Oct 13, 2012

Faith and Miracles Part 2 - A Mustard Seed and an Empty Fridge

Sheri Munson gazed into her refrigerator. She saw a box of Arm & Hammer baking soda, a bottle of ancient mustard, and some very old packets of soy sauce. The barren cupboards held a can of pumpkin and the last cup of a bag of rice. That was basically it. 

Sheri had five children to feed. As she stared into her empty cupboards, she said, "Okay Lord. I'm going to trust you. You've brought me this far. I can't believe you're going to let me fall off a cliff now. You said you would be my husband. Please provide for us..."

There are times in our lives when we need miracles to take place. Even among Christians, though, there's often a sense that God is no longer in the miracle business. Many people complain that God doesn't answer prayers. At least, if He answers, He says, "No," a lot. If God is not a liar and He loves us, then, why doesn't He answer our prayers? What are we doing wrong? Do we just not have enough faith?

First of all, God does answer prayers. He answers prayers all the time. Sometimes He doesn't do exactly what we want Him to do in our timing. He does things His way in His timing. But, we also make some errors in the way we pray, and we need to understand those errors so that we can pray in the kind of faith that God honors.

Mistake #2 - Putting Faith in Faith:

We often make the mistake of putting faith in faith itself. Our faith isn't supposed to be in how great our faith is. Our faith isn't in us, it's in God.

In Matthew 17:20, Jesus said, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
A mustard seed is small, the smallest of seeds. The point is, our faith doesn't have to be huge. It just has to be. We need to stop being afraid and doubting, thinking our faith is too small. We need to trust our God that He can take our small faith offering, and He can work with it.

Example - Filling A Fridge:

Sheri Munson stared into her empty refrigerator in Rathdrum, Idaho that autumn afternoon in 1997 and told the Lord simply, "I trust You." That was it. That was her great display of faith.

Regardless of the magnitude of Sheri's faith, God moved.

"I had to pick up my son Tyler from the bus station in Spokane," Sheri told us. Tyler was 17 and a big eater, and there was no food in the house for the four kids already at home. What's more, Sheri had no money for gas to drive to get Tyler.

"So, I asked my 9-year-old, Max, for the four dollars he had. He said, 'Mom! I wanted to buy jerky with that four dollars!' I said, 'Max, I have to have gas. We'll buy jerky with one dollar, and with three dollars I can get enough gas to get to the bus station.'" So, Max sacrificed his three bucks.

Just before she left to get Tyler, Sheri's friend Kathy Spackman called and invited Sheri and the kids to come to a barbeque – and not a barbeque in three weeks, a barbeque that evening. "Can I bring something?" Sheri asked, (having nothing to bring but a bowl of rice). "No," Kathy said. "Just come!" That was a relief. At least Tyler would have something to eat when he got in!

Then, they lost the three dollars. When Sheri and Max got to the gas station, the money set aside for gas was missing. They looked all over the car for it. "Finally, we just went in to get Max's one dollar's worth of jerky," Sheri sad. That was it. They had nothing left. Sheri didn't want to think about how they were going to go pick up Tyler.

When they came out, though, twenty dollars had appeared on the front seat. "I started crying," Sheri said. "Max said, 'Mom. It's okay. Don't cry. It's a miracle. Let's buy gas!'" So, they put ten dollars into the gas tank. Off they headed to get Tyler and go to the barbeque.

Tyler ate at Kathy Spackman's gathering as only a growing young man can. It was the only meal Sheri had to offer her son. After the meal, though, Kathy approached Sheri and asked her to PLEASE take some of the leftovers home with her. There was so much food, Kathy told Sheri, and the food would just go to waste if she and the boys didn't take it. "There were steaks!" Sheri told us, "And chicken and salads and potatoes and corn on the cob. There was so much food! They just loaded my car up."

On top of the leftover food, a man at the barbeque had a truck full of bread from the bread store. Normally he got the old bread to feed to his pigs, but the store had just gotten a truckload of fresh bread in and had taken perfectly good bread off the shelves to give to him. He asked Sheri if she wanted any. Sheri told us, "So, then we got bread and doughnuts and little wheat rolls and pastries – all kinds of bread – and put them in the car too."

"Wow Mom," Max said. "God is sure a good shopper with just three bucks!"

"Then we got home," Sheri said, "and there was a ham the kids' father had sent us. And somebody had left us a box of oranges and a box of apples. I still don't know who left the apples and the oranges. And a voice whispered in my heart, 'See, I can take care of you.'"

That wasn't the end of it. The next day, Sheri's friend Cheryl called and said, "Hey, Sheri. We had a moving sale, and I have all this food I couldn't sell that I don't want to move it to the new house. Would you like some of it?" It turned out that Cheryl had an extensive pantry. "There was peanut butter and packages of oatmeal and canned food and dried food and, there was just so much!" Sheri exclaimed.

"The best part of it," Sheri told us, "Was when Tyler said, 'You know, Mom. You're poor, but whenever I come to see you, I always eat really well!'"

On Saturday, Sheri had simply told the Lord, "I trust You," while facing an empty refrigerator and empty cupboards and kids to feed. By Sunday, her cupboards were full, her refrigerator was full and her freezer was full. Her faith wasn't in how good she was or in how much faith she had. She just trusted God not to drop her. She hadn't told people she needed help, but God knew, and God provided for her - pressed down, shaken together, and overflowing.

When we come to God, we must approach Him in Truth, trusting Him and trusting His character. We need to put our faith in His goodness and not our own. That's the beginning of the kind of faith that can move mountains, or fill refrigerators.

