On the High Holidays it is Jewish belief that all of mankind comes before God for judgment and to be inscribed either in the 'book of life' or the 'book of death'. The shofar is meant at its very core to spiritually awaken those who hear the sound and help them realize that they should be the ones weeping before God either in jubilation or in trepidation.

Certainly this is a time for trepidation and introspection, and the shofar is sounded for a month leading up to the awe-filled day. During its sounding we try to incorporate in our thoughts all of the different elements that the shofar represents: love, sacrifice, the glory of God, Kingship, independence, freedom, worship, independence, existential threats, the conquering of enemies, and the thrill of victory together with the threat of defeat...

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Your brain learns, processes complex information while you sleep


(Thomas Andrillon)  The idea that during sleep our minds shut down from the outside world is ancient and one that is still deeply anchored in our view of sleep today, despite some everyday life experiences and recent scientific discoveries that would tend to prove that our brains don’t completely switch off from our environment.

On the contrary, our brains can keep the gate slightly open. For example, we wake up more easily when we hear our own name or a particularly salient sound such as an alarm clock or a fire alarm compared to equally loud but less relevant sounds.

In research published in Current Biology, we went one step further to show that complex stimuli can not only be processed while we sleep but that this information can be used to make decisions, similarly as when we’re awake.

Our approach was simple: We built on knowledge about how the brain quickly automates complex chores. Driving a car, for example, requires integrating a lot of information at the same time, making rapid decisions and putting them into action through complex motor sequences. And you can drive all the way home without remembering anything, as we do when we say we’re on “automatic pilot.”
When we’re asleep, the brain regions critical for paying attention to or implementing instructions are deactivated, of course, which makes it impossible to start performing a task. But we wanted to see whether any processes continued in the brain after sleep onset if participants in an experiment were given an automatized task just before.

To do this, we carried out experiments in which we got participants to categorize spoken words that were separated into two categories: words that referred to animals or objects — for example “cat” or “hat,” in a first experiment; then real words like “hammer” vs. pseudo-words (words that can be pronounced but are found nowhere in the dictionary) like “fabu” in a second one.

Participants were asked to indicate the category of the word that they heard by pressing a left or right button. Once the task became more automatic, we asked them to continue to respond to the words, but they were also allowed to fall asleep. Since they were lying down in a dark room, most of them fell asleep while words were being played.

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John Oldcastle, Lollard Lord

John Oldcastle, Lollard Lord
John Oldcastle was a frank man. As a youth he indulged in pleasures, but coming under the influence of the reform teachings of Wycliffe, he sobered up, purified his ways and started on a new course. Henry V, like Henry IV before him, persecuted the Lollards. His churchmen told him Wycliffe's doctrines were pestilential heresy. Lollards died under Henry's authority. Despite this, Sir John Oldcastle openly avowed Lollard principles.

Perhaps at first he presumed on his former friendship with the king. It is said Oldcastle was the original of Shakespeare's Falstaff, the boon companion of Henry V. Although Henry was for reform, it was not of the type Oldcastle envisioned. Despite opposition, Oldcastle threw open his home to Lollard preachers, making it a base for their operations. He had copies of Wycliffe's works translated and distributed to the continent. In 1413 Henry reasoned with Oldcastle, but the knight stubbornly refused to embrace "mother church" as matters stood, for to do so was to yield to the Pope whom he thought to be the antichrist.

Oldcastle was then commanded to appear before archbishop Arundel, but he ignored the summons. Excommunicated, he responded with a doctrinal statement--a scriptural amplification of the creed. In Medieval fashion, he offered to prove his cause with a hundred knights or in single combat. Finally the old soldier was arrested. On this date, September 23, 1413 he was brought before Arundel where he presented his confession of faith. Salvation is in Christ alone without intermediaries. This was acknowledged to be, in the most part, sound Catholic doctrine.

Some days later Oldcastle clarified his position on two doctrines where the established church and he were in disagreement: the Eucharist and confession to priests. He insisted the bread was still bread (did not become the literal body of Christ) and said that while it might be helpful to confess to a priest, it was not essential for salvation. A heated argument developed with both sides hurling texts of scripture until Oldcastle grew angry enough to denounce the pope as antichrist. This was no new position with him, but it sealed his fate; years earlier he had spoken openly against the papacy in Parliament. Now, however, Oldcastle warned the bystanders they were in danger of hell if they continued in the teaching of his Catholic judges.

