Jul 18, 2014

Remembering the Future - Secrets of the Black Awakening - Part 5

By Sue Bradley
The European continent was apparently not the boundary for barbaric and ruthless overlords. Ancient Albion is the ancestral place name for present day United Kingdom, specifically Great Britain. As early as 322 BC, Albion was associated with Great Britain. Many contemporary toponyms descend from hereditary parentage, and Albion’s roots traverse Gaul, Germany, the Alps, and across the landmasses of Asia Minor to Syria and Lebanon.

If future generations are indeed revelations of a nation’s spiritual heritage, there is none in Western civilization that more accurately reflected than Great Britain. The entire landmass of the British Isles is infused and sealed with the talismans of preternatural rituals and hermetic communion.

The enigma of Stonehenge is second only to the Great Pyramid and has become the modern nest for nearly every foul spirit and dark god. The precision and mystery of the Salisbury monument and its environs have never been fully understood and are likely to continue their mystic pull and the standing stones, circles, earthworks, altars, healing centers and history have drawn millions to the region to experience mystical companionship.

Salisbury plain is host to anomalies too numerous to mention: and the enigmas which have been scrutinized are primarily on the surface. Around and below, the landscape and underworld is perforated with a seething and hidden history. The forces of which so many speak present themselves as hypnotic voices and willing and enthusiastic generations respond with reveling pilgrimages and rituals to the celebrated gods.
In the pastures near Dorset in the southwest United Kingdom, ancient chalk figures provide yet another element to the mystic conundrum of anomalies. The Cerne Abbas Giant is a 180 ft. figure explicitly carved giant wielding a large, knobbed club. The Rude Man or Rude Giant is most certainly a representation of Cernunnos stalking the then forested realms of ancient Britannia.

Cernunnos was not altogether unknown to writers and composers. J.R.R. Tolkien is believed to have used Cernunnos as the archetype for the character, Treebeard, in the Lord of the Rings series:
“Concealed within the deepest grove of ash and yew and holy oak, white clad pagans dance round the blazing fire. Silver bells chime throughout the sylvan kingdom, stirred by a fairy wind. An ovation of hymns travels the midnight breeze, whispering of ancient dreams… And there, in splendor unveiled and radiant, the Horned God Cernunnos is enthroned.”
The Cerne Abbas Giant and his legendary brothers, Gog and Magog, are said to have terrorized the countryside for centuries by raiding livestock and devouring sheep and cattle before refining their tastes to humans, of which, as the tradition continues, numbered to as many as 30 men, women and children a day. There are accounts of as many as 40,000 of these rampaging giants wandering throughout England’s hills.
Other chalk figures include several white horses, the Long Man of Wilmington, as well as a roster of less specific designs. These sites are unquestionably the most popular sites for neo-pagan rituals and celebrations to give homage to the four Earth cycles of the seasons and the progression of birth, life, decline and death.

Francisco de Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son
While the wild-eyed image of Francisco de Goya’s Saturn Devouring His Son (shown at right), is alarmingly grotesque, it is most likely a somewhat realistic conceptualization of the gruesome and macabre epochs when very real giants and other equally ghastly creatures roamed and clashed. It would be difficult to imagine having a portrait such as this above the fireplace, and yet millions are attracted to the ancient sites, engaging and celebrating the horror, which is now so beautifully displayed and softened.

In a bizarre twist of festivity, each November, the Lord Mayor of the City of London sponsors a parade featuring the two giant statues of Gog and Magog temporarily removed from their sentry positions outside the City’s Guild Hall.

But perhaps the most uncanny ‘monument’ in the British Isles is one, which by appearance is the most sophisticated, but by far the most profound.


Thirty five miles northeast of Stonehenge, at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory at Oxfordshire, the “world’s leading pulsed neutron and muon source” was established as an “international community” for over 2,000 scientists in the fields of physics, geology, engineering and chemistry.

With a facility decidedly designed to resemble Stonehenge, the ISIS laboratory inaugurated in 1995 and with a logo that strongly resembles Stonehenge, is at the forefront of bio-molecular and nano-scale research and production. In the era of cold, hard jargon and rigid differentials, the spiritual inclinations of ISIS are clear:
“ISIS is not an acronym. The name was decided for the opening of the neutron source in 1984 by the then Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. Prior to this it had been known as SNS, or Spallation Neutron Source.


As principal goddess of ancient Egypt, ISIS was able to bring the dead back to life. The name was considered appropriate for the new neutron source which inherited many components from previous accelerators in the UK (Nimrod and Nina) and which is located near The River Thames, known locally as The Isis.” – Source, ISIS
A reference to The Thames River recalls the images and perhaps the ritual of the jackal god Anubis, son of Osiris, being ferried between the twin towers of the London Bridge for exhibition in 2007. And Isis, worshipped as the ideal mother and wife, patron of nature and magic, the Lady of beasts and green fields, is the feminine from which all beginnings arose, is believed to have been instrumental in the resurection of her husband, Osiris, restoring his body having gathered and reassembled his parts.
In The Mysteries of Isis: Her Worship and Magick by deTraci Regula:
The march of the Roman Empire took Isis into the heart of the country of Herne, and at least one Celtic plaque appears to depict Cernunnos, who can be considered another aspect of Herne, with the foreign Egyptian dieties.”
The Egyptian Book of the Dead describes the many titles of Isis:
“She who gives birth to heaven and earth,” “Mother of the Gods,” “Lady of the Green Crops,” and “Lady of the Words of Power.”
Evidence of the early dominance of Cernunnos/Herme is documented by the prevalence of place names perforating the geography of Great Britain, and once again, along Latitude 51, there is an undeniably strong connection to the God of the Hunt and his subatomic underworld: the Cerne Abbas Giant, Gog and his brother, Magog, the White Horse of Uffington, Stonehenge and most curiously, the particle physics research facility, ISIS.

Is the United Kingdom, and Europe as a whole, unconsciously assembling a congregation of ancient gods, cloaked as scientific achievement but possessing a power, an elemental power, that was recorded on tablets and in stone and within myths and folklore, but denying the power thereof?


For many, the acronym, CERN, and the strange world of quantum physics was first introduced through the prequel novel by Dan Brown, Angels and Demons, published in 2000, prior to Brown’s pop-culture hit, The DaVinci Code. Introduced within the novel’s “FACT” summary, is a description of, “the first particles of antimatter.” Identical to physical matter “except that it is composed of particles whose electric charges are opposite to those found in normal matter,” antimatter is described as “the most powerful energy source known to man.”