Sheri had five children to feed. As she stared into her empty cupboards, she said, "Okay Lord. I'm going to trust you. You've brought me this far. I can't believe you're going to let me fall off a cliff now. You said you would be my husband. Please provide for us..."

There are times in our lives when we need miracles to take place. Even among Christians, though, there's often a sense that God is no longer in the miracle business. Many people complain that God doesn't answer prayers. At least, if He answers, He says, "No," a lot. If God is not a liar and He loves us, then, why doesn't He answer our prayers? What are we doing wrong? Do we just not have enough faith?

First of all, God does answer prayers. He answers prayers all the time. Sometimes He doesn't do exactly what we want Him to do in our timing. He does things His way in His timing. But, we also make some errors in the way we pray, and we need to understand those errors so that we can pray in the kind of faith that God honors.

There's a storm coming! Photographer captures spectacular shelf cloud formation off the coast of Florida

Just a note for these pics.  This area of Florida sees a heavy daily dose of "geoengineering" (chemtrails), including the day these photos were taken.  Is there a connection?

By Leon Watson

There may be trouble ahead - at least for the people living on Florida's Atlantic coast.

These stunning pictures were taken by award-winning photographer Jason Weingart at Ormond Beach and show a spectacular shelf cloud formation rolling in from the ocean.
Shelf clouds are low, horizontal wedge-shaped arcus cloud, associated with a thunderstorm gust front or occasionally with a cold front.
Spectacular: Jason Weingart captures a shelf cloud appoaching Ormond beach in Florida
Warning: Jason Weingart captures a shelf cloud appoaching Ormond beach in Florida

Watch out: There's bad weather on the horizon in Florida
Watch out: There's bad weather on the horizon in Florida
While they're are not dangerous, their threatening appearance certainly looks so. Moreover, they are a reliable indicator that a thunderstorm is nearby and could be arriving soon.

Mr Weingart entered his picture of a lifeguard at the beach into NASA's Global Precipitation Mission sponsored extreme weather photo contest.
Last week it was named one of the five winners.

Speaking about the picture, he said: 'I have shot many storms from the same spot this photo was taken, and I almost drove by to get a different vantage point, but something told me to just stop at my spot.

'I jumped out of my car and ran down to the beach. To my surprise, there were still several beach-goers taking in the sight of this massive shelf cloud, as well as a few surfers in the water, trying to catch one last wave.'
Awe-inspiring: Jason Weingart said: 'I jumped out of my car and ran down to the beach.'
Awe-inspiring: Jason Weingart said: 'I jumped out of my car and ran down to the beach.'
Rolling in: Lifeguards at Ormond beach in Florida started taking precautions about the weather
Rolling in: Lifeguards at Ormond beach in Florida started taking precautions about the weather
Threatening: Mr Weingart entered his picture of a lifeguard at the beach into NASA's Global Precipitation Mission sponsored extreme weather photo contest
Threatening: Mr Weingart entered his picture of a lifeguard at the beach into NASA's Global Precipitation Mission sponsored extreme weather photo contest

There's trouble ahead: Jason Weingart's pictures show an incredible shelf cloud formation
There's trouble ahead: Jason Weingart's pictures show an incredible shelf cloud formation

Jason Weingart captures a shelf cloud appoaching Ormond beach in Florida
Jason Weingart captures a shelf cloud appoaching Ormond beach in Florida
While shelf clouds are not dangerous, their threatening appearance certainly looks so
Jason Weingart's amazing pictures were taken by chance in Florida
Jason Weingart's amazing pictures were taken by chance in Florida

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2216566/Theres-storm-coming-Photographer-captures-spectacular-shelf-cloud-formation-coast-Florida.html#ixzz299WWr6rl

Flu Shots Triple Hospitalization Rates in Children

by: Craig Stellpflug

(NaturalNews) Mercury based thimerosal is used as a preservative to "kill organisms." Aren't humans organisms? You have to be unconscious, brainwashed or just plain stupid to allow this into your or your child's body. The majority of flu shots contain 25 micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe by the EPA for anyone weighing less than 550 pounds. Now then, take the two-shot recommendation and you receive 50 micrograms of toxic mercury. Have you ever met an 1,100 pound pregnant lady or baby? But Big Pharma money talks louder than dead babies, so go ahead, get your toxic flu shot.

The U.S. government can't even agree among its own agencies about toxic mercury-based thimerosal used in vaccines. The Institute of Medicine advises that mercury-containing vaccines should NOT be injected into pregnant women, infants and children because of thimerosal's harmful effects on the immune, metabolic and nervous systems which has been widely documented.

But that's not what the hired gun Dr. Jay Lieberman told the CDC. Lieberman has been a consultant to Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Sanofi-Pasteur, and is on the speakers' bureau for all three vaccine-makers. All three of these Big Pharmas are currently using thimerosal in their products and Lieberman made a presentation to the CDC, ignoring the bulk of peer-reviewed research, but rather touting a small number of industry-backed, highly criticized and flawed epidemiological studies that cited no harmful associations.

As far back as July 7, 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the United States Public Health Service (PHS) issued a joint statement that because of the "neuro-developmental effects posed by exposure to thimerosal...thimerosal-containing vaccines should be removed as soon as possible." This has not been done to date. Mercury levels have been lowered in some infant vaccines but according to Dr. Boyd Haley of the University of Kentucky, mercury is still present in all child vaccines.