Arundel condemned him to death as a heretic. Because of Oldcastle's friendship with the king and high social standing, he was given forty days to recant. During that time, he escaped and hid in Wales. An immense reward was offered for him dead or alive. Nonetheless he remained hidden for four years. At last someone betrayed his whereabouts. Oldcastle was captured, hanged briefly and then suspended in iron chains over a fire and roasted to death. The English Reformation would have to wait until a future century, but ardent believers such as Oldcastle helped prepare England for it.

  1. Armitage, Thomas. A History of the Baptists; traced by their principles and practices, from the time of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to the present. New York: Bryan, Taylor and co., 1893. Source of the image.
  2. Durant, Will. The Reformation; A history of European civilization from Wyclif to Calvin: 1300 - 1564. The Story of Civilization, Part VI. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1957; pp. 116 - 117.
  3. "Oldcastle, John." Dictionary of National Biography. Edited by Leslie Stephen and Sidney Lee. London: Oxford University Press, 1921 - 1996.
  4. "Oldcastle, Sir John." The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingstone. Oxford, 1997.
  5. Wylie, J. A. History of Protestantism. 1878.
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The Transhumanist Scrapbook: The Sleepless Self-Healing Super-Soldier


Yesterday I blogged about the plans of some mad scientists and equally insane corporate backers to create “micro humans” to grow and harvest organs and for “test subjects”, a project that I find so vile and anathema I scarcely have the words to describe the depth of my disgust. But there’s a military agenda too, and while my co-author of Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, Dr. Scott D. deHart and I outlined these in that book, it is worth pointing out that this military agenda is very much a part of the transhumanist technological agenda:

US Army: ‘Super Soldier’ Genetically Modified Humans Won’t Need Food, Sleep

There’s an important admission in this article, or rather, an important suggestion, that invites my high octane speculation of the day, and I cite this suggestion, which occurs in the at the end of the third opening paragraph, in the context of the opening paragraphs of the article:
“The next frontier of genetic modification is not centered around a certain fruit or vegetable, but humans. More specifically, military personnel. Genetically modified humans is the next venture for biotechnology companies working with the United States military, with the admitted goal of producing a ‘super soldier’ that does not require food or sleep to perform Olympic-style physical feats.
“The genetically modified humans, or ‘super soldiers’, will even be able to regrow limbs that were destroyed by enemy fire and live off of their fat stores for extreme lengths of time.
Backed by $2 billion a year in funding, the Pentagon’s Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently unleashed the news after years of secret experimentation and study. The organization did not say whether or not genetically modified humans currently exist to such an extent, however it is known based on previous reports that human chimeras have already been created outside of the public spotlight. Such scientific experiments have drawn fire from scientists and activists alike, who are demanding for laws to forbid the creation of ‘monsters’.” (Bold and italicized emphasis added)
There’s the rub: billions of dollars + several years + secret research = x… The problem is, what is the “x”? For those who have followed the indications of a secret history of physics and advanced technologies, the story is a familiar one: some time after World War Two, a hidden system of finance was established to sustain a decades’ long “Manhattan Project” style research project into the secrets of antigravity; sometime in the mid-1950s the subject suddenly disappeared from the public radar, while every now and then the odd story of an inventor here or a leaked statement there –  Ben Rich of the Lockhead Skunk works, and his reputed statements about finding an “error in the equations” and “now we can take ET home” come to mind – have all the indicates of a prima facie case that an off-the-books physics and technology has been developed that might far exceed the capabilities of the public culture and society we live in.
So why not in genetics and biology? If you’re like me, and I suspect many of you are, then when you read such public admissions, you suspect that the real technology is much further along than is being publicly admitted. Indeed, yesterday’s blog about the enegineering of “micro-humans” for “organ harvesting” and “human subject testing” would seem to be exactly the indicator that the possibility that such “super-soldiers” might already exist in some “Mark I” version.
The real question is, why – really – would one need such super-soldiers? Obviously, sleepless foodless self-healing soldiers would be a huge “force multiplier” in any conventional conflict with, say, the People’s Liberation Army of China. But… the Chinese soldiers aren’t sleepless or foodless or self-healing. And there would seem to be other technologies that would offset any Chinese conventional numerical superiority. So again, why – really – would we need sleepless, foodless, self-healing soldiers.
And then the thought, and the high octane speculation, hit me: such a “super-soldier” would more more ideally suited to the logistical problems associated with sustaining military operations not even on this planet, against a foe that perhaps has some rather peculiar abilities.