Speaking of antimatter, Dan Brown continues:
“It releases energy with 100 percent efficiency (nuclear fission is 1.5 percent efficient). Antimatter creates no pollution or radiation, and a droplet could power New York City for a full day.
There is however one catch…
Antimatter is highly unstable. It ignites when it comes in contact with absolutely anything…even air. A single gram of antimatter contains the energy of a 20-kiloton nuclear bomb-the size of the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Until recently antimatter has been created only in very small amounts (a few atoms at a time). But CERN has now broken ground on its new Antiproton Decelerator-an advanced antimatter production facility that promises to create antimatter in much larger quantities.”
Whether the “facts” as presented by Mr. Brown are scientifically accurate or have be enhanced for dramatic effect is moot. There is well recognized apprehension within the scientific community regarding the potential physical consequences of CERN’s ambitions and compelling expressions on the part of social ethicists for its moral prudence.

Established as a provisional council in 1952 by 11 European governments, the Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nuclréaie in Geneva, Switzerland, the governing body dissolved shortly thereafter and renamed the organization Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire in 1954. The acronym CERN however, was retained and has been attributed to the insistance of German physicist, Werner Heisenberg: “But the acronym can still be CERN even if the name is not.”

Assuming the validity of the Jung-Pauli causality principle, Werner Heisenberg’s request carries a significant a level of relevance: why would Werner Heisenberg feel so strongly about an acronym, but more importantly, why is it even recorded that he did? Would anyone really notice anyway?

Werner Heisenberg’s association with the openly occult SS and the Third Reich may have been limited but his contributions to high level physics merited observation by the Allies via Operation Alsos, curiously, alsos is Greek for grove. As an extension of the US Manhattan Project, Alsos detained several German physicists for a brief time at Farm Hall, England. Werner Heisenberg returned to Germany and continued his research while actively participating in German as well as the collective European effort of reorganization in the spheres of high energy physics research.

The Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire was incubated and CERN’s efforts in the study of sub-atomic matter became the flagship facility, science’s archetype of the Promised Land, but in search of the Holy Grail. CERN’s website describes its mission and machines:
“Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. At CERN, the world’s largest and most complex scientific instruments are used to study the basic constituents of matter — the fundamental particles. By studying what happens when these particles collide, physicists learn about the laws of Nature.

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a gigantic scientific instrument near Geneva, where it spans the border between Switzerland and France about 100 m underground. It is a particle accelerator used by physicists to study the smallest known particles – the fundamental building blocks of all things. It will revolutionise our understanding, from the minuscule world deep within atoms to the vastness of the Universe.”
Science’s assertions of spiritual indifference are betrayed from nearly every direction, and the machines and experiments identified as “Gargantella,” “Atlas,” “Alice,” “Totem,” and “Isolde,” are lightweight transparencies in comparison to the conceptual realities of stated objectives. The current specifications of the LHC are curious as well: it is seven times more powerful than any existing particle accelerator today, Subtle, but a curious similarity to a specific furnace described by Daniel in Babylon.

Large Hadron Collider - CERN

Difficulties of a more familiar nature include difficult to dispute statistics of increased seismic and volcanism, clusters in both of these geologic events appear to be at least indirectly related.

In March, 2005, the Cern Courier released a statement describing the effect that the December, 2004 Sumatran quake and subsequent tsumani:

“During the Christmas break, the hydrostatic level sensors (HLSs) in the ATLAS cavern revealed a new faced of their capabilities. Installed by the CERN survey group to monitor any deformation or movement of the structure on which the detector feet rest, these sensors with submicrometre resolution coupled to the heavy ATLAS mechanical infrastructure took on the function of a seismograph.

The signals recorded by the sensors are shown in the figure, which reveals two perturbations, one on 23 December starting at 15.45 GMT and the other on 26 December at 01.23 GMT. Seeing these unusual readings raised the question of whether they were connected with the earthquake off the Indonesian coast that gave rise to the devastating tsunami.”


The LHC at CERN will replicate the conditions nanoseconds after the Big Bang in the time before the first week of Creation, as recorded in the Book of Genesis. Source: CERN
A Google search of ‘CERN god particle,’ produces a docket of thousands of results from the leading publications of the scientific resources and associations in the world. From a discipline so exceptionally committed to objective detachment, the ambient language reveals either arrogance or ignorance. Responding to the possibility of finding God with the LHC, Dr. Michio Kaku responded, “This is a genesis machine. And yes, it may even let us read the mind of God….”

Scientists, visionaries, luminaries, poets and dreamers have rallied at the possibility of “Recreating the conditions just after the Big Bang”. Others believe that the manipulation of matter at a quantum level is theoretically a manipulation of time, and thus see the LHC as a “Time Machine”. Others still, believe because of possible unprecedented thermal release, the LHC could well become a “Time Bomb.”. There are good scholars on both sides of all of the debates.

Simplistically, the experiment will propel the smallest bits of matter to 99.9% the speed of light. By sending these particles in separate directions through a massive tunnel, exploding, releasing and observing them micro seconds before they form new particles. The hunt for the elusive Higgs-Boson particle. The God Particle. A divine spark. And a very masculine sounding event.

New Age author William Henry is among those who appear to enjoy the chase:
Something incredible is going on. Scientists on the wild edge of high energy physics at labs in Illinois and Geneva are racing to see who will be the first to enter the ‘Burning Bush’ and to de-cloak a fundamental, but elusive, sub atomic particle that is given cosmic or divine proportions by its, some say absurd, moniker, the God Particle (which particular god is unknown – let’s just pray it’s not that jealous one).

“It may be more than synchronistic that that the logo for the God Particle fits perfectly on the Transfiguration image of Jesus.”
– W. Henry
(image source: http://williamhenry.net/dis_trans.jpg )
While Mr. Henry’s philosophy is tragically irreverent, his identification of the “divine spark” and its association with the dynamics of the Transfiguration is an extraordinary comparison. There comes a time when even the most rigid pragmatist, the most resistant of skeptics, and the most impartial observer must entertain the prospect of so many themes converging in such an unusual manner.

It has been noted that the deity Cernunnos/Herne is consistently associated with control of elemental matter and “billions and billions of infinite smallness,” as the Dark God of the Elements and nature. That Cernunnos/Herne is associated with a ‘hunt;’ enormous power and identified as both the Keeper of the Gates of Death and the Guardian of the Underworld (perhaps a portal?) with an apparent appetite for infernal human sacrifice.

Mythology also portrays Cernunnos/Herne as being conspicuously proud of his virility and procreative abilities as the “lusty god,” and has been directly associated with Isis, the Egyptian feminine representative of many similar characteristics and Cernunnos/Herne is easily traceable through linguistic, mythologic and ancestral migratory records from Syria, Lebanon and Mount Hermon, the site of the descent of the fallen Watchers, the progenitors of the demi-gods and giant races, the Nephilim, Anakim and other participants in the tale of two seeds.