Even a question and answer segment on the CDC website back in 1999 goes thusly: "Q: Who is most vulnerable to mercury? A: Two groups are most vulnerable to methyl mercury: the fetus and children ages 14 and younger." Of course, this contradictory embarrassment has been long-since removed from the CDC website but is easily found on other websites like: http://www.cidpusa.org/pregnantVaccines.htm

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037504_flu_shots_hospitalization_government.html#ixzz299UU5NXs

A Woman Rides the Beast - Dave Hunt

Dave Hunt is an expert apologist, and has a fascinating take on prophecy and the end times.  By the way, his book "Occult Invasion" is one of the most eye-opening books on Christianity and spiritual warfare I have ever read.  Good stuff.

Faith and Miracles Part 1: Faith in What?

From Khouse.org

"And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." -James 5:15-16

Abraham and Isaac at Mount Moriah

"Have faith," people will often say when troubles come along, even people who don't claim to follow Jesus Christ. Billy Joel once crooned about "keeping the faith" complete with a music video. Faith is popular.

When people tell us to have "faith" though, we ought to ask, "Faith in what? Faith in God? Faith in the good nature of the universe? Faith in our own karma? (By the way, in what bank is karma held, and who are the tellers?) We need to make sure we are building our faith on the right foundation.

We do want to see miracles. We want to pray for Grandma's crippling arthritis or cancer and see her healed; we don't want her suffering. We want to pray for healing and freedom and see them - mercifully, beautifully - take place.

"Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father." - John 14:12

But, does God even want to heal Grandma? What if my faith isn't strong enough, or her faith isn't strong enough? In what exactly are we supposed to be having faith? How do we walk arm in arm with Jesus and do the "greater things" that he promised?

We want the power of God to work through us to open the eyes of the blind and free people from oppressive suffering. If God also wants to heal them, why don't we see more miracles around us?

The next few articles will explore the issue of faith and some of the simple errors that we make, errors that get in the way of our prayers.

Mistake #1: Forgetting Who God Is:

"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth." -John 4:24

Too often when we pray, we consider God incorrectly. We come to Him with incorrect assumptions about who He is. If we think deep inside, "Oh, God doesn't want to heal Grandma," then how can we pray for her in faith? When we pray, it is vitally important that we approach God according to what is true about Him.

God is alive and He still does miracles: We can declare this with confidence by His constant work in our lives and the lives of countless people we meet through our ministry. Jesus Christ is alive and working in the world today! We know multitudes of people who have been healed and freed, cleansed and miraculously given provision. We know the daily guidance He gives us and the miracles we ourselves see. Precious people around the world can testify to the power of Jesus still at work today. (Several stories will come up during this series of articles, so be sure to read them all! For past stories, see the links below.)

God is a God of Truth: When He says something, we can trust Him. He loves us to trust Him!

"God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" - Numbers 23:19

"Abraham believed God, and it was imputed unto him for righteousness: and he was called the Friend of God." - James 2:23

God pays attention to everything: He sees us and all the details of our lives. He knows what is going on with us.

"Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows." - Luke 12:6

God loves us extravagantly: One of the greatest insults we can give God is to suggest that He doesn't love us. His love is so massive and deep and constant that when we catch just a whiff of it, it blows us over. He loves us with great patience, with longsuffering as He deals with our sin and foolishness and doubt and fear. He moves constantly in our lives to bring us into an ever deeper, truer, more pure relationship with Him. He doesn't always do things the easy way, the way we often want Him to. He does things the right way - the way that will last.

"But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: That in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus." -Ephesians 2:4-7

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord." -Romans 8:38

When He doesn't heal Grandma, and she feels like she doesn't have enough faith and that God doesn't love her, what do we say to her? In the leading of the Spirit, we need to put our arms around her as Jesus would, and we need to tell her, "Grandma, God does love you. Don't be afraid. He loves you magnificently, and He longs for you to know His love. Trust Him. He's very willing to take care of you in every way. It's going to be okay. Trust Him." He may still heal her, but whether He does or not, He absolutely loves Grandma. As Job said, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him," (Job 13:15).

If we are going to approach God, we absolutely need to approach Him in the truth of who He is. That's where faith starts.

"Thus saith the LORD, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich (man) glory in his riches: But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD." - Jeremiah 9:23-24

Oct 12, 2012

Giant Eyeball Washes Up On Beach

This was just too weird, so I had to post it.  My guess is they eye belongs to a giant squid, as it seems to bear some resemblance to the large giant eye I have seen in pics of the creatures.  How's that for a find that just washes up on the beach?

A giant eyeball washed up on a South Florida beach this week.

A person was walking on the beach in Pompano Beach on Wednesday when he saw the giant eyeball in the sand.

Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission scientists took possession of the giant eye. They plan to preserve it and have taken it to their lab in St. Petersburg, where they will try to identify what animal it belongs to.

Read more @ http://www.local10.com/news/Giant-eyeball-washes-up-on-South-Florida-beach/-/1717324/16953456/-/p6o0t4/-/index.html

Obama's Lucky Charms: A Hindu God In His Pocket, A Masonic Emblem, And A Ring That Says "There Is No God Except Allah"

 By Michael

Why do our politicians have to be so weird? You can tell a lot about a person by the jewelry that they wear and by the things that they carry around in their pockets, and Barack Obama's "lucky charms" include a Hindu god, a Masonic emblem and a "wedding ring" that has the phrase "there is no god except Allah" inscribed on it. So what do these things tell us about Barack Obama? That is a very good question. Perhaps someone should ask him about these items. If he is indeed a Prince Hall Freemason (as has been publicly reported), then he should just come out and admit it. If he feels a connection to Hinduism or Islam, then he should just come out and admit it. One of the biggest things that annoys so many people about Obama is the secrecy that he has about his past. There are vast stretches of his history that nobody is even supposed to talk about. We are all just supposed to accept that he is a "Christian" man that is not into any freaky stuff even when there is a tremendous amount of evidence to the contrary.