Maximus the Confessor Faced Heretics

Maximus the Confessor Faced Heretics
You are full of pride. You think that you are the only Orthodox theologian, the only person being saved, and that everyone else is a heretic and perishing!" Troilus and Sergius, agents of the emperor in Constantinople, leveled their accusation against Maximus, the abbot of Chrysopolis Monastery whom they were interrogating.

"When all the people in Babylon were worshipping the golden idol, the Three Holy Youths* did not condemn anyone to hell," retorted Maximus. "They did not concern themselves with what others were doing, but took care only for themselves, so as not to fall away from true piety."
He added, "God forbid that I should condemn anyone, or say that I alone am being saved. However, I would sooner agree to die than, having fallen away in any way from the right faith, endure the torments of my conscience."

Maximus was a man of great ability. Born in Constantinople around 580, he was well educated and served as secretary to Emperor Heraclius. But in 626, Maximus became a monk. At that time a heresy known as Monothelitism raged in the eastern half of the Roman Empire. Monothelites taught that Christ's divine will had swallowed up and destroyed his human will so that in effect he had only one will. Maximus stoutly denied this.

Christ's incarnation was the whole point of human history, Maximus argued, because it was intended to restore the equilibrium lost when Adam fell into sin. If Christ was not fully God and fully man, he said, then salvation was void.

Insisting on religious unity among their subjects, emperors tried to force compromise teachings on them. Many eastern bishops accepted these faulty doctrines, published in the Ecthesis and the Typos. Maximus rejected both.

At the end of 655, when he was about seventy-five years old, Maximus was sent to Constantinople for trial. Accused of conspiracy and the absurd charge of causing the loss of the emperor's North African holdings, Maximus was sent into exile in Thrace, where he suffered cold and hunger.
At the emperor's command, one of the traitor bishops, Theodosius of Caesarea in Bithynia, went to see the old abbot. With him were two officials, Theodosius and Paul. They met on this day, September 24, 656. Maximus shredded their arguments so thoroughly that the bishop promised to submit. Maximus said it was not to him, but to Rome that he must submit. Maximus was a strong advocate of the primacy of the Pope--a fact that the Roman Church cites in backing up its claim to authority over all Christians. Theodosius argued that the Lateran Council of 649 was invalid because the emperor never authorized it. Maximus replied that if emperors made councils valid, rather than pious faith, then several rigged councils held by wicked emperors must be accepted even though what they taught was contrary to Orthodox faith. The old abbot could not be moved from his staunch defense of true doctrine.

Six years after this meeting, Maximus, then in his eighties, was again dragged in for questioning. When he refused to buckle to Sergius and Troilus, they cut out his tongue, lopped off his right hand and sent him into exile again. His tough old body had taken all the punishment it could bear: he died that August, unbroken in his confession of the Christ he loved. Because of this, he is called Maximus the Confessor.

[*Maximus was referring to Shadrack, Mesheck and Abednego, who refused to bow to an image that Nebuchadnezzar had erected. The story is told in Daniel, a book of the Bible.]

  1. Berthold, George C., translator. Maximus Confessor: selected writings Translation and notes by George C. Berthold. New York: Paulist Press, c1985.
  2. Chapman, John. "St. Maximus of Constantinople" in The Catholic Encyclopedia.
  3. "Maximus the Confessor." Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church for a summary of Maximus' life.
  4. Various internet articles.
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Sep 22, 2014

Vietnam: 800 Grams - The Bible Weighs 800 Grams

I've been in North Vietnam, and you can't imagine the joy I take in such stories as this....!

Front-Line Worker Profile: Xuan in Vietnam
She found Christ 13 years ago when she was a garbage collector. Every day, Xuan would pick through the garbage and find things to recycle for cash to support her family. Her husband had left her. She was paid by the gram for paper.

One day, Xuan saw some people worshiping in the area where she was going through garbage. She kept going back to watch them as they sang and prayed. “I found out that they worshiped God in heaven and I realized that they had a different God than me,” she said.