Biblical records of the Transfiguration seem to involve a glimpse into another time, and that the Transfiguration accounts do record a supernatural light and transformation…a ‘manipulation’ of sorts of time, energy and matter, and Cernunnos is also associated with the consumption of time.

The Transfiguration by Raphael


The site of the Transfiguration is not specifically disclosed within the Biblical text. Beyond the immediate context however, and with an understanding of the infinitely broader significance and purpose, it can be ascertained. And it comes as an indisputable, unambiguous and astonishing ‘proclamation.’

From The Myth Book by Michael S..Heiser:
Jesus, the Place of the Serpent, and the Mountain of God
There is perhaps no more dramatic confrontation of the powers of darkness in the gospels than the Transfiguration…
…This mountain [Hermon], then, was identified by the biblical writers as a place that belonged exclusively to God – and no other. That the sons of God made their pact there according to Enoch is a strong irony, since they were violating their rightful estate and choosing to interfere with the world of men. Jesus was staking rightful claim to this place at the Transfiguration (essentially, bringing the glory down to that mountain, as at Sinai years earlier). It was a shot across the cosmic bow.”
Jesus would have been hard-pressed to find a more striking location at which to choose to reveal his glory, to show both the three disciples who he really was, and to blaze the news to the powers of darkness that the embodied, incarnate Yahweh was taking back what was His—starting with the cosmic mountain in the territory of the serpent. Yahweh had long ago declared that this region was really his property (Psalm 68:15-16 – “O mountain of God, Mount Bashan; O many-peaked mountain, Mount Bashan! Why do you look with hatred, O many-peaked mountain, at the mount that God desired for his abode; yea, where Yahweh will dwell forever?”). The fulfillment of that prophecy had begun. The powers of darkness were being evicted. Eminent domain had been declared.
At the entrance to the CERN facility in Meyrin, Switzerland, is a gift from the Government of India.

Shiva dances for CERN
“I have in the past shared a word of the Lord: “As men got into this realm, the invisible would become visible and the very things that have been hidden from the sight of man for their safety would come into the realm of man for his destruction.” — Steven Quayle

In a recent radio dialogue presented by author and radio host, Steve Quayle and publisher and author, Tom Horn, the spiritual and occult aspects of the LHC, the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva Switzerland were examined.
TH: [The] dedication to Shiva indicates there is a spiritual dynamic to CERN and that is what is extraordinary.
[but] …even if we’re just reading into the metaphorical, the dance of Shiva that destroys at the atomic level and then rebuilds from this level is intriguing given that this is the religious metaphor encoded into this statue.”
SQ: I believe they do know what they are bringing forth and they expect Lucifer, the Lightbearer to have his entrance to the planet. These are not people who don’t know what they’re doing: these people know exactly what they are doing. Essentially giving him the stairway from heaven into our dimension.



“And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.” Genesis 11:6

With the potential for a holocaust of ancient and quantum proportions, exceeding the fiery furnaces of Babylon, the altars of Molech, the infernos of Dante, the “whole sacrifices” of the Third Reich, the atomic and the nuclear, is the All Devouring, Keeper of the Gates of Death, Dark God of the Elements, Cernunnos preparing to assemble his gluttonous hoards for their final and prophesied assault?

If the explanation for the presence of dark deities and giants lies within the pages of Scripture, the antidote must surely as well. Alan Redpath has suggested that what the book of Ephesians provides in concept, the book of Joshua provides in practice. The same weapons used against the giants in the land by Joshua are available for our use, and given the spiritual climate in which we live, a refresher study might be wise.
But will CERN be the key of Revelation 9:11?

The closing note on the “FACT” page of Dan Brown’s is ponderous but incomplete:
“One question looms: Will this highly volatile substance save the world, or will it be used to create the most deadly weapon ever made.”
One could posit an “Alternative Three” :

Is it possible that this substance, antimatter, is not really in the control of the probing scientific intellects whose hands have collectively constructed a hewn altar for the purpose of the scientific deification of mankind? And is there evidence that Cernunnos has danced on the pages of United States history? We’ll explore that possiblity next time.

Jul 17, 2014

Is Pope Francis ushering in the New World Religion?

End time prophecy
   Revelations 13:11, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.” In this verse, God reveals that there is coming a man that will portray himself as a lamb, but he will speak like a dragon. When referring to the Word of God, a lamb represents one of innocence (Jesus Christ); whereas a dragon is usually used as another name for Satan. When looking at these two key points, one will begin to see that this man will try to present himself as being one of innocence; having the spirit of God, but inwardly housing the spirit of Satan. The bible tells us that a house divided cannot stand. A person cannot house the spirit of God and the spirit of Satan. We must be holy because our bodies are the temple of God. We must represent the light, and be the light of the world as instructed in Matthew 5:14.

According to Saint Malachy, there would be a total of 112 Popes that would reign on the earth before the end of the final Age would come; the Apocalypse. According to Saint Malachy, the final Pope would be known as Peter the Roman. He would likely be Satan; taking the form of a man named Peter who will gain allegiance throughout the whole world. Malachy believed that this final Pope would be the final antichrist. If you would like to see how Pope Francis connects to Peter the Roman, click here

The 112th prophesy given by Malachy states, “In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will reign Petrus Romanus who will feed his flock amid many tribulations; after which, the seven-hilled city (Rome, the seat of the Vatican) will be destroyed, and the dreadful Judge will judge the people. The End.”

Malachy’s prophesies regarding the previous Popes have been said to be accurate. This is why Pope Francis should be looked at very carefully. Pope Francis has been saying and doing some very interesting things that makes Revelations 13:11 come to life. Six months after Pope Francis took his papal seat, he assured atheists that they don’t have to believe in God to go to heaven. He has stated that the Catholic Church should not dismiss gay marriage. He has also stated that everyone, including atheists, are redeemed through Jesus Christ.

Pope Francis has completely been abusing the scriptures, and has not been teaching from the true, authentic word of God. He tries to carry himself as a humble servant; washing and kissing the feet of inmates, praying for the sick, and refusing to live and drive lavishly. In reality, he is speaking against the true God. He is corrupting the minds of the masses by teaching falsely and leading many astray.
In Daniel 9:27 it states, “And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.” Pope Francis has made huge strides in trying to salvage the failed attempts, by John Kerry, regarding the Peace Agreement. For nine months, John Kerry tried to bridge the gap between Palestine and Israel; creating a two-state solution. This peace agreement was supposedly meant to create peace amongst the nations.