Personally, I would love to see a reporter ask him about the little Hindu god that Obama carries around in his pocket. The following is a photo that has been circulating around the Internet of Obama displaying this Hindu idol along with a bunch of other "lucky charms" that he carries around. It has been reported that Obama carries these lucky charms with him wherever he goes....

The U.S. press pretty much missed this story, but it was talked about extensively in the international media. For example, the following is from an article in the Economic Times....

A recent photo posted on Time's White House Photo of the Day collection shows the first ever Black-American nominee of a major US party for the Presidential elections carries with him a bracelet belonging to an American soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler's lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and tiny Madonna and child.
That "tiny monkey god," of course, appears to be a statue of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman, says the posting but editors and the photographer has not identified it as such.
Obama, whose father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas, spent initial days of his life in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion.

So exactly who is Hanuman and how does this god fit into Hinduism?

The following is how Wikipedia describes this Hindu god....

Hanuman (IPA: hʌnʊˈmɑn) is a Hindu deity, who was an ardent devotee of Rama according to the Hindu legends. He is a central character in the Indian epic Ramayana, and also finds mentions in several other texts, including Mahabharata, the various Puranas and some Jain texts. A vanara (ape-like humanoid), Hanuman participated in Rama's war against the demon king Ravana. Several texts also present him as an incarnation of the Lord Shiva.

Some Hindus in India got so excited about this that they decided to give a two foot tall gold-plated idol of Hanuman to Obama.

And as an article in the Times of India back in 2008 described, this special gift was actually presented to one of Obama's representatives....

Obama's representative Carolyn Sauvage-Mar on Tuesday received a gold-plated two-feet-high idol which she will pass it on to the Obama after it is sanctified.
The idol is being presented to Obama as he is reported to be a Lord Hanuman devotee and carries with him a locket of the monkey god along with other good luck charms.
An hour-long prayer meeting to sanctify the idol was earlier organised at Sankat Mochan Dham and by Congress leader Brijmohan Bhama, Balmiki Samaj and the temple's priests.
"Obama has deep faith in Lord Hanuman and that is why we are presenting an idol of Hanuman to him," said Bhama.

Why didn't we ever hear about this in the mainstream media in the United States?

Perhaps of much more concern is the fact that Barack Obama has been photographed wearing a ring with a Masonic emblem.

The picture posted below is of a story from the June 2008 edition of Newsweek magazine. It shows Obama's two hands reaching for the seal of the president of the United States....

On closer inspection, the ring definitely appears to have the familiar "square and compasses" emblem of Freemasonry on it....

This is especially true when you zoom in even more....

The following is a different piece of jewelry with the "square and compasses" on it. As you can see, there is a striking resemblance....

So what is the big deal?

After all, haven't a whole bunch of other U.S. presidents been Freemasons?

Yes, but the disturbing thing is that Obama is so secretive about it. If he is a Prince Hall Freemason he should just be open and admit it.

Another of Obama's "lucky charms" that is raising eyebrows is his "wedding ring". It turns out that he was wearing this ring long before he ever got married, and recently experts were able to examine the inscription on the ring closely enough to be able to translate it.

So what does the inscription say?

It says "there is no god except Allah".

A photo of Obama wearing this ring on his left hand is below....

According to WND, Obama has been wearing this ring since his days at Harvard Law School....

As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.
Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.
Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no god except Allah.”

The WND story does a great job of breaking down this whole mystery. If you have not read that entire article yet, I encourage you to do so right here.

So why would Barack Obama (who is supposedly a "Christian") be wearing a ring that expresses devotion to Islam all these years?

Could it just be an innocent mistake?

Once someone points out to him what the ring really says will he take it off?

Or does Barack Obama really do have an affinity for Islam?

After all, he certainly has said a whole bunch of nice things about Islam over the years. I documented many of these in my previous article entitled "10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Islam Contrasted With 10 Quotes By Barack Obama About Christianity".

Of course Barack Obama is free to believe whatever he wants. If he wants to be a Freemason, a Muslim, a Hindu or something else that is his choice.

But what the American people deserve is honesty. In November they are electing someone to lead the entire nation. Is it too much to expect the candidates to be open and honest about their pasts and about what they truly believe?

And don't think that I am giving Romney a pass either. If anyone out there has any information about weird stuff that he is carrying around I will be glad to do an article about that as well.

So what do you think about all of this? Please feel free to post a comment with your thoughts below....

The unique spiral in space spotted by the world's most expensive ground telescope

A unique spiral structure encircling a dying star has been captured by scientists for the first time.

The spectacular picture is one of the first to come from the world’s most expensive ground-based telescope which produces images ten times sharper than Hubble.

It was built to study molecular clouds like the one around the red giant R Sculptoris which is 780 light years from Earth.
The bizarre spiral structure was spotted by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope, and is believed to be a hidden companion star orbiting the star.
The bizarre spiral structure was spotted by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope, and is believed to be a hidden companion star orbiting the star.


The old red giant star R Sculptoris sits at its centre, ejecting dust and gas every 10,000 to 50,0000 years to form a shell of surrounding material.
Spherical shells have been seen around red giants before, but this kind of spiral is unique.

It is believed is was caused by a previously unseen companion star carving through the material as it orbits.
At 16,000ft up in the Chilean Andes the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is also the highest such machine on Earth.
The Atacama desert was chosen for its dryness and clarity.

The feature in the gas around the old star has never been seen before and is probably caused by a hidden companion star orbiting it.