Then, a woman came by and handed her a Bible. She told Xuan, “Read this book.”

Xuan took it home and weighed it on her scale. It was 800 grams, not a large amount to recycle, but she could get a little money for it. She thought, “How could God be in this 800 gram book?” So she read the book, 10 chapters a day. She finished the book in six months.

“The first time I read it, I did not understand, so I was going to give it back to the lady,” Xuan said. “Then I thought I heard someone say, “I will give you wisdom.” She didn’t have electricity in her home, so she raised the candle she was using to read and looked to see who had spoken to her. No one was there.

“The second time I read the Bible, I still did not understand, then I heard the same voice. I lit a whole newspaper to make light to see who spoke to me,” she said. But there was no one.

The third time she read the Bible through, Xuan heard the same voice saying again, “I will give you wisdom.” Though again she saw no one, she began to understand the Bible, and she turned her life over to God. Thirteen years later, Xuan has read the Bible 21 times through.

Today, Xuan is sharing the gospel as a front-line worker. Every week she is teaching the Bible to new converts, sharing the gospel on the streets, at work and in another village. Thursdays are her day for prayer and fasting at the church. She also leads two churches. One of the young boys she mentored went on to Bible school and is now also in full-time ministry sharing the gospel. Another two are currently studying at Bible school.

She owes her new life and the fruit of her ministry to a small, 800-gram God book.

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Tiny Implants Could Give Humans Self-Healing Superpowers

By Elizabeth Palermo                       .

Wolverine, Ghost Rider, the Incredible Hulk — all of these characters have at least one awesome trait in common: the ability to heal themselves. And now, the Pentagon wants to give ordinary people this superhuman capability.

A new military-sponsored program aims to develop a tiny device that can be implanted in the body, where it will use electrical impulses to monitor the body's organs, healing these crucial parts when they become infected or injured.

Known as Electrical Prescriptions, or ElectRx, the program could reduce dependence on pharmaceutical drugs and offer a new way to treat illnesses, according to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the branch of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for developing the program.

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Matthew, Christ's Biographer

Matthew, Christ's Biographer
Little enough is known of any of the apostles. Of Paul, Peter, and John we have the most detail. Regarding those apostles who bring up at the tail of the apostolic lists, we have the least. Matthew is somewhere between.

His name was originally Levi. We know that Matthew and Levi are one and the same person because the gospels of Matthew and Luke record a feast at which Jesus was criticized for association with publicans: Luke attributes this banquet to Levi; The Gospel of Matthew attributes it to Matthew.
In his gospel (if it is his), Matthew tells that Christ approached him as he collected taxes and said, "Follow me." Immediately he arose and followed. Perhaps he had had one too many arguments that day. Perhaps he had been cursed by an irate taxpayer one name too many. Since he worked a booth near Capurnaum, he had, no doubt, heard of Christ. For all we know, Matthew may have been one of the tax collectors converted by John. Although tax collectors were generally hated by the Jews as rapacious instruments of the oppressive Romans, nothing says Matthew was dishonest. Tax collectors came to John the Baptist and asked what they should do. "Collect no more than is owed you," replied John.

At any rate Matthew rose immediately and followed Jesus, leaving his past behind. His humility is everywhere shown by his allusion to himself. "Matthew, the publican," he calls himself, branding himself with the profession the Jews most hated.

His original name, Levi, suggests that he was a man of the priestly tribe. When he wrote his gospel, after years of exposure to the teachings of Christ and days of fierce persecution, he was the only one of the four who directly addressed the Jews. Matthew showed deep interest in the priestly and scribal functions of his class. His gospel more than any other focuses on law and the fulfillment of scriptures and on genealogy and detail which reflects his Jewish background. Christ's fierce denunciations of the Pharisees and his prophecies of the end of the temple are most fully recorded in the writing of this apostle.

Matthew's interest in money finds expression, too. The parable of the talents is found only in his account along with many other beautiful passages of great richness. Herbert Lockyer notes that Matthew uses more words for money than any other gospel writer.

Matthew was well-to-do. As soon as he came to Christ he threw a party and invited others of his unsavory profession. He wanted to share Christ with them. No doubt similar concerns motivated him when he wrote his gospel in an attempt to share Christ with the whole Jewish race. We have nothing but legend about Matthew's death. His feast in the Roman Catholic Church is on this day, September 21.