Pope Francis welcomed the Israeli and Palestinian presidents to the Vatican for peace prayers on June 8th shortly after the peace negotiations collapsed. All three of these individuals prayed in the Vatican garden; praying to their own gods. Ironically on this same day, a huge asteroid, known as the Beast, passed the Earth.

1 Thessalonians 5:3 states, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.” Interestingly, when the peace talks failed in May of 2014, there was an uproar in the Middle East, and it has been intensifying ever sense.

The Pope has been working towards uniting all religions into one; saying that all people can go to heaven regardless of who they worship. He further tells people that as long as you have a good conscience that’s all that matters. If you want to pray to Buddha that’s fine. If you want to pray to Muhammad, that’s fine. If you want to pray to the god of Ra, that’s fine. As long as you have a good conscience, that’s all you need.

Read the rest of this article at - http://www.examiner.com/article/is-pope-francis-ushering-the-new-world-religion

Jesuit Invasion: World Wars, New "Christianity", Lost History, Started Music Industry?, Slave Trade

Few are aware of the Jesuits role over the centuries in forging ancient documents, including Bible translations, creating spy-type subversive models to destroy non-Catholic organizations from the inside, and promoting their ideals through higher education (pick any Loyola University, Georgetown, Gonzaga, etc.) while churning out military leaders and politicians.  And now they have their first Pope.  To learn more of the Jesuits demonic history, see this video.

Visit us at our site @ http://www.taliforgod.com FB @ http://www.facebook.com/nephtali1981c... & also http://www.facebook.com/brothernephtali

Moiseyev Martyred by Soviets

Moiseyev Martyred by Soviets
In the last letter that he wrote home, Ivan Moiseyev (known to friends and family as Vanya) urged his brother Vladimir, "Don't tell our parents everything. Just tell them, 'Vanya wrote me a letter and writes that Jesus Christ is going into battle. This is a Christian battle, and he doesn't know whether he will be back.' I desire that all of you, dear friend, young and old, remember this one verse. Revelation 2:10 -- 'Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.'" The next day, July 16, 1972, twenty-year-old Vanya died in suspicious circumstances. The Soviets claimed it was an accidental drowning. His family insisted that Vanya was tortured to death.

The son of peasant farmers, Vanya entered the army at eighteen to perform two years of required military training and service. Because he spoke openly of God, which was forbidden in the atheistic regime, Vanya was persecuted by his military supervisors.

His letters home and the tape recordings that he made on his last leave home, documented the cruelties used against him. At times he was starved. He was awakened and interrogated night after night, and often struck. For two weeks in the dead of winter, he was compelled to stand outside in his thin Summer uniform. He claimed that God miraculously warmed him.

Miracles confirmed his testimony. Once he was run over by a truck. He was told his life could only be saved by the amputation of an arm and part of a collapsed lung. Delirious with fever he prayed earnestly aloud. The next morning, he was completely healed.

On another occasion, he was challenged by his barracks to prove that God exists. The test was that God obtain leave for a certain sergeant. Leaves were hard to get. After asking God if he should accept the challenge, Vanya agreed. All night, he sat up with the sergeant explaining the things that he would need to know when he became a Christian. The next day, an authority from another town called and ordered the leave. The sergeant became a Christian and so did other men.

Vanya was an army chauffer. When every effort failed to break him of his faith, he was ordered to chauffer some KGB men. He did not return. A coffin arrived at his parents' home, welded shut. Vanya's mother insisted it be opened. A brother, who belonged to the Communist party resisted, but the rest of the family prevailed. Vanya was barely recognizable. Witnesses, Christian and non-Christian alike, signed a statement which declared that his chest had been burned. His face and body were lumped and bruised. Heel marks marred his body. His heart was punctured in six places.
Under Communist pressure, the non-Christians withdrew their testimony. The Soviet's claimed that the six heart punctures were from attempts to restart the heart with adrenaline after a drowning accident and that the other marks were from an autopsy. They claimed the Baptists made up the torture story to discredit the regime. However, in light of thousands of other incidents of mistreatment of Christians in the Soviet union, and given Vanya's letters and recordings, the Baptist story is the more believable of the two. To cap matters off, Vanya's unit was broken up because so many men in it had become Christians.

  1. Dewar, Diana. All for Christ. New York: Oxford University Press, 1980./li>
  2. "Strengthened by Angels." Jesus Freaks. Voice of the Martyrs. http://www.mcf-canada.ca/vision_pdf/ Vision_Summer01.pdf
  3. "Vanya." http://www.handofhelp.com/newpage31.htm
  4. Various other internet articles, mostly based on the book Vanya by Myrna Grant.
Read this article at - http://www.christianity.com/church/church-history/timeline/1901-2000/moiseyev-martyred-by-soviets-11630831.html

Jul 16, 2014

Remembering the Future - Secrets of the Black Awakening - Part 4

Treebeard, JRR Tolkien’s The Two Towers
by Peter Xavier Price
By Sue Bradley
EUROPE HAS ALWAYS BEEN an ornament of the world and a blend of rich ethnicity, religions, styles and cultures. The land however is also fortified by centuries of blood spilled during ancient battles and feudal clashes. The gods and goddesses of Celtic, Gaul and Frankish myths are not entirely dissimilar from their relatives from distant times and lands, and the records of brutal bloodlust describe a proportional increase in numbers, albeit via increased sophistication of weaponry, contrary to “evolutionary” social progress.

The explanation of course, lies in the acknowledgement of two factors:
1) An existing ‘indwelling’ of hostile presences and
2) A fallen and susceptible humanity, coexisting with the latter unaware in great part, of the dominion and resolve of the former.
The ancient landlords have never discontinued their debauchery. They accept their burnt sacrifices from a new congregation of initiates, commanding and demanding worship and ritual, cleverly insinuating their thirst while fully assimilated in contemporary garb; dressed to the nines, as it were.