The data reveals the shell around the star - which shows up as the outer circular ring - as well as a very clear spiral structure in the inner material.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2215775/The-unique-spiral-structure-spotted-worlds-expensive-ground-telescope-baffled-scientists-picture.html#ixzz2947rZLeW
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Electronic Dog Collars for All Flyers - Coming Soon To an Airport Near Your

This is real technology that's about to be rolled out to TSA controlled airports.  This will allow them to shut down your central nervous system just in case there is a problem.  Do you mind having you central nervous system shut down?  No?  Then you should have no problems with flying.

Illuminati Plan For World Takeover

I wouldn't normally post this, except the plan has shown itself to be incredibly prescient.  Among the many points mentioned that we can see happening today includes a Republican President throwing an election to the Democrats (George Bush Jr. silently disappearing while the stock market and economy collapsed in 2008), the fight to remove the right of possession of arms (being fought fiercely now, even in the U.N.), the desire to remove tax emptions from churches (this weekend thousand of churches plan to speak on politics, exposing them to the possibility of having their exemption removed by the IRS for being "impartial" in elections), the Martial Law and Emergency Acts (currently enacted) and of course, the primary desire of President Obama, to make the country "dependent" on the government for their survival.

If this document is indeed true, and it sure seems to be heading that way, it means that we in the U.S. are in big trouble, maybe as soon as the end of the year.  Also of interest is the final part of the video, which would have once seemed to be an insane claim.  That Russian missiles would destroy the U.S. in less than an hour.  But if the U.S. is indeed Babylon, then the Lord has predicted this (Rev. 18) and even the land that would destroy us (Jer. 50-51).  Fascinating stuff here.

How Can You Hide the Sun's Twin? Call It Tyche, Nibiru, Nemesis or Planet X, It's Still Coming

Amazing how the NASA WISE satellite telescope was taken off line (as far as we know) just a few days after these announcements.  Clearly those in power are not ready for the common people (you and me) to know the truth, at least not yet.  Just ignore the huge increase in meteorites, sun-diving comets, near Earth asteroids and seismic activity.  It will pass...just as soon as Planet X moves along in a few years that is.

Forgive the name pronunciations here, but she does an excellent job of bringing the info together on this.  Here she uses the name Hercoloubus for the wandering super-planet or dead star.  What should also be mentioned is the use of occult names NASA chooses for it's projects.  WISE here denotes the owl, as in the "wise old owl who watches and learns".  The owl in occult circles is both a powerful angelic being and the companion or emissary for Lilith/Astarte/Mystery Babylon, the great goddess.

Know Your Enemy - Part 41 The Origin of the Illuminati

Lots of info here to verify what so many Christians today don't want to know.  That humans, organized and devoted in their service to Lucifer, have been part of an organized plan stretching centuries to one day bring about the Evil One's chosen world leader, and eventually his very short lived kingdom.  The Illuminati were clearly part of this great Luciferian plan.

Keys for the Illuminati success includes using secret societies (Freemasons) and never letting their name reach the light of day, at least not in a concrete way, but rather using other names to cover their work.  It isn't mentioned here, but I would add that when you see the assassination of strong, determined national leaders, the Illuminati are likely behind the manuevers.  Assassination is part and parcel of their playbook.

Isaac Watts - Hymn Writer and Theologian Extraordinaire

I am personally indebted to Isaac Watts for his magnificent hymns.  I hated singing these as a boy, but as I grew in years and spiritual understanding, found them to be exceptional Bible studies in lyric and note, and the many hymns are most thankfully forever etched in my memories.  Though a small and sick man most of his life, his exceptional writings live on almost 400 years later.


By Alfred W. Light

The [in Bunhill Fields Cemetery, London, England] will already have attracted the visitor's attention. It must be pointed out that across the path on the east side is the head-stone of Samuel Say, who was a fellow student of Watts, and who also became a preacher. Almost in a line with Say's headstone there is quite a cluster of tombs of noted people, amongst them being the learned John Eames and Mr. William Cruden—not Alexander of Concordance fame.

ISAAC WATTS, D.D., Pastor of a Church of Christ in London; successor of the Rev. Mr. Joseph Caryl, Dr. John Owen, Mr. David Clarkson, and Dr. Isaac Chauncey: after 50 years of feeble labours in the Gospel, interrupted by 4 years of tiresome sickness, was at last dismissed to rest, Nov. 25, A.D. 1748, age 75. 2 Cor. 5,8. "Absent from the body, present with the Lord." Col. 3,4, "When Christ who is our life shall appear, I shall also appear with Him in Glory."
"In Uno Jesus Omnia."
Isaac WattsWho is better known than Isaac Watts? His hymns are sung in every professed Christian body, although it is to be feared many know not the meaning of the words they sing. When advanced in years he is described as a "little feeble old man, shy in manner yet rich in speech. ... Wherever he goes he is regarded with veneration and love, for his mind is stored with knowledge and his heart is alive with tender sympathies."

The date of his birth was July 17th, 1674, and thus he came into the world in the stormiest days of Nonconformity. His father kept a boarding-school at Southampton, but being a stedfast Dissenter and a deacon at a chapel in the seaport town he was often called upon to suffer. On more than one occasion he was placed in a prison-cell whilst his property was sequestrated. The sorrowing mother of Isaac often took her little child and sat on a cold stone by the prison walls, and one cannot wonder that the principles of Dissent soon became very dear to the future poet. His father was never a time-server, but stood firmly amidst sore tribulations, counting it a joy to suffer for righteousness' sake, and scorning the respectability and social standing which a connection with the Established Church would have brought him.

It is recorded that almost as soon as Isaac could lisp a word his oft-repeated request was for "A book! a book! Buy a book!" His early years must be passed over with a few words. The school which he attended was one where he was well instructed, and had he been willing to forsake the conventicle he would have been sent to one of the Universities, as several wealthy people were anxious to find the necessary money for this purpose.