  1. Bell, Mrs. Arthur. Saints in Christian Art. London: George Bell, 1901 - 1904.
  2. Butler, Alban. Lives of the Saints. Westminster, Maryland: Christian Classics, 1981, 1956.
  3. Jacquier, E. "St. Matthew." Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Appleton, 1914.
  4. Lockyer, Herbert. All the Apostles of the Bible. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 1972.
  5. McBirnie, William Steuart. The Search for the Twelve Apostles. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1973.
  6. Vigeveno, H. S. Thirteen Men Who Changed the World. Glendale, California: Regal, 1966.
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Sifted As Wheat: Exposing Satan's Strategies, The Broken & The Way Out!

**Please Read** Due to having 4 wisdom tooth extracted, 3 impacted. Unable to speak right now (Due to swollen face & pain), I would have preached this but I couldn't. Thanks for bearing with the channel these past 2 weeks. Thanks for your prayers and kindness.

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Credits: Broken Movie

Bible Study: http://davidwilkersontoday.blogspot.c...

MIT Scientist Exposes Consequence of Monsanto’s Glyphosate & Aluminum Cocktail

While we're on the topic of legal poisoning, lets add in an MIT trained scientists take on chemtrails.

by Christina Sarich

By 2025, half the kids born in the U.S. will be diagnosed with autism,

according to Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Senior Research Scientist at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She, like many others says autism isn’t just genetic – it is almost surely due to environmental factors. Just a couple of those factors are Monsanto’s RoundUp (glyphosate) and heavy exposure to a cocktail of heavy metals, including aluminum.

Dr. Seneff isn’t respected by the ivory towers of the pharmaceutical medicine paradigm or industrial agriculture, but she has something to say about autism. She is a computer scientist who transitioned into biology and toxicology, so people like to attack her credentials, but what Dr. Seneff has to say is key, and many other mainstream researchers have been negligent in reporting these findings.

She has been studying autism for over 7 years, along with the environmental factors that lead to the disease. Decreased exposure to sunlight, poor diet, vaccines (specifically aluminum and mercury), as well as glyphosate toxins from RoundUp are causing skyrocketing rates of autism. She explains this in a two-hour presentation given recently at Autism One.

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Sep 21, 2014

The Ongoing Vaccine Thing: Rappaport on the CDC Whistleblower

There’s been more development in that major news story about the cover-up of the vaccine-autism connection at the CDC, you know, that story you seldom – if ever – hear about from the presstitutes in the lamestream media. Once again, it’s Jon Rappaport’s “No More Fake News” website that’s running the story”


The essence of the story is that Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, allegedly had a telephone called recorded, in which he reportedly makes the following statements:
“The CDC has put the [autism] research ten years behind. Because the CDC has not been transparent, we’ve missed ten years of research [on the autism-vaccine connection].”
“CDC is…they’re paralyzed. The whole system is paralyzed right now.”
“I have a boss who’s asking me to lie…if I’m forced to testify, I’m not gonna lie. I basically have stopped lying.”
“Really, what we need is for Congress to come in and say, ‘Give us the data and we’re gonna have an independent contractor do it,’ and bring in the autism advocates [who understand the vaccine-autism connection] and have them intimately involved in the studies.””
But there’s more, as Rappaport points out:
“Thompson isn’t talking about one vaccine. The CDC “paralysis” refers to a stoppage of all honest research on the causal connection between all vaccines and autism.”(Emphasis added)
And in case even a Doctor of Education missed the implications, here it is spelled out in all its clear and hideous glory:
“Thompson, a CDC scientist for many years, is stating the CDC has committed and is committing outright crimes, and is knowingly permitting vaccines to damage the brains of children.”
As Rappaport also indicates, the Department of Justice is refusing to investigate, which, under any rational system, would implicate it as being accompliced in the crime, as Rappaport also points out.
Remember, this is the same government that wants to run health care, that wants to ram GMOs down our throats, and that wants to further federalize all public schooling (please note the distinction between public schooling and education!), that says steal-cantilevered buildings can be brought down by explosions of 4000 lbs of ammonium-nitrate bombs parked in a truck thirty-plus feet away from the farthest column affected, that says bullets from a 6.5 Mannlicher-Carcano rifle with a misaligned scope can go through the bones of two people and emerge in near-pristine condition to be found on the wrong stretcher in Parkland hospital, and that says jet airplane fuel could bring down the Twin Towers.
Uh huh… sure.
See you on the…
….Wait. One more thing… maybe we’ll all learn to chill out if we just put a little lithium into our fluoridated water:


Yup… you can smell it coming, folks, after all, this is The New York Times we’re talking about here. We can already imagine the spin: “Some communities have amounts of lithium in drinking water that are too low. We need to supplement this by putting in just a little bit. Don’t worry. It’s perfectly harmless. Science says so. It’ll make you feel better.” Then, a few years down the line, a federal program will be concocted by some lobby group representing a cartel of lithium producers, who will compose thousands of unreadable pages of “legislation,” send it to Congress where it will be rubbed-stamped, and the argument will essentially be that everyone needs lithium in their water, and federal monies will only be made available to states that dope their drinkers. We’ve heard it before: “There’s no causal link between the mercury in your flu shot and the occurrence of child autism.”  Yea, right. And teacher certification and standardized tests have improved the level of education, haven’t they? (Well, at least they’ve improved the financial bottom line of the testing cartels.)
The musical satirist Tom Lehrer perhaps put it best in his song “Pollution”: “If you visit American city, you will find it very pretty. Just one thing of which you must beware: don’t drink the water and don’t breathe the air.” Perhaps he might add, were he alive today, a verse or two about the CDC and the healthful benefits of mercury.

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Xerigordon's Crusaders Were Surrounded

This was sort of the "pre-crusade", which set up those that would, sometimes successfully follow.  And all of them pure madness.

Xerigordon's Crusaders Were Surrounded
When Pope Urban II summoned Europe to the First Crusade, filthy, barefoot Peter the Hermit urged people to gather their possessions and head east. Whole families joined the "People's Crusade." These were not trained armies, although there were trained soldiers among them.

Months later, after many hardships, adventures and deaths, they arrived at the Bosphorus Strait where the Byzantine Emperor agreed to ferry them over. He wanted them out of the way, because they had created many incidents in their journey and were stealing his people blind. By this time, the French and Germans were quarreling and they split up. The Italians sided with the Germans.

In their raids, this "people's crusade" robbed and killed both Christians and Turks, but especially Christians, who had less protection. The French successfully looted the suburbs of Turkish-controlled Nicea (today's Iznek) and defeated a large Turkish force.

Eager for plunder, the 6,000 men in the German party headed in the same direction. They did not kill Orthodox Christians as the French had, but looted them all the same. Marching past Nicea, they surprised and captured a lightly-defended fort named Xerigordon and thought that they were well-situated on its high hill. From Xerigordon they hoped to raid the surrounding country.

But on this day, September 21, 1096,* the irate Seljuk Turks overcame an ambush the Germans had prepared against them and surrounded the fort. What the Germans had not considered until too late was that the water supply of the fort was outside the walls. According to a contemporary account, in the eight days of siege that followed, the defenders of Xerigordon became so thirsty that they drank their horses blood and one another's urine. Others dug into the damp soil and covered themselves with cool earth. Bishops and priests encouraged them not to despair, but with parched tongues, what could they do?

The defenders asked for terms of surrender. One of their leaders even offered to fight against other crusaders if the Turks would spare him. However, the Turkish terms were stiff: they could either convert to Islam and be sold as slaves--or they could die. Those who converted were sold as slaves to Syria. The rest were massacred.

The French, hearing of the massacre, marched east, spoiling for a fight. However, they walked into a Turkish ambush and the Turks wiped out 10,000 of them in a few hours. 3,000 fled, hotly pursued. In the end, only a few managed to escape to a fortress where they survived-- thanks to the Byzantine Emperor, who listened to Peter's pleas and sent boats to bring them away.

That was the end of Peter's army. All in all, the People's Crusade has to rank as one of the most bizarre events in church history. From a military standpoint, however, the People's Crusade did some good: it caused the Turks to seriously underestimate the more professional fighting force that soon arrived on their shores, the members of the First Crusade.
*Runciman says the Turks arrived not on this day, but on Michaelmas, September 29.
  1. "Ill-fated Crusade of the Poor People."
  2. Norwich, John Julius. Byzantium, the Decline and Fall. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1996.
  3. Rees, Dr. Tom. "The Story of the First Crusade."
  4. Runciman, Steven. A History of the Crusades. Cambridge University Press, 1954.
  5. Various internet articles.