Robbie Coltrane plays Hagrid in the Harry Potter films.
(Source: http://www.pottersrealm.com/images/Hagrid1.jpg
In Green Man: The Archetype of our Oneness with the Earth, William Anderson asserts that “The Green Man” may have been the inspiration for the enthusiasm of medieval artisans. In fact, J.K. Rowling describes her Harry Potter character, Hagrid, as the “modern version of the Green Man, being one of the foundational cast” :
“He was sort of his guardian and his guide … And now I wanted Hagrid to be the one to lead Harry out of the forest.”He was also one of the first characters to imply that the idea of thinking of wizards as “pure-bloods” and “Half-bloods”is a dated concept.”
William Anderson expands the Hagrid/Green Man archetype:
“…There are legends of him (Khidr) in which, like Osiris, he is dismembered and reborn; and prophecies connecting him, like the Green Man, with the end of time. His name means the Green One or Verdant One, he is the voice of inspiration to the aspirant and committed artist. He can come as a white light or the gleam on a blade of grass, but more often as an inner mood. The sign of his presence is the ability to work or experience with tireless enthusiasm beyond one’s normal capacities. In this there may be a link across cultures…”
With a duality of personality as well as intent, the therianthropic Green Man is most often conceptualized in ancient cave art, described by Lewis-Williams as “depictions of what our ancestors witnessed in their visions: enigmatic lines, strange patterns, followed by animals.” Believing them to be portals to other dimensions, ancient shamans would adorn the cave walls with totemic depictions to ensure the favor of the inhabitants of the “Otherworld” wherein lay the deepest riches of reality.

In Celtic tradition this Green Man deity is worshiped as “lord of wild things.” He is memorialized in archaeological record as wearing stag antlers or horns and sometimes wearing a torque while holding serpents. Worshipped primarily in Britain and France and Germany, there are traces of this cult as far east as Russia and as far west as Ireland. Many who follow the pattern of ancient myth have determined that the Lord of the Hunt is most likely the source for the horned god that appears in Christian medieval manuscripts and is a symbol of the Antichrist himself.

It would be more accurately stated that the gods that could not be ’banished’ were subsequently recruited. Under the banner of Christianity, ambitious European ‘conquistadors’ repeatedly ransacked Europe whether by sword, plague, fire or religion. Old ritual sites were embellished with Biblical themes, although many of the ancient demons bore striking resemblance to regional entities, and celebratory feasts adjusted to accommodate and ‘ease’ the transition. But underneath these sites, the embers of the ancient ones and the Lord of the Hunt, patiently smoldered, knowing they’d merely adopted a new mask.

The Externsteine rock formations are located in the Teutoburg Forest
Again, a consistency of ritual practice seems to have prevailed in many areas of Europe’s ‘sacred places.’ The areas of the Sudeten Mountains, Externsteine (picture to the left), the Teutoburg Forest, and the caves and grottoes of Lascaux, Normandy and the Mountains of the Pyranees and Jura. have all yielded significant evidence of ancient human ritual and crematory sacrifice: ashes, altars and unusual but consistent burial practices, particularly along the geodetic holy lines and the “high places” specifically forbidden by God.
The increased level of geologic activity is revealing ancient structures on land masses and under the sea. Covered by millennia of growth and formerly believed to be mountains, both natural and man are exposing not only evidence of structures of enormous size, high technical ability, and global commerce, but inhabitants of massive size, with obviously corresponding ability and skill.

The concept of multiple global cataclysms, most recently the planetary flood of Genesis 7, is recorded Biblically to have destroyed all that was “on the face of the ground,” but little is said about the enormous world beneath the surface. Four books of the canonical text describe life, “under the earth,” as being subject to judgment. Why is it then that we have such difficulty accepting an underworld, and an abyss?

More disturbing however, is the volume of evidence presented by the examination of caves and caverns of the world. These incredible labyrinths meander beneath land and ocean yet their construction, like many ancient structures, cannot be duplicated today. Even more troubling is the incredible heights of many of the cave systems. Caverns are by nature expansive, but why would it be necessary to construct caves of such height, nine or even 15 feet – far greater than the height of contemporary man?

Folklore, nursery rhymes and legends will allow our minds to picture what, “man in his heart” desires, but in Ezekiel we learn of “terror in the land of the living,” and also the Divine mercy with which we have been sheltered: “I shall bring thee down with them that descend into the pit, with the people of old time, and shall set thee in the low parts of the earth, in places desolate of old, with them that go down to the pit, that thou not be inhabited; and I shall set glory in the land of the living.” Ez. 26, 32

William Henry Black recognized the patterns of “holy lines,” affirming that “[m]onuments exist marking grand geometrical lines which cover the whole of Western Europe.” This “whole” includes the ancient land of Albion (ancient name for the island of Great Britain), where the megaliths, circles, mounds and drawings of Glastonbury, Avebury, Wiltshire, Oxfordshire and Wilmington have all, within the past ten years, yielded speculation of a strong practice of ritualistic incineraton in addition to their commonly assigned astronomical alignments.

Warning of the dangerous and seductive beauty of evil, Russ Dizdar comments:
“Why do you think God destroyed these places and these centers of demonic activity were judged? Why do you think God buried this horror? Was it only for the ancient practitioners? They could have just died and been buried….but their “high places,” their ziggurats, were cast down and covered. The New Agers, 2012’ers and questers are seeking to uncover these constructs: what will they find?”
If indeed this God of the Hunt, the Green Man, carried such a demanding presence and widespread prominence, why have we heard so little of him? Perhaps we have been too limited in the cultural examination of the ancient pantheon. There is widespread familiarity with the gods of Egypt and Sumer, ancient India, Meso-America. Yet we know little of the very entities, who are not only disturbingly real, but are actively insinuating themselves into Western thought via skillful, pernicious, and well-organized increments. We have just not recognized their ancient citations.


Cernunnos (Source: http://www.newmoon.uk.com/ritual/cernunnos_pent.jpg
Master of the Sacrificial Hunt and Guardian of the Gateway of the Underworld, and Keeper of the Gates of Death, Cernunnos commands sacrificial purification as ruler of all nature and the four elements of force, earth, air, fire and water, as well as the four cardinal points of the compass while representing the darker aspects of nature. In a number of descriptions, Cernunnos is described as being older than the ‘Ancient Ones,’ so much so that our “evolutionary ancestors” perceived him as a ‘shape-shifting god of the hunt.’ ”

Bestowing plenty upon the good stewards of the earth, Cernunnos is also the “All Devourer,” and responsible for the judgment of those who threaten his domain. Referenced by William Shakespeare as Herne the Hunter, Cernunnos and Herne seem to be an interchangeable “Being or Power” that existed before time and before the other gods, as their creation was a product of his virility and the fertility of the planet. The deified consort of Cernunnos is the Green Lady, the Goddess of Nature.

Frequently depicted with club in hand, Cernunnos led the wild hunt and, as the primary fertility deity, often was graphically depicted as the primeval male progenitor and rejuvenator, “lusty, satyr god.” “Limitless and everlasting, the life-force of Cernunnos is present in the “billions and billions of infinite smallness,” which “courses through the sub-atomic, constituting the chaotic “Dance of Life and Death,: the “Dance of Making and Unmaking,” the “Dance of Creation and Destruction.”