While quite a child Watts showed much skill in writing rhymes, and when this gift was developed and sanctified he penned the hymns which are so valued by the Church of God. To complete his education he was placed under the care of Thomas Rowe, who in addition to his duties as pastor of the Independent Church in Girdlers Hall, London, kept an academy in which he trained many who became famous in their day and generation. On the return of Watts to his home his abilities were put to good use. It appears that the hymns sung at his father's chapel, whilst sound in doctrine, were very poor from a poetical point of view, and often gave offence to at least one member of the congregation. The young man was at last constrained to mention the matter to his preacher-father, who very sensibly invited him to try his own hand and endeavour to produce more pleasing lyrics. Isaac was not slow in acting upon this suggestion, and before long there were enough hymns to fill a volume.

The country around Southampton is well watered, and river and stream evidently inspired the poet, as is plainly seen in many of his hymns. It is quite easy to imagine the sweet singer roaming along the beautiful banks of the Itchen, which rises some twenty miles north of the famous port. At the old-fashioned village of Bishops Sutton the clear water gushes forth from the chalky earth. The brook soon increases in size owing to the many springs, and taking the form of a small river runs into a lake or large pond at Alresford. When it has forced its way through this it passes on towards Winchester and becomes full of trout and other fish. After leaving the ancient capital of England it grows larger still, and finally empties itself into Southampton Water. Think on this river, and then read:
There is a land of pure delight,
Where saints immortal reign;
Infinite day excludes the night,
And pleasures banish pain.

There everlasting spring abides,
And never-withering flowers;
Death, like a narrow sea, divides
This heavenly land from ours.

Sweet fields beyond the swelling flood
Stand dress'd in living green:
So to the Jews old Canaan stood,
While Jordan roll'd between.

But timorous mortals start and shrink
To cross this narrow sea;
And linger shivering on the brink,
And fear to launch away.

Oh! could we make our doubts remove,
Those gloomy doubts that rise,
And see the Canaan that we love
With unbeclouded eyes!

Could we but climb where Moses stood,
And view the landscape o'er,
Not Jordan's stream, nor death's cold flood,
Should fright us from the shore."

Something Strange on Wikisky Interstellar Map. A Jellyfish Galaxy?

This means nothing to us in the grand scheme of things, but how weird is this?

Now this one is equally strange, but appears more like a giant cosmic squid, or perhaps the monster thing from Green Lantern....

The Deadly Potential of the Louisiana Sinkhole

Those who are familiar with salt domes know that a collapse is a huge problem for the land underneath.  This video shows just how big a problem this can be.  Throw in the liquid butane and radioactive waste stored in this particular salt dome, and we have all the ingredients for a massive disaster.

Oct 11, 2012

Possible Evidence for Planet X

Nicely made video with lots of good info.  Just forgive the spelling.  I think corredore is supposed to be corridor :)  The themes are all here.  An increase in meteorites, near passby asteroids, sun-diving comets, etc., increase in earthquakes, and the growing admission by the scientific community that our sun has a "twin", even if it's dark, cold and relatively small.  Oh, and possible heading this way...

Cleaning Up The Wrong House

The Babylon theme just keeps coming...

By Coach Dave Daubenmire

Babylon--any society or group in a society considered as corrupt or as a place of exile by another society or group.

America has become a modern-day Babylon. What was once “the land of the free and the home of the brave” has fallen into captivity. We have been conquered, not by a foreign army, but by a foreign ideology.

“Your country is desolate, your cities are burned with fire: your land, strangers devour it in your presence, and it is desolate, as overthrown by strangers.” Isaiah 1.

America is no longer a Christian nation. The sooner we admit this obvious truth, the more clearly we will be able to see the way out. Although many of us fight to restore the Christian values upon which this nation was founded, our headaches would diminish if we would come to the realization that America is under judgment.

That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t continue to fight, but we must face the fact that America is becoming an ever-pagan nation ruled by ever-more pagan leaders. Other than a sprinkling of salt here and there can you name even one strong Christian in a position of power in the United States government? I fear you can’t.

Our nation has been “overthrown by strangers.” How else can you explain the choice for the leader of this once Christian nation being a battle between a Mormon and a pseudo Muslim-liberal Christian-humanistic-communist-witch’s brew of an American/Indonesian dual citizen?

Yes, my friends. Christians have been led captive into Babylon and because of the judgment that is upon us the only choices we have are evil. Evil is evil. There is no “lesser” evil. Evil men will do evil things.

But how did we get in Babylon?

“Thus saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, unto all that are carried away captives, whom I have caused to be carried away from Jerusalem unto Babylon.” Jeremiah 29:4. The Lord is the one who put us here. It is another sign of judgment on America. A Babylonian nation will select Babylonian leaders.

As much as my heart breaks to say it, America today cannot be ruled by Christian leaders. The pagans have us outnumbered. America is awash in sin.

Sin has flooded the nation because it has flooded the church. Even though nearly 80% of Americans identify as “Christians” we know that they really aren’t Christians. It is merely their religion of preference when filling out the census report. Calling oneself a Christian today is meaningless.

And that includes those sitting in the pews. If they were really Christians they would hate sin, flee idolatry, immorality, and hate that which is evil and cling to that which is good.

Pastors are money driven, and they won’t speak against sin, Guys like me love to rail about how un-Christian Romney and Obama are, while looking the other way at the hireling in the pulpit selling the sheep for a few silver coins.

“For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jude (I suggest you read Jude. It will explain the condition of the church.)