Video Shows Police Brutally Beat Chinese Christians

Just to remind us of those brothers and sisters, heroes of the faith,  suffering for the name of Jesus Christ in other places...

September 15, 2014 - Church leaders in eastern China say that they are facing the worst persecution in decades. CNN's David McKenzie explains. More from CNN at
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Hollywood Babylon – The Inside Story on the Occult Empire

I think a lot of people can see the overt evil that Hollywood exudes in it's films and other activities, but many don't see the ritual magic they are actively participating in.  These are incantations and invocations of evil on a massively public level, which seem to be very successful at accomplishing their purpose.

Vanity of vanities.
Vanity of vanities.
“The earliest gods were invoked by ritual act (dromenon = the thing done) such as a sacrificial dance, commemorating the fact that our life begins and ends when they call upon us.  Subsequently the thing was said (legomenon) as well as done, and the dromenon was on its way to becoming the drama.  Once speech within the temple precincts has been endowed with the power of word-magic, we have “the invocation” properly so called.” (Dudley Young, Origins of the Sacred: The Ecstasies of Love and War, pg. 413)

By: Jay

Hollywood is, as David Lynch titles it, an “inland empire” – a kind of covenantal city-state of its own, with its own religion, including all the trappings of neophytes, acolytes, servants, agents, star saints, hierophants and hierarchs and holy sites.  It is a veritable polis of initiatory esoterica where the holy sites and rites of Hollywood are not the altars of mainstream religion, but another ancient religion, ultimately summed up in the epithet of the ancient mysteries.  The ancient mysteries comprise the competing religious practices of the empires of old, but the one empire that seems to have achieved the most appropriate association with Hollywood is Babylon – the “gate of the gods”.
Babylon was the ancient pagan empire prominent in biblical prophetic works as an enemy of God’s people due to their idolatry.  Hollywood is no different, functioning as the propaganda arm of the antichrist media establishment, intent on re-engineering society into its alchemical opposite, unleashing the destructive forces of cultural Marxism and death.  This is why stories and narratives continue to emerge of Hollywood scandals, sex and murder rituals and occult crime, with no puzzle pieces ever put together from mindless denizens of talking head puppetdom.  From the dozens of in-depth analyses on my site looking into the esoteric meanings in Hollywood films, it logically follows that this classic thesis of “Hollywood Babylon” is not far off.  This title is not new, either: detailed accounts are found in insider researchers like Peter Levenda, and even older than his Sinister Forces trilogy, occultist Kenneth Anger’s book and documentary, Hollywood Babylon, which (documentary) I will include below.
Ritual scene in Polanski's The 9th Gate.
Ritual scene in Polanski’s The 9th Gate.
From its beginnings, Hollywood has been an empire of tragedies, full of lost lives, drugs, and real life drama, but this troupe lifestyle is nothing new.  The stage has long been the site of tragedy and something much darker – ritual invocation, all the way back to the ancient Greeks and Romans.  For Greece and Rome, the stage was sacred, where the dramaturgical interactions of the gods were actually a form of magical invocation.  The actors donned the costumes of the gods, with the playwright scripting the narrative to inculcate the masses into the appropriate morals of the state.  Although the idea of the theater as explicitly sacred is foreign to the modernity, it was not for historic man, nor is modern man’s praxis any less religious in regard to the theater.  Sir James Frazier elaborates the ancient belief in the magical character of dramaturgy and acting in his classic The Golden Bough:
Ritual scene in Kubrick's Eyes Wide Shut.
Ritual scene in Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut.
“Here then at the great sanctuary of the goddess in Zela it appears that her myth was regularly translated into action; the story of her love and the death of her divine lover was performed year by year as a sort of mystery-play by men and women who lived for a season and sometimes died in the character of the visionary beings whom they personated. The intention of these sacred dramas, we may be sure, was neither to amuse nor to instruct an idle audience, and as little were they designed to gratify the actors, to whose baser passions they gave the reins for a time. They were solemn rites which mimicked the doings of divine beings, because man fancied that by such mimicry he was able to arrogate to himself the divine functions and to exercise them for the good of his fellows. The operations of nature, to his thinking, were carried on by mythical personages very like himself; and if he could only assimilate himself to them completely he would be able to wield all their powers.
Bacchanalia of Andreas
Bacchanalia of Andreas
This is probably the original motive of most religious dramas or mysteries among rude peoples. The dramas are played, the mysteries are performed, not to teach the spectators the doctrines of their creed, still less to entertain them, but for the purpose of bringing about those natural effects which they represent in mythical disguise ; in a word, they are magical ceremonies and their mode of operation is mimicry or sympathy. We shall probably not err in assuming that many myths, which we now know only as myths, had once their counterpart in magic; in other words, that they used to be acted as a means of producing in fact the events which they describe in figurative language. Ceremonies often die out while myths survive, and thus we are left to infer the dead ceremony from the living myth. If myths are, in a sense, the reflections or shadows of men cast upon the clouds, we may say that these reflections continue to be visible in the sky and to inform us of the doings of the men who cast them, long after the men themselves are not only beyond our range of vision but sunk beneath the horizon.” (pg. 651)