With this insight, a review of various historic events, both recent and ancient, associated within the province of the entity, Cernunnos/Herne becomes worthwhile.

 For years the Chernobyl nuclear disaster has been linked with the star, “Wormwood,” and in part with some justification: Chernobyl is apparently comprised of chormyi (black) and byllia (blades), a possible linguistic tracing to a wild wormwood, mugwort associated with the “Green Fairy” drink of Absinthe, popularized by occultist Alistair Crowley. This appears to be a reasonable explanation of the popular application.

 But a glimpse deeper into the history and mythology of Eastern Europe provides yet another intriguing association. The Romans had linked the horned-god Herme to Cernunnos and the Green Man. In Brother Gods of Light and Darkness: Origins of the Baldr Myth, Timothy J. Stephany uses linguistic similarities to trace the legendary roster of gods. “The Russian god of light is Bielbog, Byelobog. The god of darkness is Tschernobog: Chernobog.”

Chernobyl is located along Latitude 51, just east of the Sudeten Mountains, the former Reich sub-nuclear weapons facility. Perhaps behind the veil of our reality, Cernunnos was dancing his dance of ‘unmaking’ in 1986 as the destroyer of the elements there.

Mt. Hermon

Secular history, linguistics and mythology consistently echo Biblical accounts of ancestral and tribal migrations, and so doing, the gods and spirit beings are to be understood as distinct presences, much like human ancestral patterns: families with divergent branches, similar but independent functions and personalities with subjective memory and interpretation from communal historic events.

It is through the ancient texts, monuments and traditions the Middle Eastern accounts that migrations are be traced and these genealogies share a remarkably consistent conception: Mount Hermon.
“ It came to pass after the sons of men had multiplied in those days, that daughters were born to them, elegant and beautiful. And when the Watchers, the sons of heaven, saw them, they became infatuated with them, saying to each other, “Come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the offspring of men, and let us have children….
The whole number of those who descended on what is the top of Mount Hermon, in the days of Jared, was two hundred. 8 That mountain therefore came to be Hermon, because they had sworn upon it, and bound themselves by mutual oaths…”
– 1 Enoch 6:1, 2, 7, 8
Michael S. Heiser, examines many of the intriguing details and nuances coincident to Mount Hermon:

 םחָרַ charam, khaw-ram’; a prim. root; to seclude; spec. (by a ban) to devote to religious uses (espec. destruction); phys. and refl. to be blunt as to the nose:— make accursed, consecrate, (utterly) destroy, devote, forfeit, have a flat nose, utterly (slay, make away).

The consonants that make up “hermon” are (in Hebrew) ch-r-m (the final “n” is a noun ending typically suffixed to geographic locations). The noun cherem means “devoted to destruction” (the imagery is of a holocaust offering).

חֶרֶם cherem, kheh’-rem; phys. (as shutting in) a net (either lit. or fig.); usually a doomed object; abstr. extermination:— (ac-) curse (-d, -d thing), dedicated thing, things which should have been utterly destroyed, (appointed to) utter destruction, devoted (thing), net.

Mount Hermon was, according to 1 Enoch 6:1-6, the mountain to which the Watchers, the sons of God, descended when they came to earth and cohabited with human women. This connection with the incident described in Genesis 6:1-4 is consistent in view of the connections between the terms Rephaim, Anakim, and Nephilim. … the broader area of which Mount Hermon was part was Bashan, a place of special cosmic-geographical significance….
Mount Hermon was also associated with Baal worship and evil serpentine cults. The cult center Baal-Hermon is mentioned several times in the Old Testament (e.g., Judges 3:3; 1 Chron. 5:23).

That the Israelites and the biblical writers considered the spirits of the dead giant warrior-kings to be demonic is evident from the fearful aura attached to the geographical location of Bashan. As noted above, Bashan is the region of the cities Ashtaroth and Edrei, which both the Bible and the Ugaritic texts mention as abodes of the Rephaim. What’s even more fascinating is that in the Ugaritic language, this region was known not as Bashan, but Bathan—the Semitic people of Ugarit pronounced the Hebrew “sh” as “th” in their dialect. Why is that of interest? Because “Bathan” is a common word across all the Semitic languages, biblical Hebrew included, for “serpent.” The region of Bashan was known as “the place of the serpent.” It was ground zero for the Rephaim giant clan and, spiritually speaking, the gateway to the abode of the infernal deified Rephaim spirits.

Timeline of the Signs for the End of the Age

Lots of in depth study and work here from Igo2slo4u2cme's YouTube channel.  Make of it what you will, but he has a very specific and important date coming up on August 28, 2014, an event which the whole world may look for. 

If you go to his homepage you can check out his reasoning for finding these events in stars as signs.  Theologically he's on track, but is he interpreting and/or seeing the signs in the heavens correctly?  That's for you to decide....

3D Tattoos: The Bizarre Body Art Trend That Is Spreading Across America Like Wildfire

Would you like to have a picture of a 3D demon exploding out of your chest?
3D Tattoos: The Bizarre Body Art Trend That Is Spreading Across America Like Wildfire
by Michael Snyder | American Dream
Would you like to have a picture of a 3D demon exploding out of your chest?  Would you like to make it look like an exquisite piece of art was carved out of your right leg?  Would you like to see the shock on people’s faces when they think that a real scorpion is sitting on your shoulder or a real snake is crawling down your back?  In recent years, more Americans have been getting tattoos than ever before, but now a new body art trend is spreading across America like wildfire.  3D tattoos can be far more realistic than conventional tattoos, and many are choosing them for their pure shock value.  But how will all of these young people feel about their weird tattoos a decade or two from now?  And what does all of this bizarre body art say about our society?  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Below are photos of 3D tattoos that I found on Facebook and Pinterest.  At first glance, it is hard to believe that some of these are actually tattoos…
3D Tattoo Leg
3D Tattoo Neck
3D Tattoo Back Of Head
3D Tattoo Face
3D Tattoo Scorpion
3D Tattoo Spider
3D Tattoo Under Neck
What you just saw are examples of what I thought that I could safely share.

Congressional panel says: Americans are too stupid for GMO labeling

At least Monsanto and friends know they are getting their money's worth from their shills in the Congress and Senate.

Michael McAuliff
Huffington Post       
© mamavaction.com
It's pretty rare that members of Congress and all the witnesses they've called will declare out loud that Americans are just too ignorant to be given a piece of information, but that was a key conclusion of a session of the House Agriculture Committee this week.