I am always amazed that every four years, and especially so this time, Christian’s get all in a huff over evil. We use our vote for President of the United States as if we were selecting a Theologian-in-Chief. Suddenly our choices become sacred, and a “matter of conscience”. While all of the time we ignore the real problem in America.

The problems in America can be pin-pointed at the pulpit. Why is it that we demand “Godly leaders” for America, while ignoring the un-Godly leadership in the pulpit?

We get ticked when Romney and Obama support gay marriage while thousands of pastors, and their flocks, openly embrace what God calls an abomination.

Whole denominations of Christianity have turned to pagan beliefs, rituals, and apostasy, while we “good Christians” scream about the spiritual condition of the men vying for Commander-in-Chief. We expect from our politicians what we do not expect from our Christian leaders.

Romney and Obama have made their positions on the moral issues of the day clear. Sadly, many standing in the pulpit have not.

I wonder how most pastors would square if they had to publicly state and defend their positions in front of a congregation they were endeavoring to be elected to lead.

Heck, many pastors are leading congregations and are afraid to clearly state their positions on issues for fear of dividing the flock. That isn’t leadership. That is pandering in much the same way as Romney and Obama.

We want a “Christian President” to rule over a nation where the majority of the citizens are only Christians according to the census form.

America is modern day Babylon. True-Believers are in captivity in this pagan land.

The United States of Babylon - Part 8

I encourage the reader to check the scriptures out for themselves.  Much of the prophecy is in Jeremiah 50 & 51, along with Revelation 18.  This should be sobering stuff.

By the way, on these modern prophetic ideals of Russian submarines practically on our beaches, this is true today.  Remember it was earlier this year that a Russian sub spent weeks hanging around the Gulf of Mexico without ever being detected.

Can Riots Be Predicted? Experts Watch Food Prices

by Maria Godoy

When French peasants stormed the Bastille on July 14, 1789, they weren't just revolting against the monarchy's policies. They were also hungry.

From the French Revolution to the Arab Spring, high food prices have been cited as a factor behind mass protest movements. But can food prices actually help predict when social unrest is likely to break out?

Yes, say a group of researchers who use mathematical modeling to describe how food prices behave. Earlier this summer, their model had predicted that the U.S. drought would push corn and wheat prices high enough to spark social unrest in other parts of the world.

"Now, of course, we do see this happening," says Yaneer Bar-Yam of the New England Complex Systems Institute in Cambridge, Mass. And unless those food prices come down, the researchers warned last week, more waves of riots are coming.

Obviously, there are complex social reasons why people riot. The current protests in the Mideast were set off by outrage over a crude anti-Islam film. Years of government oppression and economic instability led to the Arab Spring uprising. But it's high food prices, Bar-Yam and his colleagues argue, that create "the range of conditions in which the tiniest spark can lead to riots."

Over the past year, the institute has gotten a lot of attention for its accurate predictions of food price behaviors. Last fall, the researchers released a study that showed big spikes in food prices coincided with food riots in 2007-2008 and 2011, including the events of the Arab Spring.

But their model also offers the potential to forecast future social unrest by identifying "a very well-defined threshold [for food prices] above which food riots break out," Bar-Yam tells The Salt.

In fact, Bar-Yam and his colleagues say they submitted their analysis warning of the risks of social unrest to the U.S. government on Dec. 13, 2010. Four days later, Tunisian fruit and vegetable vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire – an event widely seen as the catalyst for the Arab Spring.
The researchers define the riot danger zone in relation to the U.N.'s FAO Food Price Index, which tracks the monthly change in international prices for a basket of cereals, dairy, meat, sugars and oil/fats. Riots become more likely, their model showed, when the index goes above 210. The index has been hovering above that "disruption threshold" since July, pushed upward by the drought in the U.S., the world's biggest exporter of corn and wheat.

"What happened was that food prices went up exactly as predicted," Bar-Yam says.

Wheat is now at $9 per bushel — higher than the high of $8.94 hit in February 2011, when the Arab Spring was in full swing. Corn is at $7.56 a bushel, close to the $7.65 highs of 2007-2008 — though it spiked well above $8 a bushel this summer. The Mideast is particularly sensitive to wheat prices; it imports most of its wheat, which is a major staple for the region.

While the drought is causing the current spike in food prices, prices have also been on a steady, long-term trajectory upward. So what's behind that trend? NECSI's model has fingered two key suspects: speculation and the conversion of corn to ethanol. (More on that later.) Even without the drought, Bar-Yam says, food prices were headed toward the riot zone by early next year.

The institute's work isn't without critics. Blogging at G-Feed, economist Dave Lobell notes that NECSI's papers aren't peer-reviewed — they are simply released publicly. "But in the case of NECSI, I think they have come up with a pretty satisfying solution — making testable predictions about the next year," Lobell writes.

And NECSI's research has a prominent fan in Peter Timmer, a professor emeritus at Harvard University and one of the world's leading agricultural economists. The institute consulted Timmer on some of its earlier work, and he joined its faculty this summer.

What the researchers have done, Timmer says, is create "a model that's better than anything my economics colleagues have done to explain food prices. The model really works."

Harvard Students Celebrate ‘Incest-Fest’

A frightening glimpse of future political, industrial and medical leaders of the country.  But then again, after Clinton, Bush and Obama, should we be surprised?

by College Fix Staff

Later this semester at Harvard, students will pause from studying things like philosophy, history, or the sciences, in order to celebrate something called “Incest-Fest.”

Incest-Fest is, essentially, a campus party where making out and hooking up with as many people as possible is the goal. It gets the “incest” name because the event is open only to residents of Kirkland house–one of Harvard’s undergraduate residences. Thus, students who are living together (as if they were members of the same family, get it?? Incest? So funny, right?) are having sex with one another.
America, this is your best and brightest. Are you proud?