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Senseless Butchery of Florida's Huguenots

I get to see this on a regular basis where I live near the St. John's River in Florida.  The site of the slaughter is called "Matanzas", Spanish for "massacre".  There's even a Matanzas High School near the site of the massacre.  May the courage of those who were slaughtered for their faith in Jesus Christ encourage us today!

Senseless Butchery of Florida's Huguenots
The Huguenots were converted out of Catholic France when preachers brought Bibles and the Calvinist doctrines of predestination and justification by faith from Switzerland. Growth of this Reform church was rapid in Gallic lands. Within a hundred years it had won a million and a half converts.

Some French leaders saw in the emergence of this sect a chance to catapult themselves to power. Unfortunately, this led to a succession of wars in which the Huguenots, fighting against overwhelming odds, won enough victories to force concessions from Catholic France, but never took the throne. One of these concessions was the Edict of Nantes. Gradually it was gnawed away by government officials and overzealous prelates. Consequently many Huguenots began to migrate overseas, hoping to improve their lot.

Of all the Christian sects which emerged from the Reformation, the Anabaptists and Huguenots suffered the most. The atrocities committed against both have filled books. One of the bloodiest and most senseless acts of butchery against the Huguenots occurred in Florida on this day September 20, 1565.

Colonies of Huguenots had struggled to establish themselves in Florida for several years. The Huguenots at St. Johns expected trouble when Spanish captain Pedro Menéndez sailed into the area. Spain, after all, claimed the New World and had no use for the French and especially French Protestants.

One leader of the Huguenots, Laudonnière, wanted to throw up a fort. He was overruled by Ribault, commander of the whole expedition. Ribault had determined on a naval battle (he had seven ships). Unfortunately Ribault's ships were wrecked in a storm and the unhappy Huguenot refugees on shore were left to fend for themselves.

Menéndez landed with 2,600 men. He butchered all the men he could lay hands on but spared women and children. Laudonnière fled with a few men in a small remaining boat and eventually reached France. Ribault and those who had escaped the shipwreck, about 350 in all, asked for terms of surrender. Menendez said they must trust themselves to his mercy. It appears he swore an oath to spare them. Two hundred who distrusted him fled into the wilderness. The rest surrendered.

Ribault reminded Menéndez that Spain and France were at peace. That mattered little to the cruel Spaniard. Menéndez wrote the king: "I had their hands tied behind their backs and themselves put to the sword. It appeared to me that by thus chastising them, God our Lord and your Majesty were served. Whereby this evil sect will in future leave us more free to plant the gospel in these parts." When the matter became known in Europe there was a tremendous outcry from all decent men, Catholic and Protestant alike.

The remaining 200 Huguenots put up such fierce resistance that they were finally promised their lives if they surrendered. They were consigned to the Spanish galleys.

  1. Avery, Elroy McKendree. History of the United States and its People. Cleveland: Burrows Bros, 1904.
  2. Fosdick, Lucian J. The French Blood in America. New York: F. H. Revell company, 1906.
  3. Woodburn, James Albert and Moran, Thomas Francis. Introduction to American History. New York: Longmans, Green and Co., 1916. Source of the Image.
  4. Various encyclopedia articles
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