The issue was genetically modified organisms, or GMOs as they're often known in the food industry. And members of the subcommittee on Horticulture, Research, Biotechnology, and Foreign Agriculture, as well as their four experts, agreed that the genetic engineering of food crops has been a thorough success responsible for feeding the hungry, improving nutrition and reducing the use of pesticides.
Read more of this article at - http://www.sott.net/article/281980-Congressional-panel-says-Americans-are-too-stupid-for-GMO-labeling

Methane explosion? Meteorite crater? Scientists baffled by gigantic 262ft hole that has appeared at Siberia's 'End of The World'

It looks an awful lot like a space based weapon was tested on this plot of ground...something like the "rods of God".
  • Enormous crater appears suddenly in part of Russia whose name translates as 'the end of the world'
  • Teams of scientists are rushing east to fathom the cause of this unusual - and rare - geographical occurrence
  • One especially outlandish theory talks about a UFO landing as a possible cause of this colossal chasm in the earth

An urgent expedition will leaves tomorrow to probe a giant crater that has appeared in gas-rich northern Siberia.
Extraordinary aerial images show a mysterious hole which experts say may be up to 262 feet wide, in the Yamal Peninsula of northern Russia.
'A scientific team has been sent to investigate the hole and is due to arrive at the scene on Wednesday,' The Siberian Times has reported.
What on earth is it? This enormous hole has appeared in a remote corner of Russia - and scientists are searching for answers
What on earth is it? This enormous hole has appeared in a remote corner of Russia - and scientists are searching for answers

Opening up: The enormous crater could be caused by global warming, with gas exploding below the surface
Opening up: The enormous crater could be caused by global warming, with gas exploding below the surface

The cause of the hole's sudden appearance in Yamal - which translates as 'the end of the world' - in the far north of Siberia is not yet known.
There has been web speculation about the crater indicating 'the arrival of a UFO craft'.

But one Russian expert says the cause is more likely to be global warming releasing gases under the surface, which then explode like a champagne cork.
Experts say that the darkening around the inner rim of the crater indicates 'severe burning' which scorched its edges

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/travel/travel_news/article-2693105/Giant-hole-appears-Siberia-Huge-crater-emerges-end-world.html#ixzz37bijFdnu

Ode to Joy - Flash Mob Started by One Little Girl

Beautiful music, beautiful scene...

To pay homage to the town they love and to celebrate their 130 anniversary Sabadell Bank in Spain delighted the townspeople with an incredible symphony flash mob. Watch as they play Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and sang Ode to Joy, filling up the town with joy and beautiful music!

Ludwig Van Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Ode To Joy: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphony...

Video Source: http://www.godtube.com/watch/?v=WKKZ6LNX

Pope Francis Admits He Stole Cross From Dead Priest

Just another day in the Roman Church, not so different from saying a priest can force Jesus off His throne in Heaven to become an "eternal victim" in the Eucharist, or saying that Mary is necessary for forgiveness of sins and redemption because, of course, she was born without sin, is the "Queen of Heaven and Mother of God" and can save souls just like her son Jesus.  Really no different from any other day in the Roman Church.

Whaaaaaaat? Are you serious? Pope Francis admits to http://www.paulbegleyprophecy.com also http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/pop...

Jul 15, 2014

Remembering the Future - Secrets of the Black Awakening - Part 3

The Abyss of Hell, S. Botticelli

For thou hast said in thine heart, I WILL ascend into heaven,I WILLexalt my throne above the stars of God;I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north;I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds;I WILL be like the most High.

– Isaiah 14

In 1951, Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung presented the concept of synchronicity to the Eranos meeting in Zurich, Switzerland. The suggestion that chance, coincidence and parallel circumstances were driven by underlying causality has been accepted by mystics and theologians for millennia. Carl Jung’s introduction of the concept to mainstream medical thought was, and continues to be met with varying levels of skepticism.
In 1952, Jung and Nobel laureate, physicist Wolfgang Pauli published, Synchronicity — An Acausal Connecting Principle, a collaborative effort born of a series of Pauli’s “initiatory” dreams which began shortly after his successful formulations of key principles of particle physics, an emerging, invisible and often seemingly contradictory discipline. It is from this strange world that a new breed of scientific giants would emerge, many shattered to the core with the implications: the known laws of science actually account for far less observable reality and that there are phenomena that are beyond the factors and laws of recognized physical science.

Theoretical and quantum physics have long been regarded as the high ground of scientific study, and subsequent conclusions were literally turning the world inside out. From microscope to telescope, science was measuring, fusing and splitting elements—at last viewing an invisible netherworld. Wolfgang Pauli’s consideration and acknowledgment of an underlying, governing dynamic provided a strong endorsement and formed the scientific equivalent of composer Richard Wagner’s social concept of metapolitics.

Carl Jung gave us his thumbnail description of synchronicity with a quote from Lewis Carroll’s, Through the Looking Glass, where the White Queen says to Alice, “It’s a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.”

Down the Rabbit Hole by VDelrey


In recent years, the corresponding disciplines of historians, geologists, linguists, archaeologists, socialists–virtually every ‘ology’ and ‘ism’ have seen vigorous challenges and calls for re-examination of entrenched theoretical and social paradigms: there was a time when Earth was in balance and evidence for universal cataclysm is substantial. Sacred texts have been saying it all along. So have folklore and legends, mythology and religion, as have the ritualistic practices of different cultures throughout the world.

Uniformity commences at least in part, from the inclusion of astronomical data; cataclysmic events; and a broadening of the definition of “text” to include mythology, archaeology, art, religion, ritual and other historical evidence. Consequently, a remarkably coherent but penetrating theme emerges.


Most ancient civilizations have spoken of a Golden Age, a time of deep mystery, hidden kingdoms, cosmic destiny. A time of abundant life and fertility, Edenic existence, Platonic perfection, the terrestrial in balance with the celestial, before the imbalances and disharmonies, before the “Fall.” The “Once upon a time” era. Almost universally, the descent from a Golden Age spreads from memory of a “celestial race” of the Hyperborea, the land beyond the aurora, the North Winds, the polar, “ice regions” of the planet, a race of colossal beings engaging in projects of massive scale.

These are the primordial ancestors of Helena Blavatsky’s “root race” philosophy: the four races that inhabited the Earth before our current epoch, the “Ancient High Civilizations” dating back hundreds of thousands of years. It was during the time of the Third Root Race, the Lemurian epoch, according to Blavatsky’s The Secret Doctrine, the Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy (1888), that “gods walked the earth and mixed freely with the mortals” before being destroyed by a cataclysm that made it uninhabitable.