One Harvard student, junior Samantha Berstler, wrote an article for the Harvard Crimson this week suggesting that making a joke out of incest for the sake of a college party maybe isn’t in the best taste:

I am writing all this to explain that I am not only objecting to the name “IncestFest” because it is offensive and insensitive—although, indeed, it is, and it saddens me that this is not immediately obvious. I am writing this because incest is notoriously invisible and leaves its victims burdened with shame and humiliation for the rest of their lives. This invisibility and this shame are directly enforced by the myths of incest as “sexy” and “misunderstood”—myths propagated by using “incest” as slang for “sex with someone I’m living with” and by dances that institutionalize this meaning. The name “IncestFest” is not sexy or cute or clever.
As of the time of this writing, there were two reader comments below her article, which I’ll copy here so you can get an idea how elevated and intelligent the conversation at Harvard is on this subject:
Commenter Marcus Bunny had this to say, “Don’t go and let other people have a sick time getting laid.” Another commenter, calling himself Kirkland2013, had this remarkable insight: “Looks like someone needs to get some action at IncestFest.”

This is what passes for enlightened conversation in the morally bankrupt halls of Harvard.

Oct 10, 2012

Muslim Persecution of Christians 2012

"We do not want infidels in this area"

‘Brain-eating’ amoeba claims ten victims in Pakistan


October 10, 2012PAKISTANAuthorities in Pakistan’s largest city have launched an urgent investigation after a rare water-borne “brain-eating” amoeba killed 10 people in four months, officials said Tuesday. The water company and health officials monitoring water in Karachi, home to 18 million people, have been ordered to trace the source of the Naegleria fowleri outbreak. Saghir Ahmed, health minister of southern Sindh province of which Karachi is capital, said the drinking supply, swimming places and facilities used for the ritual ablutions Muslims must perform before prayers were all under investigation. “There is no reason to panic and citizens should stay calm and take precautions,” Ahmed said. “It is a water-borne infection and we are thoroughly inquiring about its arrival and spread here.” Shakeel Malick, a health ministry official, said the amoeba had caused 10 deaths so far this year. He said there have been cases in the past, but so few that detailed numbers were not recorded. The amoeba causes primary amoebic meningitis, a disease with a fatality rate of over 99 percent, said Faisal Mehmood, an expert in infectious diseases. Naegleria fowleri is found in warm fresh water and usually infects people when contaminated water enters the body through the nose. The amoeba passes through the nasal membranes and destroys brain tissues. The ablutions Muslims must perform before praying involve rinsing inside the nose and Ahmed said people should use boiled water for the purpose while the outbreak was going on. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said nine cases had been confirmed and one more was suspected. It is working with Pakistani officials to investigate the cases and work out steps to prevent further infections. “We are visiting houses of the victims and profiling their history,” Musa Khan, WHO’s head of disease early warning system in Pakistan, told AFP. Misbahuddin Farid, who heads the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board, said chlorine concentration was being increased in reservoirs and supply stations as a precaution. A health ministry statement referring to recent lab tests said 22 per cent of 913 samples drawn from water supply sources in the last three months were found to be non-chlorinated. –Terra Daily

Monsanto enters pharmaceutical business, acquires key 'gene silencing' technology for use in humans

Nothing like the company annually voted as "the world's most evil corporation" delving into genetics work on human beings. 

(NaturalNews) The Monsanto company has forged a new partnership with Alnylam Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company whose primary focus seems to be on figuring out how to best crack the genetic code so as to manipulate the way genes inherently express themselves. And based on the agreement the two companies have made publicly with one another, it appears as though Monsanto is planning to utilize Alnylam's proprietary gene-silencing technologies in its emerging agricultural pursuits, which will likely spawn a whole new category of problems for humanity and the planet at large.

In a recent press release, Monsanto disclosed that it has officially obtained "worldwide, exclusive rights" to use Alnylam's platform technology and intellectual property (IP) in its own agricultural products, and particularly in its new "BioDirect" line of products designed to treat seeds and crops with what the company has dubbed "biopesticides" (http://www.monsanto.com/products/Pages/biodirect-ag-biologicals.aspx). Monsanto apparently sees something exceptionally valuable in Alnylam's technologies that it does not currently possess, and is now seeking to leverage it for the purpose of expanding its own market share. But what is it?

Monsanto wants to turn food crops into gene-altering 'drugs'

In a nutshell, Alnylam specializes in a technology known as RNA interference (RNAi) that involves deliberately silencing the expression of genes throughout the body for the purpose of preventing the production of proteins that some scientists believe are responsible for causing disease. By artificially blocking production of these proteins, RNAi technology is believed to have the potential to effectively block the development of disease, which is why many major drug companies have also signed on as strategic partners with Alnylam.

But Monsanto is an agricultural company, not a pharmaceutical company, which begs the obvious question as to why this multinational company has suddenly decided to shell out nearly $30 million with promises of perpetual royalty payments to gain access to this emerging technology. As it turns out, Monsanto has plans to roll out all sorts of new genetically-modified (GM) crops, crop pesticides and herbicides, and various other technologies with built-in RNAi modifications, which could turn future GM food crops into "drugs."

Many modern varieties of wheat, for instance, are problematic for people with gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease because they produce unnaturally high levels of a wheat protein known as gluten. By integrating genetic changes using RNAi; however, companies like Monsanto could theoretically produce a GM wheat variety that does not contain any gluten at all, which they could then market as the solution to gluten insensitivity.

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/037409_Monsanto_gene_silencing_pharmaceuticals.html#ixzz28vp1SUZ7