Jean-Claude Frère in Nazisme et Sociétés Secrètes (1974), proposes that the pristine survivors migrated to a region now covered by the Gobi Desert and founded a new seat, Agartha, the “center of the world.” It was from these ancient survivors that the Fourth Race was birthed, the “brilliant” Atlantean civilization which, according to Frère, prospered for 2,000 years before succumbing to another catastrophe. The subterranean Agartha however, the center of the earth, survived and the “Masters of the World” continue to dwell in multiple levels of chambers, dispatching orders to selected “initiates” such as Solomon, Pythagoras, Apollonius of Tyana, and Jesus.

The entrance to Agartha

From Agartha, the Fifth Root Race emerged as the Aryan people, migrating in two directions. One ventured north and west, conquering the lands of the sub-races in hope of rediscovering and occupying the Hyperborean “homeland.” The second group traveled south into the Himalayas, Tibet and India, finding dwelling places in caves and sub-surface caverns. The ruler of this underground kingdom is Rigden Iyepo”, the “king of the heart of the world”, the “Lord of the Flame”. With his legions of Aryan Ascended Masters, this king is described as the possessor of an astonishing occult power known as Vril. The keeper of this gate and Rigden Iyepo’s representative on the surface is, the Dalai Lama.
Jean-Claude Frère describes the migrations:
“…the sons of the Outer Intelligences are said to have split into two groups, one following the “Right-hand Path” under the “Wheel of the Golden Sun,” the other the “Left-hand Path,” under the “Wheel of the Black Sun.” The first group preserved the center of Agartha, that undefined place of contemplation, the Good, and of the Vril force. The second supposedly created a new place of initiation at Shambhala, the city of violence in command of the elements and human masses, hastening the arrival of the “charnel-house of time.”

Michael S. Heiser, author of The Divine Council, and editor for Logos Bible Software is a researcher into ancient and Biblical language and studies. Here, he discusses the concepts of territorial rulers, ancient fallen entities, and legal rights to specific geographic areas:

“The Bible describes a world where cosmic-geographical lines have been drawn. Israel was holy ground because it was Yahweh’s inheritance. The territory of other nations belonged to other elohim because Yahweh had decreed it as such. The lands of the other nations were populated by those who worshipped the corrupt elohim, and by the remnant of those who had been fathered by other elohim.*

Published in 1879, Edward Bulwer-Lytton’s novel, Vril: The Power of the Coming Race, describes Vril as a form of earth-energy possessed by an extremely powerful subterranean race associated with “life-giving elixirs”, “force ray cannons”, electro-magnetic transmission rods, and Atlantean “spiritual exercises.”

At the heart of Vril lies the “Enochian” knowledge of sonic equations with mirrored waveforms of light and electro-magnetism, capable of interacting with and affecting the human nervous system and consciousness (as well as ‘other life forms’), geophysical structures, planets and other stellar systems. It has been suggested that the frequencies of this language of light can be so precise that the center elements of the Great Pyramid at Giza are tuned to the frequency of a human heartbeat.
“Earth Magic” ©Steve Jackson Games
The ancient wisdom of electrical conductivity, hydro purification processes, and geomantic energy fields was orally communicated and eventually recorded textually within the tablets with astounding scientific and technical accuracy and through the traditions of indigenous cultures to describe the Earth’s emanations and the corresponding alignment of the emanations of humans.

This tuning of frequencies would in fact align with the very real phenomenon of so-called Ley Lines, lines of electromagnetic energy crossing the grids of the Earth and forming nodal points, which frequently reveal archaeological evidence of layering of cultures and time periods over specific areas. Often these pathways are used for ceremonial purposes with remarkably similar rituals, which included human sacrifice, being performed by an entirely different culture.

The Prince of Persia, discussed in Daniel 10, apparently had similar sacrificial preferences (Dan. 3) and that theosophic teachings specifically cite a common Aryan lineage. The ancient, dark rulers have yet to be quenched, and there is strong evidence that their realms expand and overlap, quite possibly in a cumulative manner but unquestionably when entreated and unchecked.

1 Enoch 8 speaks of a fallen one, Azazel, who “taught men to make swords, and knives, and shields, and breastplates, and made known to them the metals of the earth and the art of working them….” In eons past, dark personalities have clashed with the righteous as well as among themselves.    
The power of VRIL
Adolf Hitler envisioned this coming time:
“It is from there that the final stage in human mutation will emerge – the MAN-GOD!

This splendid Being will become the object of universal worshipIn what may prove to be the most exquisite paradox in history, a generation of academicians, at long last theoretically sanctioned via Jung/Pauli, allowed the blending of the ‘meta with the measured.’ However, these same, enlightened scientists appeared to disregard the concept that, while the physical appears to be bound within a lineal history, the specific ‘world’ being examined by the very same scientific discipline, was not.

The Vril - Psychics and Saucers

The events we see now, the wars, the hunger, the blackness. You can feel it in the air, you know that something is coming. But that is nothing by comparison to the shock and awe that the abyss will release. These destructive powerful beings will be unbound, and they only have one nature, they only know one thing: destruction, harm, torture, pain…creating agony and a psychological wish for suicide. - Russ Dizdar    
And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name APOLLYON. Rev. 9:11

The problem is not the abyss.
The problem is what comes out of the abyss.
The abyss is a place, it is a horrible place.
It is without question that it exists, and it is, without question, dimensional.
It is from that side, what has been invisible to our eyes,
that will be unleashed a dimensional impact which will be catastrophic.

Vatican Reeling As Pope Francis Admits There Is An Army Of Over 8,000 Pedophile Priests


Pope Francis was quoted as saying there are around 8,000 pedophile priests stationed around the globe

Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron; Forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from meats, which God hath created to be received with thanksgiving of them which believe and know the truth.” 2 Timothy 4:1-3
In a BBC interview that the Vatican is struggling to spin, Pope Francis took the highly unusual step of actually admitting that there are thousands and thousands of pedophile priests in the Catholic Church worldwide. By their estimates about 8,000. This mind-numbing admission has sent shock-waves through the highest levels of the Vatican system.
Many survivors of abuse by priests are angry at what they see as the Vatican’s failure to punish senior officials who have been accused of covering up scandals.
In the interview, Pope Francis was quoted as saying that the 2% estimate came from advisers. It would represent around 8,000 child-abusing priests out of a global number of about 414,000. While the incidence of pedophilia as a psychiatric disorder in the general population is not accurately known, some estimates have put it at less than five percent.
“Among the 2% who are pedophiles are priests, bishops and cardinals. Others, more numerous, know but keep quiet. They punish without giving the reason,” Pope Francis was quoted as saying.
Vatican spokesman Father Federico Lombardi denied that Pope Francis had said that there were cardinals who were pedophiles. Father Lombardi also denied that these were the Pope’s exact words.

Read this article at - http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?p=23381